path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorMatthew Heon <>2017-11-01 14:38:21 -0400
committerGitHub <>2017-11-01 14:38:21 -0400
commitf5019df3f5da9030ce21e5c8ad3d3921a6585e7f (patch)
tree05412dcc190ca026dbe51a4ef72bb91ff646e7c6 /vendor/
parent2b74391cd5281f6fdf391ff8ad50fd1490f6bf89 (diff)
parenteab0737f1189a7b88f0a37a6b894ca4345b6853f (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from mheon/master
Initial checkin
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
57 files changed, 14064 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..511970333
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+Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Sergey Cherepanov
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
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index 000000000..31babb305
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+# Terminal progress bar for Go
+Simple progress bar for console programs.
+## Installation
+go get
+## Usage
+package main
+import (
+ ""
+ "time"
+func main() {
+ count := 100000
+ bar := pb.StartNew(count)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ bar.Increment()
+ time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
+ }
+ bar.FinishPrint("The End!")
+Result will be like this:
+> go run test.go
+37158 / 100000 [================>_______________________________] 37.16% 1m11s
+## Customization
+// create bar
+bar := pb.New(count)
+// refresh info every second (default 200ms)
+// show percents (by default already true)
+bar.ShowPercent = true
+// show bar (by default already true)
+bar.ShowBar = true
+// no counters
+bar.ShowCounters = false
+// show "time left"
+bar.ShowTimeLeft = true
+// show average speed
+bar.ShowSpeed = true
+// sets the width of the progress bar
+// sets the width of the progress bar, but if terminal size smaller will be ignored
+// convert output to readable format (like KB, MB)
+// and start
+## Progress bar for IO Operations
+// create and start bar
+bar := pb.New(myDataLen).SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES)
+// my io.Reader
+r := myReader
+// my io.Writer
+w := myWriter
+// create proxy reader
+reader := bar.NewProxyReader(r)
+// and copy from pb reader
+io.Copy(w, reader)
+// create and start bar
+bar := pb.New(myDataLen).SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES)
+// my io.Reader
+r := myReader
+// my io.Writer
+w := myWriter
+// create multi writer
+writer := io.MultiWriter(w, bar)
+// and copy
+io.Copy(writer, r)
+## Custom Progress Bar Look-and-feel
+bar.Format("<.- >")
+## Multiple Progress Bars (experimental and unstable)
+Do not print to terminal while pool is active.
+package main
+import (
+ "math/rand"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+func main() {
+ // create bars
+ first := pb.New(200).Prefix("First ")
+ second := pb.New(200).Prefix("Second ")
+ third := pb.New(200).Prefix("Third ")
+ // start pool
+ pool, err := pb.StartPool(first, second, third)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ // update bars
+ wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
+ for _, bar := range []*pb.ProgressBar{first, second, third} {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ go func(cb *pb.ProgressBar) {
+ for n := 0; n < 200; n++ {
+ cb.Increment()
+ time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)))
+ }
+ cb.Finish()
+ wg.Done()
+ }(bar)
+ }
+ wg.Wait()
+ // close pool
+ pool.Stop()
+The result will be as follows:
+$ go run example/multiple.go
+First 141 / 1000 [===============>---------------------------------------] 14.10 % 44s
+Second 139 / 1000 [==============>---------------------------------------] 13.90 % 44s
+Third 152 / 1000 [================>--------------------------------------] 15.20 % 40s
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5aeff793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package pb
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+type Units int
+const (
+ // U_NO are default units, they represent a simple value and are not formatted at all.
+ U_NO Units = iota
+ // U_BYTES units are formatted in a human readable way (b, Bb, Mb, ...)
+ // U_DURATION units are formatted in a human readable way (3h14m15s)
+func Format(i int64) *formatter {
+ return &formatter{n: i}
+type formatter struct {
+ n int64
+ unit Units
+ width int
+ perSec bool
+func (f *formatter) Value(n int64) *formatter {
+ f.n = n
+ return f
+func (f *formatter) To(unit Units) *formatter {
+ f.unit = unit
+ return f
+func (f *formatter) Width(width int) *formatter {
+ f.width = width
+ return f
+func (f *formatter) PerSec() *formatter {
+ f.perSec = true
+ return f
+func (f *formatter) String() (out string) {
+ switch f.unit {
+ case U_BYTES:
+ out = formatBytes(f.n)
+ case U_DURATION:
+ d := time.Duration(f.n)
+ if d > time.Hour*24 {
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("%dd", d/24/time.Hour)
+ d -= (d / time.Hour / 24) * (time.Hour * 24)
+ }
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", out, d)
+ default:
+ out = fmt.Sprintf(fmt.Sprintf("%%%dd", f.width), f.n)
+ }
+ if f.perSec {
+ out += "/s"
+ }
+ return
+// Convert bytes to human readable string. Like a 2 MB, 64.2 KB, 52 B
+func formatBytes(i int64) (result string) {
+ switch {
+ case i > (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024):
+ result = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f TB", float64(i)/1024/1024/1024/1024)
+ case i > (1024 * 1024 * 1024):
+ result = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f GB", float64(i)/1024/1024/1024)
+ case i > (1024 * 1024):
+ result = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f MB", float64(i)/1024/1024)
+ case i > 1024:
+ result = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f KB", float64(i)/1024)
+ default:
+ result = fmt.Sprintf("%d B", i)
+ }
+ result = strings.Trim(result, " ")
+ return
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1f15bff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// Simple console progress bars
+package pb
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// Current version
+const Version = "1.0.6"
+const (
+ // Default refresh rate - 200ms
+ DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE = time.Millisecond * 200
+ FORMAT = "[=>-]"
+// variables for backward compatibility, from now do not work
+// use pb.Format and pb.SetRefreshRate
+var (
+ DefaultRefreshRate = DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE
+ BarStart, BarEnd, Empty, Current, CurrentN string
+// Create new progress bar object
+func New(total int) *ProgressBar {
+ return New64(int64(total))
+// Create new progress bar object using int64 as total
+func New64(total int64) *ProgressBar {
+ pb := &ProgressBar{
+ Total: total,
+ ShowPercent: true,
+ ShowCounters: true,
+ ShowBar: true,
+ ShowTimeLeft: true,
+ ShowFinalTime: true,
+ Units: U_NO,
+ ManualUpdate: false,
+ finish: make(chan struct{}),
+ currentValue: -1,
+ mu: new(sync.Mutex),
+ }
+ return pb.Format(FORMAT)
+// Create new object and start
+func StartNew(total int) *ProgressBar {
+ return New(total).Start()
+// Callback for custom output
+// For example:
+// bar.Callback = func(s string) {
+// mySuperPrint(s)
+// }
+type Callback func(out string)
+type ProgressBar struct {
+ current int64 // current must be first member of struct (
+ Total int64
+ RefreshRate time.Duration
+ ShowPercent, ShowCounters bool
+ ShowSpeed, ShowTimeLeft, ShowBar bool
+ ShowFinalTime bool
+ Output io.Writer
+ Callback Callback
+ NotPrint bool
+ Units Units
+ Width int
+ ForceWidth bool
+ ManualUpdate bool
+ AutoStat bool
+ // Default width for the time box.
+ UnitsWidth int
+ TimeBoxWidth int
+ finishOnce sync.Once //Guards isFinish
+ finish chan struct{}
+ isFinish bool
+ startTime time.Time
+ startValue int64
+ currentValue int64
+ prefix, postfix string
+ mu *sync.Mutex
+ lastPrint string
+ BarStart string
+ BarEnd string
+ Empty string
+ Current string
+ CurrentN string
+ AlwaysUpdate bool
+// Start print
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Start() *ProgressBar {
+ pb.startTime = time.Now()
+ pb.startValue = pb.current
+ if pb.Total == 0 {
+ pb.ShowTimeLeft = false
+ pb.ShowPercent = false
+ pb.AutoStat = false
+ }
+ if !pb.ManualUpdate {
+ pb.Update() // Initial printing of the bar before running the bar refresher.
+ go pb.refresher()
+ }
+ return pb
+// Increment current value
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Increment() int {
+ return pb.Add(1)
+// Get current value
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Get() int64 {
+ c := atomic.LoadInt64(&pb.current)
+ return c
+// Set current value
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Set(current int) *ProgressBar {
+ return pb.Set64(int64(current))
+// Set64 sets the current value as int64
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Set64(current int64) *ProgressBar {
+ atomic.StoreInt64(&pb.current, current)
+ return pb
+// Add to current value
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Add(add int) int {
+ return int(pb.Add64(int64(add)))
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Add64(add int64) int64 {
+ return atomic.AddInt64(&pb.current, add)
+// Set prefix string
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Prefix(prefix string) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.prefix = prefix
+ return pb
+// Set postfix string
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Postfix(postfix string) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.postfix = postfix
+ return pb
+// Set custom format for bar
+// Example: bar.Format("[=>_]")
+// Example: bar.Format("[\x00=\x00>\x00-\x00]") // \x00 is the delimiter
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Format(format string) *ProgressBar {
+ var formatEntries []string
+ if len(format) == 5 {
+ formatEntries = strings.Split(format, "")
+ } else {
+ formatEntries = strings.Split(format, "\x00")
+ }
+ if len(formatEntries) == 5 {
+ pb.BarStart = formatEntries[0]
+ pb.BarEnd = formatEntries[4]
+ pb.Empty = formatEntries[3]
+ pb.Current = formatEntries[1]
+ pb.CurrentN = formatEntries[2]
+ }
+ return pb
+// Set bar refresh rate
+func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRefreshRate(rate time.Duration) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.RefreshRate = rate
+ return pb
+// Set units
+// bar.SetUnits(U_NO) - by default
+// bar.SetUnits(U_BYTES) - for Mb, Kb, etc
+func (pb *ProgressBar) SetUnits(units Units) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.Units = units
+ return pb
+// Set max width, if width is bigger than terminal width, will be ignored
+func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMaxWidth(width int) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.Width = width
+ pb.ForceWidth = false
+ return pb
+// Set bar width
+func (pb *ProgressBar) SetWidth(width int) *ProgressBar {
+ pb.Width = width
+ pb.ForceWidth = true
+ return pb
+// End print
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Finish() {
+ //Protect multiple calls
+ pb.finishOnce.Do(func() {
+ close(pb.finish)
+ pb.write(atomic.LoadInt64(&pb.current))
+ switch {
+ case pb.Output != nil:
+ fmt.Fprintln(pb.Output)
+ case !pb.NotPrint:
+ fmt.Println()
+ }
+ pb.isFinish = true
+ })
+// End print and write string 'str'
+func (pb *ProgressBar) FinishPrint(str string) {
+ pb.Finish()
+ if pb.Output != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintln(pb.Output, str)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Println(str)
+ }
+// implement io.Writer
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n = len(p)
+ pb.Add(n)
+ return
+// implement io.Reader
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n = len(p)
+ pb.Add(n)
+ return
+// Create new proxy reader over bar
+// Takes io.Reader or io.ReadCloser
+func (pb *ProgressBar) NewProxyReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
+ return &Reader{r, pb}
+func (pb *ProgressBar) write(current int64) {
+ width := pb.GetWidth()
+ var percentBox, countersBox, timeLeftBox, speedBox, barBox, end, out string
+ // percents
+ if pb.ShowPercent {
+ var percent float64
+ if pb.Total > 0 {
+ percent = float64(current) / (float64(pb.Total) / float64(100))
+ } else {
+ percent = float64(current) / float64(100)
+ }
+ percentBox = fmt.Sprintf(" %6.02f%%", percent)
+ }
+ // counters
+ if pb.ShowCounters {
+ current := Format(current).To(pb.Units).Width(pb.UnitsWidth)
+ if pb.Total > 0 {
+ total := Format(pb.Total).To(pb.Units).Width(pb.UnitsWidth)
+ countersBox = fmt.Sprintf(" %s / %s ", current, total)
+ } else {
+ countersBox = fmt.Sprintf(" %s / ? ", current)
+ }
+ }
+ // time left
+ fromStart := time.Now().Sub(pb.startTime)
+ currentFromStart := current - pb.startValue
+ select {
+ case <-pb.finish:
+ if pb.ShowFinalTime {
+ var left time.Duration
+ left = (fromStart / time.Second) * time.Second
+ timeLeftBox = fmt.Sprintf(" %s", left.String())
+ }
+ default:
+ if pb.ShowTimeLeft && currentFromStart > 0 {
+ perEntry := fromStart / time.Duration(currentFromStart)
+ var left time.Duration
+ if pb.Total > 0 {
+ left = time.Duration(pb.Total-currentFromStart) * perEntry
+ left = (left / time.Second) * time.Second
+ } else {
+ left = time.Duration(currentFromStart) * perEntry
+ left = (left / time.Second) * time.Second
+ }
+ timeLeft := Format(int64(left)).To(U_DURATION).String()
+ timeLeftBox = fmt.Sprintf(" %s", timeLeft)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(timeLeftBox) < pb.TimeBoxWidth {
+ timeLeftBox = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", strings.Repeat(" ", pb.TimeBoxWidth-len(timeLeftBox)), timeLeftBox)
+ }
+ // speed
+ if pb.ShowSpeed && currentFromStart > 0 {
+ fromStart := time.Now().Sub(pb.startTime)
+ speed := float64(currentFromStart) / (float64(fromStart) / float64(time.Second))
+ speedBox = " " + Format(int64(speed)).To(pb.Units).Width(pb.UnitsWidth).PerSec().String()
+ }
+ barWidth := escapeAwareRuneCountInString(countersBox + pb.BarStart + pb.BarEnd + percentBox + timeLeftBox + speedBox + pb.prefix + pb.postfix)
+ // bar
+ if pb.ShowBar {
+ size := width - barWidth
+ if size > 0 {
+ if pb.Total > 0 {
+ curCount := int(math.Ceil((float64(current) / float64(pb.Total)) * float64(size)))
+ emptCount := size - curCount
+ barBox = pb.BarStart
+ if emptCount < 0 {
+ emptCount = 0
+ }
+ if curCount > size {
+ curCount = size
+ }
+ if emptCount <= 0 {
+ barBox += strings.Repeat(pb.Current, curCount)
+ } else if curCount > 0 {
+ barBox += strings.Repeat(pb.Current, curCount-1) + pb.CurrentN
+ }
+ barBox += strings.Repeat(pb.Empty, emptCount) + pb.BarEnd
+ } else {
+ barBox = pb.BarStart
+ pos := size - int(current)%int(size)
+ if pos-1 > 0 {
+ barBox += strings.Repeat(pb.Empty, pos-1)
+ }
+ barBox += pb.Current
+ if size-pos-1 > 0 {
+ barBox += strings.Repeat(pb.Empty, size-pos-1)
+ }
+ barBox += pb.BarEnd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check len
+ out = pb.prefix + countersBox + barBox + percentBox + speedBox + timeLeftBox + pb.postfix
+ if escapeAwareRuneCountInString(out) < width {
+ end = strings.Repeat(" ", width-utf8.RuneCountInString(out))
+ }
+ // and print!
+ pb.lastPrint = out + end
+ switch {
+ case pb.isFinish:
+ return
+ case pb.Output != nil:
+ fmt.Fprint(pb.Output, "\r"+out+end)
+ case pb.Callback != nil:
+ pb.Callback(out + end)
+ case !pb.NotPrint:
+ fmt.Print("\r" + out + end)
+ }
+// GetTerminalWidth - returns terminal width for all platforms.
+func GetTerminalWidth() (int, error) {
+ return terminalWidth()
+func (pb *ProgressBar) GetWidth() int {
+ if pb.ForceWidth {
+ return pb.Width
+ }
+ width := pb.Width
+ termWidth, _ := terminalWidth()
+ if width == 0 || termWidth <= width {
+ width = termWidth
+ }
+ return width
+// Write the current state of the progressbar
+func (pb *ProgressBar) Update() {
+ c := atomic.LoadInt64(&pb.current)
+ if pb.AlwaysUpdate || c != pb.currentValue {
+ pb.write(c)
+ pb.currentValue = c
+ }
+ if pb.AutoStat {
+ if c == 0 {
+ pb.startTime = time.Now()
+ pb.startValue = 0
+ } else if c >= pb.Total && pb.isFinish != true {
+ pb.Finish()
+ }
+ }
+func (pb *ProgressBar) String() string {
+ return pb.lastPrint
+// Internal loop for refreshing the progressbar
+func (pb *ProgressBar) refresher() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-pb.finish:
+ return
+ case <-time.After(pb.RefreshRate):
+ pb.Update()
+ }
+ }
+type window struct {
+ Row uint16
+ Col uint16
+ Xpixel uint16
+ Ypixel uint16
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d85dbc3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// +build appengine
+package pb
+import "errors"
+// terminalWidth returns width of the terminal, which is not supported
+// and should always failed on appengine classic which is a sandboxed PaaS.
+func terminalWidth() (int, error) {
+ return 0, errors.New("Not supported")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c06097b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd dragonfly
+// +build !appengine
+package pb
+import "syscall"
+const sysIoctl = syscall.SYS_IOCTL
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7d461e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// +build solaris
+// +build !appengine
+package pb
+const sysIoctl = 54
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72f682835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// +build windows
+package pb
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+var tty = os.Stdin
+var (
+ kernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
+ // GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo retrieves information about the
+ // specified console screen buffer.
+ //
+ procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo")
+ // GetConsoleMode retrieves the current input mode of a console's
+ // input buffer or the current output mode of a console screen buffer.
+ //
+ getConsoleMode = kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleMode")
+ // SetConsoleMode sets the input mode of a console's input buffer
+ // or the output mode of a console screen buffer.
+ //
+ setConsoleMode = kernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleMode")
+ // SetConsoleCursorPosition sets the cursor position in the
+ // specified console screen buffer.
+ //
+ setConsoleCursorPosition = kernel32.NewProc("SetConsoleCursorPosition")
+type (
+ // Defines the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners
+ // of a rectangle.
+ // See
+ //
+ smallRect struct {
+ Left, Top, Right, Bottom int16
+ }
+ // Defines the coordinates of a character cell in a console screen
+ // buffer. The origin of the coordinate system (0,0) is at the top, left cell
+ // of the buffer.
+ // See
+ //
+ coordinates struct {
+ X, Y int16
+ }
+ word int16
+ // Contains information about a console screen buffer.
+ //
+ consoleScreenBufferInfo struct {
+ dwSize coordinates
+ dwCursorPosition coordinates
+ wAttributes word
+ srWindow smallRect
+ dwMaximumWindowSize coordinates
+ }
+// terminalWidth returns width of the terminal.
+func terminalWidth() (width int, err error) {
+ var info consoleScreenBufferInfo
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&info)), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return 0, error(e)
+ }
+ return int(info.dwSize.X) - 1, nil
+func getCursorPos() (pos coordinates, err error) {
+ var info consoleScreenBufferInfo
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&info)), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return info.dwCursorPosition, error(e)
+ }
+ return info.dwCursorPosition, nil
+func setCursorPos(pos coordinates) error {
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(setConsoleCursorPosition.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(uint32(uint16(pos.Y))<<16|uint32(uint16(pos.X))), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return error(e)
+ }
+ return nil
+var ErrPoolWasStarted = errors.New("Bar pool was started")
+var echoLocked bool
+var echoLockMutex sync.Mutex
+var oldState word
+func lockEcho() (quit chan int, err error) {
+ echoLockMutex.Lock()
+ defer echoLockMutex.Unlock()
+ if echoLocked {
+ err = ErrPoolWasStarted
+ return
+ }
+ echoLocked = true
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(getConsoleMode.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&oldState)), 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't get terminal settings: %v", e)
+ return
+ }
+ newState := oldState
+ const ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 0x0004
+ const ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 0x0002
+ newState = newState & (^(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT))
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(setConsoleMode.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(newState), 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't set terminal settings: %v", e)
+ return
+ }
+ return
+func unlockEcho() (err error) {
+ echoLockMutex.Lock()
+ defer echoLockMutex.Unlock()
+ if !echoLocked {
+ return
+ }
+ echoLocked = false
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(setConsoleMode.Addr(), 2, uintptr(syscall.Stdout), uintptr(oldState), 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't set terminal settings")
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12e6fe6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly
+// +build !appengine
+package pb
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "os/signal"
+ "runtime"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+const (
+ TIOCGWINSZ = 0x5413
+ TIOCGWINSZ_OSX = 1074295912
+var tty *os.File
+var ErrPoolWasStarted = errors.New("Bar pool was started")
+var echoLocked bool
+var echoLockMutex sync.Mutex
+func init() {
+ var err error
+ tty, err = os.Open("/dev/tty")
+ if err != nil {
+ tty = os.Stdin
+ }
+// terminalWidth returns width of the terminal.
+func terminalWidth() (int, error) {
+ w := new(window)
+ tio := syscall.TIOCGWINSZ
+ if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
+ }
+ res, _, err := syscall.Syscall(sysIoctl,
+ tty.Fd(),
+ uintptr(tio),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)),
+ )
+ if int(res) == -1 {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return int(w.Col), nil
+var oldState syscall.Termios
+func lockEcho() (quit chan int, err error) {
+ echoLockMutex.Lock()
+ defer echoLockMutex.Unlock()
+ if echoLocked {
+ err = ErrPoolWasStarted
+ return
+ }
+ echoLocked = true
+ fd := tty.Fd()
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall6(sysIoctl, fd, ioctlReadTermios, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&oldState)), 0, 0, 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't get terminal settings: %v", e)
+ return
+ }
+ newState := oldState
+ newState.Lflag &^= syscall.ECHO
+ newState.Lflag |= syscall.ICANON | syscall.ISIG
+ newState.Iflag |= syscall.ICRNL
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall6(sysIoctl, fd, ioctlWriteTermios, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&newState)), 0, 0, 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't set terminal settings: %v", e)
+ return
+ }
+ quit = make(chan int, 1)
+ go catchTerminate(quit)
+ return
+func unlockEcho() (err error) {
+ echoLockMutex.Lock()
+ defer echoLockMutex.Unlock()
+ if !echoLocked {
+ return
+ }
+ echoLocked = false
+ fd := tty.Fd()
+ if _, _, e := syscall.Syscall6(sysIoctl, fd, ioctlWriteTermios, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&oldState)), 0, 0, 0); e != 0 {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Can't set terminal settings")
+ }
+ return
+// listen exit signals and restore terminal state
+func catchTerminate(quit chan int) {
+ sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
+ signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGKILL)
+ defer signal.Stop(sig)
+ select {
+ case <-quit:
+ unlockEcho()
+ case <-sig:
+ unlockEcho()
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b4a4afa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly windows
+package pb
+import (
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+// Create and start new pool with given bars
+// You need call pool.Stop() after work
+func StartPool(pbs ...*ProgressBar) (pool *Pool, err error) {
+ pool = new(Pool)
+ if err = pool.start(); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ pool.Add(pbs...)
+ return
+type Pool struct {
+ RefreshRate time.Duration
+ bars []*ProgressBar
+ quit chan int
+ finishOnce sync.Once
+// Add progress bars.
+func (p *Pool) Add(pbs ...*ProgressBar) {
+ for _, bar := range pbs {
+ bar.ManualUpdate = true
+ bar.NotPrint = true
+ bar.Start()
+ p.bars = append(p.bars, bar)
+ }
+func (p *Pool) start() (err error) {
+ p.RefreshRate = DefaultRefreshRate
+ quit, err := lockEcho()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ p.quit = make(chan int)
+ go p.writer(quit)
+ return
+func (p *Pool) writer(finish chan int) {
+ var first = true
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(p.RefreshRate):
+ if p.print(first) {
+ p.print(false)
+ finish <- 1
+ return
+ }
+ first = false
+ case <-p.quit:
+ finish <- 1
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// Restore terminal state and close pool
+func (p *Pool) Stop() error {
+ // Wait until one final refresh has passed.
+ time.Sleep(p.RefreshRate)
+ p.finishOnce.Do(func() {
+ close(p.quit)
+ })
+ return unlockEcho()
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a5ace41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// +build windows
+package pb
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+func (p *Pool) print(first bool) bool {
+ var out string
+ if !first {
+ coords, err := getCursorPos()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Panic(err)
+ }
+ coords.Y -= int16(len(p.bars))
+ coords.X = 0
+ err = setCursorPos(coords)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Panic(err)
+ }
+ }
+ isFinished := true
+ for _, bar := range p.bars {
+ if !bar.isFinish {
+ isFinished = false
+ }
+ bar.Update()
+ out += fmt.Sprintf("\r%s\n", bar.String())
+ }
+ fmt.Print(out)
+ return isFinished
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d95b71d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// +build linux darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly
+package pb
+import "fmt"
+func (p *Pool) print(first bool) bool {
+ var out string
+ if !first {
+ out = fmt.Sprintf("\033[%dA", len(p.bars))
+ }
+ isFinished := true
+ for _, bar := range p.bars {
+ if !bar.isFinish {
+ isFinished = false
+ }
+ bar.Update()
+ out += fmt.Sprintf("\r%s\n", bar.String())
+ }
+ fmt.Print(out)
+ return isFinished
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f3148b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package pb
+import (
+ "io"
+// It's proxy reader, implement io.Reader
+type Reader struct {
+ io.Reader
+ bar *ProgressBar
+func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ n, err = r.Reader.Read(p)
+ return
+// Close the reader when it implements io.Closer
+func (r *Reader) Close() (err error) {
+ if closer, ok := r.Reader.(io.Closer); ok {
+ return closer.Close()
+ }
+ return
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52edd365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package pb
+import (
+ ""
+ "regexp"
+// Finds the control character sequences (like colors)
+var ctrlFinder = regexp.MustCompile("\x1b\x5b[0-9]+\x6d")
+func escapeAwareRuneCountInString(s string) int {
+ n := runewidth.StringWidth(s)
+ for _, sm := range ctrlFinder.FindAllString(s, -1) {
+ n -= len(sm)
+ }
+ return n
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..517ea8ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd dragonfly
+// +build !appengine
+package pb
+import "syscall"
+const ioctlReadTermios = syscall.TIOCGETA
+const ioctlWriteTermios = syscall.TIOCSETA
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebb3fe87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// +build linux solaris
+// +build !appengine
+package pb
+const ioctlReadTermios = 0x5401 // syscall.TCGETS
+const ioctlWriteTermios = 0x5402 // syscall.TCSETS
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f21e54080
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2012 fsnotify Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
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+# File system notifications for Go
+[![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](](
+fsnotify utilizes []( rather than `syscall` from the standard library. Ensure you have the latest version installed by running:
+go get -u
+Cross platform: Windows, Linux, BSD and OS X.
+|Adapter |OS |Status |
+|inotify |Linux 2.6.27 or later, Android\*|Supported [![Build Status](](|
+|kqueue |BSD, OS X, iOS\*|Supported [![Build Status](](|
+|ReadDirectoryChangesW|Windows|Supported [![Build status](](|
+|FSEvents |OS X |[Planned](|
+|FEN |Solaris 11 |[In Progress](|
+|fanotify |Linux 2.6.37+ | |
+|USN Journals |Windows |[Maybe](|
+|Polling |*All* |[Maybe](|
+\* Android and iOS are untested.
+Please see [the documentation]( for usage. Consult the [Wiki]( for the FAQ and further information.
+## API stability
+fsnotify is a fork of [howeyc/fsnotify]( with a new API as of v1.0. The API is based on [this design document](
+All [releases]( are tagged based on [Semantic Versioning]( Further API changes are [planned](, and will be tagged with a new major revision number.
+Go 1.6 supports dependencies located in the `vendor/` folder. Unless you are creating a library, it is recommended that you copy fsnotify into `vendor/` within your project, and likewise for ``.
+## Contributing
+Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING][] before opening an issue or pull request.
+## Example
+See [example_test.go](
+## Related Projects
+* [notify](
+* [fsevents](
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+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build solaris
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "errors"
+// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel.
+type Watcher struct {
+ Events chan Event
+ Errors chan error
+// NewWatcher establishes a new watcher with the underlying OS and begins waiting for events.
+func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
+ return nil, errors.New("FEN based watcher not yet supported for fsnotify\n")
+// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
+func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
+ return nil
+// Add starts watching the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
+ return nil
+// Remove stops watching the the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
+ return nil
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+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build !plan9
+// Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+// Event represents a single file system notification.
+type Event struct {
+ Name string // Relative path to the file or directory.
+ Op Op // File operation that triggered the event.
+// Op describes a set of file operations.
+type Op uint32
+// These are the generalized file operations that can trigger a notification.
+const (
+ Create Op = 1 << iota
+ Write
+ Remove
+ Rename
+ Chmod
+func (op Op) String() string {
+ // Use a buffer for efficient string concatenation
+ var buffer bytes.Buffer
+ if op&Create == Create {
+ buffer.WriteString("|CREATE")
+ }
+ if op&Remove == Remove {
+ buffer.WriteString("|REMOVE")
+ }
+ if op&Write == Write {
+ buffer.WriteString("|WRITE")
+ }
+ if op&Rename == Rename {
+ buffer.WriteString("|RENAME")
+ }
+ if op&Chmod == Chmod {
+ buffer.WriteString("|CHMOD")
+ }
+ if buffer.Len() == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return buffer.String()[1:] // Strip leading pipe
+// String returns a string representation of the event in the form
+// "file: REMOVE|WRITE|..."
+func (e Event) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%q: %s", e.Name, e.Op.String())
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3b74c51f
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+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build linux
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "unsafe"
+ ""
+// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel.
+type Watcher struct {
+ Events chan Event
+ Errors chan error
+ mu sync.Mutex // Map access
+ cv *sync.Cond // sync removing on rm_watch with IN_IGNORE
+ fd int
+ poller *fdPoller
+ watches map[string]*watch // Map of inotify watches (key: path)
+ paths map[int]string // Map of watched paths (key: watch descriptor)
+ done chan struct{} // Channel for sending a "quit message" to the reader goroutine
+ doneResp chan struct{} // Channel to respond to Close
+// NewWatcher establishes a new watcher with the underlying OS and begins waiting for events.
+func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
+ // Create inotify fd
+ fd, errno := unix.InotifyInit1(unix.IN_CLOEXEC)
+ if fd == -1 {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ // Create epoll
+ poller, err := newFdPoller(fd)
+ if err != nil {
+ unix.Close(fd)
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w := &Watcher{
+ fd: fd,
+ poller: poller,
+ watches: make(map[string]*watch),
+ paths: make(map[int]string),
+ Events: make(chan Event),
+ Errors: make(chan error),
+ done: make(chan struct{}),
+ doneResp: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+ = sync.NewCond(&
+ go w.readEvents()
+ return w, nil
+func (w *Watcher) isClosed() bool {
+ select {
+ case <-w.done:
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
+func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
+ if w.isClosed() {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Send 'close' signal to goroutine, and set the Watcher to closed.
+ close(w.done)
+ // Wake up goroutine
+ w.poller.wake()
+ // Wait for goroutine to close
+ <-w.doneResp
+ return nil
+// Add starts watching the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
+ name = filepath.Clean(name)
+ if w.isClosed() {
+ return errors.New("inotify instance already closed")
+ }
+ const agnosticEvents = unix.IN_MOVED_TO | unix.IN_MOVED_FROM |
+ unix.IN_CREATE | unix.IN_ATTRIB | unix.IN_MODIFY |
+ var flags uint32 = agnosticEvents
+ watchEntry, found :=[name]
+ if found {
+ watchEntry.flags |= flags
+ flags |= unix.IN_MASK_ADD
+ }
+ wd, errno := unix.InotifyAddWatch(w.fd, name, flags)
+ if wd == -1 {
+ return errno
+ }
+[name] = &watch{wd: uint32(wd), flags: flags}
+ w.paths[wd] = name
+ return nil
+// Remove stops watching the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
+ name = filepath.Clean(name)
+ // Fetch the watch.
+ defer
+ watch, ok :=[name]
+ // Remove it from inotify.
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("can't remove non-existent inotify watch for: %s", name)
+ }
+ // inotify_rm_watch will return EINVAL if the file has been deleted;
+ // the inotify will already have been removed.
+ // watches and pathes are deleted in ignoreLinux() implicitly and asynchronously
+ // by calling inotify_rm_watch() below. e.g. readEvents() goroutine receives IN_IGNORE
+ // so that EINVAL means that the wd is being rm_watch()ed or its file removed
+ // by another thread and we have not received IN_IGNORE event.
+ success, errno := unix.InotifyRmWatch(w.fd, watch.wd)
+ if success == -1 {
+ // TODO: Perhaps it's not helpful to return an error here in every case.
+ // the only two possible errors are:
+ // EBADF, which happens when w.fd is not a valid file descriptor of any kind.
+ // EINVAL, which is when fd is not an inotify descriptor or wd is not a valid watch descriptor.
+ // Watch descriptors are invalidated when they are removed explicitly or implicitly;
+ // explicitly by inotify_rm_watch, implicitly when the file they are watching is deleted.
+ return errno
+ }
+ // wait until ignoreLinux() deleting maps
+ exists := true
+ for exists {
+ _, exists =[name]
+ }
+ return nil
+type watch struct {
+ wd uint32 // Watch descriptor (as returned by the inotify_add_watch() syscall)
+ flags uint32 // inotify flags of this watch (see inotify(7) for the list of valid flags)
+// readEvents reads from the inotify file descriptor, converts the
+// received events into Event objects and sends them via the Events channel
+func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
+ var (
+ buf [unix.SizeofInotifyEvent * 4096]byte // Buffer for a maximum of 4096 raw events
+ n int // Number of bytes read with read()
+ errno error // Syscall errno
+ ok bool // For poller.wait
+ )
+ defer close(w.doneResp)
+ defer close(w.Errors)
+ defer close(w.Events)
+ defer unix.Close(w.fd)
+ defer w.poller.close()
+ for {
+ // See if we have been closed.
+ if w.isClosed() {
+ return
+ }
+ ok, errno = w.poller.wait()
+ if errno != nil {
+ select {
+ case w.Errors <- errno:
+ case <-w.done:
+ return
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ n, errno = unix.Read(w.fd, buf[:])
+ // If a signal interrupted execution, see if we've been asked to close, and try again.
+ // :
+ // "Before Linux 3.8, reads from an inotify(7) file descriptor were not restartable"
+ if errno == unix.EINTR {
+ continue
+ }
+ // unix.Read might have been woken up by Close. If so, we're done.
+ if w.isClosed() {
+ return
+ }
+ if n < unix.SizeofInotifyEvent {
+ var err error
+ if n == 0 {
+ // If EOF is received. This should really never happen.
+ err = io.EOF
+ } else if n < 0 {
+ // If an error occurred while reading.
+ err = errno
+ } else {
+ // Read was too short.
+ err = errors.New("notify: short read in readEvents()")
+ }
+ select {
+ case w.Errors <- err:
+ case <-w.done:
+ return
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ var offset uint32
+ // We don't know how many events we just read into the buffer
+ // While the offset points to at least one whole event...
+ for offset <= uint32(n-unix.SizeofInotifyEvent) {
+ // Point "raw" to the event in the buffer
+ raw := (*unix.InotifyEvent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset]))
+ mask := uint32(raw.Mask)
+ nameLen := uint32(raw.Len)
+ // If the event happened to the watched directory or the watched file, the kernel
+ // doesn't append the filename to the event, but we would like to always fill the
+ // the "Name" field with a valid filename. We retrieve the path of the watch from
+ // the "paths" map.
+ name := w.paths[int(raw.Wd)]
+ if nameLen > 0 {
+ // Point "bytes" at the first byte of the filename
+ bytes := (*[unix.PathMax]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset+unix.SizeofInotifyEvent]))
+ // The filename is padded with NULL bytes. TrimRight() gets rid of those.
