diff options
authorOpenShift Merge Robot <>2022-09-30 12:18:24 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-09-30 12:18:24 +0200
commit5aa194b1ed20fc8618c21ebba675d010cfa97ef2 (patch)
parent61068649fac22fd9ef4fe0b57b4c29b650f3c05c (diff)
parentebff193f8bf5d18b7dd72e3ae4ca0cb5eef6169f (diff)
Merge pull request #15868 from rst0git/podman-run-checkpoint-img
cmd/podman: add support for checkpoint images
4 files changed, 122 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/podman/containers/restore.go b/cmd/podman/containers/restore.go
index ee01e19b8..144925a54 100644
--- a/cmd/podman/containers/restore.go
+++ b/cmd/podman/containers/restore.go
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import (
- ""
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ func init() {
func restore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var (
- e error
+ err error
errs utils.OutputErrors
podmanStart := time.Now()
@@ -105,9 +104,9 @@ func restore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// Check if the container exists (#15055)
exists := &entities.BoolReport{Value: false}
for _, ctr := range args {
- exists, e = registry.ContainerEngine().ContainerExists(registry.GetContext(), ctr, entities.ContainerExistsOptions{})
- if e != nil {
- return e
+ exists, err = registry.ContainerEngine().ContainerExists(registry.GetContext(), ctr, entities.ContainerExistsOptions{})
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
if exists.Value {
@@ -116,27 +115,10 @@ func restore(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if !exists.Value {
// Find out if this is an image
- inspectOpts := entities.InspectOptions{}
- imgData, _, err := registry.ImageEngine().Inspect(context.Background(), args, inspectOpts)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- hostInfo, err := registry.ContainerEngine().Info(context.Background())
+ restoreOptions.CheckpointImage, err = utils.IsCheckpointImage(context.Background(), args)
if err != nil {
return err
- for i := range imgData {
- restoreOptions.CheckpointImage = true
- checkpointRuntimeName, found := imgData[i].Annotations[define.CheckpointAnnotationRuntimeName]
- if !found {
- return fmt.Errorf("image is not a checkpoint: %s", imgData[i].ID)
- }
- if hostInfo.Host.OCIRuntime.Name != checkpointRuntimeName {
- return fmt.Errorf("container image \"%s\" requires runtime: \"%s\"", imgData[i].ID, checkpointRuntimeName)
- }
- }
notImport := (!restoreOptions.CheckpointImage && restoreOptions.Import == "")
diff --git a/cmd/podman/containers/run.go b/cmd/podman/containers/run.go
index f66d4d4d3..d8d020c63 100644
--- a/cmd/podman/containers/run.go
+++ b/cmd/podman/containers/run.go
@@ -148,6 +148,35 @@ func run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
imageName = name
+ // If this is a checkpoint image, invoke container restore.
+ // We do not return `err` when checkpointImage is false, because the value
+ // of `err` could be "image is not a checkpoint". In this case, the run
+ // command should continue as usual, preserving backwards compatibility.
+ checkpointImage, err := utils.IsCheckpointImage(registry.GetContext(), []string{imageName})
+ if checkpointImage {
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var restoreOptions entities.RestoreOptions
+ responses, err := registry.ContainerEngine().ContainerRestore(registry.GetContext(), []string{imageName}, restoreOptions)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var errs utils.OutputErrors
+ for _, r := range responses {
+ switch {
+ case r.Err != nil:
+ errs = append(errs, r.Err)
+ case r.RawInput != "":
+ fmt.Println(r.RawInput)
+ default:
+ fmt.Println(r.Id)
+ }
+ }
+ return errs.PrintErrors()
+ }
if cliVals.Replace {
if err := replaceContainer(cliVals.Name); err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/cmd/podman/utils/utils.go b/cmd/podman/utils/utils.go
index a265faf51..8063f4309 100644
--- a/cmd/podman/utils/utils.go
+++ b/cmd/podman/utils/utils.go
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package utils
import (
+ "context"
+ ""
+ ""
@@ -99,3 +102,40 @@ func PrintNetworkPruneResults(networkPruneReport []*entities.NetworkPruneReport,
return errs.PrintErrors()
+// IsCheckpointImage returns true with no error only if all values in
+// namesOrIDs correspond to checkpoint images AND these images are
+// compatible with the container runtime that is currently in use,
+// e.g., crun or runc.
+// IsCheckpointImage returns false with no error when none of the values
+// in namesOrIDs corresponds to an ID or name of an image.
+// Otherwise, IsCheckpointImage returns false with appropriate error.
+func IsCheckpointImage(ctx context.Context, namesOrIDs []string) (bool, error) {
+ inspectOpts := entities.InspectOptions{}
+ imgData, _, err := registry.ImageEngine().Inspect(ctx, namesOrIDs, inspectOpts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ if len(imgData) == 0 {
+ return false, nil
+ }
+ imgID := imgData[0].ID
+ hostInfo, err := registry.ContainerEngine().Info(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ for i := range imgData {
+ checkpointRuntimeName, found := imgData[i].Annotations[define.CheckpointAnnotationRuntimeName]
+ if !found {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("image is not a checkpoint: %s", imgID)
+ }
+ if hostInfo.Host.OCIRuntime.Name != checkpointRuntimeName {
+ return false, fmt.Errorf("container image \"%s\" requires runtime: \"%s\"", imgID, checkpointRuntimeName)
+ }
+ }
+ return true, nil
diff --git a/test/e2e/checkpoint_image_test.go b/test/e2e/checkpoint_image_test.go
index 5700802e8..7ab0b5ca5 100644
--- a/test/e2e/checkpoint_image_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/checkpoint_image_test.go
@@ -295,4 +295,52 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman checkpoint", func() {
+ It("podman run checkpoint image to restore container", func() {
+ SkipIfContainerized("FIXME: #15015. All checkpoint tests hang when containerized.")
+ // Container image must be lowercase
+ checkpointImage := "alpine-checkpoint-" + strings.ToLower(RandomString(6))
+ containerName := "alpine-container-" + RandomString(6)
+ // Create container
+ localRunString := []string{"run", "-d", "--name", containerName, ALPINE, "top"}
+ session := podmanTest.Podman(localRunString)
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ containerID1 := session.OutputToString()
+ // Checkpoint container, create checkpoint image
+ result := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"container", "checkpoint", "--create-image", checkpointImage, "--keep", containerID1})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(0))
+ // Remove existing container
+ result = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"rm", "-t", "1", "-f", containerName})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ // Restore containers from image using `podman run`
+ result = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", checkpointImage})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(1))
+ // Check if the container is running
+ status := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", containerName, "--format={{.State.Status}}"})
+ status.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(status).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(status.OutputToString()).To(Equal("running"))
+ // Clean-up
+ result = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"rm", "-t", "0", "-fa"})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(0))
+ result = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"rmi", checkpointImage})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(0))
+ })