-include custom.mk .PHONY: help help: @echo 'usage: make install ASUS_HOST=' @echo ' needs to be able to connect through rsync or ssh.' PREFIX_2_DIGIT ?= 55 init_file = S$(PREFIX_2_DIGIT)tailscale .PHONY: install install: tailscaled tailscale install.sh | $(init_file) $(if $(ASUS_HOST),,$(error ASUS_HOST variable is not defined)) @set -eu; \ remote_temp_dir=$$(ssh $(ASUS_HOST) -- mktemp -d); \ if [[ -z "$$remote_temp_dir" ]] ; then \ echo 'cannot create a temporary directory on `$(ASUS_HOST)`'; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ set -v; \ rsync -rltv $^ $(init_file) $(ASUS_HOST):$${remote_temp_dir}/; \ set +v; \ echo "warn: Don't forget exec \`$${remote_temp_dir}/install.sh $(init_file)\` on remote host to install" $(init_file): SXXtailscale.template cp -a $< $@ tailscale tailscaled: $(tailscale.tgz) tar --strip-components 1 -xmvzf $< $(basename $<)/$@ $$(tailscale.tgz): curl -L $(TGZ_URL) -O .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f *.tgz $(init_file) tailscale tailscaled .SECONDEXPANSION: # default is latest VER ?= $(shell curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tailscale/tailscale/releases/latest | perl -nle '/"name":\s*"(.+)"/ and print $$1') TGZ_URL = https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_$(VER)_arm64.tgz tailscale.tgz = $(notdir $(TGZ_URL))