+ name += "/" + strings.TrimRight(string(bytes[0:nameLen]), "\000")
+ }
+ event := newEvent(name, mask)
+ // Send the events that are not ignored on the events channel
+ if !event.ignoreLinux(w, raw.Wd, mask) {
+ select {
+ case w.Events <- event:
+ case <-w.done:
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // Move to the next event in the buffer
+ offset += unix.SizeofInotifyEvent + nameLen
+ }
+ }
+// Certain types of events can be "ignored" and not sent over the Events
+// channel. Such as events marked ignore by the kernel, or MODIFY events
+// against files that do not exist.
+func (e *Event) ignoreLinux(w *Watcher, wd int32, mask uint32) bool {
+ // Ignore anything the inotify API says to ignore
+ if mask&unix.IN_IGNORED == unix.IN_IGNORED {
+ defer
+ name := w.paths[int(wd)]
+ delete(w.paths, int(wd))
+ delete(, name)
+ return true
+ }
+ // If the event is not a DELETE or RENAME, the file must exist.
+ // Otherwise the event is ignored.
+ // *Note*: this was put in place because it was seen that a MODIFY
+ // event was sent after the DELETE. This ignores that MODIFY and
+ // assumes a DELETE will come or has come if the file doesn't exist.
+ if !(e.Op&Remove == Remove || e.Op&Rename == Rename) {
+ _, statErr := os.Lstat(e.Name)
+ return os.IsNotExist(statErr)
+ }
+ return false
+// newEvent returns an platform-independent Event based on an inotify mask.
+func newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
+ e := Event{Name: name}
+ if mask&unix.IN_CREATE == unix.IN_CREATE || mask&unix.IN_MOVED_TO == unix.IN_MOVED_TO {
+ e.Op |= Create
+ }
+ if mask&unix.IN_DELETE_SELF == unix.IN_DELETE_SELF || mask&unix.IN_DELETE == unix.IN_DELETE {
+ e.Op |= Remove
+ }
+ if mask&unix.IN_MODIFY == unix.IN_MODIFY {
+ e.Op |= Write
+ }
+ if mask&unix.IN_MOVE_SELF == unix.IN_MOVE_SELF || mask&unix.IN_MOVED_FROM == unix.IN_MOVED_FROM {
+ e.Op |= Rename
+ }
+ if mask&unix.IN_ATTRIB == unix.IN_ATTRIB {
+ e.Op |= Chmod
+ }
+ return e
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc7db4b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build linux
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "errors"
+ ""
+type fdPoller struct {
+ fd int // File descriptor (as returned by the inotify_init() syscall)
+ epfd int // Epoll file descriptor
+ pipe [2]int // Pipe for waking up
+func emptyPoller(fd int) *fdPoller {
+ poller := new(fdPoller)
+ poller.fd = fd
+ poller.epfd = -1
+ poller.pipe[0] = -1
+ poller.pipe[1] = -1
+ return poller
+// Create a new inotify poller.
+// This creates an inotify handler, and an epoll handler.
+func newFdPoller(fd int) (*fdPoller, error) {
+ var errno error
+ poller := emptyPoller(fd)
+ defer func() {
+ if errno != nil {
+ poller.close()
+ }
+ }()
+ poller.fd = fd
+ // Create epoll fd
+ poller.epfd, errno = unix.EpollCreate1(0)
+ if poller.epfd == -1 {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ // Create pipe; pipe[0] is the read end, pipe[1] the write end.
+ errno = unix.Pipe2(poller.pipe[:], unix.O_NONBLOCK)
+ if errno != nil {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ // Register inotify fd with epoll
+ event := unix.EpollEvent{
+ Fd: int32(poller.fd),
+ Events: unix.EPOLLIN,
+ }
+ errno = unix.EpollCtl(poller.epfd, unix.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, poller.fd, &event)
+ if errno != nil {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ // Register pipe fd with epoll
+ event = unix.EpollEvent{
+ Fd: int32(poller.pipe[0]),
+ Events: unix.EPOLLIN,
+ }
+ errno = unix.EpollCtl(poller.epfd, unix.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, poller.pipe[0], &event)
+ if errno != nil {
+ return nil, errno
+ }
+ return poller, nil
+// Wait using epoll.
+// Returns true if something is ready to be read,
+// false if there is not.
+func (poller *fdPoller) wait() (bool, error) {
+ // 3 possible events per fd, and 2 fds, makes a maximum of 6 events.
+ // I don't know whether epoll_wait returns the number of events returned,
+ // or the total number of events ready.
+ // I decided to catch both by making the buffer one larger than the maximum.
+ events := make([]unix.EpollEvent, 7)
+ for {
+ n, errno := unix.EpollWait(poller.epfd, events, -1)
+ if n == -1 {
+ if errno == unix.EINTR {
+ continue
+ }
+ return false, errno
+ }
+ if n == 0 {
+ // If there are no events, try again.
+ continue
+ }
+ if n > 6 {
+ // This should never happen. More events were returned than should be possible.
+ return false, errors.New("epoll_wait returned more events than I know what to do with")
+ }
+ ready := events[:n]
+ epollhup := false
+ epollerr := false
+ epollin := false
+ for _, event := range ready {
+ if event.Fd == int32(poller.fd) {
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLHUP != 0 {
+ // This should not happen, but if it does, treat it as a wakeup.
+ epollhup = true
+ }
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLERR != 0 {
+ // If an error is waiting on the file descriptor, we should pretend
+ // something is ready to read, and let unix.Read pick up the error.
+ epollerr = true
+ }
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLIN != 0 {
+ // There is data to read.
+ epollin = true
+ }
+ }
+ if event.Fd == int32(poller.pipe[0]) {
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLHUP != 0 {
+ // Write pipe descriptor was closed, by us. This means we're closing down the
+ // watcher, and we should wake up.
+ }
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLERR != 0 {
+ // If an error is waiting on the pipe file descriptor.
+ // This is an absolute mystery, and should never ever happen.
+ return false, errors.New("Error on the pipe descriptor.")
+ }
+ if event.Events&unix.EPOLLIN != 0 {
+ // This is a regular wakeup, so we have to clear the buffer.
+ err := poller.clearWake()
+ if err != nil {
+ return false, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if epollhup || epollerr || epollin {
+ return true, nil
+ }
+ return false, nil
+ }
+// Close the write end of the poller.
+func (poller *fdPoller) wake() error {
+ buf := make([]byte, 1)
+ n, errno := unix.Write(poller.pipe[1], buf)
+ if n == -1 {
+ if errno == unix.EAGAIN {
+ // Buffer is full, poller will wake.
+ return nil
+ }
+ return errno
+ }
+ return nil
+func (poller *fdPoller) clearWake() error {
+ // You have to be woken up a LOT in order to get to 100!
+ buf := make([]byte, 100)
+ n, errno := unix.Read(poller.pipe[0], buf)
+ if n == -1 {
+ if errno == unix.EAGAIN {
+ // Buffer is empty, someone else cleared our wake.
+ return nil
+ }
+ return errno
+ }
+ return nil
+// Close all poller file descriptors, but not the one passed to it.
+func (poller *fdPoller) close() {
+ if poller.pipe[1] != -1 {
+ unix.Close(poller.pipe[1])
+ }
+ if poller.pipe[0] != -1 {
+ unix.Close(poller.pipe[0])
+ }
+ if poller.epfd != -1 {
+ unix.Close(poller.epfd)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2b4acb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly darwin
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel.
+type Watcher struct {
+ Events chan Event
+ Errors chan error
+ done chan bool // Channel for sending a "quit message" to the reader goroutine
+ kq int // File descriptor (as returned by the kqueue() syscall).
+ mu sync.Mutex // Protects access to watcher data
+ watches map[string]int // Map of watched file descriptors (key: path).
+ externalWatches map[string]bool // Map of watches added by user of the library.
+ dirFlags map[string]uint32 // Map of watched directories to fflags used in kqueue.
+ paths map[int]pathInfo // Map file descriptors to path names for processing kqueue events.
+ fileExists map[string]bool // Keep track of if we know this file exists (to stop duplicate create events).
+ isClosed bool // Set to true when Close() is first called
+type pathInfo struct {
+ name string
+ isDir bool
+// NewWatcher establishes a new watcher with the underlying OS and begins waiting for events.
+func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
+ kq, err := kqueue()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ w := &Watcher{
+ kq: kq,
+ watches: make(map[string]int),
+ dirFlags: make(map[string]uint32),
+ paths: make(map[int]pathInfo),
+ fileExists: make(map[string]bool),
+ externalWatches: make(map[string]bool),
+ Events: make(chan Event),
+ Errors: make(chan error),
+ done: make(chan bool),
+ }
+ go w.readEvents()
+ return w, nil
+// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
+func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
+ if w.isClosed {
+ return nil
+ }
+ w.isClosed = true
+ // copy paths to remove while locked
+ var pathsToRemove = make([]string, 0, len(
+ for name := range {
+ pathsToRemove = append(pathsToRemove, name)
+ }
+ // unlock before calling Remove, which also locks
+ var err error
+ for _, name := range pathsToRemove {
+ if e := w.Remove(name); e != nil && err == nil {
+ err = e
+ }
+ }
+ // Send "quit" message to the reader goroutine:
+ w.done <- true
+ return nil
+// Add starts watching the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
+ w.externalWatches[name] = true
+ _, err := w.addWatch(name, noteAllEvents)
+ return err
+// Remove stops watching the the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
+ name = filepath.Clean(name)
+ watchfd, ok :=[name]
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("can't remove non-existent kevent watch for: %s", name)
+ }
+ const registerRemove = unix.EV_DELETE
+ if err := register(w.kq, []int{watchfd}, registerRemove, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ unix.Close(watchfd)
+ isDir := w.paths[watchfd].isDir
+ delete(, name)
+ delete(w.paths, watchfd)
+ delete(w.dirFlags, name)
+ // Find all watched paths that are in this directory that are not external.
+ if isDir {
+ var pathsToRemove []string
+ for _, path := range w.paths {
+ wdir, _ := filepath.Split(
+ if filepath.Clean(wdir) == name {
+ if !w.externalWatches[] {
+ pathsToRemove = append(pathsToRemove,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, name := range pathsToRemove {
+ // Since these are internal, not much sense in propagating error
+ // to the user, as that will just confuse them with an error about
+ // a path they did not explicitly watch themselves.
+ w.Remove(name)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Watch all events (except NOTE_EXTEND, NOTE_LINK, NOTE_REVOKE)
+const noteAllEvents = unix.NOTE_DELETE | unix.NOTE_WRITE | unix.NOTE_ATTRIB | unix.NOTE_RENAME
+// keventWaitTime to block on each read from kevent
+var keventWaitTime = durationToTimespec(100 * time.Millisecond)
+// addWatch adds name to the watched file set.
+// The flags are interpreted as described in kevent(2).
+// Returns the real path to the file which was added, if any, which may be different from the one passed in the case of symlinks.
+func (w *Watcher) addWatch(name string, flags uint32) (string, error) {
+ var isDir bool
+ // Make ./name and name equivalent
+ name = filepath.Clean(name)
+ if w.isClosed {
+ return "", errors.New("kevent instance already closed")
+ }
+ watchfd, alreadyWatching :=[name]
+ // We already have a watch, but we can still override flags.
+ if alreadyWatching {
+ isDir = w.paths[watchfd].isDir
+ }
+ if !alreadyWatching {
+ fi, err := os.Lstat(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ // Don't watch sockets.
+ if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSocket == os.ModeSocket {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ // Don't watch named pipes.
+ if fi.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe == os.ModeNamedPipe {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ // Follow Symlinks
+ // Unfortunately, Linux can add bogus symlinks to watch list without
+ // issue, and Windows can't do symlinks period (AFAIK). To maintain
+ // consistency, we will act like everything is fine. There will simply
+ // be no file events for broken symlinks.
+ // Hence the returns of nil on errors.
+ if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
+ name, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ _, alreadyWatching =[name]
+ if alreadyWatching {
+ return name, nil
+ }
+ fi, err = os.Lstat(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ }
+ watchfd, err = unix.Open(name, openMode, 0700)
+ if watchfd == -1 {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ isDir = fi.IsDir()
+ }
+ const registerAdd = unix.EV_ADD | unix.EV_CLEAR | unix.EV_ENABLE
+ if err := register(w.kq, []int{watchfd}, registerAdd, flags); err != nil {
+ unix.Close(watchfd)
+ return "", err
+ }
+ if !alreadyWatching {
+[name] = watchfd
+ w.paths[watchfd] = pathInfo{name: name, isDir: isDir}
+ }
+ if isDir {
+ // Watch the directory if it has not been watched before,
+ // or if it was watched before, but perhaps only a NOTE_DELETE (watchDirectoryFiles)
+ watchDir := (flags&unix.NOTE_WRITE) == unix.NOTE_WRITE &&
+ (!alreadyWatching || (w.dirFlags[name]&unix.NOTE_WRITE) != unix.NOTE_WRITE)
+ // Store flags so this watch can be updated later
+ w.dirFlags[name] = flags
+ if watchDir {
+ if err := w.watchDirectoryFiles(name); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return name, nil
+// readEvents reads from kqueue and converts the received kevents into
+// Event values that it sends down the Events channel.
+func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
+ eventBuffer := make([]unix.Kevent_t, 10)
+ for {
+ // See if there is a message on the "done" channel
+ select {
+ case <-w.done:
+ err := unix.Close(w.kq)
+ if err != nil {
+ w.Errors <- err
+ }
+ close(w.Events)
+ close(w.Errors)
+ return
+ default:
+ }
+ // Get new events
+ kevents, err := read(w.kq, eventBuffer, &keventWaitTime)
+ // EINTR is okay, the syscall was interrupted before timeout expired.
+ if err != nil && err != unix.EINTR {
+ w.Errors <- err
+ continue
+ }
+ // Flush the events we received to the Events channel
+ for len(kevents) > 0 {
+ kevent := &kevents[0]
+ watchfd := int(kevent.Ident)
+ mask := uint32(kevent.Fflags)
+ path := w.paths[watchfd]
+ event := newEvent(, mask)
+ if path.isDir && !(event.Op&Remove == Remove) {
+ // Double check to make sure the directory exists. This can happen when
+ // we do a rm -fr on a recursively watched folders and we receive a
+ // modification event first but the folder has been deleted and later
+ // receive the delete event
+ if _, err := os.Lstat(event.Name); os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ // mark is as delete event
+ event.Op |= Remove
+ }
+ }
+ if event.Op&Rename == Rename || event.Op&Remove == Remove {
+ w.Remove(event.Name)
+ delete(w.fileExists, event.Name)
+ }
+ if path.isDir && event.Op&Write == Write && !(event.Op&Remove == Remove) {
+ w.sendDirectoryChangeEvents(event.Name)
+ } else {
+ // Send the event on the Events channel
+ w.Events <- event
+ }
+ if event.Op&Remove == Remove {
+ // Look for a file that may have overwritten this.
+ // For example, mv f1 f2 will delete f2, then create f2.
+ if path.isDir {
+ fileDir := filepath.Clean(event.Name)
+ _, found :=[fileDir]
+ if found {
+ // make sure the directory exists before we watch for changes. When we
+ // do a recursive watch and perform rm -fr, the parent directory might
+ // have gone missing, ignore the missing directory and let the
+ // upcoming delete event remove the watch from the parent directory.
+ if _, err := os.Lstat(fileDir); err == nil {
+ w.sendDirectoryChangeEvents(fileDir)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ filePath := filepath.Clean(event.Name)
+ if fileInfo, err := os.Lstat(filePath); err == nil {
+ w.sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filePath, fileInfo)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Move to next event
+ kevents = kevents[1:]
+ }
+ }
+// newEvent returns an platform-independent Event based on kqueue Fflags.
+func newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
+ e := Event{Name: name}
+ if mask&unix.NOTE_DELETE == unix.NOTE_DELETE {
+ e.Op |= Remove
+ }
+ if mask&unix.NOTE_WRITE == unix.NOTE_WRITE {
+ e.Op |= Write
+ }
+ if mask&unix.NOTE_RENAME == unix.NOTE_RENAME {
+ e.Op |= Rename
+ }
+ if mask&unix.NOTE_ATTRIB == unix.NOTE_ATTRIB {
+ e.Op |= Chmod
+ }
+ return e
+func newCreateEvent(name string) Event {
+ return Event{Name: name, Op: Create}
+// watchDirectoryFiles to mimic inotify when adding a watch on a directory
+func (w *Watcher) watchDirectoryFiles(dirPath string) error {
+ // Get all files
+ files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirPath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, fileInfo := range files {
+ filePath := filepath.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name())
+ filePath, err = w.internalWatch(filePath, fileInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.fileExists[filePath] = true
+ }
+ return nil
+// sendDirectoryEvents searches the directory for newly created files
+// and sends them over the event channel. This functionality is to have
+// the BSD version of fsnotify match Linux inotify which provides a
+// create event for files created in a watched directory.
+func (w *Watcher) sendDirectoryChangeEvents(dirPath string) {
+ // Get all files
+ files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirPath)
+ if err != nil {
+ w.Errors <- err
+ }
+ // Search for new files
+ for _, fileInfo := range files {
+ filePath := filepath.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name())
+ err := w.sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filePath, fileInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+// sendFileCreatedEvent sends a create event if the file isn't already being tracked.
+func (w *Watcher) sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filePath string, fileInfo os.FileInfo) (err error) {
+ _, doesExist := w.fileExists[filePath]
+ if !doesExist {
+ // Send create event
+ w.Events <- newCreateEvent(filePath)
+ }
+ // like watchDirectoryFiles (but without doing another ReadDir)
+ filePath, err = w.internalWatch(filePath, fileInfo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ w.fileExists[filePath] = true
+ return nil
+func (w *Watcher) internalWatch(name string, fileInfo os.FileInfo) (string, error) {
+ if fileInfo.IsDir() {
+ // mimic Linux providing delete events for subdirectories
+ // but preserve the flags used if currently watching subdirectory
+ flags := w.dirFlags[name]
+ flags |= unix.NOTE_DELETE | unix.NOTE_RENAME
+ return w.addWatch(name, flags)
+ }
+ // watch file to mimic Linux inotify
+ return w.addWatch(name, noteAllEvents)
+// kqueue creates a new kernel event queue and returns a descriptor.
+func kqueue() (kq int, err error) {
+ kq, err = unix.Kqueue()
+ if kq == -1 {
+ return kq, err
+ }
+ return kq, nil
+// register events with the queue
+func register(kq int, fds []int, flags int, fflags uint32) error {
+ changes := make([]unix.Kevent_t, len(fds))
+ for i, fd := range fds {
+ // SetKevent converts int to the platform-specific types:
+ unix.SetKevent(&changes[i], fd, unix.EVFILT_VNODE, flags)
+ changes[i].Fflags = fflags
+ }
+ // register the events
+ success, err := unix.Kevent(kq, changes, nil, nil)
+ if success == -1 {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// read retrieves pending events, or waits until an event occurs.
+// A timeout of nil blocks indefinitely, while 0 polls the queue.
+func read(kq int, events []unix.Kevent_t, timeout *unix.Timespec) ([]unix.Kevent_t, error) {
+ n, err := unix.Kevent(kq, nil, events, timeout)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return events[0:n], nil
+// durationToTimespec prepares a timeout value
+func durationToTimespec(d time.Duration) unix.Timespec {
+ return unix.NsecToTimespec(d.Nanoseconds())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d8de1451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly
+package fsnotify
+import ""
+const openMode = unix.O_NONBLOCK | unix.O_RDONLY
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9139e1716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build darwin
+package fsnotify
+import ""
+// note: this constant is not defined on BSD
+const openMode = unix.O_EVTONLY
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09436f31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build windows
+package fsnotify
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel.
+type Watcher struct {
+ Events chan Event
+ Errors chan error
+ isClosed bool // Set to true when Close() is first called
+ mu sync.Mutex // Map access
+ port syscall.Handle // Handle to completion port
+ watches watchMap // Map of watches (key: i-number)
+ input chan *input // Inputs to the reader are sent on this channel
+ quit chan chan<- error
+// NewWatcher establishes a new watcher with the underlying OS and begins waiting for events.
+func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
+ port, e := syscall.CreateIoCompletionPort(syscall.InvalidHandle, 0, 0, 0)
+ if e != nil {
+ return nil, os.NewSyscallError("CreateIoCompletionPort", e)
+ }
+ w := &Watcher{
+ port: port,
+ watches: make(watchMap),
+ input: make(chan *input, 1),
+ Events: make(chan Event, 50),
+ Errors: make(chan error),
+ quit: make(chan chan<- error, 1),
+ }
+ go w.readEvents()
+ return w, nil
+// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
+func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
+ if w.isClosed {
+ return nil
+ }
+ w.isClosed = true
+ // Send "quit" message to the reader goroutine
+ ch := make(chan error)
+ w.quit <- ch
+ if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return <-ch
+// Add starts watching the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
+ if w.isClosed {
+ return errors.New("watcher already closed")
+ }
+ in := &input{
+ op: opAddWatch,
+ path: filepath.Clean(name),
+ flags: sysFSALLEVENTS,
+ reply: make(chan error),
+ }
+ w.input <- in
+ if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return <-in.reply
+// Remove stops watching the the named file or directory (non-recursively).
+func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
+ in := &input{
+ op: opRemoveWatch,
+ path: filepath.Clean(name),
+ reply: make(chan error),
+ }
+ w.input <- in
+ if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return <-in.reply
+const (
+ // Options for AddWatch
+ sysFSONESHOT = 0x80000000
+ sysFSONLYDIR = 0x1000000
+ // Events
+ sysFSACCESS = 0x1
+ sysFSALLEVENTS = 0xfff
+ sysFSATTRIB = 0x4
+ sysFSCLOSE = 0x18
+ sysFSCREATE = 0x100
+ sysFSDELETE = 0x200
+ sysFSDELETESELF = 0x400
+ sysFSMODIFY = 0x2
+ sysFSMOVE = 0xc0
+ sysFSMOVEDFROM = 0x40
+ sysFSMOVEDTO = 0x80
+ sysFSMOVESELF = 0x800
+ // Special events
+ sysFSIGNORED = 0x8000
+ sysFSQOVERFLOW = 0x4000
+func newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
+ e := Event{Name: name}
+ if mask&sysFSCREATE == sysFSCREATE || mask&sysFSMOVEDTO == sysFSMOVEDTO {
+ e.Op |= Create
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSDELETE == sysFSDELETE || mask&sysFSDELETESELF == sysFSDELETESELF {
+ e.Op |= Remove
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSMODIFY == sysFSMODIFY {
+ e.Op |= Write
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSMOVE == sysFSMOVE || mask&sysFSMOVESELF == sysFSMOVESELF || mask&sysFSMOVEDFROM == sysFSMOVEDFROM {
+ e.Op |= Rename
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSATTRIB == sysFSATTRIB {
+ e.Op |= Chmod
+ }
+ return e
+const (
+ opAddWatch = iota
+ opRemoveWatch
+const (
+ provisional uint64 = 1 << (32 + iota)
+type input struct {
+ op int
+ path string
+ flags uint32
+ reply chan error
+type inode struct {
+ handle syscall.Handle
+ volume uint32
+ index uint64
+type watch struct {
+ ov syscall.Overlapped
+ ino *inode // i-number
+ path string // Directory path
+ mask uint64 // Directory itself is being watched with these notify flags
+ names map[string]uint64 // Map of names being watched and their notify flags
+ rename string // Remembers the old name while renaming a file
+ buf [4096]byte
+type indexMap map[uint64]*watch
+type watchMap map[uint32]indexMap
+func (w *Watcher) wakeupReader() error {
+ e := syscall.PostQueuedCompletionStatus(w.port, 0, 0, nil)
+ if e != nil {
+ return os.NewSyscallError("PostQueuedCompletionStatus", e)
+ }
+ return nil
+func getDir(pathname string) (dir string, err error) {
+ attr, e := syscall.GetFileAttributes(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(pathname))
+ if e != nil {
+ return "", os.NewSyscallError("GetFileAttributes", e)
+ }
+ if attr&syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 {
+ dir = pathname
+ } else {
+ dir, _ = filepath.Split(pathname)
+ dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
+ }
+ return
+func getIno(path string) (ino *inode, err error) {
+ h, e := syscall.CreateFile(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(path),
+ nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING,
+ if e != nil {
+ return nil, os.NewSyscallError("CreateFile", e)
+ }
+ var fi syscall.ByHandleFileInformation
+ if e = syscall.GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &fi); e != nil {
+ syscall.CloseHandle(h)
+ return nil, os.NewSyscallError("GetFileInformationByHandle", e)
+ }
+ ino = &inode{
+ handle: h,
+ volume: fi.VolumeSerialNumber,
+ index: uint64(fi.FileIndexHigh)<<32 | uint64(fi.FileIndexLow),
+ }
+ return ino, nil
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (m watchMap) get(ino *inode) *watch {
+ if i := m[ino.volume]; i != nil {
+ return i[ino.index]
+ }
+ return nil
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (m watchMap) set(ino *inode, watch *watch) {
+ i := m[ino.volume]
+ if i == nil {
+ i = make(indexMap)
+ m[ino.volume] = i
+ }
+ i[ino.index] = watch
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (w *Watcher) addWatch(pathname string, flags uint64) error {
+ dir, err := getDir(pathname)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if flags&sysFSONLYDIR != 0 && pathname != dir {
+ return nil
+ }
+ ino, err := getIno(dir)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ watchEntry :=
+ if watchEntry == nil {
+ if _, e := syscall.CreateIoCompletionPort(ino.handle, w.port, 0, 0); e != nil {
+ syscall.CloseHandle(ino.handle)
+ return os.NewSyscallError("CreateIoCompletionPort", e)
+ }
+ watchEntry = &watch{
+ ino: ino,
+ path: dir,
+ names: make(map[string]uint64),
+ }
+, watchEntry)
+ flags |= provisional
+ } else {
+ syscall.CloseHandle(ino.handle)
+ }
+ if pathname == dir {
+ watchEntry.mask |= flags
+ } else {
+ watchEntry.names[filepath.Base(pathname)] |= flags
+ }
+ if err = w.startRead(watchEntry); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if pathname == dir {
+ watchEntry.mask &= ^provisional
+ } else {
+ watchEntry.names[filepath.Base(pathname)] &= ^provisional
+ }
+ return nil
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (w *Watcher) remWatch(pathname string) error {
+ dir, err := getDir(pathname)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ ino, err := getIno(dir)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ watch :=
+ if watch == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("can't remove non-existent watch for: %s", pathname)
+ }
+ if pathname == dir {
+ w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSIGNORED)
+ watch.mask = 0
+ } else {
+ name := filepath.Base(pathname)
+ w.sendEvent(filepath.Join(watch.path, name), watch.names[name]&sysFSIGNORED)
+ delete(watch.names, name)
+ }
+ return w.startRead(watch)
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (w *Watcher) deleteWatch(watch *watch) {
+ for name, mask := range watch.names {
+ if mask&provisional == 0 {
+ w.sendEvent(filepath.Join(watch.path, name), mask&sysFSIGNORED)
+ }
+ delete(watch.names, name)
+ }
+ if watch.mask != 0 {
+ if watch.mask&provisional == 0 {
+ w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSIGNORED)
+ }
+ watch.mask = 0
+ }
+// Must run within the I/O thread.
+func (w *Watcher) startRead(watch *watch) error {
+ if e := syscall.CancelIo(watch.ino.handle); e != nil {
+ w.Errors <- os.NewSyscallError("CancelIo", e)
+ w.deleteWatch(watch)
+ }
+ mask := toWindowsFlags(watch.mask)
+ for _, m := range watch.names {
+ mask |= toWindowsFlags(m)
+ }
+ if mask == 0 {
+ if e := syscall.CloseHandle(watch.ino.handle); e != nil {
+ w.Errors <- os.NewSyscallError("CloseHandle", e)
+ }
+ delete([watch.ino.volume], watch.ino.index)
+ return nil
+ }
+ e := syscall.ReadDirectoryChanges(watch.ino.handle, &watch.buf[0],
+ uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(watch.buf)), false, mask, nil, &watch.ov, 0)
+ if e != nil {
+ err := os.NewSyscallError("ReadDirectoryChanges", e)
+ if e == syscall.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && watch.mask&provisional == 0 {
+ // Watched directory was probably removed
+ if w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSDELETESELF) {
+ if watch.mask&sysFSONESHOT != 0 {
+ watch.mask = 0
+ }
+ }
+ err = nil
+ }
+ w.deleteWatch(watch)
+ w.startRead(watch)
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// readEvents reads from the I/O completion port, converts the
+// received events into Event objects and sends them via the Events channel.
+// Entry point to the I/O thread.
+func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
+ var (
+ n, key uint32
+ ov *syscall.Overlapped
+ )
+ runtime.LockOSThread()
+ for {
+ e := syscall.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(w.port, &n, &key, &ov, syscall.INFINITE)
+ watch := (*watch)(unsafe.Pointer(ov))
+ if watch == nil {
+ select {
+ case ch := <-w.quit:
+ var indexes []indexMap
+ for _, index := range {
+ indexes = append(indexes, index)
+ }
+ for _, index := range indexes {
+ for _, watch := range index {
+ w.deleteWatch(watch)
+ w.startRead(watch)
+ }
+ }
+ var err error
+ if e := syscall.CloseHandle(w.port); e != nil {
+ err = os.NewSyscallError("CloseHandle", e)
+ }
+ close(w.Events)
+ close(w.Errors)
+ ch <- err
+ return
+ case in := <-w.input:
+ switch in.op {
+ case opAddWatch:
+ in.reply <- w.addWatch(in.path, uint64(in.flags))
+ case opRemoveWatch:
+ in.reply <- w.remWatch(in.path)
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ switch e {
+ case syscall.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
+ if watch == nil {
+ w.Errors <- errors.New("ERROR_MORE_DATA has unexpectedly null lpOverlapped buffer")
+ } else {
+ // The i/o succeeded but the buffer is full.
+ // In theory we should be building up a full packet.
+ // In practice we can get away with just carrying on.
+ n = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(watch.buf))
+ }
+ case syscall.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
+ // Watched directory was probably removed
+ w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSDELETESELF)
+ w.deleteWatch(watch)
+ w.startRead(watch)
+ continue
+ // CancelIo was called on this handle
+ continue
+ default:
+ w.Errors <- os.NewSyscallError("GetQueuedCompletionPort", e)
+ continue
+ case nil:
+ }
+ var offset uint32
+ for {
+ if n == 0 {
+ w.Events <- newEvent("", sysFSQOVERFLOW)
+ w.Errors <- errors.New("short read in readEvents()")
+ break
+ }
+ // Point "raw" to the event in the buffer
+ raw := (*syscall.FileNotifyInformation)(unsafe.Pointer(&watch.buf[offset]))
+ buf := (*[syscall.MAX_PATH]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&raw.FileName))
+ name := syscall.UTF16ToString(buf[:raw.FileNameLength/2])
+ fullname := filepath.Join(watch.path, name)
+ var mask uint64
+ switch raw.Action {
+ case syscall.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED:
+ mask = sysFSDELETESELF
+ case syscall.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED:
+ mask = sysFSMODIFY
+ watch.rename = name
+ if watch.names[watch.rename] != 0 {
+ watch.names[name] |= watch.names[watch.rename]
+ delete(watch.names, watch.rename)
+ mask = sysFSMOVESELF
+ }
+ }
+ sendNameEvent := func() {
+ if w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.names[name]&mask) {
+ if watch.names[name]&sysFSONESHOT != 0 {
+ delete(watch.names, name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if raw.Action != syscall.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME {
+ sendNameEvent()
+ }
+ if raw.Action == syscall.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED {
+ w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.names[name]&sysFSIGNORED)
+ delete(watch.names, name)
+ }
+ if w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.mask&toFSnotifyFlags(raw.Action)) {
+ if watch.mask&sysFSONESHOT != 0 {
+ watch.mask = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if raw.Action == syscall.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME {
+ fullname = filepath.Join(watch.path, watch.rename)
+ sendNameEvent()
+ }
+ // Move to the next event in the buffer
+ if raw.NextEntryOffset == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ offset += raw.NextEntryOffset
+ // Error!
+ if offset >= n {
+ w.Errors <- errors.New("Windows system assumed buffer larger than it is, events have likely been missed.")
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if err := w.startRead(watch); err != nil {
+ w.Errors <- err
+ }
+ }
+func (w *Watcher) sendEvent(name string, mask uint64) bool {
+ if mask == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ event := newEvent(name, uint32(mask))
+ select {
+ case ch := <-w.quit:
+ w.quit <- ch
+ case w.Events <- event:
+ }
+ return true
+func toWindowsFlags(mask uint64) uint32 {
+ var m uint32
+ if mask&sysFSACCESS != 0 {
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSMODIFY != 0 {
+ }
+ if mask&sysFSATTRIB != 0 {
+ }
+ if mask&(sysFSMOVE|sysFSCREATE|sysFSDELETE) != 0 {
+ }
+ return m
+func toFSnotifyFlags(action uint32) uint64 {
+ switch action {
+ case syscall.FILE_ACTION_ADDED:
+ return sysFSCREATE
+ case syscall.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED:
+ return sysFSDELETE
+ case syscall.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED:
+ return sysFSMODIFY
+ return sysFSMOVEDFROM
+ return sysFSMOVEDTO
+ }
+ return 0
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87a5cede3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Péter Surányi. Portions Copyright (c) 2009 The Go
+Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b4afedf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+// Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements "infinite-precision" decimal
+// arithmetic.
+// "Infinite precision" describes two characteristics: practically unlimited
+// precision for decimal number representation and no support for calculating
+// with any specific fixed precision.
+// (Although there is no practical limit on precision, inf.Dec can only
+// represent finite decimals.)
+// This package is currently in experimental stage and the API may change.
+// This package does NOT support:
+// - rounding to specific precisions (as opposed to specific decimal positions)
+// - the notion of context (each rounding must be explicit)
+// - NaN and Inf values, and distinguishing between positive and negative zero
+// - conversions to and from float32/64 types
+// Features considered for possible addition:
+// + formatting options
+// + Exp method
+// + combined operations such as AddRound/MulAdd etc
+// + exchanging data in decimal32/64/128 formats
+package inf // import ""
+// TODO:
+// - avoid excessive deep copying (quo and rounders)
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math/big"
+ "strings"
+// A Dec represents a signed arbitrary-precision decimal.
+// It is a combination of a sign, an arbitrary-precision integer coefficient
+// value, and a signed fixed-precision exponent value.
+// The sign and the coefficient value are handled together as a signed value
+// and referred to as the unscaled value.
+// (Positive and negative zero values are not distinguished.)
+// Since the exponent is most commonly non-positive, it is handled in negated
+// form and referred to as scale.
+// The mathematical value of a Dec equals:
+// unscaled * 10**(-scale)
+// Note that different Dec representations may have equal mathematical values.
+// unscaled scale String()
+// -------------------------
+// 0 0 "0"
+// 0 2 "0.00"
+// 0 -2 "0"
+// 1 0 "1"
+// 100 2 "1.00"
+// 10 0 "10"
+// 1 -1 "10"
+// The zero value for a Dec represents the value 0 with scale 0.
+// Operations are typically performed through the *Dec type.
+// The semantics of the assignment operation "=" for "bare" Dec values is
+// undefined and should not be relied on.
+// Methods are typically of the form:
+// func (z *Dec) Op(x, y *Dec) *Dec
+// and implement operations z = x Op y with the result as receiver; if it
+// is one of the operands it may be overwritten (and its memory reused).
+// To enable chaining of operations, the result is also returned. Methods
+// returning a result other than *Dec take one of the operands as the receiver.
