path: root/cmd/kpod/formats
diff options
authorDaniel J Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>2017-12-15 16:58:36 -0500
committerAtomic Bot <atomic-devel@projectatomic.io>2017-12-18 16:46:05 +0000
commit5770dc2640c216525ab84031e3712fcc46b3b087 (patch)
tree8a1c5c4e4a6ce6a35a3767247623a62bfd698f77 /cmd/kpod/formats
parentde3468e120d489d046c08dad72ba2262e222ccb1 (diff)
Rename all references to kpod to podman
The decision is in, kpod is going to be named podman. Signed-off-by: Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> Closes: #145 Approved by: umohnani8
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/kpod/formats')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/kpod/formats/formats.go b/cmd/kpod/formats/formats.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6527b30..000000000
--- a/cmd/kpod/formats/formats.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-package formats
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "strings"
- "text/tabwriter"
- "text/template"
- "github.com/ghodss/yaml"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
-const (
- // JSONString const to save on duplicate variable names
- JSONString = "json"
- // IDString const to save on duplicates for Go templates
- IDString = "{{.ID}}"
-// Writer interface for outputs
-type Writer interface {
- Out() error
-// JSONStructArray for JSON output
-type JSONStructArray struct {
- Output []interface{}
-// StdoutTemplateArray for Go template output
-type StdoutTemplateArray struct {
- Output []interface{}
- Template string
- Fields map[string]string
-// JSONStruct for JSON output
-type JSONStruct struct {
- Output interface{}
-// StdoutTemplate for Go template output
-type StdoutTemplate struct {
- Output interface{}
- Template string
- Fields map[string]string
-// YAMLStruct for YAML output
-type YAMLStruct struct {
- Output interface{}
-// Out method for JSON Arrays
-func (j JSONStructArray) Out() error {
- data, err := json.MarshalIndent(j.Output, "", " ")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // JSON returns a byte array with a literal null [110 117 108 108] in it
- // if it is passed empty data. We used bytes.Compare to see if that is
- // the case.
- if diff := bytes.Compare(data, []byte("null")); diff == 0 {
- data = []byte("[]")
- }
- // If the we did get NULL back, we should spit out {} which is
- // at least valid JSON for the consumer.
- fmt.Printf("%s\n", data)
- return nil
-// Out method for Go templates
-func (t StdoutTemplateArray) Out() error {
- w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 3, ' ', 0)
- if strings.HasPrefix(t.Template, "table") {
- // replace any spaces with tabs in template so that tabwriter can align it
- t.Template = strings.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(t.Template[5:]), " ", "\t", -1)
- headerTmpl, err := template.New("header").Funcs(headerFunctions).Parse(t.Template)
- if err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "Template parsing error")
- }
- err = headerTmpl.Execute(w, t.Fields)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
- }
- t.Template = strings.Replace(t.Template, " ", "\t", -1)
- tmpl, err := template.New("image").Funcs(basicFunctions).Parse(t.Template)
- if err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "Template parsing error")
- }
- for _, img := range t.Output {
- basicTmpl := tmpl.Funcs(basicFunctions)
- err = basicTmpl.Execute(w, img)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintln(w, "")
- }
- return w.Flush()
-// Out method for JSON struct
-func (j JSONStruct) Out() error {
- data, err := json.MarshalIndent(j.Output, "", " ")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Printf("%s\n", data)
- return nil
-//Out method for Go templates
-func (t StdoutTemplate) Out() error {
- tmpl, err := template.New("image").Parse(t.Template)
- if err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "template parsing error")
- }
- err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, t.Output)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Println()
- return nil
-// Out method for YAML
-func (y YAMLStruct) Out() error {
- var buf []byte
- var err error
- buf, err = yaml.Marshal(y.Output)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Println(string(buf))
- return nil
diff --git a/cmd/kpod/formats/templates.go b/cmd/kpod/formats/templates.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c2582552a..000000000
--- a/cmd/kpod/formats/templates.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-package formats
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "strings"
- "text/template"
-// basicFunctions are the set of initial
-// functions provided to every template.
-var basicFunctions = template.FuncMap{
- "json": func(v interface{}) string {
- buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
- enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
- enc.SetEscapeHTML(false)
- _ = enc.Encode(v)
- // Remove the trailing new line added by the encoder
- return strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
- },
- "split": strings.Split,
- "join": strings.Join,
- "title": strings.Title,
- "lower": strings.ToLower,
- "upper": strings.ToUpper,
- "pad": padWithSpace,
- "truncate": truncateWithLength,
-// HeaderFunctions are used to created headers of a table.
-// This is a replacement of basicFunctions for header generation
-// because we want the header to remain intact.
-// Some functions like `split` are irrelevant so not added.
-var headerFunctions = template.FuncMap{
- "json": func(v string) string {
- return v
- },
- "title": func(v string) string {
- return v
- },
- "lower": func(v string) string {
- return v
- },
- "upper": func(v string) string {
- return v
- },
- "truncate": func(v string, l int) string {
- return v
- },
-// Parse creates a new anonymous template with the basic functions
-// and parses the given format.
-func Parse(format string) (*template.Template, error) {
- return NewParse("", format)
-// NewParse creates a new tagged template with the basic functions
-// and parses the given format.
-func NewParse(tag, format string) (*template.Template, error) {
- return template.New(tag).Funcs(basicFunctions).Parse(format)
-// padWithSpace adds whitespace to the input if the input is non-empty
-func padWithSpace(source string, prefix, suffix int) string {
- if source == "" {
- return source
- }
- return strings.Repeat(" ", prefix) + source + strings.Repeat(" ", suffix)
-// truncateWithLength truncates the source string up to the length provided by the input
-func truncateWithLength(source string, length int) string {
- if len(source) < length {
- return source
- }
- return source[:length]