+// A "bare" Quo method (quotient / division operation) is not provided, as the
+// result is not always a finite decimal and thus in general cannot be
+// represented as a Dec.
+// Instead, in the common case when rounding is (potentially) necessary,
+// QuoRound should be used with a Scale and a Rounder.
+// QuoExact or QuoRound with RoundExact can be used in the special cases when it
+// is known that the result is always a finite decimal.
+type Dec struct {
+ unscaled big.Int
+ scale Scale
+// Scale represents the type used for the scale of a Dec.
+type Scale int32
+const scaleSize = 4 // bytes in a Scale value
+// Scaler represents a method for obtaining the scale to use for the result of
+// an operation on x and y.
+type scaler interface {
+ Scale(x *Dec, y *Dec) Scale
+var bigInt = [...]*big.Int{
+ big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3), big.NewInt(4),
+ big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(6), big.NewInt(7), big.NewInt(8), big.NewInt(9),
+ big.NewInt(10),
+var exp10cache [64]big.Int = func() [64]big.Int {
+ e10, e10i := [64]big.Int{}, bigInt[1]
+ for i, _ := range e10 {
+ e10[i].Set(e10i)
+ e10i = new(big.Int).Mul(e10i, bigInt[10])
+ }
+ return e10
+// NewDec allocates and returns a new Dec set to the given int64 unscaled value
+// and scale.
+func NewDec(unscaled int64, scale Scale) *Dec {
+ return new(Dec).SetUnscaled(unscaled).SetScale(scale)
+// NewDecBig allocates and returns a new Dec set to the given *big.Int unscaled
+// value and scale.
+func NewDecBig(unscaled *big.Int, scale Scale) *Dec {
+ return new(Dec).SetUnscaledBig(unscaled).SetScale(scale)
+// Scale returns the scale of x.
+func (x *Dec) Scale() Scale {
+ return x.scale
+// Unscaled returns the unscaled value of x for u and true for ok when the
+// unscaled value can be represented as int64; otherwise it returns an undefined
+// int64 value for u and false for ok. Use x.UnscaledBig().Int64() to avoid
+// checking the validity of the value when the check is known to be redundant.
+func (x *Dec) Unscaled() (u int64, ok bool) {
+ u = x.unscaled.Int64()
+ var i big.Int
+ ok = i.SetInt64(u).Cmp(&x.unscaled) == 0
+ return
+// UnscaledBig returns the unscaled value of x as *big.Int.
+func (x *Dec) UnscaledBig() *big.Int {
+ return &x.unscaled
+// SetScale sets the scale of z, with the unscaled value unchanged, and returns
+// z.
+// The mathematical value of the Dec changes as if it was multiplied by
+// 10**(oldscale-scale).
+func (z *Dec) SetScale(scale Scale) *Dec {
+ z.scale = scale
+ return z
+// SetUnscaled sets the unscaled value of z, with the scale unchanged, and
+// returns z.
+func (z *Dec) SetUnscaled(unscaled int64) *Dec {
+ z.unscaled.SetInt64(unscaled)
+ return z
+// SetUnscaledBig sets the unscaled value of z, with the scale unchanged, and
+// returns z.
+func (z *Dec) SetUnscaledBig(unscaled *big.Int) *Dec {
+ z.unscaled.Set(unscaled)
+ return z
+// Set sets z to the value of x and returns z.
+// It does nothing if z == x.
+func (z *Dec) Set(x *Dec) *Dec {
+ if z != x {
+ z.SetUnscaledBig(x.UnscaledBig())
+ z.SetScale(x.Scale())
+ }
+ return z
+// Sign returns:
+// -1 if x < 0
+// 0 if x == 0
+// +1 if x > 0
+func (x *Dec) Sign() int {
+ return x.UnscaledBig().Sign()
+// Neg sets z to -x and returns z.
+func (z *Dec) Neg(x *Dec) *Dec {
+ z.SetScale(x.Scale())
+ z.UnscaledBig().Neg(x.UnscaledBig())
+ return z
+// Cmp compares x and y and returns:
+// -1 if x < y
+// 0 if x == y
+// +1 if x > y
+func (x *Dec) Cmp(y *Dec) int {
+ xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
+ return xx.UnscaledBig().Cmp(yy.UnscaledBig())
+// Abs sets z to |x| (the absolute value of x) and returns z.
+func (z *Dec) Abs(x *Dec) *Dec {
+ z.SetScale(x.Scale())
+ z.UnscaledBig().Abs(x.UnscaledBig())
+ return z
+// Add sets z to the sum x+y and returns z.
+// The scale of z is the greater of the scales of x and y.
+func (z *Dec) Add(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
+ xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
+ z.SetScale(xx.Scale())
+ z.UnscaledBig().Add(xx.UnscaledBig(), yy.UnscaledBig())
+ return z
+// Sub sets z to the difference x-y and returns z.
+// The scale of z is the greater of the scales of x and y.
+func (z *Dec) Sub(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
+ xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
+ z.SetScale(xx.Scale())
+ z.UnscaledBig().Sub(xx.UnscaledBig(), yy.UnscaledBig())
+ return z
+// Mul sets z to the product x*y and returns z.
+// The scale of z is the sum of the scales of x and y.
+func (z *Dec) Mul(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
+ z.SetScale(x.Scale() + y.Scale())
+ z.UnscaledBig().Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), y.UnscaledBig())
+ return z
+// Round sets z to the value of x rounded to Scale s using Rounder r, and
+// returns z.
+func (z *Dec) Round(x *Dec, s Scale, r Rounder) *Dec {
+ return z.QuoRound(x, NewDec(1, 0), s, r)
+// QuoRound sets z to the quotient x/y, rounded using the given Rounder to the
+// specified scale.
+// If the rounder is RoundExact but the result can not be expressed exactly at
+// the specified scale, QuoRound returns nil, and the value of z is undefined.
+// There is no corresponding Div method; the equivalent can be achieved through
+// the choice of Rounder used.
+func (z *Dec) QuoRound(x, y *Dec, s Scale, r Rounder) *Dec {
+ return z.quo(x, y, sclr{s}, r)
+func (z *Dec) quo(x, y *Dec, s scaler, r Rounder) *Dec {
+ scl := s.Scale(x, y)
+ var zzz *Dec
+ if r.UseRemainder() {
+ zz, rA, rB := new(Dec).quoRem(x, y, scl, true, new(big.Int), new(big.Int))
+ zzz = r.Round(new(Dec), zz, rA, rB)
+ } else {
+ zz, _, _ := new(Dec).quoRem(x, y, scl, false, nil, nil)
+ zzz = r.Round(new(Dec), zz, nil, nil)
+ }
+ if zzz == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return z.Set(zzz)
+// QuoExact sets z to the quotient x/y and returns z when x/y is a finite
+// decimal. Otherwise it returns nil and the value of z is undefined.
+// The scale of a non-nil result is "x.Scale() - y.Scale()" or greater; it is
+// calculated so that the remainder will be zero whenever x/y is a finite
+// decimal.
+func (z *Dec) QuoExact(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
+ return z.quo(x, y, scaleQuoExact{}, RoundExact)
+// quoRem sets z to the quotient x/y with the scale s, and if useRem is true,
+// it sets remNum and remDen to the numerator and denominator of the remainder.
+// It returns z, remNum and remDen.
+// The remainder is normalized to the range -1 < r < 1 to simplify rounding;
+// that is, the results satisfy the following equation:
+// x / y = z + (remNum/remDen) * 10**(-z.Scale())
+// See Rounder for more details about rounding.
+func (z *Dec) quoRem(x, y *Dec, s Scale, useRem bool,
+ remNum, remDen *big.Int) (*Dec, *big.Int, *big.Int) {
+ // difference (required adjustment) compared to "canonical" result scale
+ shift := s - (x.Scale() - y.Scale())
+ // pointers to adjusted unscaled dividend and divisor
+ var ix, iy *big.Int
+ switch {
+ case shift > 0:
+ // increased scale: decimal-shift dividend left
+ ix = new(big.Int).Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), exp10(shift))
+ iy = y.UnscaledBig()
+ case shift < 0:
+ // decreased scale: decimal-shift divisor left
+ ix = x.UnscaledBig()
+ iy = new(big.Int).Mul(y.UnscaledBig(), exp10(-shift))
+ default:
+ ix = x.UnscaledBig()
+ iy = y.UnscaledBig()
+ }
+ // save a copy of iy in case it to be overwritten with the result
+ iy2 := iy
+ if iy == z.UnscaledBig() {
+ iy2 = new(big.Int).Set(iy)
+ }
+ // set scale
+ z.SetScale(s)
+ // set unscaled
+ if useRem {
+ // Int division
+ _, intr := z.UnscaledBig().QuoRem(ix, iy, new(big.Int))
+ // set remainder
+ remNum.Set(intr)
+ remDen.Set(iy2)
+ } else {
+ z.UnscaledBig().Quo(ix, iy)
+ }
+ return z, remNum, remDen
+type sclr struct{ s Scale }
+func (s sclr) Scale(x, y *Dec) Scale {
+ return s.s
+type scaleQuoExact struct{}
+func (sqe scaleQuoExact) Scale(x, y *Dec) Scale {
+ rem := new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.UnscaledBig(), y.UnscaledBig())
+ f2, f5 := factor2(rem.Denom()), factor(rem.Denom(), bigInt[5])
+ var f10 Scale
+ if f2 > f5 {
+ f10 = Scale(f2)
+ } else {
+ f10 = Scale(f5)
+ }
+ return x.Scale() - y.Scale() + f10
+func factor(n *big.Int, p *big.Int) int {
+ // could be improved for large factors
+ d, f := n, 0
+ for {
+ dd, dm := new(big.Int).DivMod(d, p, new(big.Int))
+ if dm.Sign() == 0 {
+ f++
+ d = dd
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+func factor2(n *big.Int) int {
+ // could be improved for large factors
+ f := 0
+ for ; n.Bit(f) == 0; f++ {
+ }
+ return f
+func upscale(a, b *Dec) (*Dec, *Dec) {
+ if a.Scale() == b.Scale() {
+ return a, b
+ }
+ if a.Scale() > b.Scale() {
+ bb := b.rescale(a.Scale())
+ return a, bb
+ }
+ aa := a.rescale(b.Scale())
+ return aa, b
+func exp10(x Scale) *big.Int {
+ if int(x) < len(exp10cache) {
+ return &exp10cache[int(x)]
+ }
+ return new(big.Int).Exp(bigInt[10], big.NewInt(int64(x)), nil)
+func (x *Dec) rescale(newScale Scale) *Dec {
+ shift := newScale - x.Scale()
+ switch {
+ case shift < 0:
+ e := exp10(-shift)
+ return NewDecBig(new(big.Int).Quo(x.UnscaledBig(), e), newScale)
+ case shift > 0:
+ e := exp10(shift)
+ return NewDecBig(new(big.Int).Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), e), newScale)
+ }
+ return x
+var zeros = []byte("00000000000000000000000000000000" +
+ "00000000000000000000000000000000")
+var lzeros = Scale(len(zeros))
+func appendZeros(s []byte, n Scale) []byte {
+ for i := Scale(0); i < n; i += lzeros {
+ if n > i+lzeros {
+ s = append(s, zeros...)
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, zeros[0:n-i]...)
+ }
+ }
+ return s
+func (x *Dec) String() string {
+ if x == nil {
+ return "<nil>"
+ }
+ scale := x.Scale()
+ s := []byte(x.UnscaledBig().String())
+ if scale <= 0 {
+ if scale != 0 && x.unscaled.Sign() != 0 {
+ s = appendZeros(s, -scale)
+ }
+ return string(s)
+ }
+ negbit := Scale(-((x.Sign() - 1) / 2))
+ // scale > 0
+ lens := Scale(len(s))
+ if lens-negbit <= scale {
+ ss := make([]byte, 0, scale+2)
+ if negbit == 1 {
+ ss = append(ss, '-')
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, '0', '.')
+ ss = appendZeros(ss, scale-lens+negbit)
+ ss = append(ss, s[negbit:]...)
+ return string(ss)
+ }
+ // lens > scale
+ ss := make([]byte, 0, lens+1)
+ ss = append(ss, s[:lens-scale]...)
+ ss = append(ss, '.')
+ ss = append(ss, s[lens-scale:]...)
+ return string(ss)
+// Format is a support routine for fmt.Formatter. It accepts the decimal
+// formats 'd' and 'f', and handles both equivalently.
+// Width, precision, flags and bases 2, 8, 16 are not supported.
+func (x *Dec) Format(s fmt.State, ch rune) {
+ if ch != 'd' && ch != 'f' && ch != 'v' && ch != 's' {
+ fmt.Fprintf(s, "%%!%c(dec.Dec=%s)", ch, x.String())
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(s, x.String())
+func (z *Dec) scan(r io.RuneScanner) (*Dec, error) {
+ unscaled := make([]byte, 0, 256) // collects chars of unscaled as bytes
+ dp, dg := -1, -1 // indexes of decimal point, first digit
+ for {
+ ch, _, err := r.ReadRune()
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break loop
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ switch {
+ case ch == '+' || ch == '-':
+ if len(unscaled) > 0 || dp >= 0 { // must be first character
+ r.UnreadRune()
+ break loop
+ }
+ case ch == '.':
+ if dp >= 0 {
+ r.UnreadRune()
+ break loop
+ }
+ dp = len(unscaled)
+ continue // don't add to unscaled
+ case ch >= '0' && ch <= '9':
+ if dg == -1 {
+ dg = len(unscaled)
+ }
+ default:
+ r.UnreadRune()
+ break loop
+ }
+ unscaled = append(unscaled, byte(ch))
+ }
+ if dg == -1 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("no digits read")
+ }
+ if dp >= 0 {
+ z.SetScale(Scale(len(unscaled) - dp))
+ } else {
+ z.SetScale(0)
+ }
+ _, ok := z.UnscaledBig().SetString(string(unscaled), 10)
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid decimal: %s", string(unscaled))
+ }
+ return z, nil
+// SetString sets z to the value of s, interpreted as a decimal (base 10),
+// and returns z and a boolean indicating success. The scale of z is the
+// number of digits after the decimal point (including any trailing 0s),
+// or 0 if there is no decimal point. If SetString fails, the value of z
+// is undefined but the returned value is nil.
+func (z *Dec) SetString(s string) (*Dec, bool) {
+ r := strings.NewReader(s)
+ _, err := z.scan(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, false
+ }
+ _, _, err = r.ReadRune()
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, false
+ }
+ // err == io.EOF => scan consumed all of s
+ return z, true
+// Scan is a support routine for fmt.Scanner; it sets z to the value of
+// the scanned number. It accepts the decimal formats 'd' and 'f', and
+// handles both equivalently. Bases 2, 8, 16 are not supported.
+// The scale of z is the number of digits after the decimal point
+// (including any trailing 0s), or 0 if there is no decimal point.
+func (z *Dec) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error {
+ if ch != 'd' && ch != 'f' && ch != 's' && ch != 'v' {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Dec.Scan: invalid verb '%c'", ch)
+ }
+ s.SkipSpace()
+ _, err := z.scan(s)
+ return err
+// Gob encoding version
+const decGobVersion byte = 1
+func scaleBytes(s Scale) []byte {
+ buf := make([]byte, scaleSize)
+ i := scaleSize
+ for j := 0; j < scaleSize; j++ {
+ i--
+ buf[i] = byte(s)
+ s >>= 8
+ }
+ return buf
+func scale(b []byte) (s Scale) {
+ for j := 0; j < scaleSize; j++ {
+ s <<= 8
+ s |= Scale(b[j])
+ }
+ return
+// GobEncode implements the gob.GobEncoder interface.
+func (x *Dec) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
+ buf, err := x.UnscaledBig().GobEncode()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ buf = append(append(buf, scaleBytes(x.Scale())...), decGobVersion)
+ return buf, nil
+// GobDecode implements the gob.GobDecoder interface.
+func (z *Dec) GobDecode(buf []byte) error {
+ if len(buf) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Dec.GobDecode: no data")
+ }
+ b := buf[len(buf)-1]
+ if b != decGobVersion {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Dec.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b)
+ }
+ l := len(buf) - scaleSize - 1
+ err := z.UnscaledBig().GobDecode(buf[:l])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ z.SetScale(scale(buf[l : l+scaleSize]))
+ return nil
+// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
+func (x *Dec) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
+ return []byte(x.String()), nil
+// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
+func (z *Dec) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
+ _, ok := z.SetString(string(data))
+ if !ok {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid inf.Dec")
+ }
+ return nil
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a97ef529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package inf
+import (
+ "math/big"
+// Rounder represents a method for rounding the (possibly infinite decimal)
+// result of a division to a finite Dec. It is used by Dec.Round() and
+// Dec.Quo().
+// See the Example for results of using each Rounder with some sample values.
+type Rounder rounder
+// See for more detailed
+// definitions of these rounding modes.
+var (
+ RoundDown Rounder // towards 0
+ RoundUp Rounder // away from 0
+ RoundFloor Rounder // towards -infinity
+ RoundCeil Rounder // towards +infinity
+ RoundHalfDown Rounder // to nearest; towards 0 if same distance
+ RoundHalfUp Rounder // to nearest; away from 0 if same distance
+ RoundHalfEven Rounder // to nearest; even last digit if same distance
+// RoundExact is to be used in the case when rounding is not necessary.
+// When used with Quo or Round, it returns the result verbatim when it can be
+// expressed exactly with the given precision, and it returns nil otherwise.
+// QuoExact is a shorthand for using Quo with RoundExact.
+var RoundExact Rounder
+type rounder interface {
+ // When UseRemainder() returns true, the Round() method is passed the
+ // remainder of the division, expressed as the numerator and denominator of
+ // a rational.
+ UseRemainder() bool
+ // Round sets the rounded value of a quotient to z, and returns z.
+ // quo is rounded down (truncated towards zero) to the scale obtained from
+ // the Scaler in Quo().
+ //
+ // When the remainder is not used, remNum and remDen are nil.
+ // When used, the remainder is normalized between -1 and 1; that is:
+ //
+ // -|remDen| < remNum < |remDen|
+ //
+ // remDen has the same sign as y, and remNum is zero or has the same sign
+ // as x.
+ Round(z, quo *Dec, remNum, remDen *big.Int) *Dec
+type rndr struct {
+ useRem bool
+ round func(z, quo *Dec, remNum, remDen *big.Int) *Dec
+func (r rndr) UseRemainder() bool {
+ return r.useRem
+func (r rndr) Round(z, quo *Dec, remNum, remDen *big.Int) *Dec {
+ return r.round(z, quo, remNum, remDen)
+var intSign = []*big.Int{big.NewInt(-1), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1)}
+func roundHalf(f func(c int, odd uint) (roundUp bool)) func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ return func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ z.Set(q)
+ brA, brB := rA.BitLen(), rB.BitLen()
+ if brA < brB-1 {
+ // brA < brB-1 => |rA| < |rB/2|
+ return z
+ }
+ roundUp := false
+ srA, srB := rA.Sign(), rB.Sign()
+ s := srA * srB
+ if brA == brB-1 {
+ rA2 := new(big.Int).Lsh(rA, 1)
+ if s < 0 {
+ rA2.Neg(rA2)
+ }
+ roundUp = f(rA2.Cmp(rB)*srB, z.UnscaledBig().Bit(0))
+ } else {
+ // brA > brB-1 => |rA| > |rB/2|
+ roundUp = true
+ }
+ if roundUp {
+ z.UnscaledBig().Add(z.UnscaledBig(), intSign[s+1])
+ }
+ return z
+ }
+func init() {
+ RoundExact = rndr{true,
+ func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ if rA.Sign() != 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return z.Set(q)
+ }}
+ RoundDown = rndr{false,
+ func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ return z.Set(q)
+ }}
+ RoundUp = rndr{true,
+ func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ z.Set(q)
+ if rA.Sign() != 0 {
+ z.UnscaledBig().Add(z.UnscaledBig(), intSign[rA.Sign()*rB.Sign()+1])
+ }
+ return z
+ }}
+ RoundFloor = rndr{true,
+ func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ z.Set(q)
+ if rA.Sign()*rB.Sign() < 0 {
+ z.UnscaledBig().Add(z.UnscaledBig(), intSign[0])
+ }
+ return z
+ }}
+ RoundCeil = rndr{true,
+ func(z, q *Dec, rA, rB *big.Int) *Dec {
+ z.Set(q)
+ if rA.Sign()*rB.Sign() > 0 {
+ z.UnscaledBig().Add(z.UnscaledBig(), intSign[2])
+ }
+ return z
+ }}
+ RoundHalfDown = rndr{true, roundHalf(
+ func(c int, odd uint) bool {
+ return c > 0
+ })}
+ RoundHalfUp = rndr{true, roundHalf(
+ func(c int, odd uint) bool {
+ return c >= 0
+ })}
+ RoundHalfEven = rndr{true, roundHalf(
+ func(c int, odd uint) bool {
+ return c > 0 || c == 0 && odd == 1
+ })}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01ba7d041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+mgo - MongoDB driver for Go
+Copyright (c) 2010-2013 - Gustavo Niemeyer <>
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4e452c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The MongoDB driver for Go
+Please go to []( for all project details.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8be0bc459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// +build !windows
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sasl/sasl.h>
+static int mgo_sasl_simple(void *context, int id, const char **result, unsigned int *len)
+ if (!result) {
+ }
+ switch (id) {
+ case SASL_CB_USER:
+ *result = (char *)context;
+ break;
+ *result = (char *)context;
+ break;
+ *result = NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ *len = *result ? strlen(*result) : 0;
+ }
+ return SASL_OK;
+typedef int (*callback)(void);
+static int mgo_sasl_secret(sasl_conn_t *conn, void *context, int id, sasl_secret_t **result)
+ if (!conn || !result || id != SASL_CB_PASS) {
+ }
+ *result = (sasl_secret_t *)context;
+ return SASL_OK;
+sasl_callback_t *mgo_sasl_callbacks(const char *username, const char *password)
+ sasl_callback_t *cb = malloc(4 * sizeof(sasl_callback_t));
+ int n = 0;
+ size_t len = strlen(password);
+ sasl_secret_t *secret = (sasl_secret_t*)malloc(sizeof(sasl_secret_t) + len);
+ if (!secret) {
+ free(cb);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ strcpy((char *)secret->data, password);
+ secret->len = len;
+ cb[n].id = SASL_CB_PASS;
+ cb[n].proc = (callback)&mgo_sasl_secret;
+ cb[n].context = secret;
+ n++;
+ cb[n].id = SASL_CB_USER;
+ cb[n].proc = (callback)&mgo_sasl_simple;
+ cb[n].context = (char*)username;
+ n++;
+ cb[n].id = SASL_CB_AUTHNAME;
+ cb[n].proc = (callback)&mgo_sasl_simple;
+ cb[n].context = (char*)username;
+ n++;
+ cb[n].id = SASL_CB_LIST_END;
+ cb[n].proc = NULL;
+ cb[n].context = NULL;
+ return cb;
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8375dddf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Package sasl is an implementation detail of the mgo package.
+// This package is not meant to be used by itself.
+// +build !windows
+package sasl
+// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lsasl2
+// struct sasl_conn {};
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+// #include <sasl/sasl.h>
+// sasl_callback_t *mgo_sasl_callbacks(const char *username, const char *password);
+import "C"
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "unsafe"
+type saslStepper interface {
+ Step(serverData []byte) (clientData []byte, done bool, err error)
+ Close()
+type saslSession struct {
+ conn *C.sasl_conn_t
+ step int
+ mech string
+ cstrings []*C.char
+ callbacks *C.sasl_callback_t
+var initError error
+var initOnce sync.Once
+func initSASL() {
+ rc := C.sasl_client_init(nil)
+ if rc != C.SASL_OK {
+ initError = saslError(rc, nil, "cannot initialize SASL library")
+ }
+func New(username, password, mechanism, service, host string) (saslStepper, error) {
+ initOnce.Do(initSASL)
+ if initError != nil {
+ return nil, initError
+ }
+ ss := &saslSession{mech: mechanism}
+ if service == "" {
+ service = "mongodb"
+ }
+ if i := strings.Index(host, ":"); i >= 0 {
+ host = host[:i]
+ }
+ ss.callbacks = C.mgo_sasl_callbacks(ss.cstr(username), ss.cstr(password))
+ rc := C.sasl_client_new(ss.cstr(service), ss.cstr(host), nil, nil, ss.callbacks, 0, &ss.conn)
+ if rc != C.SASL_OK {
+ ss.Close()
+ return nil, saslError(rc, nil, "cannot create new SASL client")
+ }
+ return ss, nil
+func (ss *saslSession) cstr(s string) *C.char {
+ cstr := C.CString(s)
+ ss.cstrings = append(ss.cstrings, cstr)
+ return cstr
+func (ss *saslSession) Close() {
+ for _, cstr := range ss.cstrings {
+ }
+ ss.cstrings = nil
+ if ss.callbacks != nil {
+ }
+ // The documentation of SASL dispose makes it clear that this should only
+ // be done when the connection is done, not when the authentication phase
+ // is done, because an encryption layer may have been negotiated.
+ // Even then, we'll do this for now, because it's simpler and prevents
+ // keeping track of this state for every socket. If it breaks, we'll fix it.
+ C.sasl_dispose(&ss.conn)
+func (ss *saslSession) Step(serverData []byte) (clientData []byte, done bool, err error) {
+ ss.step++
+ if ss.step > 10 {
+ return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("too many SASL steps without authentication")
+ }
+ var cclientData *C.char
+ var cclientDataLen C.uint
+ var rc
+ if ss.step == 1 {
+ var mechanism *C.char // ignored - must match cred
+ rc = C.sasl_client_start(ss.conn, ss.cstr(ss.mech), nil, &cclientData, &cclientDataLen, &mechanism)
+ } else {
+ var cserverData *C.char
+ var cserverDataLen C.uint
+ if len(serverData) > 0 {
+ cserverData = (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&serverData[0]))
+ cserverDataLen = C.uint(len(serverData))
+ }
+ rc = C.sasl_client_step(ss.conn, cserverData, cserverDataLen, nil, &cclientData, &cclientDataLen)
+ }
+ if cclientData != nil && cclientDataLen > 0 {
+ clientData = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cclientData),
+ }
+ if rc == C.SASL_OK {
+ return clientData, true, nil
+ }
+ if rc == C.SASL_CONTINUE {
+ return clientData, false, nil
+ }
+ return nil, false, saslError(rc, ss.conn, "cannot establish SASL session")
+func saslError(rc, conn *C.sasl_conn_t, msg string) error {
+ var detail string
+ if conn == nil {
+ detail = C.GoString(C.sasl_errstring(rc, nil, nil))
+ } else {
+ detail = C.GoString(C.sasl_errdetail(conn))
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf(msg + ": " + detail)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c359fd6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include "sasl_windows.h"
+static const LPSTR SSPI_PACKAGE_NAME = "kerberos";
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(CredHandle *cred_handle, char *username, char *password, char *domain)
+ SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY auth_identity;
+ auth_identity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI;
+ auth_identity.User = (LPSTR) username;
+ auth_identity.UserLength = strlen(username);
+ auth_identity.Password = NULL;
+ auth_identity.PasswordLength = 0;
+ if(password){
+ auth_identity.Password = (LPSTR) password;
+ auth_identity.PasswordLength = strlen(password);
+ }
+ auth_identity.Domain = (LPSTR) domain;
+ auth_identity.DomainLength = strlen(domain);
+ return call_sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(NULL, SSPI_PACKAGE_NAME, SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, &auth_identity, NULL, NULL, cred_handle, &ignored);
+int sspi_step(CredHandle *cred_handle, int has_context, CtxtHandle *context, PVOID buffer, ULONG buffer_length, PVOID *out_buffer, ULONG *out_buffer_length, char *target)
+ SecBufferDesc inbuf;
+ SecBuffer in_bufs[1];
+ SecBufferDesc outbuf;
+ SecBuffer out_bufs[1];
+ if (has_context > 0) {
+ // If we already have a context, we now have data to send.
+ // Put this data in an inbuf.
+ inbuf.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
+ inbuf.cBuffers = 1;
+ inbuf.pBuffers = in_bufs;
+ in_bufs[0].pvBuffer = buffer;
+ in_bufs[0].cbBuffer = buffer_length;
+ in_bufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
+ }
+ outbuf.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
+ outbuf.cBuffers = 1;
+ outbuf.pBuffers = out_bufs;
+ out_bufs[0].pvBuffer = NULL;
+ out_bufs[0].cbBuffer = 0;
+ out_bufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
+ ULONG context_attr = 0;
+ int ret = call_sspi_initialize_security_context(cred_handle,
+ has_context > 0 ? context : NULL,
+ (LPSTR) target,
+ 0,
+ has_context > 0 ? &inbuf : NULL,
+ 0,
+ context,
+ &outbuf,
+ &context_attr,
+ NULL);
+ *out_buffer = malloc(out_bufs[0].cbBuffer);
+ *out_buffer_length = out_bufs[0].cbBuffer;
+ memcpy(*out_buffer, out_bufs[0].pvBuffer, *out_buffer_length);
+ return ret;
+int sspi_send_client_authz_id(CtxtHandle *context, PVOID *buffer, ULONG *buffer_length, char *user_plus_realm)
+ SecPkgContext_Sizes sizes;
+ SECURITY_STATUS status = call_sspi_query_context_attributes(context, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &sizes);
+ if (status != SEC_E_OK) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ size_t user_plus_realm_length = strlen(user_plus_realm);
+ int msgSize = 4 + user_plus_realm_length;
+ char *msg = malloc((sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + msgSize + sizes.cbBlockSize) * sizeof(char));
+ msg[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + 0] = 1;
+ msg[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + 1] = 0;
+ msg[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + 2] = 0;
+ msg[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + 3] = 0;
+ memcpy(&msg[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + 4], user_plus_realm, user_plus_realm_length);
+ SecBuffer wrapBufs[3];
+ SecBufferDesc wrapBufDesc;
+ wrapBufDesc.cBuffers = 3;
+ wrapBufDesc.pBuffers = wrapBufs;
+ wrapBufDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
+ wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer = sizes.cbSecurityTrailer;
+ wrapBufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
+ wrapBufs[0].pvBuffer = msg;
+ wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer = msgSize;
+ wrapBufs[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA;
+ wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer = msg + sizes.cbSecurityTrailer;
+ wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer = sizes.cbBlockSize;
+ wrapBufs[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PADDING;
+ wrapBufs[2].pvBuffer = msg + sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + msgSize;
+ status = call_sspi_encrypt_message(context, SECQOP_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT, &wrapBufDesc, 0);
+ if (status != SEC_E_OK) {
+ free(msg);
+ return status;
+ }
+ *buffer_length = wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer;
+ *buffer = malloc(*buffer_length);
+ memcpy(*buffer, wrapBufs[0].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer);
+ memcpy(*buffer + wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer, wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer);
+ memcpy(*buffer + wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer, wrapBufs[2].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer);
+ free(msg);
+ return SEC_E_OK;
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8ec00137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package sasl
+// #include "sasl_windows.h"
+import "C"
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "unsafe"
+type saslStepper interface {
+ Step(serverData []byte) (clientData []byte, done bool, err error)
+ Close()
+type saslSession struct {
+ // Credentials
+ mech string
+ service string
+ host string
+ userPlusRealm string
+ target string
+ domain string
+ // Internal state
+ authComplete bool
+ errored bool
+ step int
+ // C internal state
+ credHandle C.CredHandle
+ context C.CtxtHandle
+ hasContext
+ // Keep track of pointers we need to explicitly free
+ stringsToFree []*C.char
+var initError error
+var initOnce sync.Once
+func initSSPI() {
+ rc := C.load_secur32_dll()
+ if rc != 0 {
+ initError = fmt.Errorf("Error loading libraries: %v", rc)
+ }
+func New(username, password, mechanism, service, host string) (saslStepper, error) {
+ initOnce.Do(initSSPI)
+ ss := &saslSession{mech: mechanism, hasContext: 0, userPlusRealm: username}
+ if service == "" {
+ service = "mongodb"
+ }
+ if i := strings.Index(host, ":"); i >= 0 {
+ host = host[:i]
+ }
+ ss.service = service
+ = host
+ usernameComponents := strings.Split(username, "@")
+ if len(usernameComponents) < 2 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Username '%v' doesn't contain a realm!", username)
+ }
+ user := usernameComponents[0]
+ ss.domain = usernameComponents[1]
+ = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ss.service,
+ var status C.SECURITY_STATUS
+ // Step 0: call AcquireCredentialsHandle to get a nice SSPI CredHandle
+ if len(password) > 0 {
+ status = C.sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(&ss.credHandle, ss.cstr(user), ss.cstr(password), ss.cstr(ss.domain))
+ } else {
+ status = C.sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(&ss.credHandle, ss.cstr(user), nil, ss.cstr(ss.domain))
+ }
+ if status != C.SEC_E_OK {
+ ss.errored = true
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create new SSPI client, error code %v", status)
+ }
+ return ss, nil
+func (ss *saslSession) cstr(s string) *C.char {
+ cstr := C.CString(s)
+ ss.stringsToFree = append(ss.stringsToFree, cstr)
+ return cstr
+func (ss *saslSession) Close() {
+ for _, cstr := range ss.stringsToFree {
+ }
+func (ss *saslSession) Step(serverData []byte) (clientData []byte, done bool, err error) {
+ ss.step++
+ if ss.step > 10 {
+ return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("too many SSPI steps without authentication")
+ }
+ var buffer C.PVOID
+ var bufferLength C.ULONG
+ var outBuffer C.PVOID
+ var outBufferLength C.ULONG
+ if len(serverData) > 0 {
+ buffer = (C.PVOID)(unsafe.Pointer(&serverData[0]))
+ bufferLength = C.ULONG(len(serverData))
+ }
+ var status
+ if ss.authComplete {
+ // Step 3: last bit of magic to use the correct server credentials
+ status = C.sspi_send_client_authz_id(&ss.context, &outBuffer, &outBufferLength, ss.cstr(ss.userPlusRealm))
+ } else {
+ // Step 1 + Step 2: set up security context with the server and TGT
+ status = C.sspi_step(&ss.credHandle, ss.hasContext, &ss.context, buffer, bufferLength, &outBuffer, &outBufferLength, ss.cstr(
+ }
+ if outBuffer != C.PVOID(nil) {
+ defer
+ }
+ if status != C.SEC_E_OK && status != C.SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED {
+ ss.errored = true
+ return nil, false, ss.handleSSPIErrorCode(status)
+ }
+ clientData = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(outBuffer),
+ if status == C.SEC_E_OK {
+ ss.authComplete = true
+ return clientData, true, nil
+ } else {
+ ss.hasContext = 1
+ return clientData, false, nil
+ }
+func (ss *saslSession) handleSSPIErrorCode(code error {
+ switch {
+ case code == C.SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN:
+ return fmt.Errorf("Target %v@%v not found",, ss.domain)
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("Unknown error doing step %v, error code %v", ss.step, code)
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+#include <windows.h>
+#include "sspi_windows.h"
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(CredHandle* cred_handle, char* username, char* password, char* domain);
+int sspi_step(CredHandle* cred_handle, int has_context, CtxtHandle* context, PVOID buffer, ULONG buffer_length, PVOID* out_buffer, ULONG* out_buffer_length, char* target);
+int sspi_send_client_authz_id(CtxtHandle* context, PVOID* buffer, ULONG* buffer_length, char* user_plus_realm);
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index 000000000..9acdc523d
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Code adapted from the NodeJS kerberos library:
+// Under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "sspi_windows.h"
+static HINSTANCE sspi_secur32_dll = NULL;
+int load_secur32_dll()
+ sspi_secur32_dll = LoadLibrary("secur32.dll");
+ if (sspi_secur32_dll == NULL) {
+ return GetLastError();
+ }
+ return 0;
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_encrypt_message(PCtxtHandle phContext, unsigned long fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, unsigned long MessageSeqNo)
+ if (sspi_secur32_dll == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ encryptMessage_fn pfn_encryptMessage = (encryptMessage_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "EncryptMessage");
+ if (!pfn_encryptMessage) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return (*pfn_encryptMessage)(phContext, fQOP, pMessage, MessageSeqNo);
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(
+ LPSTR pszPrincipal, LPSTR pszPackage, unsigned long fCredentialUse,
+ void *pvLogonId, void *pAuthData, SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, void *pvGetKeyArgument,
+ PCredHandle phCredential, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry)
+ if (sspi_secur32_dll == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ acquireCredentialsHandle_fn pfn_acquireCredentialsHandle;
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ pfn_acquireCredentialsHandle = (acquireCredentialsHandle_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "AcquireCredentialsHandleW");
+ pfn_acquireCredentialsHandle = (acquireCredentialsHandle_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "AcquireCredentialsHandleA");
+ if (!pfn_acquireCredentialsHandle) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return (*pfn_acquireCredentialsHandle)(
+ pszPrincipal, pszPackage, fCredentialUse, pvLogonId, pAuthData,
+ pGetKeyFn, pvGetKeyArgument, phCredential, ptsExpiry);
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_initialize_security_context(
+ PCredHandle phCredential, PCtxtHandle phContext, LPSTR pszTargetName,
+ unsigned long fContextReq, unsigned long Reserved1, unsigned long TargetDataRep,
+ PSecBufferDesc pInput, unsigned long Reserved2, PCtxtHandle phNewContext,
+ PSecBufferDesc pOutput, unsigned long *pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry)
+ if (sspi_secur32_dll == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initializeSecurityContext_fn pfn_initializeSecurityContext;
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ pfn_initializeSecurityContext = (initializeSecurityContext_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "InitializeSecurityContextW");
+ pfn_initializeSecurityContext = (initializeSecurityContext_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "InitializeSecurityContextA");
+ if (!pfn_initializeSecurityContext) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return (*pfn_initializeSecurityContext)(
+ phCredential, phContext, pszTargetName, fContextReq, Reserved1, TargetDataRep,
+ pInput, Reserved2, phNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry);
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_query_context_attributes(PCtxtHandle phContext, unsigned long ulAttribute, void *pBuffer)
+ if (sspi_secur32_dll == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ queryContextAttributes_fn pfn_queryContextAttributes;
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+ pfn_queryContextAttributes = (queryContextAttributes_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "QueryContextAttributesW");
+ pfn_queryContextAttributes = (queryContextAttributes_fn) GetProcAddress(sspi_secur32_dll, "QueryContextAttributesA");
+ if (!pfn_queryContextAttributes) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return (*pfn_queryContextAttributes)(phContext, ulAttribute, pBuffer);
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Code adapted from the NodeJS kerberos library:
+// Under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+#define SECURITY_WIN32 1
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sspi.h>
+int load_secur32_dll();
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_encrypt_message(PCtxtHandle phContext, unsigned long fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, unsigned long MessageSeqNo);
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *encryptMessage_fn)(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo);
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_acquire_credentials_handle(
+ LPSTR pszPrincipal, // Name of principal
+ LPSTR pszPackage, // Name of package
+ unsigned long fCredentialUse, // Flags indicating use
+ void *pvLogonId, // Pointer to logon ID
+ void *pAuthData, // Package specific data
+ SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, // Pointer to GetKey() func
+ void *pvGetKeyArgument, // Value to pass to GetKey()
+ PCredHandle phCredential, // (out) Cred Handle
+ PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Lifetime (optional)
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *acquireCredentialsHandle_fn)(
+ LPSTR pszPrincipal, LPSTR pszPackage, unsigned long fCredentialUse,
+ void *pvLogonId, void *pAuthData, SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, void *pvGetKeyArgument,
+ PCredHandle phCredential, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_initialize_security_context(
+ PCredHandle phCredential, // Cred to base context
+ PCtxtHandle phContext, // Existing context (OPT)
+ LPSTR pszTargetName, // Name of target
+ unsigned long fContextReq, // Context Requirements
+ unsigned long Reserved1, // Reserved, MBZ
+ unsigned long TargetDataRep, // Data rep of target
+ PSecBufferDesc pInput, // Input Buffers
+ unsigned long Reserved2, // Reserved, MBZ
+ PCtxtHandle phNewContext, // (out) New Context handle
+ PSecBufferDesc pOutput, // (inout) Output Buffers
+ unsigned long *pfContextAttr, // (out) Context attrs
+ PTimeStamp ptsExpiry // (out) Life span (OPT)
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *initializeSecurityContext_fn)(
+ PCredHandle phCredential, PCtxtHandle phContext, LPSTR pszTargetName, unsigned long fContextReq,
+ unsigned long Reserved1, unsigned long TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, unsigned long Reserved2,
+ PCtxtHandle phNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, unsigned long *pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry);
+SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY call_sspi_query_context_attributes(
+ PCtxtHandle phContext, // Context to query
+ unsigned long ulAttribute, // Attribute to query
+ void *pBuffer // Buffer for attributes
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *queryContextAttributes_fn)(
+ PCtxtHandle phContext, unsigned long ulAttribute, void *pBuffer);
+#endif // SSPI_WINDOWS_H
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+tomb - support for clean goroutine termination in Go.
+Copyright (c) 2010-2011 - Gustavo Niemeyer <>
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ this software without specific prior written permission.
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+Installation and usage
+See []( for documentation and usage details.
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+// Copyright (c) 2011 - Gustavo Niemeyer <>
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// The tomb package offers a conventional API for clean goroutine termination.
+// A Tomb tracks the lifecycle of a goroutine as alive, dying or dead,
+// and the reason for its death.
+// The zero value of a Tomb assumes that a goroutine is about to be
+// created or already alive. Once Kill or Killf is called with an
+// argument that informs the reason for death, the goroutine is in
+// a dying state and is expected to terminate soon. Right before the
+// goroutine function or method returns, Done must be called to inform
+// that the goroutine is indeed dead and about to stop running.
+// A Tomb exposes Dying and Dead channels. These channels are closed
+// when the Tomb state changes in the respective way. They enable
+// explicit blocking until the state changes, and also to selectively
+// unblock select statements accordingly.
+// When the tomb state changes to dying and there's still logic going
+// on within the goroutine, nested functions and methods may choose to
+// return ErrDying as their error value, as this error won't alter the
+// tomb state if provided to the Kill method. This is a convenient way to
+// follow standard Go practices in the context of a dying tomb.
+// For background and a detailed example, see the following blog post:
+// For a more complex code snippet demonstrating the use of multiple
+// goroutines with a single Tomb, see:
+package tomb
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "sync"
+// A Tomb tracks the lifecycle of a goroutine as alive, dying or dead,
+// and the reason for its death.
+// See the package documentation for details.
+type Tomb struct {
+ m sync.Mutex
+ dying chan struct{}
+ dead chan struct{}
+ reason error
+var (
+ ErrStillAlive = errors.New("tomb: still alive")
+ ErrDying = errors.New("tomb: dying")
+func (t *Tomb) init() {
+ t.m.Lock()
+ if t.dead == nil {
+ t.dead = make(chan struct{})
+ t.dying = make(chan struct{})
+ t.reason = ErrStillAlive
+ }
+ t.m.Unlock()
+// Dead returns the channel that can be used to wait
+// until t.Done has been called.
+func (t *Tomb) Dead() <-chan struct{} {
+ t.init()
+ return t.dead
+// Dying returns the channel that can be used to wait
+// until t.Kill or t.Done has been called.
+func (t *Tomb) Dying() <-chan struct{} {
+ t.init()
+ return t.dying
+// Wait blocks until the goroutine is in a dead state and returns the
+// reason for its death.
+func (t *Tomb) Wait() error {
+ t.init()
+ <-t.dead
+ t.m.Lock()
+ reason := t.reason
+ t.m.Unlock()
+ return reason
+// Done flags the goroutine as dead, and should be called a single time
+// right before the goroutine function or method returns.
+// If the goroutine was not already in a dying state before Done is
+// called, it will be flagged as dying and dead at once with no
+// error.
+func (t *Tomb) Done() {
+ t.Kill(nil)
+ close(t.dead)
+// Kill flags the goroutine as dying for the given reason.
+// Kill may be called multiple times, but only the first
+// non-nil error is recorded as the reason for termination.
+// If reason is ErrDying, the previous reason isn't replaced
+// even if it is nil. It's a runtime error to call Kill with
+// ErrDying if t is not in a dying state.
+func (t *Tomb) Kill(reason error) {
+ t.init()
+ t.m.Lock()
+ defer t.m.Unlock()
+ if reason == ErrDying {
+ if t.reason == ErrStillAlive {
+ panic("tomb: Kill with ErrDying while still alive")
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if t.reason == nil || t.reason == ErrStillAlive {
+ t.reason = reason
+ }
+ // If the receive on t.dying succeeds, then
+ // it can only be because we have already closed it.
+ // If it blocks, then we know that it needs to be closed.
+ select {
+ case <-t.dying:
+ default:
+ close(t.dying)
+ }
+// Killf works like Kill, but builds the reason providing the received
+// arguments to fmt.Errorf. The generated error is also returned.
+func (t *Tomb) Killf(f string, a ...interface{}) error {
+ err := fmt.Errorf(f, a...)
+ t.Kill(err)
+ return err
+// Err returns the reason for the goroutine death provided via Kill
+// or Killf, or ErrStillAlive when the goroutine is still alive.
+func (t *Tomb) Err() (reason error) {
+ t.init()
+ t.m.Lock()
+ reason = t.reason
+ t.m.Unlock()
+ return
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+Copyright 2011-2016 Canonical Ltd.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+The following files were ported to Go from C files of libyaml, and thus
+are still covered by their original copyright and license:
+ apic.go
+ emitterc.go
+ parserc.go
+ readerc.go
+ scannerc.go
+ writerc.go
+ yamlh.go
+ yamlprivateh.go
+Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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index 000000000..1884de6a7
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+# YAML support for the Go language
+The yaml package enables Go programs to comfortably encode and decode YAML
+values. It was developed within [Canonical]( as
+part of the [juju]( project, and is based on a
+pure Go port of the well-known [libyaml](
+C library to parse and generate YAML data quickly and reliably.
+The yaml package supports most of YAML 1.1 and 1.2, including support for
+anchors, tags, map merging, etc. Multi-document unmarshalling is not yet
+implemented, and base-60 floats from YAML 1.1 are purposefully not
+supported since they're a poor design and are gone in YAML 1.2.
+Installation and usage
+The import path for the package is **.
+To install it, run:
+ go get
+API documentation
+If opened in a browser, the import path itself leads to the API documentation:
+ * [](
+API stability
+The package API for yaml v2 will remain stable as described in [](
+The yaml package is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ ""
+var data = `
+a: Easy!
+ c: 2
+ d: [3, 4]
+type T struct {
+ A string
+ B struct {
+ RenamedC int `yaml:"c"`
+ D []int `yaml:",flow"`
+ }
+func main() {
+ t := T{}
+ err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &t)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("--- t:\n%v\n\n", t)
+ d, err := yaml.Marshal(&t)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("--- t dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d))
+ m := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
+ err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &m)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("--- m:\n%v\n\n", m)
+ d, err = yaml.Marshal(&m)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("--- m dump:\n%s\n\n", string(d))
+This example will generate the following output:
+--- t:
+{Easy! {2 [3 4]}}
+--- t dump:
+a: Easy!
+ c: 2
+ d: [3, 4]
+--- m:
+map[a:Easy! b:map[c:2 d:[3 4]]]
+--- m dump:
+a: Easy!
+ c: 2
+ d:
+ - 3
+ - 4
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@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "io"
+ "os"
+func yaml_insert_token(parser *yaml_parser_t, pos int, token *yaml_token_t) {
+ //fmt.Println("yaml_insert_token", "pos:", pos, "typ:", token.typ, "head:", parser.tokens_head, "len:", len(parser.tokens))
+ // Check if we can move the queue at the beginning of the buffer.
+ if parser.tokens_head > 0 && len(parser.tokens) == cap(parser.tokens) {
+ if parser.tokens_head != len(parser.tokens) {
+ copy(parser.tokens, parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head:])
+ }
+ parser.tokens = parser.tokens[:len(parser.tokens)-parser.tokens_head]
+ parser.tokens_head = 0
+ }
+ parser.tokens = append(parser.tokens, *token)
+ if pos < 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ copy(parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos+1:], parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos:])
+ parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head+pos] = *token
+// Create a new parser object.
+func yaml_parser_initialize(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ *parser = yaml_parser_t{
+ raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_raw_buffer_size),
+ buffer: make([]byte, 0, input_buffer_size),
+ }
+ return true
+// Destroy a parser object.
+func yaml_parser_delete(parser *yaml_parser_t) {
+ *parser = yaml_parser_t{}
+// String read handler.
+func yaml_string_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if parser.input_pos == len(parser.input) {
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ n = copy(buffer, parser.input[parser.input_pos:])
+ parser.input_pos += n
+ return n, nil
+// File read handler.
+func yaml_file_read_handler(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return parser.input_file.Read(buffer)
+// Set a string input.
+func yaml_parser_set_input_string(parser *yaml_parser_t, input []byte) {
+ if parser.read_handler != nil {
+ panic("must set the input source only once")
+ }
+ parser.read_handler = yaml_string_read_handler
+ parser.input = input
+ parser.input_pos = 0
+// Set a file input.
+func yaml_parser_set_input_file(parser *yaml_parser_t, file *os.File) {
+ if parser.read_handler != nil {
+ panic("must set the input source only once")
+ }
+ parser.read_handler = yaml_file_read_handler
+ parser.input_file = file
+// Set the source encoding.
+func yaml_parser_set_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) {
+ if parser.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
+ panic("must set the encoding only once")
+ }
+ parser.encoding = encoding
+// Create a new emitter object.
+func yaml_emitter_initialize(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ *emitter = yaml_emitter_t{
+ buffer: make([]byte, output_buffer_size),
+ raw_buffer: make([]byte, 0, output_raw_buffer_size),
+ states: make([]yaml_emitter_state_t, 0, initial_stack_size),
+ events: make([]yaml_event_t, 0, initial_queue_size),
+ }
+ return true
+// Destroy an emitter object.
+func yaml_emitter_delete(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) {
+ *emitter = yaml_emitter_t{}
+// String write handler.
+func yaml_string_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error {
+ *emitter.output_buffer = append(*emitter.output_buffer, buffer...)
+ return nil
+// File write handler.
+func yaml_file_write_handler(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error {
+ _, err := emitter.output_file.Write(buffer)
+ return err
+// Set a string output.
+func yaml_emitter_set_output_string(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, output_buffer *[]byte) {
+ if emitter.write_handler != nil {
+ panic("must set the output target only once")
+ }
+ emitter.write_handler = yaml_string_write_handler
+ emitter.output_buffer = output_buffer
+// Set a file output.
+func yaml_emitter_set_output_file(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, file io.Writer) {
+ if emitter.write_handler != nil {
+ panic("must set the output target only once")
+ }
+ emitter.write_handler = yaml_file_write_handler
+ emitter.output_file = file
+// Set the output encoding.
+func yaml_emitter_set_encoding(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) {
+ if emitter.encoding != yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
+ panic("must set the output encoding only once")
+ }
+ emitter.encoding = encoding
+// Set the canonical output style.
+func yaml_emitter_set_canonical(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, canonical bool) {
+ emitter.canonical = canonical
+//// Set the indentation increment.
+func yaml_emitter_set_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, indent int) {
+ if indent < 2 || indent > 9 {
+ indent = 2
+ }
+ emitter.best_indent = indent
+// Set the preferred line width.
+func yaml_emitter_set_width(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, width int) {
+ if width < 0 {
+ width = -1
+ }
+ emitter.best_width = width
+// Set if unescaped non-ASCII characters are allowed.
+func yaml_emitter_set_unicode(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, unicode bool) {
+ emitter.unicode = unicode
+// Set the preferred line break character.
+func yaml_emitter_set_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, line_break yaml_break_t) {
+ emitter.line_break = line_break
+// * Destroy a token object.
+// */
+//yaml_token_delete(yaml_token_t *token)
+// assert(token); // Non-NULL token object expected.
+// switch (token.type)
+// {
+// yaml_free(;
+// yaml_free(;
+// break;
+// yaml_free(;
+// break;
+// yaml_free(;
+// break;
+// case YAML_TAG_TOKEN:
+// yaml_free(;
+// yaml_free(;
+// break;
+// yaml_free(;
+// break;
+// default:
+// break;
+// }
+// memset(token, 0, sizeof(yaml_token_t));
+// * Check if a string is a valid UTF-8 sequence.
+// *
+// * Check 'reader.c' for more details on UTF-8 encoding.
+// */
+//static int
+//yaml_check_utf8(yaml_char_t *start, size_t length)
+// yaml_char_t *end = start+length;
+// yaml_char_t *pointer = start;
+// while (pointer < end) {
+// unsigned char octet;
+// unsigned int width;
+// unsigned int value;
+// size_t k;
+// octet = pointer[0];
+// width = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? 1 :
+// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? 2 :
+// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? 3 :
+// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? 4 : 0;
+// value = (octet & 0x80) == 0x00 ? octet & 0x7F :
+// (octet & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ? octet & 0x1F :
+// (octet & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ? octet & 0x0F :
+// (octet & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ? octet & 0x07 : 0;
+// if (!width) return 0;
+// if (pointer+width > end) return 0;
+// for (k = 1; k < width; k ++) {
+// octet = pointer[k];
+// if ((octet & 0xC0) != 0x80) return 0;
+// value = (value << 6) + (octet & 0x3F);
+// }
+// if (!((width == 1) ||
+// (width == 2 && value >= 0x80) ||
+// (width == 3 && value >= 0x800) ||
+// (width == 4 && value >= 0x10000))) return 0;
+// pointer += width;
+// }
+// return 1;
+// Create STREAM-START.
+func yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, encoding yaml_encoding_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ encoding: encoding,
+ }
+ return true
+// Create STREAM-END.
+func yaml_stream_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT,
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_document_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t,
+ tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t, implicit bool) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ version_directive: version_directive,
+ tag_directives: tag_directives,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ }
+ return true
+// Create DOCUMENT-END.
+func yaml_document_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, implicit bool) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ implicit: implicit,
+ }
+ return true
+// * Create ALIAS.
+// */
+//yaml_alias_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor *yaml_char_t)
+// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
+// anchor_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
+// assert(event) // Non-NULL event object is expected.
+// assert(anchor) // Non-NULL anchor is expected.
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(anchor, strlen((char *)anchor))) return 0
+// anchor_copy = yaml_strdup(anchor)
+// if (!anchor_copy)
+// return 0
+// ALIAS_EVENT_INIT(*event, anchor_copy, mark, mark)
+// return 1
+// Create SCALAR.
+func yaml_scalar_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag, value []byte, plain_implicit, quoted_implicit bool, style yaml_scalar_style_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ value: value,
+ implicit: plain_implicit,
+ quoted_implicit: quoted_implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(style),
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_sequence_style_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(style),
+ }
+ return true
+// Create SEQUENCE-END.
+func yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t, anchor, tag []byte, implicit bool, style yaml_mapping_style_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(style),
+ }
+ return true
+// Create MAPPING-END.
+func yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT,
+ }
+ return true
+// Destroy an event object.
+func yaml_event_delete(event *yaml_event_t) {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{}
+// * Create a document object.
+// */
+//yaml_document_initialize(document *yaml_document_t,
+// version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t,
+// tag_directives_start *yaml_tag_directive_t,
+// tag_directives_end *yaml_tag_directive_t,
+// start_implicit int, end_implicit int)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// struct {
+// start *yaml_node_t
+// end *yaml_node_t
+// top *yaml_node_t
+// } nodes = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+// version_directive_copy *yaml_version_directive_t = NULL
+// struct {
+// start *yaml_tag_directive_t
+// end *yaml_tag_directive_t
+// top *yaml_tag_directive_t
+// } tag_directives_copy = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+// value yaml_tag_directive_t = { NULL, NULL }
+// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// assert((tag_directives_start && tag_directives_end) ||
+// (tag_directives_start == tag_directives_end))
+// // Valid tag directives are expected.
+// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, nodes, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
+// if (version_directive) {
+// version_directive_copy = yaml_malloc(sizeof(yaml_version_directive_t))
+// if (!version_directive_copy) goto error
+// version_directive_copy.major = version_directive.major
+// version_directive_copy.minor = version_directive.minor
+// }
+// if (tag_directives_start != tag_directives_end) {
+// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t
+// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, tag_directives_copy, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE))
+// goto error
+// for (tag_directive = tag_directives_start
+// tag_directive != tag_directives_end; tag_directive ++) {
+// assert(tag_directive.handle)
+// assert(tag_directive.prefix)
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.handle,
+// strlen((char *)tag_directive.handle)))
+// goto error
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag_directive.prefix,
+// strlen((char *)tag_directive.prefix)))
+// goto error
+// value.handle = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.handle)
+// value.prefix = yaml_strdup(tag_directive.prefix)
+// if (!value.handle || !value.prefix) goto error
+// if (!PUSH(&context, tag_directives_copy, value))
+// goto error
+// value.handle = NULL
+// value.prefix = NULL
+// }
+// }
+// DOCUMENT_INIT(*document, nodes.start, nodes.end, version_directive_copy,
+// tag_directives_copy.start,,
+// start_implicit, end_implicit, mark, mark)
+// return 1
+// STACK_DEL(&context, nodes)
+// yaml_free(version_directive_copy)
+// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, tag_directives_copy)) {
+// value yaml_tag_directive_t = POP(&context, tag_directives_copy)
+// yaml_free(value.handle)
+// yaml_free(value.prefix)
+// }
+// STACK_DEL(&context, tag_directives_copy)
+// yaml_free(value.handle)
+// yaml_free(value.prefix)
+// return 0
+// * Destroy a document object.
+// */
+//yaml_document_delete(document *yaml_document_t)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t
+// context.error = YAML_NO_ERROR // Eliminate a compliler warning.
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// while (!STACK_EMPTY(&context, document.nodes)) {
+// node yaml_node_t = POP(&context, document.nodes)
+// yaml_free(node.tag)
+// switch (node.type) {
+// yaml_free(
+// break
+// STACK_DEL(&context,
+// break
+// STACK_DEL(&context,
+// break
+// default:
+// assert(0) // Should not happen.
+// }
+// }
+// STACK_DEL(&context, document.nodes)
+// yaml_free(document.version_directive)
+// for (tag_directive = document.tag_directives.start
+// tag_directive != document.tag_directives.end
+// tag_directive++) {
+// yaml_free(tag_directive.handle)
+// yaml_free(tag_directive.prefix)
+// }
+// yaml_free(document.tag_directives.start)
+// memset(document, 0, sizeof(yaml_document_t))
+// * Get a document node.
+// */
+//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *)
+//yaml_document_get_node(document *yaml_document_t, index int)
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// if (index > 0 && document.nodes.start + index <= {
+// return document.nodes.start + index - 1
+// }
+// return NULL
+// * Get the root object.
+// */
+//YAML_DECLARE(yaml_node_t *)
+//yaml_document_get_root_node(document *yaml_document_t)
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// if ( != document.nodes.start) {
+// return document.nodes.start
+// }
+// return NULL
+// * Add a scalar node to a document.
+// */
+//yaml_document_add_scalar(document *yaml_document_t,
+// tag *yaml_char_t, value *yaml_char_t, length int,
+// style yaml_scalar_style_t)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
+// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
+// value_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
+// node yaml_node_t
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// assert(value) // Non-NULL value is expected.
+// if (!tag) {
+// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG
+// }
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
+// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
+// if (!tag_copy) goto error
+// if (length < 0) {
+// length = strlen((char *)value)
+// }
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(value, length)) goto error
+// value_copy = yaml_malloc(length+1)
+// if (!value_copy) goto error
+// memcpy(value_copy, value, length)
+// value_copy[length] = '\0'
+// SCALAR_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, value_copy, length, style, mark, mark)
+// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
+// return - document.nodes.start
+// yaml_free(tag_copy)
+// yaml_free(value_copy)
+// return 0
+// * Add a sequence node to a document.
+// */
+//yaml_document_add_sequence(document *yaml_document_t,
+// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_sequence_style_t)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
+// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
+// struct {
+// start *yaml_node_item_t
+// end *yaml_node_item_t
+// top *yaml_node_item_t
+// } items = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+// node yaml_node_t
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// if (!tag) {
+// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG
+// }
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
+// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
+// if (!tag_copy) goto error
+// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, items, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
+// SEQUENCE_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, items.start, items.end,
+// style, mark, mark)
+// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
+// return - document.nodes.start
+// STACK_DEL(&context, items)
+// yaml_free(tag_copy)
+// return 0
+// * Add a mapping node to a document.
+// */
+//yaml_document_add_mapping(document *yaml_document_t,
+// tag *yaml_char_t, style yaml_mapping_style_t)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// mark yaml_mark_t = { 0, 0, 0 }
+// tag_copy *yaml_char_t = NULL
+// struct {
+// start *yaml_node_pair_t
+// end *yaml_node_pair_t
+// top *yaml_node_pair_t
+// } pairs = { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+// node yaml_node_t
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document object is expected.
+// if (!tag) {
+// tag = (yaml_char_t *)YAML_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG
+// }
+// if (!yaml_check_utf8(tag, strlen((char *)tag))) goto error
+// tag_copy = yaml_strdup(tag)
+// if (!tag_copy) goto error
+// if (!STACK_INIT(&context, pairs, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE)) goto error
+// MAPPING_NODE_INIT(node, tag_copy, pairs.start, pairs.end,
+// style, mark, mark)
+// if (!PUSH(&context, document.nodes, node)) goto error
+// return - document.nodes.start
+// STACK_DEL(&context, pairs)
+// yaml_free(tag_copy)
+// return 0
+// * Append an item to a sequence node.
+// */
+//yaml_document_append_sequence_item(document *yaml_document_t,
+// sequence int, item int)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required.
+// assert(sequence > 0
+// && document.nodes.start + sequence <=
+// // Valid sequence id is required.
+// assert(document.nodes.start[sequence-1].type == YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE)
+// // A sequence node is required.
+// assert(item > 0 && document.nodes.start + item <=
+// // Valid item id is required.
+// if (!PUSH(&context,
+// document.nodes.start[sequence-1].data.sequence.items, item))
+// return 0
+// return 1
+// * Append a pair of a key and a value to a mapping node.
+// */
+//yaml_document_append_mapping_pair(document *yaml_document_t,
+// mapping int, key int, value int)
+// struct {
+// error yaml_error_type_t
+// } context
+// pair yaml_node_pair_t
+// assert(document) // Non-NULL document is required.
+// assert(mapping > 0
+// && document.nodes.start + mapping <=
+// // Valid mapping id is required.
+// assert(document.nodes.start[mapping-1].type == YAML_MAPPING_NODE)
+// // A mapping node is required.
+// assert(key > 0 && document.nodes.start + key <=
+// // Valid key id is required.
+// assert(value > 0 && document.nodes.start + value <=
+// // Valid value id is required.
+// pair.key = key
+// pair.value = value
+// if (!PUSH(&context,
+// document.nodes.start[mapping-1].data.mapping.pairs, pair))
+// return 0
+// return 1
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..052ecfcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "encoding"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+ "time"
+const (
+ documentNode = 1 << iota
+ mappingNode
+ sequenceNode
+ scalarNode
+ aliasNode
+type node struct {
+ kind int
+ line, column int
+ tag string
+ value string
+ implicit bool
+ children []*node
+ anchors map[string]*node
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Parser, produces a node tree out of a libyaml event stream.
+type parser struct {
+ parser yaml_parser_t
+ event yaml_event_t
+ doc *node
+func newParser(b []byte) *parser {
+ p := parser{}
+ if !yaml_parser_initialize(&p.parser) {
+ panic("failed to initialize YAML emitter")
+ }
+ if len(b) == 0 {
+ b = []byte{'\n'}
+ }
+ yaml_parser_set_input_string(&p.parser, b)
+ p.skip()
+ if p.event.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT {
+ panic("expected stream start event, got " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
+ }
+ p.skip()
+ return &p
+func (p *parser) destroy() {
+ if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT {
+ yaml_event_delete(&p.event)
+ }
+ yaml_parser_delete(&p.parser)
+func (p *parser) skip() {
+ if p.event.typ != yaml_NO_EVENT {
+ if p.event.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT {
+ failf("attempted to go past the end of stream; corrupted value?")
+ }
+ yaml_event_delete(&p.event)
+ }
+ if !yaml_parser_parse(&p.parser, &p.event) {
+ }
+func (p *parser) fail() {
+ var where string
+ var line int
+ if p.parser.problem_mark.line != 0 {
+ line = p.parser.problem_mark.line
+ } else if p.parser.context_mark.line != 0 {
+ line = p.parser.context_mark.line
+ }
+ if line != 0 {
+ where = "line " + strconv.Itoa(line) + ": "
+ }
+ var msg string
+ if len(p.parser.problem) > 0 {
+ msg = p.parser.problem
+ } else {
+ msg = "unknown problem parsing YAML content"
+ }
+ failf("%s%s", where, msg)
+func (p *parser) anchor(n *node, anchor []byte) {
+ if anchor != nil {
+ p.doc.anchors[string(anchor)] = n
+ }
+func (p *parser) parse() *node {
+ switch p.event.typ {
+ case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT:
+ return p.scalar()
+ case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT:
+ return p.alias()
+ return p.mapping()
+ return p.sequence()
+ return p.document()
+ case yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT:
+ // Happens when attempting to decode an empty buffer.
+ return nil
+ default:
+ panic("attempted to parse unknown event: " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
+ }
+func (p *parser) node(kind int) *node {
+ return &node{
+ kind: kind,
+ line: p.event.start_mark.line,
+ column: p.event.start_mark.column,
+ }
+func (p *parser) document() *node {
+ n := p.node(documentNode)
+ n.anchors = make(map[string]*node)
+ p.doc = n
+ p.skip()
+ n.children = append(n.children, p.parse())
+ if p.event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT {
+ panic("expected end of document event but got " + strconv.Itoa(int(p.event.typ)))
+ }
+ p.skip()
+ return n
+func (p *parser) alias() *node {
+ n := p.node(aliasNode)
+ n.value = string(p.event.anchor)
+ p.skip()
+ return n
+func (p *parser) scalar() *node {
+ n := p.node(scalarNode)
+ n.value = string(p.event.value)
+ n.tag = string(p.event.tag)
+ n.implicit = p.event.implicit
+ p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
+ p.skip()
+ return n
+func (p *parser) sequence() *node {
+ n := p.node(sequenceNode)
+ p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
+ p.skip()
+ for p.event.typ != yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT {
+ n.children = append(n.children, p.parse())
+ }
+ p.skip()
+ return n
+func (p *parser) mapping() *node {
+ n := p.node(mappingNode)
+ p.anchor(n, p.event.anchor)
+ p.skip()
+ for p.event.typ != yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT {
+ n.children = append(n.children, p.parse(), p.parse())
+ }
+ p.skip()
+ return n
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Decoder, unmarshals a node into a provided value.
+type decoder struct {
+ doc *node
+ aliases map[string]bool
+ mapType reflect.Type
+ terrors []string
+var (
+ mapItemType = reflect.TypeOf(MapItem{})
+ durationType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0))
+ defaultMapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}{})
+ ifaceType = defaultMapType.Elem()
+func newDecoder() *decoder {
+ d := &decoder{mapType: defaultMapType}
+ d.aliases = make(map[string]bool)
+ return d
+func (d *decoder) terror(n *node, tag string, out reflect.Value) {
+ if n.tag != "" {
+ tag = n.tag
+ }
+ value := n.value
+ if tag != yaml_SEQ_TAG && tag != yaml_MAP_TAG {
+ if len(value) > 10 {
+ value = " `" + value[:7] + "...`"
+ } else {
+ value = " `" + value + "`"
+ }
+ }
+ d.terrors = append(d.terrors, fmt.Sprintf("line %d: cannot unmarshal %s%s into %s", n.line+1, shortTag(tag), value, out.Type()))
+func (d *decoder) callUnmarshaler(n *node, u Unmarshaler) (good bool) {
+ terrlen := len(d.terrors)
+ err := u.UnmarshalYAML(func(v interface{}) (err error) {
+ defer handleErr(&err)
+ d.unmarshal(n, reflect.ValueOf(v))
+ if len(d.terrors) > terrlen {
+ issues := d.terrors[terrlen:]
+ d.terrors = d.terrors[:terrlen]
+ return &TypeError{issues}
+ }
+ return nil
+ })
+ if e, ok := err.(*TypeError); ok {
+ d.terrors = append(d.terrors, e.Errors...)
+ return false
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ fail(err)
+ }
+ return true
+// d.prepare initializes and dereferences pointers and calls UnmarshalYAML
+// if a value is found to implement it.
+// It returns the initialized and dereferenced out value, whether
+// unmarshalling was already done by UnmarshalYAML, and if so whether
+// its types unmarshalled appropriately.
+// If n holds a null value, prepare returns before doing anything.
+func (d *decoder) prepare(n *node, out reflect.Value) (newout reflect.Value, unmarshaled, good bool) {
+ if n.tag == yaml_NULL_TAG || n.kind == scalarNode && n.tag == "" && (n.value == "null" || n.value == "" && n.implicit) {
+ return out, false, false
+ }
+ again := true
+ for again {
+ again = false
+ if out.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ if out.IsNil() {
+ out.Set(reflect.New(out.Type().Elem()))
+ }
+ out = out.Elem()
+ again = true
+ }
+ if out.CanAddr() {
+ if u, ok := out.Addr().Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
+ good = d.callUnmarshaler(n, u)
+ return out, true, good
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return out, false, false
+func (d *decoder) unmarshal(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ switch n.kind {
+ case documentNode:
+ return d.document(n, out)
+ case aliasNode:
+ return d.alias(n, out)
+ }
+ out, unmarshaled, good := d.prepare(n, out)
+ if unmarshaled {
+ return good
+ }
+ switch n.kind {
+ case scalarNode:
+ good = d.scalar(n, out)
+ case mappingNode:
+ good = d.mapping(n, out)
+ case sequenceNode:
+ good = d.sequence(n, out)
+ default:
+ panic("internal error: unknown node kind: " + strconv.Itoa(n.kind))
+ }
+ return good
+func (d *decoder) document(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ if len(n.children) == 1 {
+ d.doc = n
+ d.unmarshal(n.children[0], out)
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (d *decoder) alias(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ an, ok := d.doc.anchors[n.value]
+ if !ok {
+ failf("unknown anchor '%s' referenced", n.value)
+ }
+ if d.aliases[n.value] {
+ failf("anchor '%s' value contains itself", n.value)
+ }
+ d.aliases[n.value] = true
+ good = d.unmarshal(an, out)
+ delete(d.aliases, n.value)
+ return good
+var zeroValue reflect.Value
+func resetMap(out reflect.Value) {
+ for _, k := range out.MapKeys() {
+ out.SetMapIndex(k, zeroValue)
+ }
+func (d *decoder) scalar(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ var tag string
+ var resolved interface{}
+ if n.tag == "" && !n.implicit {
+ tag = yaml_STR_TAG
+ resolved = n.value
+ } else {
+ tag, resolved = resolve(n.tag, n.value)
+ if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(resolved.(string))
+ if err != nil {
+ failf("!!binary value contains invalid base64 data")
+ }
+ resolved = string(data)
+ }
+ }
+ if resolved == nil {
+ if out.Kind() == reflect.Map && !out.CanAddr() {
+ resetMap(out)
+ } else {
+ out.Set(reflect.Zero(out.Type()))
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if s, ok := resolved.(string); ok && out.CanAddr() {
+ if u, ok := out.Addr().Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
+ err := u.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
+ if err != nil {
+ fail(err)
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ switch out.Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ out.SetString(resolved.(string))
+ good = true
+ } else if resolved != nil {
+ out.SetString(n.value)
+ good = true
+ }
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ if resolved == nil {
+ out.Set(reflect.Zero(out.Type()))
+ } else {
+ out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(resolved))
+ }
+ good = true
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
+ case int:
+ if !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetInt(int64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case int64:
+ if !out.OverflowInt(resolved) {
+ out.SetInt(resolved)
+ good = true
+ }
+ case uint64:
+ if resolved <= math.MaxInt64 && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetInt(int64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case float64:
+ if resolved <= math.MaxInt64 && !out.OverflowInt(int64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetInt(int64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case string:
+ if out.Type() == durationType {
+ d, err := time.ParseDuration(resolved)
+ if err == nil {
+ out.SetInt(int64(d))
+ good = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
+ case int:
+ if resolved >= 0 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetUint(uint64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case int64:
+ if resolved >= 0 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetUint(uint64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case uint64:
+ if !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetUint(uint64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ case float64:
+ if resolved <= math.MaxUint64 && !out.OverflowUint(uint64(resolved)) {
+ out.SetUint(uint64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ }
+ }
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
+ case bool:
+ out.SetBool(resolved)
+ good = true
+ }
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ switch resolved := resolved.(type) {
+ case int:
+ out.SetFloat(float64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ case int64:
+ out.SetFloat(float64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ case uint64:
+ out.SetFloat(float64(resolved))
+ good = true
+ case float64:
+ out.SetFloat(resolved)
+ good = true
+ }
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if out.Type().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(resolved) {
+ // TODO DOes this make sense? When is out a Ptr except when decoding a nil value?
+ elem := reflect.New(out.Type().Elem())
+ elem.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(resolved))
+ out.Set(elem)
+ good = true
+ }
+ }
+ if !good {
+ d.terror(n, tag, out)
+ }
+ return good
+func settableValueOf(i interface{}) reflect.Value {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
+ sv := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem()
+ sv.Set(v)
+ return sv
+func (d *decoder) sequence(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ l := len(n.children)
+ var iface reflect.Value
+ switch out.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ out.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(out.Type(), l, l))
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ // No type hints. Will have to use a generic sequence.
+ iface = out
+ out = settableValueOf(make([]interface{}, l))
+ default:
+ d.terror(n, yaml_SEQ_TAG, out)
+ return false
+ }
+ et := out.Type().Elem()
+ j := 0
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
+ if ok := d.unmarshal(n.children[i], e); ok {
+ out.Index(j).Set(e)
+ j++
+ }
+ }
+ out.Set(out.Slice(0, j))
+ if iface.IsValid() {
+ iface.Set(out)
+ }
+ return true
+func (d *decoder) mapping(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ switch out.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ return d.mappingStruct(n, out)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ return d.mappingSlice(n, out)
+ case reflect.Map:
+ // okay
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ if d.mapType.Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ iface := out
+ out = reflect.MakeMap(d.mapType)
+ iface.Set(out)
+ } else {
+ slicev := reflect.New(d.mapType).Elem()
+ if !d.mappingSlice(n, slicev) {
+ return false
+ }
+ out.Set(slicev)
+ return true
+ }
+ default:
+ d.terror(n, yaml_MAP_TAG, out)
+ return false
+ }
+ outt := out.Type()
+ kt := outt.Key()
+ et := outt.Elem()
+ mapType := d.mapType
+ if outt.Key() == ifaceType && outt.Elem() == ifaceType {
+ d.mapType = outt
+ }
+ if out.IsNil() {
+ out.Set(reflect.MakeMap(outt))
+ }
+ l := len(n.children)
+ for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
+ if isMerge(n.children[i]) {
+ d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
+ continue
+ }
+ k := reflect.New(kt).Elem()
+ if d.unmarshal(n.children[i], k) {
+ kkind := k.Kind()
+ if kkind == reflect.Interface {
+ kkind = k.Elem().Kind()
+ }
+ if kkind == reflect.Map || kkind == reflect.Slice {
+ failf("invalid map key: %#v", k.Interface())
+ }
+ e := reflect.New(et).Elem()
+ if d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], e) {
+ out.SetMapIndex(k, e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d.mapType = mapType
+ return true
+func (d *decoder) mappingSlice(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ outt := out.Type()
+ if outt.Elem() != mapItemType {
+ d.terror(n, yaml_MAP_TAG, out)
+ return false
+ }
+ mapType := d.mapType
+ d.mapType = outt
+ var slice []MapItem
+ var l = len(n.children)
+ for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
+ if isMerge(n.children[i]) {
+ d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
+ continue
+ }
+ item := MapItem{}
+ k := reflect.ValueOf(&item.Key).Elem()
+ if d.unmarshal(n.children[i], k) {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(&item.Value).Elem()
+ if d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], v) {
+ slice = append(slice, item)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(slice))
+ d.mapType = mapType
+ return true
+func (d *decoder) mappingStruct(n *node, out reflect.Value) (good bool) {
+ sinfo, err := getStructInfo(out.Type())
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ name := settableValueOf("")
+ l := len(n.children)
+ var inlineMap reflect.Value
+ var elemType reflect.Type
+ if sinfo.InlineMap != -1 {
+ inlineMap = out.Field(sinfo.InlineMap)
+ inlineMap.Set(reflect.New(inlineMap.Type()).Elem())
+ elemType = inlineMap.Type().Elem()
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < l; i += 2 {
+ ni := n.children[i]
+ if isMerge(ni) {
+ d.merge(n.children[i+1], out)
+ continue
+ }
+ if !d.unmarshal(ni, name) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if info, ok := sinfo.FieldsMap[name.String()]; ok {
+ var field reflect.Value
+ if info.Inline == nil {
+ field = out.Field(info.Num)
+ } else {
+ field = out.FieldByIndex(info.Inline)
+ }
+ d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], field)
+ } else if sinfo.InlineMap != -1 {
+ if inlineMap.IsNil() {
+ inlineMap.Set(reflect.MakeMap(inlineMap.Type()))
+ }
+ value := reflect.New(elemType).Elem()
+ d.unmarshal(n.children[i+1], value)
+ inlineMap.SetMapIndex(name, value)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func failWantMap() {
+ failf("map merge requires map or sequence of maps as the value")
+func (d *decoder) merge(n *node, out reflect.Value) {
+ switch n.kind {
+ case mappingNode:
+ d.unmarshal(n, out)
+ case aliasNode:
+ an, ok := d.doc.anchors[n.value]
+ if ok && an.kind != mappingNode {
+ failWantMap()
+ }
+ d.unmarshal(n, out)
+ case sequenceNode:
+ // Step backwards as earlier nodes take precedence.
+ for i := len(n.children) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ ni := n.children[i]
+ if ni.kind == aliasNode {
+ an, ok := d.doc.anchors[ni.value]
+ if ok && an.kind != mappingNode {
+ failWantMap()
+ }
+ } else if ni.kind != mappingNode {
+ failWantMap()
+ }
+ d.unmarshal(ni, out)
+ }
+ default:
+ failWantMap()
+ }
+func isMerge(n *node) bool {
+ return n.kind == scalarNode && n.value == "<<" && (n.implicit == true || n.tag == yaml_MERGE_TAG)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ecdcb3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1684 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "bytes"
+// Flush the buffer if needed.
+func flush(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) {
+ return yaml_emitter_flush(emitter)
+ }
+ return true
+// Put a character to the output buffer.
+func put(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value byte) bool {
+ if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = value
+ emitter.buffer_pos++
+ emitter.column++
+ return true
+// Put a line break to the output buffer.
+func put_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ switch emitter.line_break {
+ case yaml_CR_BREAK:
+ emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = '\r'
+ emitter.buffer_pos += 1
+ case yaml_LN_BREAK:
+ emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos] = '\n'
+ emitter.buffer_pos += 1
+ case yaml_CRLN_BREAK:
+ emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos+0] = '\r'
+ emitter.buffer[emitter.buffer_pos+1] = '\n'
+ emitter.buffer_pos += 2
+ default:
+ panic("unknown line break setting")
+ }
+ emitter.column = 0
+ emitter.line++
+ return true
+// Copy a character from a string into buffer.
+func write(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte, i *int) bool {
+ if emitter.buffer_pos+5 >= len(emitter.buffer) && !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ p := emitter.buffer_pos
+ w := width(s[*i])
+ switch w {
+ case 4:
+ emitter.buffer[p+3] = s[*i+3]
+ fallthrough
+ case 3:
+ emitter.buffer[p+2] = s[*i+2]
+ fallthrough
+ case 2:
+ emitter.buffer[p+1] = s[*i+1]
+ fallthrough
+ case 1:
+ emitter.buffer[p+0] = s[*i+0]
+ default:
+ panic("unknown character width")
+ }
+ emitter.column++
+ emitter.buffer_pos += w
+ *i += w
+ return true
+// Write a whole string into buffer.
+func write_all(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte) bool {
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); {
+ if !write(emitter, s, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Copy a line break character from a string into buffer.
+func write_break(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, s []byte, i *int) bool {
+ if s[*i] == '\n' {
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ *i++
+ } else {
+ if !write(emitter, s, i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.column = 0
+ emitter.line++
+ }
+ return true
+// Set an emitter error and return false.
+func yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, problem string) bool {
+ emitter.error = yaml_EMITTER_ERROR
+ emitter.problem = problem
+ return false
+// Emit an event.
+func yaml_emitter_emit(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ = append(, *event)
+ for !yaml_emitter_need_more_events(emitter) {
+ event := &[emitter.events_head]
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_event(emitter, event) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_state_machine(emitter, event) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_event_delete(event)
+ emitter.events_head++
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting.
+// We accumulate extra
+// - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START
+// - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START
+// - 3 events for MAPPING-START
+func yaml_emitter_need_more_events(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if emitter.events_head == len( {
+ return true
+ }
+ var accumulate int
+ switch[emitter.events_head].typ {
+ accumulate = 1
+ break
+ accumulate = 2
+ break
+ accumulate = 3
+ break
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ if len( > accumulate {
+ return false
+ }
+ var level int
+ for i := emitter.events_head; i < len(; i++ {
+ switch[i].typ {
+ level++
+ level--
+ }
+ if level == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Append a directive to the directives stack.
+func yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value *yaml_tag_directive_t, allow_duplicates bool) bool {
+ for i := 0; i < len(emitter.tag_directives); i++ {
+ if bytes.Equal(value.handle, emitter.tag_directives[i].handle) {
+ if allow_duplicates {
+ return true
+ }
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "duplicate %TAG directive")
+ }
+ }
+ // [Go] Do we actually need to copy this given garbage collection
+ // and the lack of deallocating destructors?
+ tag_copy := yaml_tag_directive_t{
+ handle: make([]byte, len(value.handle)),
+ prefix: make([]byte, len(value.prefix)),
+ }
+ copy(tag_copy.handle, value.handle)
+ copy(tag_copy.prefix, value.prefix)
+ emitter.tag_directives = append(emitter.tag_directives, tag_copy)
+ return true
+// Increase the indentation level.
+func yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, flow, indentless bool) bool {
+ emitter.indents = append(emitter.indents, emitter.indent)
+ if emitter.indent < 0 {
+ if flow {
+ emitter.indent = emitter.best_indent
+ } else {
+ emitter.indent = 0
+ }
+ } else if !indentless {
+ emitter.indent += emitter.best_indent
+ }
+ return true
+// State dispatcher.
+func yaml_emitter_state_machine(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ switch emitter.state {
+ default:
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_stream_start(emitter, event)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_document_content(emitter, event)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_document_end(emitter, event)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter, event, false)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter, event, true)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter, event, false)
+ case yaml_EMIT_END_STATE:
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected nothing after STREAM-END")
+ }
+ panic("invalid emitter state")
+// Expect STREAM-START.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_stream_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if event.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected STREAM-START")
+ }
+ if emitter.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
+ emitter.encoding = event.encoding
+ if emitter.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
+ emitter.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
+ }
+ }
+ if emitter.best_indent < 2 || emitter.best_indent > 9 {
+ emitter.best_indent = 2
+ }
+ if emitter.best_width >= 0 && emitter.best_width <= emitter.best_indent*2 {
+ emitter.best_width = 80
+ }
+ if emitter.best_width < 0 {
+ emitter.best_width = 1<<31 - 1
+ }
+ if emitter.line_break == yaml_ANY_BREAK {
+ emitter.line_break = yaml_LN_BREAK
+ }
+ emitter.indent = -1
+ emitter.line = 0
+ emitter.column = 0
+ emitter.whitespace = true
+ emitter.indention = true
+ if emitter.encoding != yaml_UTF8_ENCODING {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_bom(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_FIRST_DOCUMENT_START_STATE
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_emit_document_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if event.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT {
+ if event.version_directive != nil {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_version_directive(emitter, event.version_directive) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(event.tag_directives); i++ {
+ tag_directive := &event.tag_directives[i]
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(default_tag_directives); i++ {
+ tag_directive := &default_tag_directives[i]
+ if !yaml_emitter_append_tag_directive(emitter, tag_directive, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ implicit := event.implicit
+ if !first || emitter.canonical {
+ implicit = false
+ }
+ if emitter.open_ended && (event.version_directive != nil || len(event.tag_directives) > 0) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if event.version_directive != nil {
+ implicit = false
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("%YAML"), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("1.1"), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(event.tag_directives) > 0 {
+ implicit = false
+ for i := 0; i < len(event.tag_directives); i++ {
+ tag_directive := &event.tag_directives[i]
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("%TAG"), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter, tag_directive.handle) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, tag_directive.prefix, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if yaml_emitter_check_empty_document(emitter) {
+ implicit = false
+ }
+ if !implicit {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("---"), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if emitter.canonical {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE
+ return true
+ }
+ if event.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT {
+ if emitter.open_ended {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_END_STATE
+ return true
+ }
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected DOCUMENT-START or STREAM-END")
+// Expect the root node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_document_content(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_END_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, true, false, false, false)
+// Expect DOCUMENT-END.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_document_end(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "expected DOCUMENT-END")
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !event.implicit {
+ // [Go] Allocate the slice elsewhere.
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("..."), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE
+ emitter.tag_directives = emitter.tag_directives[:0]
+ return true
+// Expect a flow item node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_sequence_item(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'['}, true, true, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.flow_level++
+ }
+ if event.typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT {
+ emitter.flow_level--
+ emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ if emitter.canonical && !first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{']'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+ }
+ if !first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, true, false, false)
+// Expect a flow key node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'{'}, true, true, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.flow_level++
+ }
+ if event.typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT {
+ emitter.flow_level--
+ emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ if emitter.canonical && !first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'}'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+ }
+ if !first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{','}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !emitter.canonical && yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter) {
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, true)
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'?'}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false)
+// Expect a flow value node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_flow_mapping_value(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, simple bool) bool {
+ if simple {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ if emitter.canonical || emitter.column > emitter.best_width {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false)
+// Expect a block item node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_block_sequence_item(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, false, emitter.mapping_context && !emitter.indention) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if event.typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT {
+ emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'-'}, true, false, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, true, false, false)
+// Expect a block key node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if event.typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT {
+ emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter) {
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, true)
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'?'}, true, false, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false)
+// Expect a block value node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_block_mapping_value(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t, simple bool) bool {
+ if simple {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{':'}, true, false, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.states = append(emitter.states, yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter, event, false, false, true, false)
+// Expect a node.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_node(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t,
+ root bool, sequence bool, mapping bool, simple_key bool) bool {
+ emitter.root_context = root
+ emitter.sequence_context = sequence
+ emitter.mapping_context = mapping
+ emitter.simple_key_context = simple_key
+ switch event.typ {
+ case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT:
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_alias(emitter, event)
+ case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT:
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_scalar(emitter, event)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_sequence_start(emitter, event)
+ return yaml_emitter_emit_mapping_start(emitter, event)
+ default:
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter,
+ }
+// Expect ALIAS.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_alias(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+// Expect SCALAR.
+func yaml_emitter_emit_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_select_scalar_style(emitter, event) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_increase_indent(emitter, true, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_scalar(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indent = emitter.indents[len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.indents = emitter.indents[:len(emitter.indents)-1]
+ emitter.state = emitter.states[len(emitter.states)-1]
+ emitter.states = emitter.states[:len(emitter.states)-1]
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_emit_sequence_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.canonical || event.sequence_style() == yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE ||
+ yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_emit_mapping_start(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.canonical || event.mapping_style() == yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE ||
+ yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter) {
+ emitter.state = yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE
+ } else {
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if the document content is an empty scalar.
+func yaml_emitter_check_empty_document(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ return false // [Go] Huh?
+// Check if the next events represent an empty sequence.
+func yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if len( < 2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return[emitter.events_head].typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT &&
+[emitter.events_head+1].typ == yaml_SEQUENCE_END_EVENT
+// Check if the next events represent an empty mapping.
+func yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if len( < 2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return[emitter.events_head].typ == yaml_MAPPING_START_EVENT &&
+[emitter.events_head+1].typ == yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT
+// Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key.
+func yaml_emitter_check_simple_key(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ length := 0
+ switch[emitter.events_head].typ {
+ case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT:
+ length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor)
+ case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT:
+ if emitter.scalar_data.multiline {
+ return false
+ }
+ length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.handle) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) +
+ len(emitter.scalar_data.value)
+ if !yaml_emitter_check_empty_sequence(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.handle) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.suffix)
+ if !yaml_emitter_check_empty_mapping(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ length += len(emitter.anchor_data.anchor) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.handle) +
+ len(emitter.tag_data.suffix)
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+ return length <= 128
+// Determine an acceptable scalar style.
+func yaml_emitter_select_scalar_style(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ no_tag := len(emitter.tag_data.handle) == 0 && len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) == 0
+ if no_tag && !event.implicit && !event.quoted_implicit {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "neither tag nor implicit flags are specified")
+ }
+ style := event.scalar_style()
+ if style == yaml_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE {
+ style = yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE
+ }
+ if emitter.canonical {
+ }
+ if emitter.simple_key_context && emitter.scalar_data.multiline {
+ }
+ if style == yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE {
+ if emitter.flow_level > 0 && !emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed ||
+ emitter.flow_level == 0 && !emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed {
+ }
+ if len(emitter.scalar_data.value) == 0 && (emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.simple_key_context) {
+ }
+ if no_tag && !event.implicit {
+ }
+ }
+ if style == yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE {
+ if !emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed {
+ }
+ }
+ if style == yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE || style == yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE {
+ if !emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed || emitter.flow_level > 0 || emitter.simple_key_context {
+ }
+ }
+ if no_tag && !event.quoted_implicit && style != yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE {
+ emitter.tag_data.handle = []byte{'!'}
+ }
+ = style
+ return true
+// Write an achor.
+func yaml_emitter_process_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if emitter.anchor_data.anchor == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ c := []byte{'&'}
+ if emitter.anchor_data.alias {
+ c[0] = '*'
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, c, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return yaml_emitter_write_anchor(emitter, emitter.anchor_data.anchor)
+// Write a tag.
+func yaml_emitter_process_tag(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if len(emitter.tag_data.handle) == 0 && len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ if len(emitter.tag_data.handle) > 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter, emitter.tag_data.handle) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(emitter.tag_data.suffix) > 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, emitter.tag_data.suffix, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // [Go] Allocate these slices elsewhere.
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte("!<"), true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter, emitter.tag_data.suffix, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'>'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Write a scalar.
+func yaml_emitter_process_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ switch {
+ return yaml_emitter_write_plain_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context)
+ return yaml_emitter_write_single_quoted_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context)
+ return yaml_emitter_write_double_quoted_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value, !emitter.simple_key_context)
+ return yaml_emitter_write_literal_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value)
+ return yaml_emitter_write_folded_scalar(emitter, emitter.scalar_data.value)
+ }
+ panic("unknown scalar style")
+// Check if a %YAML directive is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_version_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t) bool {
+ if version_directive.major != 1 || version_directive.minor != 1 {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "incompatible %YAML directive")
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if a %TAG directive is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_tag_directive(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, tag_directive *yaml_tag_directive_t) bool {
+ handle := tag_directive.handle
+ prefix := tag_directive.prefix
+ if len(handle) == 0 {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must not be empty")
+ }
+ if handle[0] != '!' {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must start with '!'")
+ }
+ if handle[len(handle)-1] != '!' {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must end with '!'")
+ }
+ for i := 1; i < len(handle)-1; i += width(handle[i]) {
+ if !is_alpha(handle, i) {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag handle must contain alphanumerical characters only")
+ }
+ }
+ if len(prefix) == 0 {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag prefix must not be empty")
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if an anchor is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, anchor []byte, alias bool) bool {
+ if len(anchor) == 0 {
+ problem := "anchor value must not be empty"
+ if alias {
+ problem = "alias value must not be empty"
+ }
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, problem)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(anchor); i += width(anchor[i]) {
+ if !is_alpha(anchor, i) {
+ problem := "anchor value must contain alphanumerical characters only"
+ if alias {
+ problem = "alias value must contain alphanumerical characters only"
+ }
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, problem)
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.anchor_data.anchor = anchor
+ emitter.anchor_data.alias = alias
+ return true
+// Check if a tag is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, tag []byte) bool {
+ if len(tag) == 0 {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_emitter_error(emitter, "tag value must not be empty")
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(emitter.tag_directives); i++ {
+ tag_directive := &emitter.tag_directives[i]
+ if bytes.HasPrefix(tag, tag_directive.prefix) {
+ emitter.tag_data.handle = tag_directive.handle
+ emitter.tag_data.suffix = tag[len(tag_directive.prefix):]
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.tag_data.suffix = tag
+ return true
+// Check if a scalar is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ var (
+ block_indicators = false
+ flow_indicators = false
+ line_breaks = false
+ special_characters = false
+ leading_space = false
+ leading_break = false
+ trailing_space = false
+ trailing_break = false
+ break_space = false
+ space_break = false
+ preceeded_by_whitespace = false
+ followed_by_whitespace = false
+ previous_space = false
+ previous_break = false
+ )
+ emitter.scalar_data.value = value
+ if len(value) == 0 {
+ emitter.scalar_data.multiline = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = true
+ emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = true
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false
+ return true
+ }
+ if len(value) >= 3 && ((value[0] == '-' && value[1] == '-' && value[2] == '-') || (value[0] == '.' && value[1] == '.' && value[2] == '.')) {
+ block_indicators = true
+ flow_indicators = true
+ }
+ preceeded_by_whitespace = true
+ for i, w := 0, 0; i < len(value); i += w {
+ w = width(value[i])
+ followed_by_whitespace = i+w >= len(value) || is_blank(value, i+w)
+ if i == 0 {
+ switch value[i] {
+ case '#', ',', '[', ']', '{', '}', '&', '*', '!', '|', '>', '\'', '"', '%', '@', '`':
+ flow_indicators = true
+ block_indicators = true
+ case '?', ':':
+ flow_indicators = true
+ if followed_by_whitespace {
+ block_indicators = true
+ }
+ case '-':
+ if followed_by_whitespace {
+ flow_indicators = true
+ block_indicators = true
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch value[i] {
+ case ',', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}':
+ flow_indicators = true
+ case ':':
+ flow_indicators = true
+ if followed_by_whitespace {
+ block_indicators = true
+ }
+ case '#':
+ if preceeded_by_whitespace {
+ flow_indicators = true
+ block_indicators = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !is_printable(value, i) || !is_ascii(value, i) && !emitter.unicode {
+ special_characters = true
+ }
+ if is_space(value, i) {
+ if i == 0 {
+ leading_space = true
+ }
+ if i+width(value[i]) == len(value) {
+ trailing_space = true
+ }
+ if previous_break {
+ break_space = true
+ }
+ previous_space = true
+ previous_break = false
+ } else if is_break(value, i) {
+ line_breaks = true
+ if i == 0 {
+ leading_break = true
+ }
+ if i+width(value[i]) == len(value) {
+ trailing_break = true
+ }
+ if previous_space {
+ space_break = true
+ }
+ previous_space = false
+ previous_break = true
+ } else {
+ previous_space = false
+ previous_break = false
+ }
+ // [Go]: Why 'z'? Couldn't be the end of the string as that's the loop condition.
+ preceeded_by_whitespace = is_blankz(value, i)
+ }
+ emitter.scalar_data.multiline = line_breaks
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = true
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = true
+ emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = true
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = true
+ if leading_space || leading_break || trailing_space || trailing_break {
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false
+ }
+ if trailing_space {
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false
+ }
+ if break_space {
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = false
+ }
+ if space_break || special_characters {
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.single_quoted_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_allowed = false
+ }
+ if line_breaks {
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false
+ }
+ if flow_indicators {
+ emitter.scalar_data.flow_plain_allowed = false
+ }
+ if block_indicators {
+ emitter.scalar_data.block_plain_allowed = false
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if the event data is valid.
+func yaml_emitter_analyze_event(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ emitter.anchor_data.anchor = nil
+ emitter.tag_data.handle = nil
+ emitter.tag_data.suffix = nil
+ emitter.scalar_data.value = nil
+ switch event.typ {
+ case yaml_ALIAS_EVENT:
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, true) {
+ return false
+ }
+ case yaml_SCALAR_EVENT:
+ if len(event.anchor) > 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || (!event.implicit && !event.quoted_implicit)) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_scalar(emitter, event.value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(event.anchor) > 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || !event.implicit) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(event.anchor) > 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_anchor(emitter, event.anchor, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(event.tag) > 0 && (emitter.canonical || !event.implicit) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_analyze_tag(emitter, event.tag) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Write the BOM character.
+func yaml_emitter_write_bom(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if !flush(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ pos := emitter.buffer_pos
+ emitter.buffer[pos+0] = '\xEF'
+ emitter.buffer[pos+1] = '\xBB'
+ emitter.buffer[pos+2] = '\xBF'
+ emitter.buffer_pos += 3
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ indent := emitter.indent
+ if indent < 0 {
+ indent = 0
+ }
+ if !emitter.indention || emitter.column > indent || (emitter.column == indent && !emitter.whitespace) {
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for emitter.column < indent {
+ if !put(emitter, ' ') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = true
+ emitter.indention = true
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, indicator []byte, need_whitespace, is_whitespace, is_indention bool) bool {
+ if need_whitespace && !emitter.whitespace {
+ if !put(emitter, ' ') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write_all(emitter, indicator) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = is_whitespace
+ emitter.indention = (emitter.indention && is_indention)
+ emitter.open_ended = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_anchor(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ if !write_all(emitter, value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_tag_handle(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ if !emitter.whitespace {
+ if !put(emitter, ' ') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write_all(emitter, value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_tag_content(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, need_whitespace bool) bool {
+ if need_whitespace && !emitter.whitespace {
+ if !put(emitter, ' ') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ var must_write bool
+ switch value[i] {
+ case ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '_', '.', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']':
+ must_write = true
+ default:
+ must_write = is_alpha(value, i)
+ }
+ if must_write {
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ w := width(value[i])
+ for k := 0; k < w; k++ {
+ octet := value[i]
+ i++
+ if !put(emitter, '%') {
+ return false
+ }
+ c := octet >> 4
+ if c < 10 {
+ c += '0'
+ } else {
+ c += 'A' - 10
+ }
+ if !put(emitter, c) {
+ return false
+ }
+ c = octet & 0x0f
+ if c < 10 {
+ c += '0'
+ } else {
+ c += 'A' - 10
+ }
+ if !put(emitter, c) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_plain_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool {
+ if !emitter.whitespace {
+ if !put(emitter, ' ') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ spaces := false
+ breaks := false
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ if is_space(value, i) {
+ if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && !is_space(value, i+1) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ i += width(value[i])
+ } else {
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ spaces = true
+ } else if is_break(value, i) {
+ if !breaks && value[i] == '\n' {
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ breaks = true
+ } else {
+ if breaks {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = false
+ spaces = false
+ breaks = false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ if emitter.root_context {
+ emitter.open_ended = true
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_single_quoted_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'\''}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ spaces := false
+ breaks := false
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ if is_space(value, i) {
+ if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && i > 0 && i < len(value)-1 && !is_space(value, i+1) {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ i += width(value[i])
+ } else {
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ spaces = true
+ } else if is_break(value, i) {
+ if !breaks && value[i] == '\n' {
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ breaks = true
+ } else {
+ if breaks {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if value[i] == '\'' {
+ if !put(emitter, '\'') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = false
+ spaces = false
+ breaks = false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'\''}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_double_quoted_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte, allow_breaks bool) bool {
+ spaces := false
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'"'}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ if !is_printable(value, i) || (!emitter.unicode && !is_ascii(value, i)) ||
+ is_bom(value, i) || is_break(value, i) ||
+ value[i] == '"' || value[i] == '\\' {
+ octet := value[i]
+ var w int
+ var v rune
+ switch {
+ case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
+ w, v = 1, rune(octet&0x7F)
+ case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
+ w, v = 2, rune(octet&0x1F)
+ case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
+ w, v = 3, rune(octet&0x0F)
+ case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
+ w, v = 4, rune(octet&0x07)
+ }
+ for k := 1; k < w; k++ {
+ octet = value[i+k]
+ v = (v << 6) + (rune(octet) & 0x3F)
+ }
+ i += w
+ if !put(emitter, '\\') {
+ return false
+ }
+ var ok bool
+ switch v {
+ case 0x00:
+ ok = put(emitter, '0')
+ case 0x07:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'a')
+ case 0x08:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'b')
+ case 0x09:
+ ok = put(emitter, 't')
+ case 0x0A:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'n')
+ case 0x0b:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'v')
+ case 0x0c:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'f')
+ case 0x0d:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'r')
+ case 0x1b:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'e')
+ case 0x22:
+ ok = put(emitter, '"')
+ case 0x5c:
+ ok = put(emitter, '\\')
+ case 0x85:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'N')
+ case 0xA0:
+ ok = put(emitter, '_')
+ case 0x2028:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'L')
+ case 0x2029:
+ ok = put(emitter, 'P')
+ default:
+ if v <= 0xFF {
+ ok = put(emitter, 'x')
+ w = 2
+ } else if v <= 0xFFFF {
+ ok = put(emitter, 'u')
+ w = 4
+ } else {
+ ok = put(emitter, 'U')
+ w = 8
+ }
+ for k := (w - 1) * 4; ok && k >= 0; k -= 4 {
+ digit := byte((v >> uint(k)) & 0x0F)
+ if digit < 10 {
+ ok = put(emitter, digit+'0')
+ } else {
+ ok = put(emitter, digit+'A'-10)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ spaces = false
+ } else if is_space(value, i) {
+ if allow_breaks && !spaces && emitter.column > emitter.best_width && i > 0 && i < len(value)-1 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if is_space(value, i+1) {
+ if !put(emitter, '\\') {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ i += width(value[i])
+ } else if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ spaces = true
+ } else {
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ spaces = false
+ }
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'"'}, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.whitespace = false
+ emitter.indention = false
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ if is_space(value, 0) || is_break(value, 0) {
+ indent_hint := []byte{'0' + byte(emitter.best_indent)}
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, indent_hint, false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.open_ended = false
+ var chomp_hint [1]byte
+ if len(value) == 0 {
+ chomp_hint[0] = '-'
+ } else {
+ i := len(value) - 1
+ for value[i]&0xC0 == 0x80 {
+ i--
+ }
+ if !is_break(value, i) {
+ chomp_hint[0] = '-'
+ } else if i == 0 {
+ chomp_hint[0] = '+'
+ emitter.open_ended = true
+ } else {
+ i--
+ for value[i]&0xC0 == 0x80 {
+ i--
+ }
+ if is_break(value, i) {
+ chomp_hint[0] = '+'
+ emitter.open_ended = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if chomp_hint[0] != 0 {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, chomp_hint[:], false, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_literal_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'|'}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter, value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ emitter.whitespace = true
+ breaks := true
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ if is_break(value, i) {
+ if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ breaks = true
+ } else {
+ if breaks {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = false
+ breaks = false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func yaml_emitter_write_folded_scalar(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, value []byte) bool {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indicator(emitter, []byte{'>'}, true, false, false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints(emitter, value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ emitter.whitespace = true
+ breaks := true
+ leading_spaces := true
+ for i := 0; i < len(value); {
+ if is_break(value, i) {
+ if !breaks && !leading_spaces && value[i] == '\n' {
+ k := 0
+ for is_break(value, k) {
+ k += width(value[k])
+ }
+ if !is_blankz(value, k) {
+ if !put_break(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !write_break(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ emitter.indention = true
+ breaks = true
+ } else {
+ if breaks {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ leading_spaces = is_blank(value, i)
+ }
+ if !breaks && is_space(value, i) && !is_space(value, i+1) && emitter.column > emitter.best_width {
+ if !yaml_emitter_write_indent(emitter) {
+ return false
+ }
+ i += width(value[i])
+ } else {
+ if !write(emitter, value, &i) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ emitter.indention = false
+ breaks = false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84f849955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "encoding"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+type encoder struct {
+ emitter yaml_emitter_t
+ event yaml_event_t
+ out []byte
+ flow bool
+func newEncoder() (e *encoder) {
+ e = &encoder{}
+ e.must(yaml_emitter_initialize(&e.emitter))
+ yaml_emitter_set_output_string(&e.emitter, &e.out)
+ yaml_emitter_set_unicode(&e.emitter, true)
+ e.must(yaml_stream_start_event_initialize(&e.event, yaml_UTF8_ENCODING))
+ e.emit()
+ e.must(yaml_document_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, nil, true))
+ e.emit()
+ return e
+func (e *encoder) finish() {
+ e.must(yaml_document_end_event_initialize(&e.event, true))
+ e.emit()
+ e.emitter.open_ended = false
+ e.must(yaml_stream_end_event_initialize(&e.event))
+ e.emit()
+func (e *encoder) destroy() {
+ yaml_emitter_delete(&e.emitter)
+func (e *encoder) emit() {
+ // This will internally delete the e.event value.
+ if !yaml_emitter_emit(&e.emitter, &e.event) && e.event.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT && e.event.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT {
+ e.must(false)
+ }
+func (e *encoder) must(ok bool) {
+ if !ok {
+ msg := e.emitter.problem
+ if msg == "" {
+ msg = "unknown problem generating YAML content"
+ }
+ failf("%s", msg)
+ }
+func (e *encoder) marshal(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ if !in.IsValid() {
+ e.nilv()
+ return
+ }
+ iface := in.Interface()
+ if m, ok := iface.(Marshaler); ok {
+ v, err := m.MarshalYAML()
+ if err != nil {
+ fail(err)
+ }
+ if v == nil {
+ e.nilv()
+ return
+ }
+ in = reflect.ValueOf(v)
+ } else if m, ok := iface.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
+ text, err := m.MarshalText()
+ if err != nil {
+ fail(err)
+ }
+ in = reflect.ValueOf(string(text))
+ }
+ switch in.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ if in.IsNil() {
+ e.nilv()
+ } else {
+ e.marshal(tag, in.Elem())
+ }
+ case reflect.Map:
+ e.mapv(tag, in)
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if in.IsNil() {
+ e.nilv()
+ } else {
+ e.marshal(tag, in.Elem())
+ }
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ e.structv(tag, in)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if in.Type().Elem() == mapItemType {
+ e.itemsv(tag, in)
+ } else {
+ e.slicev(tag, in)
+ }
+ case reflect.String:
+ e.stringv(tag, in)
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ if in.Type() == durationType {
+ e.stringv(tag, reflect.ValueOf(iface.(time.Duration).String()))
+ } else {
+ e.intv(tag, in)
+ }
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ e.uintv(tag, in)
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ e.floatv(tag, in)
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ e.boolv(tag, in)
+ default:
+ panic("cannot marshal type: " + in.Type().String())
+ }
+func (e *encoder) mapv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ e.mappingv(tag, func() {
+ keys := keyList(in.MapKeys())
+ sort.Sort(keys)
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ e.marshal("", k)
+ e.marshal("", in.MapIndex(k))
+ }
+ })
+func (e *encoder) itemsv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ e.mappingv(tag, func() {
+ slice := in.Convert(reflect.TypeOf([]MapItem{})).Interface().([]MapItem)
+ for _, item := range slice {
+ e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(item.Key))
+ e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(item.Value))
+ }
+ })
+func (e *encoder) structv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ sinfo, err := getStructInfo(in.Type())
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ e.mappingv(tag, func() {
+ for _, info := range sinfo.FieldsList {
+ var value reflect.Value
+ if info.Inline == nil {
+ value = in.Field(info.Num)
+ } else {
+ value = in.FieldByIndex(info.Inline)
+ }
+ if info.OmitEmpty && isZero(value) {
+ continue
+ }
+ e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(info.Key))
+ e.flow = info.Flow
+ e.marshal("", value)
+ }
+ if sinfo.InlineMap >= 0 {
+ m := in.Field(sinfo.InlineMap)
+ if m.Len() > 0 {
+ e.flow = false
+ keys := keyList(m.MapKeys())
+ sort.Sort(keys)
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ if _, found := sinfo.FieldsMap[k.String()]; found {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't have key %q in inlined map; conflicts with struct field", k.String()))
+ }
+ e.marshal("", k)
+ e.flow = false
+ e.marshal("", m.MapIndex(k))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+func (e *encoder) mappingv(tag string, f func()) {
+ implicit := tag == ""
+ style := yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE
+ if e.flow {
+ e.flow = false
+ style = yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE
+ }
+ e.must(yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style))
+ e.emit()
+ f()
+ e.must(yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize(&e.event))
+ e.emit()
+func (e *encoder) slicev(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ implicit := tag == ""
+ style := yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE
+ if e.flow {
+ e.flow = false
+ style = yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE
+ }
+ e.must(yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(&e.event, nil, []byte(tag), implicit, style))
+ e.emit()
+ n := in.Len()
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ e.marshal("", in.Index(i))
+ }
+ e.must(yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize(&e.event))
+ e.emit()
+// isBase60 returns whether s is in base 60 notation as defined in YAML 1.1.
+// The base 60 float notation in YAML 1.1 is a terrible idea and is unsupported
+// in YAML 1.2 and by this package, but these should be marshalled quoted for
+// the time being for compatibility with other parsers.
+func isBase60Float(s string) (result bool) {
+ // Fast path.
+ if s == "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ c := s[0]
+ if !(c == '+' || c == '-' || c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strings.IndexByte(s, ':') < 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Do the full match.
+ return base60float.MatchString(s)
+// From, except the regular expression there
+// is bogus. In practice parsers do not enforce the "\.[0-9_]*" suffix.
+var base60float = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$`)
+func (e *encoder) stringv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ var style yaml_scalar_style_t
+ s := in.String()
+ rtag, rs := resolve("", s)
+ if rtag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ if tag == "" || tag == yaml_STR_TAG {
+ tag = rtag
+ s = rs.(string)
+ } else if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ failf("explicitly tagged !!binary data must be base64-encoded")
+ } else {
+ failf("cannot marshal invalid UTF-8 data as %s", shortTag(tag))
+ }
+ }
+ if tag == "" && (rtag != yaml_STR_TAG || isBase60Float(s)) {
+ } else if strings.Contains(s, "\n") {
+ } else {
+ style = yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE
+ }
+ e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, style)
+func (e *encoder) boolv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ var s string
+ if in.Bool() {
+ s = "true"
+ } else {
+ s = "false"
+ }
+ e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
+func (e *encoder) intv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ s := strconv.FormatInt(in.Int(), 10)
+ e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
+func (e *encoder) uintv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ s := strconv.FormatUint(in.Uint(), 10)
+ e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
+func (e *encoder) floatv(tag string, in reflect.Value) {
+ // FIXME: Handle 64 bits here.
+ s := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(in.Float()), 'g', -1, 32)
+ switch s {
+ case "+Inf":
+ s = ".inf"
+ case "-Inf":
+ s = "-.inf"
+ case "NaN":
+ s = ".nan"
+ }
+ e.emitScalar(s, "", tag, yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
+func (e *encoder) nilv() {
+ e.emitScalar("null", "", "", yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE)
+func (e *encoder) emitScalar(value, anchor, tag string, style yaml_scalar_style_t) {
+ implicit := tag == ""
+ e.must(yaml_scalar_event_initialize(&e.event, []byte(anchor), []byte(tag), []byte(value), implicit, implicit, style))
+ e.emit()
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81d05dfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "bytes"
+// The parser implements the following grammar:
+// stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END
+// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
+// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+// block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::=
+// | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
+// | block_content
+// | indentless_block_sequence
+// block_node ::= ALIAS
+// | properties block_content?
+// | block_content
+// flow_node ::= ALIAS
+// | properties flow_content?
+// | flow_content
+// properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
+// block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
+// flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
+// block_collection ::= block_sequence | block_mapping
+// flow_collection ::= flow_sequence | flow_mapping
+// block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END
+// indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+
+// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
+// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
+// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
+// flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
+// (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+// flow_sequence_entry?
+// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START
+// (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+// flow_mapping_entry?
+// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// Peek the next token in the token queue.
+func peek_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) *yaml_token_t {
+ if parser.token_available || yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser) {
+ return &parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head]
+ }
+ return nil
+// Remove the next token from the queue (must be called after peek_token).
+func skip_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) {
+ parser.token_available = false
+ parser.tokens_parsed++
+ parser.stream_end_produced = parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head].typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN
+ parser.tokens_head++
+// Get the next event.
+func yaml_parser_parse(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ // Erase the event object.
+ *event = yaml_event_t{}
+ // No events after the end of the stream or error.
+ if parser.stream_end_produced || parser.error != yaml_NO_ERROR || parser.state == yaml_PARSE_END_STATE {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Generate the next event.
+ return yaml_parser_state_machine(parser, event)
+// Set parser error.
+func yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string, problem_mark yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ parser.error = yaml_PARSER_ERROR
+ parser.problem = problem
+ parser.problem_mark = problem_mark
+ return false
+func yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser *yaml_parser_t, context string, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string, problem_mark yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ parser.error = yaml_PARSER_ERROR
+ parser.context = context
+ parser.context_mark = context_mark
+ parser.problem = problem
+ parser.problem_mark = problem_mark
+ return false
+// State dispatcher.
+func yaml_parser_state_machine(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ //trace("yaml_parser_state_machine", "state:", parser.state.String())
+ switch parser.state {
+ return yaml_parser_parse_stream_start(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser, event, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_document_content(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_document_end(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser, event, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_indentless_sequence_entry(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser, event, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_value(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser, event, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end(parser, event)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser, event, true)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser, event, false)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser, event, true)
+ default:
+ panic("invalid parser state")
+ }
+// Parse the production:
+// stream ::= STREAM-START implicit_document? explicit_document* STREAM-END
+// ************
+func yaml_parser_parse_stream_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN {
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, "did not find expected <stream-start>", token.start_mark)
+ }
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ encoding: token.encoding,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
+// *
+// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+// *************************
+func yaml_parser_parse_document_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, implicit bool) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Parse extra document end indicators.
+ if !implicit {
+ for token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if implicit && token.typ != yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN {
+ // Parse an implicit document.
+ if !yaml_parser_process_directives(parser, nil, nil) {
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE)
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ } else if token.typ != yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN {
+ // Parse an explicit document.
+ var version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
+ var tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t
+ start_mark := token.start_mark
+ if !yaml_parser_process_directives(parser, &version_directive, &tag_directives) {
+ return false
+ }
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN {
+ yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser,
+ "did not find expected <document start>", token.start_mark)
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_END_STATE)
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE
+ end_mark := token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ version_directive: version_directive,
+ tag_directives: tag_directives,
+ implicit: false,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ } else {
+ // Parse the stream end.
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_END_STATE
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_STREAM_END_EVENT,
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ }
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+// ***********
+func yaml_parser_parse_document_content(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN ||
+ token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN ||
+ token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN ||
+ token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN ||
+ token.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event,
+ token.start_mark)
+ }
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false)
+// Parse the productions:
+// implicit_document ::= block_node DOCUMENT-END*
+// *************
+// explicit_document ::= DIRECTIVE* DOCUMENT-START block_node? DOCUMENT-END*
+func yaml_parser_parse_document_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ start_mark := token.start_mark
+ end_mark := token.start_mark
+ implicit := true
+ if token.typ == yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN {
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ implicit = false
+ }
+ parser.tag_directives = parser.tag_directives[:0]
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_START_STATE
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ }
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// block_node_or_indentless_sequence ::=
+// *****
+// | properties (block_content | indentless_block_sequence)?
+// ********** *
+// | block_content | indentless_block_sequence
+// *
+// block_node ::= ALIAS
+// *****
+// | properties block_content?
+// ********** *
+// | block_content
+// *
+// flow_node ::= ALIAS
+// *****
+// | properties flow_content?
+// ********** *
+// | flow_content
+// *
+// properties ::= TAG ANCHOR? | ANCHOR TAG?
+// *************************
+// block_content ::= block_collection | flow_collection | SCALAR
+// ******
+// flow_content ::= flow_collection | SCALAR
+// ******
+func yaml_parser_parse_node(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, block, indentless_sequence bool) bool {
+ //defer trace("yaml_parser_parse_node", "block:", block, "indentless_sequence:", indentless_sequence)()
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN {
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_ALIAS_EVENT,
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ anchor: token.value,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+ }
+ start_mark := token.start_mark
+ end_mark := token.start_mark
+ var tag_token bool
+ var tag_handle, tag_suffix, anchor []byte
+ var tag_mark yaml_mark_t
+ if token.typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN {
+ anchor = token.value
+ start_mark = token.start_mark
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_TAG_TOKEN {
+ tag_token = true
+ tag_handle = token.value
+ tag_suffix = token.suffix
+ tag_mark = token.start_mark
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ } else if token.typ == yaml_TAG_TOKEN {
+ tag_token = true
+ tag_handle = token.value
+ tag_suffix = token.suffix
+ start_mark = token.start_mark
+ tag_mark = token.start_mark
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN {
+ anchor = token.value
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var tag []byte
+ if tag_token {
+ if len(tag_handle) == 0 {
+ tag = tag_suffix
+ tag_suffix = nil
+ } else {
+ for i := range parser.tag_directives {
+ if bytes.Equal(parser.tag_directives[i].handle, tag_handle) {
+ tag = append([]byte(nil), parser.tag_directives[i].prefix...)
+ tag = append(tag, tag_suffix...)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if len(tag) == 0 {
+ yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser,
+ "while parsing a node", start_mark,
+ "found undefined tag handle", tag_mark)
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ implicit := len(tag) == 0
+ if indentless_sequence && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN {
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN {
+ var plain_implicit, quoted_implicit bool
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ if (len(tag) == 0 && == yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE) || (len(tag) == 1 && tag[0] == '!') {
+ plain_implicit = true
+ } else if len(tag) == 0 {
+ quoted_implicit = true
+ }
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ value: token.value,
+ implicit: plain_implicit,
+ quoted_implicit: quoted_implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN {
+ // [Go] Some of the events below can be merged as they differ only on style.
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN {
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if block && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN {
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if block && token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN {
+ end_mark = token.end_mark
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if len(anchor) > 0 || len(tag) > 0 {
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ anchor: anchor,
+ tag: tag,
+ implicit: implicit,
+ quoted_implicit: false,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ context := "while parsing a flow node"
+ if block {
+ context = "while parsing a block node"
+ }
+ yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, context, start_mark,
+ "did not find expected node content", token.start_mark)
+ return false
+// Parse the productions:
+// block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END
+// ******************** *********** * *********
+func yaml_parser_parse_block_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark)
+ skip_token(parser)
+ }
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN {
+ mark := token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false)
+ } else {
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark)
+ }
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+ }
+ context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser,
+ "while parsing a block collection", context_mark,
+ "did not find expected '-' indicator", token.start_mark)
+// Parse the productions:
+// indentless_sequence ::= (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)+
+// *********** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_indentless_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN {
+ mark := token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, false)
+ }
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark)
+ }
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.start_mark, // [Go] Shouldn't this be token.end_mark?
+ }
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
+// *******************
+// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
+// *** *
+// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
+// *********
+func yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark)
+ skip_token(parser)
+ }
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN {
+ mark := token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true)
+ } else {
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark)
+ }
+ } else if token.typ == yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT,
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+ }
+ context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser,
+ "while parsing a block mapping", context_mark,
+ "did not find expected key", token.start_mark)
+// Parse the productions:
+// block_mapping ::= BLOCK-MAPPING_START
+// ((KEY block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?
+// (VALUE block_node_or_indentless_sequence?)?)*
+// ***** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_block_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN {
+ mark := token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_KEY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, true, true)
+ }
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark)
+ }
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark)
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_sequence ::= FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
+// *******************
+// (flow_sequence_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+// * **********
+// flow_sequence_entry?
+// *
+// *****************
+// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark)
+ skip_token(parser)
+ }
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN {
+ if !first {
+ if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser,
+ "while parsing a flow sequence", context_mark,
+ "did not find expected ',' or ']'", token.start_mark)
+ }
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ implicit: true,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE),
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+ } else if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ }
+ }
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// *** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ }
+ mark := token.end_mark
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, mark)
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// ***** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ }
+ }
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark)
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_sequence_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_sequence_entry_mapping_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT,
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.start_mark, // [Go] Shouldn't this be end_mark?
+ }
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_mapping ::= FLOW-MAPPING-START
+// ******************
+// (flow_mapping_entry FLOW-ENTRY)*
+// * **********
+// flow_mapping_entry?
+// ******************
+// ****************
+// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// * *** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_key(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, first bool) bool {
+ if first {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ parser.marks = append(parser.marks, token.start_mark)
+ skip_token(parser)
+ }
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN {
+ if !first {
+ if token.typ == yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ context_mark := parser.marks[len(parser.marks)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser,
+ "while parsing a flow mapping", context_mark,
+ "did not find expected ',' or '}'", token.start_mark)
+ }
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_KEY_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_VALUE_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN &&
+ token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ } else {
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark)
+ }
+ } else if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ }
+ }
+ parser.state = parser.states[len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.states = parser.states[:len(parser.states)-1]
+ parser.marks = parser.marks[:len(parser.marks)-1]
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_MAPPING_END_EVENT,
+ start_mark: token.start_mark,
+ end_mark: token.end_mark,
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ return true
+// Parse the productions:
+// flow_mapping_entry ::= flow_node | KEY flow_node? (VALUE flow_node?)?
+// * ***** *
+func yaml_parser_parse_flow_mapping_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, empty bool) bool {
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if empty {
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark)
+ }
+ if token.typ == yaml_VALUE_TOKEN {
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.typ != yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN && token.typ != yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.states = append(parser.states, yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE)
+ return yaml_parser_parse_node(parser, event, false, false)
+ }
+ }
+ parser.state = yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE
+ return yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser, event, token.start_mark)
+// Generate an empty scalar event.
+func yaml_parser_process_empty_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, event *yaml_event_t, mark yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ *event = yaml_event_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_EVENT,
+ start_mark: mark,
+ end_mark: mark,
+ value: nil, // Empty
+ implicit: true,
+ style: yaml_style_t(yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE),
+ }
+ return true
+var default_tag_directives = []yaml_tag_directive_t{
+ {[]byte("!"), []byte("!")},
+ {[]byte("!!"), []byte(",2002:")},
+// Parse directives.
+func yaml_parser_process_directives(parser *yaml_parser_t,
+ version_directive_ref **yaml_version_directive_t,
+ tag_directives_ref *[]yaml_tag_directive_t) bool {
+ var version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
+ var tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t
+ token := peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ for token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN || token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN {
+ if token.typ == yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN {
+ if version_directive != nil {
+ yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser,
+ "found duplicate %YAML directive", token.start_mark)
+ return false
+ }
+ if token.major != 1 || token.minor != 1 {
+ yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser,
+ "found incompatible YAML document", token.start_mark)
+ return false
+ }
+ version_directive = &yaml_version_directive_t{
+ major: token.major,
+ minor: token.minor,
+ }
+ } else if token.typ == yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN {
+ value := yaml_tag_directive_t{
+ handle: token.value,
+ prefix: token.prefix,
+ }
+ if !yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser, value, false, token.start_mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ tag_directives = append(tag_directives, value)
+ }
+ skip_token(parser)
+ token = peek_token(parser)
+ if token == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for i := range default_tag_directives {
+ if !yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser, default_tag_directives[i], true, token.start_mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if version_directive_ref != nil {
+ *version_directive_ref = version_directive
+ }
+ if tag_directives_ref != nil {
+ *tag_directives_ref = tag_directives
+ }
+ return true
+// Append a tag directive to the directives stack.
+func yaml_parser_append_tag_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t, value yaml_tag_directive_t, allow_duplicates bool, mark yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ for i := range parser.tag_directives {
+ if bytes.Equal(value.handle, parser.tag_directives[i].handle) {
+ if allow_duplicates {
+ return true
+ }
+ return yaml_parser_set_parser_error(parser, "found duplicate %TAG directive", mark)
+ }
+ }
+ // [Go] I suspect the copy is unnecessary. This was likely done
+ // because there was no way to track ownership of the data.
+ value_copy := yaml_tag_directive_t{
+ handle: make([]byte, len(value.handle)),
+ prefix: make([]byte, len(value.prefix)),
+ }
+ copy(value_copy.handle, value.handle)
+ copy(value_copy.prefix, value.prefix)
+ parser.tag_directives = append(parser.tag_directives, value_copy)
+ return true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f45079171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "io"
+// Set the reader error and return 0.
+func yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, problem string, offset int, value int) bool {
+ parser.error = yaml_READER_ERROR
+ parser.problem = problem
+ parser.problem_offset = offset
+ parser.problem_value = value
+ return false
+// Byte order marks.
+const (
+ bom_UTF8 = "\xef\xbb\xbf"
+ bom_UTF16LE = "\xff\xfe"
+ bom_UTF16BE = "\xfe\xff"
+// Determine the input stream encoding by checking the BOM symbol. If no BOM is
+// found, the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+func yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Ensure that we had enough bytes in the raw buffer.
+ for !parser.eof && len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos < 3 {
+ if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine the encoding.
+ buf := parser.raw_buffer
+ pos := parser.raw_buffer_pos
+ avail := len(buf) - pos
+ if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16LE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16LE[1] {
+ parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING
+ parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
+ parser.offset += 2
+ } else if avail >= 2 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF16BE[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF16BE[1] {
+ parser.encoding = yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING
+ parser.raw_buffer_pos += 2
+ parser.offset += 2
+ } else if avail >= 3 && buf[pos] == bom_UTF8[0] && buf[pos+1] == bom_UTF8[1] && buf[pos+2] == bom_UTF8[2] {
+ parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
+ parser.raw_buffer_pos += 3
+ parser.offset += 3
+ } else {
+ parser.encoding = yaml_UTF8_ENCODING
+ }
+ return true
+// Update the raw buffer.
+func yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ size_read := 0
+ // Return if the raw buffer is full.
+ if parser.raw_buffer_pos == 0 && len(parser.raw_buffer) == cap(parser.raw_buffer) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Return on EOF.
+ if parser.eof {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Move the remaining bytes in the raw buffer to the beginning.
+ if parser.raw_buffer_pos > 0 && parser.raw_buffer_pos < len(parser.raw_buffer) {
+ copy(parser.raw_buffer, parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos:])
+ }
+ parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)-parser.raw_buffer_pos]
+ parser.raw_buffer_pos = 0
+ // Call the read handler to fill the buffer.
+ size_read, err := parser.read_handler(parser, parser.raw_buffer[len(parser.raw_buffer):cap(parser.raw_buffer)])
+ parser.raw_buffer = parser.raw_buffer[:len(parser.raw_buffer)+size_read]
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ parser.eof = true
+ } else if err != nil {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser, "input error: "+err.Error(), parser.offset, -1)
+ }
+ return true
+// Ensure that the buffer contains at least `length` characters.
+// Return true on success, false on failure.
+// The length is supposed to be significantly less that the buffer size.
+func yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool {
+ if parser.read_handler == nil {
+ panic("read handler must be set")
+ }
+ // If the EOF flag is set and the raw buffer is empty, do nothing.
+ if parser.eof && parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Return if the buffer contains enough characters.
+ if parser.unread >= length {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Determine the input encoding if it is not known yet.
+ if parser.encoding == yaml_ANY_ENCODING {
+ if !yaml_parser_determine_encoding(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Move the unread characters to the beginning of the buffer.
+ buffer_len := len(parser.buffer)
+ if parser.buffer_pos > 0 && parser.buffer_pos < buffer_len {
+ copy(parser.buffer, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:])
+ buffer_len -= parser.buffer_pos
+ parser.buffer_pos = 0
+ } else if parser.buffer_pos == buffer_len {
+ buffer_len = 0
+ parser.buffer_pos = 0
+ }
+ // Open the whole buffer for writing, and cut it before returning.
+ parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:cap(parser.buffer)]
+ // Fill the buffer until it has enough characters.
+ first := true
+ for parser.unread < length {
+ // Fill the raw buffer if necessary.
+ if !first || parser.raw_buffer_pos == len(parser.raw_buffer) {
+ if !yaml_parser_update_raw_buffer(parser) {
+ parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len]
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ first = false
+ // Decode the raw buffer.
+ inner:
+ for parser.raw_buffer_pos != len(parser.raw_buffer) {
+ var value rune
+ var width int
+ raw_unread := len(parser.raw_buffer) - parser.raw_buffer_pos
+ // Decode the next character.
+ switch parser.encoding {
+ case yaml_UTF8_ENCODING:
+ // Decode a UTF-8 character. Check RFC 3629
+ // ( for more details.
+ //
+ // The following table (taken from the RFC) is used for
+ // decoding.
+ //
+ // Char. number range | UTF-8 octet sequence
+ // (hexadecimal) | (binary)
+ // --------------------+------------------------------------
+ // 0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
+ // 0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ // 0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ // 0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ //
+ // Additionally, the characters in the range 0xD800-0xDFFF
+ // are prohibited as they are reserved for use with UTF-16
+ // surrogate pairs.
+ // Determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence.
+ octet := parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos]
+ switch {
+ case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
+ width = 1
+ case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
+ width = 2
+ case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
+ width = 3
+ case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
+ width = 4
+ default:
+ // The leading octet is invalid.
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "invalid leading UTF-8 octet",
+ parser.offset, int(octet))
+ }
+ // Check if the raw buffer contains an incomplete character.
+ if width > raw_unread {
+ if parser.eof {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "incomplete UTF-8 octet sequence",
+ parser.offset, -1)
+ }
+ break inner
+ }
+ // Decode the leading octet.
+ switch {
+ case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
+ value = rune(octet & 0x7F)
+ case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
+ value = rune(octet & 0x1F)
+ case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
+ value = rune(octet & 0x0F)
+ case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
+ value = rune(octet & 0x07)
+ default:
+ value = 0
+ }
+ // Check and decode the trailing octets.
+ for k := 1; k < width; k++ {
+ octet = parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+k]
+ // Check if the octet is valid.
+ if (octet & 0xC0) != 0x80 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "invalid trailing UTF-8 octet",
+ parser.offset+k, int(octet))
+ }
+ // Decode the octet.
+ value = (value << 6) + rune(octet&0x3F)
+ }
+ // Check the length of the sequence against the value.
+ switch {
+ case width == 1:
+ case width == 2 && value >= 0x80:
+ case width == 3 && value >= 0x800:
+ case width == 4 && value >= 0x10000:
+ default:
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "invalid length of a UTF-8 sequence",
+ parser.offset, -1)
+ }
+ // Check the range of the value.
+ if value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF || value > 0x10FFFF {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "invalid Unicode character",
+ parser.offset, int(value))
+ }
+ case yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING, yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING:
+ var low, high int
+ if parser.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING {
+ low, high = 0, 1
+ } else {
+ low, high = 1, 0
+ }
+ // The UTF-16 encoding is not as simple as one might
+ // naively think. Check RFC 2781
+ // (
+ //
+ // Normally, two subsequent bytes describe a Unicode
+ // character. However a special technique (called a
+ // surrogate pair) is used for specifying character
+ // values larger than 0xFFFF.
+ //
+ // A surrogate pair consists of two pseudo-characters:
+ // high surrogate area (0xD800-0xDBFF)
+ // low surrogate area (0xDC00-0xDFFF)
+ //
+ // The following formulas are used for decoding
+ // and encoding characters using surrogate pairs:
+ //
+ // U = U' + 0x10000 (0x01 00 00 <= U <= 0x10 FF FF)
+ // U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx (0 <= U' <= 0x0F FF FF)
+ // W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
+ // W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
+ //
+ // where U is the character value, W1 is the high surrogate
+ // area, W2 is the low surrogate area.
+ // Check for incomplete UTF-16 character.
+ if raw_unread < 2 {
+ if parser.eof {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "incomplete UTF-16 character",
+ parser.offset, -1)
+ }
+ break inner
+ }
+ // Get the character.
+ value = rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low]) +
+ (rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high]) << 8)
+ // Check for unexpected low surrogate area.
+ if value&0xFC00 == 0xDC00 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "unexpected low surrogate area",
+ parser.offset, int(value))
+ }
+ // Check for a high surrogate area.
+ if value&0xFC00 == 0xD800 {
+ width = 4
+ // Check for incomplete surrogate pair.
+ if raw_unread < 4 {
+ if parser.eof {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair",
+ parser.offset, -1)
+ }
+ break inner
+ }
+ // Get the next character.
+ value2 := rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+low+2]) +
+ (rune(parser.raw_buffer[parser.raw_buffer_pos+high+2]) << 8)
+ // Check for a low surrogate area.
+ if value2&0xFC00 != 0xDC00 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "expected low surrogate area",
+ parser.offset+2, int(value2))
+ }
+ // Generate the value of the surrogate pair.
+ value = 0x10000 + ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (value2 & 0x3FF)
+ } else {
+ width = 2
+ }
+ default:
+ panic("impossible")
+ }
+ // Check if the character is in the allowed range:
+ // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#x7E] (8 bit)
+ // | #x85 | [#xA0-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] (16 bit)
+ // | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] (32 bit)
+ switch {
+ case value == 0x09:
+ case value == 0x0A:
+ case value == 0x0D:
+ case value >= 0x20 && value <= 0x7E:
+ case value == 0x85:
+ case value >= 0xA0 && value <= 0xD7FF:
+ case value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD:
+ case value >= 0x10000 && value <= 0x10FFFF:
+ default:
+ return yaml_parser_set_reader_error(parser,
+ "control characters are not allowed",
+ parser.offset, int(value))
+ }
+ // Move the raw pointers.
+ parser.raw_buffer_pos += width
+ parser.offset += width
+ // Finally put the character into the buffer.
+ if value <= 0x7F {
+ // 0000 0000-0000 007F . 0xxxxxxx
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(value)
+ buffer_len += 1
+ } else if value <= 0x7FF {
+ // 0000 0080-0000 07FF . 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xC0 + (value >> 6))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
+ buffer_len += 2
+ } else if value <= 0xFFFF {
+ // 0000 0800-0000 FFFF . 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xE0 + (value >> 12))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
+ buffer_len += 3
+ } else {
+ // 0001 0000-0010 FFFF . 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+0] = byte(0xF0 + (value >> 18))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+1] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 12) & 0x3F))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+2] = byte(0x80 + ((value >> 6) & 0x3F))
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len+3] = byte(0x80 + (value & 0x3F))
+ buffer_len += 4
+ }
+ parser.unread++
+ }
+ // On EOF, put NUL into the buffer and return.
+ if parser.eof {
+ parser.buffer[buffer_len] = 0
+ buffer_len++
+ parser.unread++
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ parser.buffer = parser.buffer[:buffer_len]
+ return true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..232313cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "math"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+type resolveMapItem struct {
+ value interface{}
+ tag string
+var resolveTable = make([]byte, 256)
+var resolveMap = make(map[string]resolveMapItem)
+func init() {
+ t := resolveTable
+ t[int('+')] = 'S' // Sign
+ t[int('-')] = 'S'
+ for _, c := range "0123456789" {
+ t[int(c)] = 'D' // Digit
+ }
+ for _, c := range "yYnNtTfFoO~" {
+ t[int(c)] = 'M' // In map
+ }
+ t[int('.')] = '.' // Float (potentially in map)
+ var resolveMapList = []struct {
+ v interface{}
+ tag string
+ l []string
+ }{
+ {true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES"}},
+ {true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"true", "True", "TRUE"}},
+ {true, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"on", "On", "ON"}},
+ {false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"n", "N", "no", "No", "NO"}},
+ {false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"false", "False", "FALSE"}},
+ {false, yaml_BOOL_TAG, []string{"off", "Off", "OFF"}},
+ {nil, yaml_NULL_TAG, []string{"", "~", "null", "Null", "NULL"}},
+ {math.NaN(), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{".nan", ".NaN", ".NAN"}},
+ {math.Inf(+1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{".inf", ".Inf", ".INF"}},
+ {math.Inf(+1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{"+.inf", "+.Inf", "+.INF"}},
+ {math.Inf(-1), yaml_FLOAT_TAG, []string{"-.inf", "-.Inf", "-.INF"}},
+ {"<<", yaml_MERGE_TAG, []string{"<<"}},
+ }
+ m := resolveMap
+ for _, item := range resolveMapList {
+ for _, s := range item.l {
+ m[s] = resolveMapItem{item.v, item.tag}
+ }
+ }
+const longTagPrefix = ",2002:"
+func shortTag(tag string) string {
+ // TODO This can easily be made faster and produce less garbage.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(tag, longTagPrefix) {
+ return "!!" + tag[len(longTagPrefix):]
+ }
+ return tag
+func longTag(tag string) string {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "!!") {
+ return longTagPrefix + tag[2:]
+ }
+ return tag
+func resolvableTag(tag string) bool {
+ switch tag {
+ case "", yaml_STR_TAG, yaml_BOOL_TAG, yaml_INT_TAG, yaml_FLOAT_TAG, yaml_NULL_TAG:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+var yamlStyleFloat = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?$`)
+func resolve(tag string, in string) (rtag string, out interface{}) {
+ if !resolvableTag(tag) {
+ return tag, in
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ switch tag {
+ case "", rtag, yaml_STR_TAG, yaml_BINARY_TAG:
+ return
+ }
+ failf("cannot decode %s `%s` as a %s", shortTag(rtag), in, shortTag(tag))
+ }()
+ // Any data is accepted as a !!str or !!binary.
+ // Otherwise, the prefix is enough of a hint about what it might be.
+ hint := byte('N')
+ if in != "" {
+ hint = resolveTable[in[0]]
+ }
+ if hint != 0 && tag != yaml_STR_TAG && tag != yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ // Handle things we can lookup in a map.
+ if item, ok := resolveMap[in]; ok {
+ return item.tag, item.value
+ }
+ // Base 60 floats are a bad idea, were dropped in YAML 1.2, and
+ // are purposefully unsupported here. They're still quoted on
+ // the way out for compatibility with other parser, though.
+ switch hint {
+ case 'M':
+ // We've already checked the map above.
+ case '.':
+ // Not in the map, so maybe a normal float.
+ floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ return yaml_FLOAT_TAG, floatv
+ }
+ case 'D', 'S':
+ // Int, float, or timestamp.
+ plain := strings.Replace(in, "_", "", -1)
+ intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain, 0, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ if intv == int64(int(intv)) {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, int(intv)
+ } else {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, intv
+ }
+ }
+ uintv, err := strconv.ParseUint(plain, 0, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, uintv
+ }
+ if yamlStyleFloat.MatchString(plain) {
+ floatv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(plain, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ return yaml_FLOAT_TAG, floatv
+ }
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "0b") {
+ intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[2:], 2, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ if intv == int64(int(intv)) {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, int(intv)
+ } else {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, intv
+ }
+ }
+ uintv, err := strconv.ParseUint(plain[2:], 2, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, uintv
+ }
+ } else if strings.HasPrefix(plain, "-0b") {
+ intv, err := strconv.ParseInt(plain[3:], 2, 64)
+ if err == nil {
+ if intv == int64(int(intv)) {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, -int(intv)
+ } else {
+ return yaml_INT_TAG, -intv
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX Handle timestamps here.
+ default:
+ panic("resolveTable item not yet handled: " + string(rune(hint)) + " (with " + in + ")")
+ }
+ }
+ if tag == yaml_BINARY_TAG {
+ return yaml_BINARY_TAG, in
+ }
+ if utf8.ValidString(in) {
+ return yaml_STR_TAG, in
+ }
+ return yaml_BINARY_TAG, encodeBase64(in)
+// encodeBase64 encodes s as base64 that is broken up into multiple lines
+// as appropriate for the resulting length.
+func encodeBase64(s string) string {
+ const lineLen = 70
+ encLen := base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s))
+ lines := encLen/lineLen + 1
+ buf := make([]byte, encLen*2+lines)
+ in := buf[0:encLen]
+ out := buf[encLen:]
+ base64.StdEncoding.Encode(in, []byte(s))
+ k := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(in); i += lineLen {
+ j := i + lineLen
+ if j > len(in) {
+ j = len(in)
+ }
+ k += copy(out[k:], in[i:j])
+ if lines > 1 {
+ out[k] = '\n'
+ k++
+ }
+ }
+ return string(out[:k])
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c9d5111f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2710 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+// Introduction
+// ************
+// The following notes assume that you are familiar with the YAML specification
+// ( We mostly follow it, although in
+// some cases we are less restrictive that it requires.
+// The process of transforming a YAML stream into a sequence of events is
+// divided on two steps: Scanning and Parsing.
+// The Scanner transforms the input stream into a sequence of tokens, while the
+// parser transform the sequence of tokens produced by the Scanner into a
+// sequence of parsing events.
+// The Scanner is rather clever and complicated. The Parser, on the contrary,
+// is a straightforward implementation of a recursive-descendant parser (or,
+// LL(1) parser, as it is usually called).
+// Actually there are two issues of Scanning that might be called "clever", the
+// rest is quite straightforward. The issues are "block collection start" and
+// "simple keys". Both issues are explained below in details.
+// Here the Scanning step is explained and implemented. We start with the list
+// of all the tokens produced by the Scanner together with short descriptions.
+// Now, tokens:
+// STREAM-START(encoding) # The stream start.
+// STREAM-END # The stream end.
+// VERSION-DIRECTIVE(major,minor) # The '%YAML' directive.
+// TAG-DIRECTIVE(handle,prefix) # The '%TAG' directive.
+// DOCUMENT-START # '---'
+// DOCUMENT-END # '...'
+// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START # Indentation increase denoting a block
+// BLOCK-MAPPING-START # sequence or a block mapping.
+// BLOCK-END # Indentation decrease.
+// BLOCK-ENTRY # '-'
+// FLOW-ENTRY # ','
+// KEY # '?' or nothing (simple keys).
+// VALUE # ':'
+// ALIAS(anchor) # '*anchor'
+// ANCHOR(anchor) # '&anchor'
+// TAG(handle,suffix) # '!handle!suffix'
+// SCALAR(value,style) # A scalar.
+// The following two tokens are "virtual" tokens denoting the beginning and the
+// end of the stream:
+// STREAM-START(encoding)
+// We pass the information about the input stream encoding with the
+// STREAM-START token.
+// The next two tokens are responsible for tags:
+// VERSION-DIRECTIVE(major,minor)
+// TAG-DIRECTIVE(handle,prefix)
+// Example:
+// %YAML 1.1
+// %TAG ! !foo
+// %TAG !yaml!,2002:
+// ---
+// The correspoding sequence of tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// TAG-DIRECTIVE("!","!foo")
+// TAG-DIRECTIVE("!yaml",",2002:")
+// Note that the VERSION-DIRECTIVE and TAG-DIRECTIVE tokens occupy a whole
+// line.
+// The document start and end indicators are represented by:
+// Note that if a YAML stream contains an implicit document (without '---'
+// and '...' indicators), no DOCUMENT-START and DOCUMENT-END tokens will be
+// produced.
+// In the following examples, we present whole documents together with the
+// produced tokens.
+// 1. An implicit document:
+// 'a scalar'
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted)
+// 2. An explicit document:
+// ---
+// 'a scalar'
+// ...
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted)
+// 3. Several documents in a stream:
+// 'a scalar'
+// ---
+// 'another scalar'
+// ---
+// 'yet another scalar'
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("a scalar",single-quoted)
+// SCALAR("another scalar",single-quoted)
+// SCALAR("yet another scalar",single-quoted)
+// We have already introduced the SCALAR token above. The following tokens are
+// used to describe aliases, anchors, tag, and scalars:
+// ALIAS(anchor)
+// ANCHOR(anchor)
+// TAG(handle,suffix)
+// SCALAR(value,style)
+// The following series of examples illustrate the usage of these tokens:
+// 1. A recursive sequence:
+// &A [ *A ]
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// ANCHOR("A")
+// ALIAS("A")
+// 2. A tagged scalar:
+// !!float "3.14" # A good approximation.
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// TAG("!!","float")
+// SCALAR("3.14",double-quoted)
+// 3. Various scalar styles:
+// --- # Implicit empty plain scalars do not produce tokens.
+// --- a plain scalar
+// --- 'a single-quoted scalar'
+// --- "a double-quoted scalar"
+// --- |-
+// a literal scalar
+// --- >-
+// a folded
+// scalar
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("a plain scalar",plain)
+// SCALAR("a single-quoted scalar",single-quoted)
+// SCALAR("a double-quoted scalar",double-quoted)
+// SCALAR("a literal scalar",literal)
+// SCALAR("a folded scalar",folded)
+// Now it's time to review collection-related tokens. We will start with
+// flow collections:
+// KEY
+// FLOW-MAPPING-END represent the indicators '[', ']', '{', and '}'
+// correspondingly. FLOW-ENTRY represent the ',' indicator. Finally the
+// indicators '?' and ':', which are used for denoting mapping keys and values,
+// are represented by the KEY and VALUE tokens.
+// The following examples show flow collections:
+// 1. A flow sequence:
+// [item 1, item 2, item 3]
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 3",plain)
+// 2. A flow mapping:
+// {
+// a simple key: a value, # Note that the KEY token is produced.
+// ? a complex key: another value,
+// }
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a simple key",plain)
+// SCALAR("a value",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a complex key",plain)
+// SCALAR("another value",plain)
+// A simple key is a key which is not denoted by the '?' indicator. Note that
+// the Scanner still produce the KEY token whenever it encounters a simple key.
+// For scanning block collections, the following tokens are used (note that we
+// repeat KEY and VALUE here):
+// KEY
+// The tokens BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START and BLOCK-MAPPING-START denote indentation
+// increase that precedes a block collection (cf. the INDENT token in Python).
+// The token BLOCK-END denote indentation decrease that ends a block collection
+// (cf. the DEDENT token in Python). However YAML has some syntax pecularities
+// that makes detections of these tokens more complex.
+// The tokens BLOCK-ENTRY, KEY, and VALUE are used to represent the indicators
+// '-', '?', and ':' correspondingly.
+// The following examples show how the tokens BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START,
+// BLOCK-MAPPING-START, and BLOCK-END are emitted by the Scanner:
+// 1. Block sequences:
+// - item 1
+// - item 2
+// -
+// - item 3.1
+// - item 3.2
+// -
+// key 1: value 1
+// key 2: value 2
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 3.1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 3.2",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 1",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 2",plain)
+// 2. Block mappings:
+// a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here.
+// ? a complex key
+// : another value
+// a mapping:
+// key 1: value 1
+// key 2: value 2
+// a sequence:
+// - item 1
+// - item 2
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a simple key",plain)
+// SCALAR("a value",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a complex key",plain)
+// SCALAR("another value",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a mapping",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 1",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 2",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a sequence",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// YAML does not always require to start a new block collection from a new
+// line. If the current line contains only '-', '?', and ':' indicators, a new
+// block collection may start at the current line. The following examples
+// illustrate this case:
+// 1. Collections in a sequence:
+// - - item 1
+// - item 2
+// - key 1: value 1
+// key 2: value 2
+// - ? complex key
+// : complex value
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 1",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 2",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("complex key")
+// SCALAR("complex value")
+// 2. Collections in a mapping:
+// ? a sequence
+// : - item 1
+// - item 2
+// ? a mapping
+// : key 1: value 1
+// key 2: value 2
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a sequence",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("a mapping",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 1",plain)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key 2",plain)
+// SCALAR("value 2",plain)
+// YAML also permits non-indented sequences if they are included into a block
+// mapping. In this case, the token BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START is not produced:
+// key:
+// - item 1 # BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START is NOT produced here.
+// - item 2
+// Tokens:
+// STREAM-START(utf-8)
+// KEY
+// SCALAR("key",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 1",plain)
+// SCALAR("item 2",plain)
+// Ensure that the buffer contains the required number of characters.
+// Return true on success, false on failure (reader error or memory error).
+func cache(parser *yaml_parser_t, length int) bool {
+ // [Go] This was inlined: !cache(A, B) -> unread < B && !update(A, B)
+ return parser.unread >= length || yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, length)
+// Advance the buffer pointer.
+func skip(parser *yaml_parser_t) {
+ parser.mark.index++
+ parser.mark.column++
+ parser.unread--
+ parser.buffer_pos += width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos])
+func skip_line(parser *yaml_parser_t) {
+ if is_crlf(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ parser.mark.index += 2
+ parser.mark.column = 0
+ parser.mark.line++
+ parser.unread -= 2
+ parser.buffer_pos += 2
+ } else if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ parser.mark.index++
+ parser.mark.column = 0
+ parser.mark.line++
+ parser.unread--
+ parser.buffer_pos += width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos])
+ }
+// Copy a character to a string buffer and advance pointers.
+func read(parser *yaml_parser_t, s []byte) []byte {
+ w := width(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos])
+ if w == 0 {
+ panic("invalid character sequence")
+ }
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ s = make([]byte, 0, 32)
+ }
+ if w == 1 && len(s)+w <= cap(s) {
+ s = s[:len(s)+1]
+ s[len(s)-1] = parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos]
+ parser.buffer_pos++
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos:parser.buffer_pos+w]...)
+ parser.buffer_pos += w
+ }
+ parser.mark.index++
+ parser.mark.column++
+ parser.unread--
+ return s
+// Copy a line break character to a string buffer and advance pointers.
+func read_line(parser *yaml_parser_t, s []byte) []byte {
+ buf := parser.buffer
+ pos := parser.buffer_pos
+ switch {
+ case buf[pos] == '\r' && buf[pos+1] == '\n':
+ // CR LF . LF
+ s = append(s, '\n')
+ parser.buffer_pos += 2
+ parser.mark.index++
+ parser.unread--
+ case buf[pos] == '\r' || buf[pos] == '\n':
+ // CR|LF . LF
+ s = append(s, '\n')
+ parser.buffer_pos += 1
+ case buf[pos] == '\xC2' && buf[pos+1] == '\x85':
+ // NEL . LF
+ s = append(s, '\n')
+ parser.buffer_pos += 2
+ case buf[pos] == '\xE2' && buf[pos+1] == '\x80' && (buf[pos+2] == '\xA8' || buf[pos+2] == '\xA9'):
+ // LS|PS . LS|PS
+ s = append(s, buf[parser.buffer_pos:pos+3]...)
+ parser.buffer_pos += 3
+ default:
+ return s
+ }
+ parser.mark.index++
+ parser.mark.column = 0
+ parser.mark.line++
+ parser.unread--
+ return s
+// Get the next token.
+func yaml_parser_scan(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool {
+ // Erase the token object.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{} // [Go] Is this necessary?
+ // No tokens after STREAM-END or error.
+ if parser.stream_end_produced || parser.error != yaml_NO_ERROR {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Ensure that the tokens queue contains enough tokens.
+ if !parser.token_available {
+ if !yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Fetch the next token from the queue.
+ *token = parser.tokens[parser.tokens_head]
+ parser.tokens_head++
+ parser.tokens_parsed++
+ parser.token_available = false
+ if token.typ == yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN {
+ parser.stream_end_produced = true
+ }
+ return true
+// Set the scanner error and return false.
+func yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, context string, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string) bool {
+ parser.error = yaml_SCANNER_ERROR
+ parser.context = context
+ parser.context_mark = context_mark
+ parser.problem = problem
+ parser.problem_mark = parser.mark
+ return false
+func yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, context_mark yaml_mark_t, problem string) bool {
+ context := "while parsing a tag"
+ if directive {
+ context = "while parsing a %TAG directive"
+ }
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, context, context_mark, "did not find URI escaped octet")
+func trace(args ...interface{}) func() {
+ pargs := append([]interface{}{"+++"}, args...)
+ fmt.Println(pargs...)
+ pargs = append([]interface{}{"---"}, args...)
+ return func() { fmt.Println(pargs...) }
+// Ensure that the tokens queue contains at least one token which can be
+// returned to the Parser.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_more_tokens(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // While we need more tokens to fetch, do it.
+ for {
+ // Check if we really need to fetch more tokens.
+ need_more_tokens := false
+ if parser.tokens_head == len(parser.tokens) {
+ // Queue is empty.
+ need_more_tokens = true
+ } else {
+ // Check if any potential simple key may occupy the head position.
+ if !yaml_parser_stale_simple_keys(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := range parser.simple_keys {
+ simple_key := &parser.simple_keys[i]
+ if simple_key.possible && simple_key.token_number == parser.tokens_parsed {
+ need_more_tokens = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We are finished.
+ if !need_more_tokens {
+ break
+ }
+ // Fetch the next token.
+ if !yaml_parser_fetch_next_token(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ parser.token_available = true
+ return true
+// The dispatcher for token fetchers.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_next_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Ensure that the buffer is initialized.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check if we just started scanning. Fetch STREAM-START then.
+ if !parser.stream_start_produced {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_stream_start(parser)
+ }
+ // Eat whitespaces and comments until we reach the next token.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_to_next_token(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Remove obsolete potential simple keys.
+ if !yaml_parser_stale_simple_keys(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check the indentation level against the current column.
+ if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Ensure that the buffer contains at least 4 characters. 4 is the length
+ // of the longest indicators ('--- ' and '... ').
+ if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Is it the end of the stream?
+ if is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_stream_end(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it a directive?
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_directive(parser)
+ }
+ buf := parser.buffer
+ pos := parser.buffer_pos
+ // Is it the document start indicator?
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 && buf[pos] == '-' && buf[pos+1] == '-' && buf[pos+2] == '-' && is_blankz(buf, pos+3) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser, yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it the document end indicator?
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 && buf[pos] == '.' && buf[pos+1] == '.' && buf[pos+2] == '.' && is_blankz(buf, pos+3) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser, yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it the flow sequence start indicator?
+ if buf[pos] == '[' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser, yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it the flow mapping start indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser, yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_START_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it the flow sequence end indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser,
+ }
+ // Is it the flow mapping end indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser,
+ }
+ // Is it the flow entry indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_entry(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it the block entry indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' && is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_block_entry(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it the key indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' && (parser.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_key(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it the value indicator?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' && (parser.flow_level > 0 || is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_value(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it an alias?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser, yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it an anchor?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser, yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN)
+ }
+ // Is it a tag?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_tag(parser)
+ }
+ // Is it a literal scalar?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '|' && parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser, true)
+ }
+ // Is it a folded scalar?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '>' && parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser, false)
+ }
+ // Is it a single-quoted scalar?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser, true)
+ }
+ // Is it a double-quoted scalar?
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser, false)
+ }
+ // Is it a plain scalar?
+ //
+ // A plain scalar may start with any non-blank characters except
+ //
+ // '-', '?', ':', ',', '[', ']', '{', '}',
+ // '#', '&', '*', '!', '|', '>', '\'', '\"',
+ // '%', '@', '`'.
+ //
+ // In the block context (and, for the '-' indicator, in the flow context
+ // too), it may also start with the characters
+ //
+ // '-', '?', ':'
+ //
+ // if it is followed by a non-space character.
+ //
+ // The last rule is more restrictive than the specification requires.
+ // [Go] Make this logic more reasonable.
+ //switch parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] {
+ //case '-', '?', ':', ',', '?', '-', ',', ':', ']', '[', '}', '{', '&', '#', '!', '*', '>', '|', '"', '\'', '@', '%', '-', '`':
+ //}
+ if !(is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '|' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '>' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '`') ||
+ (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' && !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) ||
+ (parser.flow_level == 0 &&
+ (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':') &&
+ !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) {
+ return yaml_parser_fetch_plain_scalar(parser)
+ }
+ // If we don't determine the token type so far, it is an error.
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser,
+ "while scanning for the next token", parser.mark,
+ "found character that cannot start any token")
+// Check the list of potential simple keys and remove the positions that
+// cannot contain simple keys anymore.
+func yaml_parser_stale_simple_keys(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Check for a potential simple key for each flow level.
+ for i := range parser.simple_keys {
+ simple_key := &parser.simple_keys[i]
+ // The specification requires that a simple key
+ //
+ // - is limited to a single line,
+ // - is shorter than 1024 characters.
+ if simple_key.possible && (simple_key.mark.line < parser.mark.line || simple_key.mark.index+1024 < parser.mark.index) {
+ // Check if the potential simple key to be removed is required.
+ if simple_key.required {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser,
+ "while scanning a simple key", simple_key.mark,
+ "could not find expected ':'")
+ }
+ simple_key.possible = false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Check if a simple key may start at the current position and add it if
+// needed.
+func yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // A simple key is required at the current position if the scanner is in
+ // the block context and the current column coincides with the indentation
+ // level.
+ required := parser.flow_level == 0 && parser.indent == parser.mark.column
+ // A simple key is required only when it is the first token in the current
+ // line. Therefore it is always allowed. But we add a check anyway.
+ if required && !parser.simple_key_allowed {
+ panic("should not happen")
+ }
+ //
+ // If the current position may start a simple key, save it.
+ //
+ if parser.simple_key_allowed {
+ simple_key := yaml_simple_key_t{
+ possible: true,
+ required: required,
+ token_number: parser.tokens_parsed + (len(parser.tokens) - parser.tokens_head),
+ }
+ simple_key.mark = parser.mark
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1] = simple_key
+ }
+ return true
+// Remove a potential simple key at the current flow level.
+func yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ i := len(parser.simple_keys) - 1
+ if parser.simple_keys[i].possible {
+ // If the key is required, it is an error.
+ if parser.simple_keys[i].required {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser,
+ "while scanning a simple key", parser.simple_keys[i].mark,
+ "could not find expected ':'")
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the key from the stack.
+ parser.simple_keys[i].possible = false
+ return true
+// Increase the flow level and resize the simple key list if needed.
+func yaml_parser_increase_flow_level(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Reset the simple key on the next level.
+ parser.simple_keys = append(parser.simple_keys, yaml_simple_key_t{})
+ // Increase the flow level.
+ parser.flow_level++
+ return true
+// Decrease the flow level.
+func yaml_parser_decrease_flow_level(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ if parser.flow_level > 0 {
+ parser.flow_level--
+ parser.simple_keys = parser.simple_keys[:len(parser.simple_keys)-1]
+ }
+ return true
+// Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level
+// the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case,
+// append or insert the specified token into the token queue.
+func yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser *yaml_parser_t, column, number int, typ yaml_token_type_t, mark yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ // In the flow context, do nothing.
+ if parser.flow_level > 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ if parser.indent < column {
+ // Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new
+ // indentation level.
+ parser.indents = append(parser.indents, parser.indent)
+ parser.indent = column
+ // Create a token and insert it into the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: typ,
+ start_mark: mark,
+ end_mark: mark,
+ }
+ if number > -1 {
+ number -= parser.tokens_parsed
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, number, &token)
+ }
+ return true
+// Pop indentation levels from the indents stack until the current level
+// becomes less or equal to the column. For each indentation level, append
+// the BLOCK-END token.
+func yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser *yaml_parser_t, column int) bool {
+ // In the flow context, do nothing.
+ if parser.flow_level > 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Loop through the indentation levels in the stack.
+ for parser.indent > column {
+ // Create a token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: parser.mark,
+ end_mark: parser.mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ // Pop the indentation level.
+ parser.indent = parser.indents[len(parser.indents)-1]
+ parser.indents = parser.indents[:len(parser.indents)-1]
+ }
+ return true
+// Initialize the scanner and produce the STREAM-START token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_stream_start(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Set the initial indentation.
+ parser.indent = -1
+ // Initialize the simple key stack.
+ parser.simple_keys = append(parser.simple_keys, yaml_simple_key_t{})
+ // A simple key is allowed at the beginning of the stream.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ // We have started.
+ parser.stream_start_produced = true
+ // Create the STREAM-START token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ start_mark: parser.mark,
+ end_mark: parser.mark,
+ encoding: parser.encoding,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the STREAM-END token and shut down the scanner.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_stream_end(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Force new line.
+ if parser.mark.column != 0 {
+ parser.mark.column = 0
+ parser.mark.line++
+ }
+ // Reset the indentation level.
+ if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Reset simple keys.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the STREAM-END token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: parser.mark,
+ end_mark: parser.mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+func yaml_parser_fetch_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Reset the indentation level.
+ if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Reset simple keys.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the YAML-DIRECTIVE or TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
+ token := yaml_token_t{}
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_directive(parser, &token) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Append the token to the queue.
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_document_indicator(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool {
+ // Reset the indentation level.
+ if !yaml_parser_unroll_indent(parser, -1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Reset simple keys.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the DOCUMENT-START or DOCUMENT-END token.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: typ,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ // Append the token to the queue.
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_start(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool {
+ // The indicators '[' and '{' may start a simple key.
+ if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Increase the flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_increase_flow_level(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key may follow the indicators '[' and '{'.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: typ,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ // Append the token to the queue.
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the FLOW-SEQUENCE-END or FLOW-MAPPING-END token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_collection_end(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool {
+ // Reset any potential simple key on the current flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Decrease the flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_decrease_flow_level(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // No simple keys after the indicators ']' and '}'.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the FLOW-SEQUENCE-END of FLOW-MAPPING-END token.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: typ,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ // Append the token to the queue.
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the FLOW-ENTRY token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Simple keys are allowed after ','.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the FLOW-ENTRY token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the BLOCK-ENTRY token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_block_entry(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Check if the scanner is in the block context.
+ if parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ // Check if we are allowed to start a new entry.
+ if !parser.simple_key_allowed {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark,
+ "block sequence entries are not allowed in this context")
+ }
+ // Add the BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START token if needed.
+ if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ // It is an error for the '-' indicator to occur in the flow context,
+ // but we let the Parser detect and report about it because the Parser
+ // is able to point to the context.
+ }
+ // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Simple keys are allowed after '-'.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the BLOCK-ENTRY token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the KEY token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_key(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // In the block context, additional checks are required.
+ if parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ // Check if we are allowed to start a new key (not nessesary simple).
+ if !parser.simple_key_allowed {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark,
+ "mapping keys are not allowed in this context")
+ }
+ // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed.
+ if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset any potential simple keys on the current flow level.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Simple keys are allowed after '?' in the block context.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = parser.flow_level == 0
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the KEY token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_KEY_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the VALUE token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_value(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ simple_key := &parser.simple_keys[len(parser.simple_keys)-1]
+ // Have we found a simple key?
+ if simple_key.possible {
+ // Create the KEY token and insert it into the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_KEY_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: simple_key.mark,
+ end_mark: simple_key.mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, simple_key.token_number-parser.tokens_parsed, &token)
+ // In the block context, we may need to add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token.
+ if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, simple_key.mark.column,
+ simple_key.token_number,
+ yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, simple_key.mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Remove the simple key.
+ simple_key.possible = false
+ // A simple key cannot follow another simple key.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ } else {
+ // The ':' indicator follows a complex key.
+ // In the block context, extra checks are required.
+ if parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ // Check if we are allowed to start a complex value.
+ if !parser.simple_key_allowed {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "", parser.mark,
+ "mapping values are not allowed in this context")
+ }
+ // Add the BLOCK-MAPPING-START token if needed.
+ if !yaml_parser_roll_indent(parser, parser.mark.column, -1, yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_START_TOKEN, parser.mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Simple keys after ':' are allowed in the block context.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = parser.flow_level == 0
+ }
+ // Consume the token.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create the VALUE token and append it to the queue.
+ token := yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_VALUE_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the ALIAS or ANCHOR token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_anchor(parser *yaml_parser_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool {
+ // An anchor or an alias could be a simple key.
+ if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key cannot follow an anchor or an alias.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the ALIAS or ANCHOR token and append it to the queue.
+ var token yaml_token_t
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_anchor(parser, &token, typ) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the TAG token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_tag(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // A tag could be a simple key.
+ if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key cannot follow a tag.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the TAG token and append it to the queue.
+ var token yaml_token_t
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag(parser, &token) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the SCALAR(...,literal) or SCALAR(...,folded) tokens.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_block_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, literal bool) bool {
+ // Remove any potential simple keys.
+ if !yaml_parser_remove_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key may follow a block scalar.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue.
+ var token yaml_token_t
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar(parser, &token, literal) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the SCALAR(...,single-quoted) or SCALAR(...,double-quoted) tokens.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_flow_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, single bool) bool {
+ // A plain scalar could be a simple key.
+ if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key cannot follow a flow scalar.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue.
+ var token yaml_token_t
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_flow_scalar(parser, &token, single) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Produce the SCALAR(...,plain) token.
+func yaml_parser_fetch_plain_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // A plain scalar could be a simple key.
+ if !yaml_parser_save_simple_key(parser) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // A simple key cannot follow a flow scalar.
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = false
+ // Create the SCALAR token and append it to the queue.
+ var token yaml_token_t
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar(parser, &token) {
+ return false
+ }
+ yaml_insert_token(parser, -1, &token)
+ return true
+// Eat whitespaces and comments until the next token is found.
+func yaml_parser_scan_to_next_token(parser *yaml_parser_t) bool {
+ // Until the next token is not found.
+ for {
+ // Allow the BOM mark to start a line.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 && is_bom(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ // Eat whitespaces.
+ // Tabs are allowed:
+ // - in the flow context
+ // - in the block context, but not at the beginning of the line or
+ // after '-', '?', or ':' (complex value).
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ' ' || ((parser.flow_level > 0 || !parser.simple_key_allowed) && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\t') {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Eat a comment until a line break.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' {
+ for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If it is a line break, eat it.
+ if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ skip_line(parser)
+ // In the block context, a new line may start a simple key.
+ if parser.flow_level == 0 {
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ }
+ } else {
+ break // We have found a token.
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Scope:
+// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+// %TAG !yaml!,2002: \n
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+func yaml_parser_scan_directive(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool {
+ // Eat '%'.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ // Scan the directive name.
+ var name []byte
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_directive_name(parser, start_mark, &name) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Is it a YAML directive?
+ if bytes.Equal(name, []byte("YAML")) {
+ // Scan the VERSION directive value.
+ var major, minor int8
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_value(parser, start_mark, &major, &minor) {
+ return false
+ }
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create a VERSION-DIRECTIVE token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ major: major,
+ minor: minor,
+ }
+ // Is it a TAG directive?
+ } else if bytes.Equal(name, []byte("TAG")) {
+ // Scan the TAG directive value.
+ var handle, prefix []byte
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_directive_value(parser, start_mark, &handle, &prefix) {
+ return false
+ }
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create a TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: handle,
+ prefix: prefix,
+ }
+ // Unknown directive.
+ } else {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive",
+ start_mark, "found unknown directive name")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Eat the rest of the line including any comments.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' {
+ for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we are at the end of the line.
+ if !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected comment or line break")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Eat a line break.
+ if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ skip_line(parser)
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan the directive name.
+// Scope:
+// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+// ^^^^
+// %TAG !yaml!,2002: \n
+// ^^^
+func yaml_parser_scan_directive_name(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, name *[]byte) bool {
+ // Consume the directive name.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var s []byte
+ for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the name is empty.
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive",
+ start_mark, "could not find expected directive name")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check for an blank character after the name.
+ if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a directive",
+ start_mark, "found unexpected non-alphabetical character")
+ return false
+ }
+ *name = s
+ return true
+// Scan the value of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
+// Scope:
+// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+// ^^^^^^
+func yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, major, minor *int8) bool {
+ // Eat whitespaces.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Consume the major version number.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser, start_mark, major) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Eat '.'.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '.' {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected digit or '.' character")
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ // Consume the minor version number.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser, start_mark, minor) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+const max_number_length = 2
+// Scan the version number of VERSION-DIRECTIVE.
+// Scope:
+// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+// ^
+// %YAML 1.1 # a comment \n
+// ^
+func yaml_parser_scan_version_directive_number(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, number *int8) bool {
+ // Repeat while the next character is digit.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var value, length int8
+ for is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Check if the number is too long.
+ length++
+ if length > max_number_length {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive",
+ start_mark, "found extremely long version number")
+ }
+ value = value*10 + int8(as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos))
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the number was present.
+ if length == 0 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %YAML directive",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected version number")
+ }
+ *number = value
+ return true
+// Scan the value of a TAG-DIRECTIVE token.
+// Scope:
+// %TAG !yaml!,2002: \n
+// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+func yaml_parser_scan_tag_directive_value(parser *yaml_parser_t, start_mark yaml_mark_t, handle, prefix *[]byte) bool {
+ var handle_value, prefix_value []byte
+ // Eat whitespaces.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Scan a handle.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser, true, start_mark, &handle_value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Expect a whitespace.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %TAG directive",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Eat whitespaces.
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Scan a prefix.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, true, nil, start_mark, &prefix_value) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Expect a whitespace or line break.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a %TAG directive",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace or line break")
+ return false
+ }
+ *handle = handle_value
+ *prefix = prefix_value
+ return true
+func yaml_parser_scan_anchor(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, typ yaml_token_type_t) bool {
+ var s []byte
+ // Eat the indicator character.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ // Consume the value.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ /*
+ * Check if length of the anchor is greater than 0 and it is followed by
+ * a whitespace character or one of the indicators:
+ *
+ * '?', ':', ',', ']', '}', '%', '@', '`'.
+ */
+ if len(s) == 0 ||
+ !(is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '`') {
+ context := "while scanning an alias"
+ if typ == yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN {
+ context = "while scanning an anchor"
+ }
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, context, start_mark,
+ "did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Create a token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ typ: typ,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: s,
+ }
+ return true
+ * Scan a TAG token.
+ */
+func yaml_parser_scan_tag(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool {
+ var handle, suffix []byte
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ // Check if the tag is in the canonical form.
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '<' {
+ // Keep the handle as ''
+ // Eat '!<'
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ // Consume the tag value.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, nil, start_mark, &suffix) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check for '>' and eat it.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '>' {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a tag",
+ start_mark, "did not find the expected '>'")
+ return false
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ } else {
+ // The tag has either the '!suffix' or the '!handle!suffix' form.
+ // First, try to scan a handle.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser, false, start_mark, &handle) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check if it is, indeed, handle.
+ if handle[0] == '!' && len(handle) > 1 && handle[len(handle)-1] == '!' {
+ // Scan the suffix now.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, nil, start_mark, &suffix) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ // It wasn't a handle after all. Scan the rest of the tag.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser, false, handle, start_mark, &suffix) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Set the handle to '!'.
+ handle = []byte{'!'}
+ // A special case: the '!' tag. Set the handle to '' and the
+ // suffix to '!'.
+ if len(suffix) == 0 {
+ handle, suffix = suffix, handle
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the character which ends the tag.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a tag",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected whitespace or line break")
+ return false
+ }
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create a token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_TAG_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: handle,
+ suffix: suffix,
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan a tag handle.
+func yaml_parser_scan_tag_handle(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, start_mark yaml_mark_t, handle *[]byte) bool {
+ // Check the initial '!' character.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] != '!' {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "did not find expected '!'")
+ return false
+ }
+ var s []byte
+ // Copy the '!' character.
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ // Copy all subsequent alphabetical and numerical characters.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the trailing character is '!' and copy it.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ } else {
+ // It's either the '!' tag or not really a tag handle. If it's a %TAG
+ // directive, it's an error. If it's a tag token, it must be a part of URI.
+ if directive && !(s[0] == '!' && s[1] == 0) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "did not find expected '!'")
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ *handle = s
+ return true
+// Scan a tag.
+func yaml_parser_scan_tag_uri(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, head []byte, start_mark yaml_mark_t, uri *[]byte) bool {
+ //size_t length = head ? strlen((char *)head) : 0
+ var s []byte
+ // Copy the head if needed.
+ //
+ // Note that we don't copy the leading '!' character.
+ if len(head) > 1 {
+ s = append(s, head[1:]...)
+ }
+ // Scan the tag.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // The set of characters that may appear in URI is as follows:
+ //
+ // '0'-'9', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '_', '-', ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&',
+ // '=', '+', '$', ',', '.', '!', '~', '*', '\'', '(', ')', '[', ']',
+ // '%'.
+ // [Go] Convert this into more reasonable logic.
+ for is_alpha(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ';' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '/' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '@' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '&' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '=' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '$' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '.' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '!' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '~' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '*' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '(' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ')' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' {
+ // Check if it is a URI-escape sequence.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' {
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_uri_escapes(parser, directive, start_mark, &s) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ }
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the tag is non-empty.
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "did not find expected tag URI")
+ return false
+ }
+ *uri = s
+ return true
+// Decode an URI-escape sequence corresponding to a single UTF-8 character.
+func yaml_parser_scan_uri_escapes(parser *yaml_parser_t, directive bool, start_mark yaml_mark_t, s *[]byte) bool {
+ // Decode the required number of characters.
+ w := 1024
+ for w > 0 {
+ // Check for a URI-escaped octet.
+ if parser.unread < 3 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 3) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !(parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '%' &&
+ is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) &&
+ is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+2)) {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "did not find URI escaped octet")
+ }
+ // Get the octet.
+ octet := byte((as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) << 4) + as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+2))
+ // If it is the leading octet, determine the length of the UTF-8 sequence.
+ if w == 1024 {
+ w = width(octet)
+ if w == 0 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "found an incorrect leading UTF-8 octet")
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Check if the trailing octet is correct.
+ if octet&0xC0 != 0x80 {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_tag_error(parser, directive,
+ start_mark, "found an incorrect trailing UTF-8 octet")
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the octet and move the pointers.
+ *s = append(*s, octet)
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ w--
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan a block scalar.
+func yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, literal bool) bool {
+ // Eat the indicator '|' or '>'.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ // Scan the additional block scalar indicators.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check for a chomping indicator.
+ var chomping, increment int
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' {
+ // Set the chomping method and eat the indicator.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' {
+ chomping = +1
+ } else {
+ chomping = -1
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ // Check for an indentation indicator.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Check that the indentation is greater than 0.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '0' {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar",
+ start_mark, "found an indentation indicator equal to 0")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Get the indentation level and eat the indicator.
+ increment = as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ } else if is_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Do the same as above, but in the opposite order.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '0' {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar",
+ start_mark, "found an indentation indicator equal to 0")
+ return false
+ }
+ increment = as_digit(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '-' {
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '+' {
+ chomping = +1
+ } else {
+ chomping = -1
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ }
+ // Eat whitespaces and comments to the end of the line.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' {
+ for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we are at the end of the line.
+ if !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected comment or line break")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Eat a line break.
+ if is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ skip_line(parser)
+ }
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Set the indentation level if it was specified.
+ var indent int
+ if increment > 0 {
+ if parser.indent >= 0 {
+ indent = parser.indent + increment
+ } else {
+ indent = increment
+ }
+ }
+ // Scan the leading line breaks and determine the indentation level if needed.
+ var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks []byte
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser, &indent, &trailing_breaks, start_mark, &end_mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Scan the block scalar content.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ var leading_blank, trailing_blank bool
+ for parser.mark.column == indent && !is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // We are at the beginning of a non-empty line.
+ // Is it a trailing whitespace?
+ trailing_blank = is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)
+ // Check if we need to fold the leading line break.
+ if !literal && !leading_blank && !trailing_blank && len(leading_break) > 0 && leading_break[0] == '\n' {
+ // Do we need to join the lines by space?
+ if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 {
+ s = append(s, ' ')
+ }
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, leading_break...)
+ }
+ leading_break = leading_break[:0]
+ // Append the remaining line breaks.
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0]
+ // Is it a leading whitespace?
+ leading_blank = is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)
+ // Consume the current line.
+ for !is_breakz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Consume the line break.
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break)
+ // Eat the following indentation spaces and line breaks.
+ if !yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser, &indent, &trailing_breaks, start_mark, &end_mark) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Chomp the tail.
+ if chomping != -1 {
+ s = append(s, leading_break...)
+ }
+ if chomping == 1 {
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ }
+ // Create a token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: s,
+ }
+ if !literal {
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan indentation spaces and line breaks for a block scalar. Determine the
+// indentation level if needed.
+func yaml_parser_scan_block_scalar_breaks(parser *yaml_parser_t, indent *int, breaks *[]byte, start_mark yaml_mark_t, end_mark *yaml_mark_t) bool {
+ *end_mark = parser.mark
+ // Eat the indentation spaces and line breaks.
+ max_indent := 0
+ for {
+ // Eat the indentation spaces.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for (*indent == 0 || parser.mark.column < *indent) && is_space(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ skip(parser)
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if parser.mark.column > max_indent {
+ max_indent = parser.mark.column
+ }
+ // Check for a tab character messing the indentation.
+ if (*indent == 0 || parser.mark.column < *indent) && is_tab(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ return yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a block scalar",
+ start_mark, "found a tab character where an indentation space is expected")
+ }
+ // Have we found a non-empty line?
+ if !is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ break
+ }
+ // Consume the line break.
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // [Go] Should really be returning breaks instead.
+ *breaks = read_line(parser, *breaks)
+ *end_mark = parser.mark
+ }
+ // Determine the indentation level if needed.
+ if *indent == 0 {
+ *indent = max_indent
+ if *indent < parser.indent+1 {
+ *indent = parser.indent + 1
+ }
+ if *indent < 1 {
+ *indent = 1
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan a quoted scalar.
+func yaml_parser_scan_flow_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t, single bool) bool {
+ // Eat the left quote.
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ skip(parser)
+ // Consume the content of the quoted scalar.
+ var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks, whitespaces []byte
+ for {
+ // Check that there are no document indicators at the beginning of the line.
+ if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 &&
+ ((parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '-' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '-' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '-') ||
+ (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '.' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '.' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '.')) &&
+ is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+3) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a quoted scalar",
+ start_mark, "found unexpected document indicator")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check for EOF.
+ if is_z(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a quoted scalar",
+ start_mark, "found unexpected end of stream")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Consume non-blank characters.
+ leading_blanks := false
+ for !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '\'' {
+ // Is is an escaped single quote.
+ s = append(s, '\'')
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ } else if single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' {
+ // It is a right single quote.
+ break
+ } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' {
+ // It is a right double quote.
+ break
+ } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\\' && is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) {
+ // It is an escaped line break.
+ if parser.unread < 3 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 3) {
+ return false
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ skip_line(parser)
+ leading_blanks = true
+ break
+ } else if !single && parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\\' {
+ // It is an escape sequence.
+ code_length := 0
+ // Check the escape character.
+ switch parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] {
+ case '0':
+ s = append(s, 0)
+ case 'a':
+ s = append(s, '\x07')
+ case 'b':
+ s = append(s, '\x08')
+ case 't', '\t':
+ s = append(s, '\x09')
+ case 'n':
+ s = append(s, '\x0A')
+ case 'v':
+ s = append(s, '\x0B')
+ case 'f':
+ s = append(s, '\x0C')
+ case 'r':
+ s = append(s, '\x0D')
+ case 'e':
+ s = append(s, '\x1B')
+ case ' ':
+ s = append(s, '\x20')
+ case '"':
+ s = append(s, '"')
+ case '\'':
+ s = append(s, '\'')
+ case '\\':
+ s = append(s, '\\')
+ case 'N': // NEL (#x85)
+ s = append(s, '\xC2')
+ s = append(s, '\x85')
+ case '_': // #xA0
+ s = append(s, '\xC2')
+ s = append(s, '\xA0')
+ case 'L': // LS (#x2028)
+ s = append(s, '\xE2')
+ s = append(s, '\x80')
+ s = append(s, '\xA8')
+ case 'P': // PS (#x2029)
+ s = append(s, '\xE2')
+ s = append(s, '\x80')
+ s = append(s, '\xA9')
+ case 'x':
+ code_length = 2
+ case 'u':
+ code_length = 4
+ case 'U':
+ code_length = 8
+ default:
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar",
+ start_mark, "found unknown escape character")
+ return false
+ }
+ skip(parser)
+ skip(parser)
+ // Consume an arbitrary escape code.
+ if code_length > 0 {
+ var value int
+ // Scan the character value.
+ if parser.unread < code_length && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, code_length) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for k := 0; k < code_length; k++ {
+ if !is_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+k) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar",
+ start_mark, "did not find expected hexdecimal number")
+ return false
+ }
+ value = (value << 4) + as_hex(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+k)
+ }
+ // Check the value and write the character.
+ if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF) || value > 0x10FFFF {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while parsing a quoted scalar",
+ start_mark, "found invalid Unicode character escape code")
+ return false
+ }
+ if value <= 0x7F {
+ s = append(s, byte(value))
+ } else if value <= 0x7FF {
+ s = append(s, byte(0xC0+(value>>6)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F)))
+ } else if value <= 0xFFFF {
+ s = append(s, byte(0xE0+(value>>12)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>6)&0x3F)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F)))
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, byte(0xF0+(value>>18)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>12)&0x3F)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+((value>>6)&0x3F)))
+ s = append(s, byte(0x80+(value&0x3F)))
+ }
+ // Advance the pointer.
+ for k := 0; k < code_length; k++ {
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // It is a non-escaped non-blank character.
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ }
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we are at the end of the scalar.
+ if single {
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '\'' {
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '"' {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Consume blank characters.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Consume a space or a tab character.
+ if !leading_blanks {
+ whitespaces = read(parser, whitespaces)
+ } else {
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check if it is a first line break.
+ if !leading_blanks {
+ whitespaces = whitespaces[:0]
+ leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break)
+ leading_blanks = true
+ } else {
+ trailing_breaks = read_line(parser, trailing_breaks)
+ }
+ }
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Join the whitespaces or fold line breaks.
+ if leading_blanks {
+ // Do we need to fold line breaks?
+ if len(leading_break) > 0 && leading_break[0] == '\n' {
+ if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 {
+ s = append(s, ' ')
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ }
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, leading_break...)
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ }
+ trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0]
+ leading_break = leading_break[:0]
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, whitespaces...)
+ whitespaces = whitespaces[:0]
+ }
+ }
+ // Eat the right quote.
+ skip(parser)
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Create a token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: s,
+ }
+ if !single {
+ }
+ return true
+// Scan a plain scalar.
+func yaml_parser_scan_plain_scalar(parser *yaml_parser_t, token *yaml_token_t) bool {
+ var s, leading_break, trailing_breaks, whitespaces []byte
+ var leading_blanks bool
+ var indent = parser.indent + 1
+ start_mark := parser.mark
+ end_mark := parser.mark
+ // Consume the content of the plain scalar.
+ for {
+ // Check for a document indicator.
+ if parser.unread < 4 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 4) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if parser.mark.column == 0 &&
+ ((parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '-' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '-' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '-') ||
+ (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+0] == '.' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+1] == '.' &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos+2] == '.')) &&
+ is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+3) {
+ break
+ }
+ // Check for a comment.
+ if parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '#' {
+ break
+ }
+ // Consume non-blank characters.
+ for !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Check for 'x:x' in the flow context. TODO: Fix the test "spec-08-13".
+ if parser.flow_level > 0 &&
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' &&
+ !is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a plain scalar",
+ start_mark, "found unexpected ':'")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check for indicators that may end a plain scalar.
+ if (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' && is_blankz(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos+1)) ||
+ (parser.flow_level > 0 &&
+ (parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ',' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ':' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '?' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '[' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == ']' || parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '{' ||
+ parser.buffer[parser.buffer_pos] == '}')) {
+ break
+ }
+ // Check if we need to join whitespaces and breaks.
+ if leading_blanks || len(whitespaces) > 0 {
+ if leading_blanks {
+ // Do we need to fold line breaks?
+ if leading_break[0] == '\n' {
+ if len(trailing_breaks) == 0 {
+ s = append(s, ' ')
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ }
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, leading_break...)
+ s = append(s, trailing_breaks...)
+ }
+ trailing_breaks = trailing_breaks[:0]
+ leading_break = leading_break[:0]
+ leading_blanks = false
+ } else {
+ s = append(s, whitespaces...)
+ whitespaces = whitespaces[:0]
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the character.
+ s = read(parser, s)
+ end_mark = parser.mark
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Is it the end?
+ if !(is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos)) {
+ break
+ }
+ // Consume blank characters.
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) || is_break(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ if is_blank(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ // Check for tab character that abuse indentation.
+ if leading_blanks && parser.mark.column < indent && is_tab(parser.buffer, parser.buffer_pos) {
+ yaml_parser_set_scanner_error(parser, "while scanning a plain scalar",
+ start_mark, "found a tab character that violate indentation")
+ return false
+ }
+ // Consume a space or a tab character.
+ if !leading_blanks {
+ whitespaces = read(parser, whitespaces)
+ } else {
+ skip(parser)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if parser.unread < 2 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Check if it is a first line break.
+ if !leading_blanks {
+ whitespaces = whitespaces[:0]
+ leading_break = read_line(parser, leading_break)
+ leading_blanks = true
+ } else {
+ trailing_breaks = read_line(parser, trailing_breaks)
+ }
+ }
+ if parser.unread < 1 && !yaml_parser_update_buffer(parser, 1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ // Check indentation level.
+ if parser.flow_level == 0 && parser.mark.column < indent {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a token.
+ *token = yaml_token_t{
+ typ: yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN,
+ start_mark: start_mark,
+ end_mark: end_mark,
+ value: s,
+ style: yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE,
+ }
+ // Note that we change the 'simple_key_allowed' flag.
+ if leading_blanks {
+ parser.simple_key_allowed = true
+ }
+ return true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5958822f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "unicode"
+type keyList []reflect.Value
+func (l keyList) Len() int { return len(l) }
+func (l keyList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
+func (l keyList) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ a := l[i]
+ b := l[j]
+ ak := a.Kind()
+ bk := b.Kind()
+ for (ak == reflect.Interface || ak == reflect.Ptr) && !a.IsNil() {
+ a = a.Elem()
+ ak = a.Kind()
+ }
+ for (bk == reflect.Interface || bk == reflect.Ptr) && !b.IsNil() {
+ b = b.Elem()
+ bk = b.Kind()
+ }
+ af, aok := keyFloat(a)
+ bf, bok := keyFloat(b)
+ if aok && bok {
+ if af != bf {
+ return af < bf
+ }
+ if ak != bk {
+ return ak < bk
+ }
+ return numLess(a, b)
+ }
+ if ak != reflect.String || bk != reflect.String {
+ return ak < bk
+ }
+ ar, br := []rune(a.String()), []rune(b.String())
+ for i := 0; i < len(ar) && i < len(br); i++ {
+ if ar[i] == br[i] {
+ continue
+ }
+ al := unicode.IsLetter(ar[i])
+ bl := unicode.IsLetter(br[i])
+ if al && bl {
+ return ar[i] < br[i]
+ }
+ if al || bl {
+ return bl
+ }
+ var ai, bi int
+ var an, bn int64
+ for ai = i; ai < len(ar) && unicode.IsDigit(ar[ai]); ai++ {
+ an = an*10 + int64(ar[ai]-'0')
+ }
+ for bi = i; bi < len(br) && unicode.IsDigit(br[bi]); bi++ {
+ bn = bn*10 + int64(br[bi]-'0')
+ }
+ if an != bn {
+ return an < bn
+ }
+ if ai != bi {
+ return ai < bi
+ }
+ return ar[i] < br[i]
+ }
+ return len(ar) < len(br)
+// keyFloat returns a float value for v if it is a number/bool
+// and whether it is a number/bool or not.
+func keyFloat(v reflect.Value) (f float64, ok bool) {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ return float64(v.Int()), true
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return v.Float(), true
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ return float64(v.Uint()), true
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ if v.Bool() {
+ return 1, true
+ }
+ return 0, true
+ }
+ return 0, false
+// numLess returns whether a < b.
+// a and b must necessarily have the same kind.
+func numLess(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
+ switch a.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ return a.Int() < b.Int()
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return a.Float() < b.Float()
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ return a.Uint() < b.Uint()
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return !a.Bool() && b.Bool()
+ }
+ panic("not a number")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..190362f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package yaml
+// Set the writer error and return false.
+func yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, problem string) bool {
+ emitter.error = yaml_WRITER_ERROR
+ emitter.problem = problem
+ return false
+// Flush the output buffer.
+func yaml_emitter_flush(emitter *yaml_emitter_t) bool {
+ if emitter.write_handler == nil {
+ panic("write handler not set")
+ }
+ // Check if the buffer is empty.
+ if emitter.buffer_pos == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ // If the output encoding is UTF-8, we don't need to recode the buffer.
+ if emitter.encoding == yaml_UTF8_ENCODING {
+ if err := emitter.write_handler(emitter, emitter.buffer[:emitter.buffer_pos]); err != nil {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter, "write error: "+err.Error())
+ }
+ emitter.buffer_pos = 0
+ return true
+ }
+ // Recode the buffer into the raw buffer.
+ var low, high int
+ if emitter.encoding == yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING {
+ low, high = 0, 1
+ } else {
+ high, low = 1, 0
+ }
+ pos := 0
+ for pos < emitter.buffer_pos {
+ // See the "reader.c" code for more details on UTF-8 encoding. Note
+ // that we assume that the buffer contains a valid UTF-8 sequence.
+ // Read the next UTF-8 character.
+ octet := emitter.buffer[pos]
+ var w int
+ var value rune
+ switch {
+ case octet&0x80 == 0x00:
+ w, value = 1, rune(octet&0x7F)
+ case octet&0xE0 == 0xC0:
+ w, value = 2, rune(octet&0x1F)
+ case octet&0xF0 == 0xE0:
+ w, value = 3, rune(octet&0x0F)
+ case octet&0xF8 == 0xF0:
+ w, value = 4, rune(octet&0x07)
+ }
+ for k := 1; k < w; k++ {
+ octet = emitter.buffer[pos+k]
+ value = (value << 6) + (rune(octet) & 0x3F)
+ }
+ pos += w
+ // Write the character.
+ if value < 0x10000 {
+ var b [2]byte
+ b[high] = byte(value >> 8)
+ b[low] = byte(value & 0xFF)
+ emitter.raw_buffer = append(emitter.raw_buffer, b[0], b[1])
+ } else {
+ // Write the character using a surrogate pair (check "reader.c").
+ var b [4]byte
+ value -= 0x10000
+ b[high] = byte(0xD8 + (value >> 18))
+ b[low] = byte((value >> 10) & 0xFF)
+ b[high+2] = byte(0xDC + ((value >> 8) & 0xFF))
+ b[low+2] = byte(value & 0xFF)
+ emitter.raw_buffer = append(emitter.raw_buffer, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the raw buffer.
+ if err := emitter.write_handler(emitter, emitter.raw_buffer); err != nil {
+ return yaml_emitter_set_writer_error(emitter, "write error: "+err.Error())
+ }
+ emitter.buffer_pos = 0
+ emitter.raw_buffer = emitter.raw_buffer[:0]
+ return true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36d6b883a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
+// Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:
+package yaml
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+// MapSlice encodes and decodes as a YAML map.
+// The order of keys is preserved when encoding and decoding.
+type MapSlice []MapItem
+// MapItem is an item in a MapSlice.
+type MapItem struct {
+ Key, Value interface{}
+// The Unmarshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their
+// behavior when being unmarshaled from a YAML document. The UnmarshalYAML
+// method receives a function that may be called to unmarshal the original
+// YAML value into a field or variable. It is safe to call the unmarshal
+// function parameter more than once if necessary.
+type Unmarshaler interface {
+ UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error
+// The Marshaler interface may be implemented by types to customize their
+// behavior when being marshaled into a YAML document. The returned value
+// is marshaled in place of the original value implementing Marshaler.
+// If an error is returned by MarshalYAML, the marshaling procedure stops
+// and returns with the provided error.
+type Marshaler interface {
+ MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error)
+// Unmarshal decodes the first document found within the in byte slice
+// and assigns decoded values into the out value.
+// Maps and pointers (to a struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as out
+// values. If an internal pointer within a struct is not initialized,
+// the yaml package will initialize it if necessary for unmarshalling
+// the provided data. The out parameter must not be nil.
+// The type of the decoded values should be compatible with the respective
+// values in out. If one or more values cannot be decoded due to a type
+// mismatches, decoding continues partially until the end of the YAML
+// content, and a *yaml.TypeError is returned with details for all
+// missed values.
+// Struct fields are only unmarshalled if they are exported (have an
+// upper case first letter), and are unmarshalled using the field name
+// lowercased as the default key. Custom keys may be defined via the
+// "yaml" name in the field tag: the content preceding the first comma
+// is used as the key, and the following comma-separated options are
+// used to tweak the marshalling process (see Marshal).
+// Conflicting names result in a runtime error.
+// For example:
+// type T struct {
+// F int `yaml:"a,omitempty"`
+// B int
+// }
+// var t T
+// yaml.Unmarshal([]byte("a: 1\nb: 2"), &t)
+// See the documentation of Marshal for the format of tags and a list of
+// supported tag options.
+func Unmarshal(in []byte, out interface{}) (err error) {
+ defer handleErr(&err)
+ d := newDecoder()
+ p := newParser(in)
+ defer p.destroy()
+ node := p.parse()
+ if node != nil {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(out)
+ if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ d.unmarshal(node, v)
+ }
+ if len(d.terrors) > 0 {
+ return &TypeError{d.terrors}
+ }
+ return nil
+// Marshal serializes the value provided into a YAML document. The structure
+// of the generated document will reflect the structure of the value itself.
+// Maps and pointers (to struct, string, int, etc) are accepted as the in value.
+// Struct fields are only unmarshalled if they are exported (have an upper case
+// first letter), and are unmarshalled using the field name lowercased as the
+// default key. Custom keys may be defined via the "yaml" name in the field
+// tag: the content preceding the first comma is used as the key, and the
+// following comma-separated options are used to tweak the marshalling process.
+// Conflicting names result in a runtime error.
+// The field tag format accepted is:
+// `(...) yaml:"[<key>][,<flag1>[,<flag2>]]" (...)`
+// The following flags are currently supported:
+// omitempty Only include the field if it's not set to the zero
+// value for the type or to empty slices or maps.
+// Does not apply to zero valued structs.
+// flow Marshal using a flow style (useful for structs,
+// sequences and maps).
+// inline Inline the field, which must be a struct or a map,
+// causing all of its fields or keys to be processed as if
+// they were part of the outer struct. For maps, keys must
+// not conflict with the yaml keys of other struct fields.
+// In addition, if the key is "-", the field is ignored.
+// For example:
+// type T struct {
+// F int "a,omitempty"
+// B int
+// }
+// yaml.Marshal(&T{B: 2}) // Returns "b: 2\n"
+// yaml.Marshal(&T{F: 1}} // Returns "a: 1\nb: 0\n"
+func Marshal(in interface{}) (out []byte, err error) {
+ defer handleErr(&err)
+ e := newEncoder()
+ defer e.destroy()
+ e.marshal("", reflect.ValueOf(in))
+ e.finish()
+ out = e.out
+ return
+func handleErr(err *error) {
+ if v := recover(); v != nil {
+ if e, ok := v.(yamlError); ok {
+ *err = e.err
+ } else {
+ panic(v)
+ }
+ }
+type yamlError struct {
+ err error
+func fail(err error) {
+ panic(yamlError{err})
+func failf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ panic(yamlError{fmt.Errorf("yaml: "+format, args...)})
+// A TypeError is returned by Unmarshal when one or more fields in
+// the YAML document cannot be properly decoded into the requested
+// types. When this error is returned, the value is still
+// unmarshaled partially.
+type TypeError struct {
+ Errors []string
+func (e *TypeError) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("yaml: unmarshal errors:\n %s", strings.Join(e.Errors, "\n "))
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Maintain a mapping of keys to structure field indexes
+// The code in this section was copied from mgo/bson.
+// structInfo holds details for the serialization of fields of
+// a given struct.
+type structInfo struct {
+ FieldsMap map[string]fieldInfo
+ FieldsList []fieldInfo
+ // InlineMap is the number of the field in the struct that
+ // contains an ,inline map, or -1 if there's none.
+ InlineMap int
+type fieldInfo struct {
+ Key string
+ Num int
+ OmitEmpty bool
+ Flow bool
+ // Inline holds the field index if the field is part of an inlined struct.
+ Inline []int
+var structMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*structInfo)
+var fieldMapMutex sync.RWMutex
+func getStructInfo(st reflect.Type) (*structInfo, error) {
+ fieldMapMutex.RLock()
+ sinfo, found := structMap[st]
+ fieldMapMutex.RUnlock()
+ if found {
+ return sinfo, nil
+ }
+ n := st.NumField()
+ fieldsMap := make(map[string]fieldInfo)
+ fieldsList := make([]fieldInfo, 0, n)
+ inlineMap := -1
+ for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
+ field := st.Field(i)
+ if field.PkgPath != "" && !field.Anonymous {
+ continue // Private field
+ }
+ info := fieldInfo{Num: i}
+ tag := field.Tag.Get("yaml")
+ if tag == "" && strings.Index(string(field.Tag), ":") < 0 {
+ tag = string(field.Tag)
+ }
+ if tag == "-" {
+ continue
+ }
+ inline := false
+ fields := strings.Split(tag, ",")
+ if len(fields) > 1 {
+ for _, flag := range fields[1:] {
+ switch flag {
+ case "omitempty":
+ info.OmitEmpty = true
+ case "flow":
+ info.Flow = true
+ case "inline":
+ inline = true
+ default:
+ return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported flag %q in tag %q of type %s", flag, tag, st))
+ }
+ }
+ tag = fields[0]
+ }
+ if inline {
+ switch field.Type.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Map:
+ if inlineMap >= 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Multiple ,inline maps in struct " + st.String())
+ }
+ if field.Type.Key() != reflect.TypeOf("") {
+ return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a map with string keys in struct " + st.String())
+ }
+ inlineMap = info.Num
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ sinfo, err := getStructInfo(field.Type)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ for _, finfo := range sinfo.FieldsList {
+ if _, found := fieldsMap[finfo.Key]; found {
+ msg := "Duplicated key '" + finfo.Key + "' in struct " + st.String()
+ return nil, errors.New(msg)
+ }
+ if finfo.Inline == nil {
+ finfo.Inline = []int{i, finfo.Num}
+ } else {
+ finfo.Inline = append([]int{i}, finfo.Inline...)
+ }
+ fieldsMap[finfo.Key] = finfo
+ fieldsList = append(fieldsList, finfo)
+ }
+ default:
+ //return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a struct value or map field")
+ return nil, errors.New("Option ,inline needs a struct value field")
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if tag != "" {
+ info.Key = tag
+ } else {
+ info.Key = strings.ToLower(field.Name)
+ }
+ if _, found = fieldsMap[info.Key]; found {
+ msg := "Duplicated key '" + info.Key + "' in struct " + st.String()
+ return nil, errors.New(msg)
+ }
+ fieldsList = append(fieldsList, info)
+ fieldsMap[info.Key] = info
+ }
+ sinfo = &structInfo{fieldsMap, fieldsList, inlineMap}
+ fieldMapMutex.Lock()
+ structMap[st] = sinfo
+ fieldMapMutex.Unlock()
+ return sinfo, nil
+func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case reflect.String:
+ return len(v.String()) == 0
+ case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
+ return v.IsNil()
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ return v.Len() == 0
+ case reflect.Map:
+ return v.Len() == 0
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ return v.Int() == 0
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return v.Float() == 0
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ return v.Uint() == 0
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return !v.Bool()
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ vt := v.Type()
+ for i := v.NumField() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if vt.Field(i).PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // Private field
+ }
+ if !isZero(v.Field(i)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d60a6b6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+package yaml
+import (
+ "io"
+// The version directive data.
+type yaml_version_directive_t struct {
+ major int8 // The major version number.
+ minor int8 // The minor version number.
+// The tag directive data.
+type yaml_tag_directive_t struct {
+ handle []byte // The tag handle.
+ prefix []byte // The tag prefix.
+type yaml_encoding_t int
+// The stream encoding.
+const (
+ // Let the parser choose the encoding.
+ yaml_ANY_ENCODING yaml_encoding_t = iota
+ yaml_UTF8_ENCODING // The default UTF-8 encoding.
+ yaml_UTF16LE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-LE encoding with BOM.
+ yaml_UTF16BE_ENCODING // The UTF-16-BE encoding with BOM.
+type yaml_break_t int
+// Line break types.
+const (
+ // Let the parser choose the break type.
+ yaml_ANY_BREAK yaml_break_t = iota
+ yaml_CR_BREAK // Use CR for line breaks (Mac style).
+ yaml_LN_BREAK // Use LN for line breaks (Unix style).
+ yaml_CRLN_BREAK // Use CR LN for line breaks (DOS style).
+type yaml_error_type_t int
+// Many bad things could happen with the parser and emitter.
+const (
+ // No error is produced.
+ yaml_NO_ERROR yaml_error_type_t = iota
+ yaml_MEMORY_ERROR // Cannot allocate or reallocate a block of memory.
+ yaml_READER_ERROR // Cannot read or decode the input stream.
+ yaml_SCANNER_ERROR // Cannot scan the input stream.
+ yaml_PARSER_ERROR // Cannot parse the input stream.
+ yaml_COMPOSER_ERROR // Cannot compose a YAML document.
+ yaml_WRITER_ERROR // Cannot write to the output stream.
+ yaml_EMITTER_ERROR // Cannot emit a YAML stream.
+// The pointer position.
+type yaml_mark_t struct {
+ index int // The position index.
+ line int // The position line.
+ column int // The position column.
+// Node Styles
+type yaml_style_t int8
+type yaml_scalar_style_t yaml_style_t
+// Scalar styles.
+const (
+ // Let the emitter choose the style.
+ yaml_ANY_SCALAR_STYLE yaml_scalar_style_t = iota
+ yaml_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE // The plain scalar style.
+ yaml_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The single-quoted scalar style.
+ yaml_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE // The double-quoted scalar style.
+ yaml_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE // The literal scalar style.
+ yaml_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE // The folded scalar style.
+type yaml_sequence_style_t yaml_style_t
+// Sequence styles.
+const (
+ // Let the emitter choose the style.
+ yaml_ANY_SEQUENCE_STYLE yaml_sequence_style_t = iota
+ yaml_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The block sequence style.
+ yaml_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE // The flow sequence style.
+type yaml_mapping_style_t yaml_style_t
+// Mapping styles.
+const (
+ // Let the emitter choose the style.
+ yaml_ANY_MAPPING_STYLE yaml_mapping_style_t = iota
+ yaml_BLOCK_MAPPING_STYLE // The block mapping style.
+ yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE // The flow mapping style.
+// Tokens
+type yaml_token_type_t int
+// Token types.
+const (
+ // An empty token.
+ yaml_NO_TOKEN yaml_token_type_t = iota
+ yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN // A BLOCK-END token.
+ yaml_KEY_TOKEN // A KEY token.
+ yaml_VALUE_TOKEN // A VALUE token.
+ yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN // An ALIAS token.
+ yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN // An ANCHOR token.
+ yaml_TAG_TOKEN // A TAG token.
+ yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN // A SCALAR token.
+func (tt yaml_token_type_t) String() string {
+ switch tt {
+ case yaml_NO_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_NO_TOKEN"
+ return "yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_STREAM_END_TOKEN"
+ return "yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN"
+ return "yaml_DOCUMENT_START_TOKEN"
+ return "yaml_DOCUMENT_END_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_BLOCK_END_TOKEN"
+ return "yaml_FLOW_MAPPING_END_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_BLOCK_ENTRY_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_FLOW_ENTRY_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_KEY_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_KEY_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_VALUE_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_VALUE_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_ALIAS_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_ANCHOR_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_TAG_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_TAG_TOKEN"
+ case yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN:
+ return "yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN"
+ }
+ return "<unknown token>"
+// The token structure.
+type yaml_token_t struct {
+ // The token type.
+ typ yaml_token_type_t
+ // The start/end of the token.
+ start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
+ // The stream encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_TOKEN).
+ encoding yaml_encoding_t
+ // The alias/anchor/scalar value or tag/tag directive handle
+ value []byte
+ // The tag suffix (for yaml_TAG_TOKEN).
+ suffix []byte
+ // The tag directive prefix (for yaml_TAG_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN).
+ prefix []byte
+ // The scalar style (for yaml_SCALAR_TOKEN).
+ style yaml_scalar_style_t
+ // The version directive major/minor (for yaml_VERSION_DIRECTIVE_TOKEN).
+ major, minor int8
+// Events
+type yaml_event_type_t int8
+// Event types.
+const (
+ // An empty event.
+ yaml_NO_EVENT yaml_event_type_t = iota
+ yaml_ALIAS_EVENT // An ALIAS event.
+ yaml_SCALAR_EVENT // A SCALAR event.
+// The event structure.
+type yaml_event_t struct {
+ // The event type.
+ typ yaml_event_type_t
+ // The start and end of the event.
+ start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
+ // The document encoding (for yaml_STREAM_START_EVENT).
+ encoding yaml_encoding_t
+ // The version directive (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT).
+ version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
+ // The list of tag directives (for yaml_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT).
+ tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t
+ anchor []byte
+ tag []byte
+ // The scalar value (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT).
+ value []byte
+ // Is the document start/end indicator implicit, or the tag optional?
+ implicit bool
+ // Is the tag optional for any non-plain style? (for yaml_SCALAR_EVENT).
+ quoted_implicit bool
+ style yaml_style_t
+func (e *yaml_event_t) scalar_style() yaml_scalar_style_t { return yaml_scalar_style_t( }
+func (e *yaml_event_t) sequence_style() yaml_sequence_style_t { return yaml_sequence_style_t( }
+func (e *yaml_event_t) mapping_style() yaml_mapping_style_t { return yaml_mapping_style_t( }
+// Nodes
+const (
+ yaml_NULL_TAG = ",2002:null" // The tag !!null with the only possible value: null.
+ yaml_BOOL_TAG = ",2002:bool" // The tag !!bool with the values: true and false.
+ yaml_STR_TAG = ",2002:str" // The tag !!str for string values.
+ yaml_INT_TAG = ",2002:int" // The tag !!int for integer values.
+ yaml_FLOAT_TAG = ",2002:float" // The tag !!float for float values.
+ yaml_TIMESTAMP_TAG = ",2002:timestamp" // The tag !!timestamp for date and time values.
+ yaml_SEQ_TAG = ",2002:seq" // The tag !!seq is used to denote sequences.
+ yaml_MAP_TAG = ",2002:map" // The tag !!map is used to denote mapping.
+ // Not in original libyaml.
+ yaml_BINARY_TAG = ",2002:binary"
+ yaml_MERGE_TAG = ",2002:merge"
+ yaml_DEFAULT_SCALAR_TAG = yaml_STR_TAG // The default scalar tag is !!str.
+ yaml_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG = yaml_SEQ_TAG // The default sequence tag is !!seq.
+ yaml_DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG = yaml_MAP_TAG // The default mapping tag is !!map.
+type yaml_node_type_t int
+// Node types.
+const (
+ // An empty node.
+ yaml_NO_NODE yaml_node_type_t = iota
+ yaml_SCALAR_NODE // A scalar node.
+ yaml_SEQUENCE_NODE // A sequence node.
+ yaml_MAPPING_NODE // A mapping node.
+// An element of a sequence node.
+type yaml_node_item_t int
+// An element of a mapping node.
+type yaml_node_pair_t struct {
+ key int // The key of the element.
+ value int // The value of the element.
+// The node structure.
+type yaml_node_t struct {
+ typ yaml_node_type_t // The node type.
+ tag []byte // The node tag.
+ // The node data.
+ // The scalar parameters (for yaml_SCALAR_NODE).
+ scalar struct {
+ value []byte // The scalar value.
+ length int // The length of the scalar value.
+ style yaml_scalar_style_t // The scalar style.
+ }
+ // The sequence parameters (for YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE).
+ sequence struct {
+ items_data []yaml_node_item_t // The stack of sequence items.
+ style yaml_sequence_style_t // The sequence style.
+ }
+ // The mapping parameters (for yaml_MAPPING_NODE).
+ mapping struct {
+ pairs_data []yaml_node_pair_t // The stack of mapping pairs (key, value).
+ pairs_start *yaml_node_pair_t // The beginning of the stack.
+ pairs_end *yaml_node_pair_t // The end of the stack.
+ pairs_top *yaml_node_pair_t // The top of the stack.
+ style yaml_mapping_style_t // The mapping style.
+ }
+ start_mark yaml_mark_t // The beginning of the node.
+ end_mark yaml_mark_t // The end of the node.
+// The document structure.
+type yaml_document_t struct {
+ // The document nodes.
+ nodes []yaml_node_t
+ // The version directive.
+ version_directive *yaml_version_directive_t
+ // The list of tag directives.
+ tag_directives_data []yaml_tag_directive_t
+ tag_directives_start int // The beginning of the tag directives list.
+ tag_directives_end int // The end of the tag directives list.
+ start_implicit int // Is the document start indicator implicit?
+ end_implicit int // Is the document end indicator implicit?
+ // The start/end of the document.
+ start_mark, end_mark yaml_mark_t
+// The prototype of a read handler.
+// The read handler is called when the parser needs to read more bytes from the
+// source. The handler should write not more than size bytes to the buffer.
+// The number of written bytes should be set to the size_read variable.
+// [in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by
+// yaml_parser_set_input().
+// [out] buffer The buffer to write the data from the source.
+// [in] size The size of the buffer.
+// [out] size_read The actual number of bytes read from the source.
+// On success, the handler should return 1. If the handler failed,
+// the returned value should be 0. On EOF, the handler should set the
+// size_read to 0 and return 1.
+type yaml_read_handler_t func(parser *yaml_parser_t, buffer []byte) (n int, err error)
+// This structure holds information about a potential simple key.
+type yaml_simple_key_t struct {
+ possible bool // Is a simple key possible?
+ required bool // Is a simple key required?
+ token_number int // The number of the token.
+ mark yaml_mark_t // The position mark.
+// The states of the parser.
+type yaml_parser_state_t int
+const (
+ yaml_PARSE_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_parser_state_t = iota
+ yaml_PARSE_IMPLICIT_DOCUMENT_START_STATE // Expect the beginning of an implicit document.
+ yaml_PARSE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE // Expect a block node.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_OR_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_STATE // Expect a block node or indentless sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE // Expect a flow node.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a block sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a block sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_INDENTLESS_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of an indentless sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a block mapping key.
+ yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a block mapping value.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ENTRY_STATE // Expect the first entry of a flow sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_STATE // Expect an entry of a flow sequence.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of an ordered mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of an ordered mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ENTRY_MAPPING_END_STATE // Expect the and of an ordered mapping entry.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_FLOW_MAPPING_EMPTY_VALUE_STATE // Expect an empty value of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_PARSE_END_STATE // Expect nothing.
+func (ps yaml_parser_state_t) String() string {
+ switch ps {
+ return "yaml_PARSE_BLOCK_NODE_STATE"
+ return "yaml_PARSE_FLOW_NODE_STATE"
+ case yaml_PARSE_END_STATE:
+ return "yaml_PARSE_END_STATE"
+ }
+ return "<unknown parser state>"
+// This structure holds aliases data.
+type yaml_alias_data_t struct {
+ anchor []byte // The anchor.
+ index int // The node id.
+ mark yaml_mark_t // The anchor mark.
+// The parser structure.
+// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the
+// yaml_parser_ family of functions.
+type yaml_parser_t struct {
+ // Error handling
+ error yaml_error_type_t // Error type.
+ problem string // Error description.
+ // The byte about which the problem occured.
+ problem_offset int
+ problem_value int
+ problem_mark yaml_mark_t
+ // The error context.
+ context string
+ context_mark yaml_mark_t
+ // Reader stuff
+ read_handler yaml_read_handler_t // Read handler.
+ input_file io.Reader // File input data.
+ input []byte // String input data.
+ input_pos int
+ eof bool // EOF flag
+ buffer []byte // The working buffer.
+ buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
+ unread int // The number of unread characters in the buffer.
+ raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer.
+ raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
+ encoding yaml_encoding_t // The input encoding.
+ offset int // The offset of the current position (in bytes).
+ mark yaml_mark_t // The mark of the current position.
+ // Scanner stuff
+ stream_start_produced bool // Have we started to scan the input stream?
+ stream_end_produced bool // Have we reached the end of the input stream?
+ flow_level int // The number of unclosed '[' and '{' indicators.
+ tokens []yaml_token_t // The tokens queue.
+ tokens_head int // The head of the tokens queue.
+ tokens_parsed int // The number of tokens fetched from the queue.
+ token_available bool // Does the tokens queue contain a token ready for dequeueing.
+ indent int // The current indentation level.
+ indents []int // The indentation levels stack.
+ simple_key_allowed bool // May a simple key occur at the current position?
+ simple_keys []yaml_simple_key_t // The stack of simple keys.
+ // Parser stuff
+ state yaml_parser_state_t // The current parser state.
+ states []yaml_parser_state_t // The parser states stack.
+ marks []yaml_mark_t // The stack of marks.
+ tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of TAG directives.
+ // Dumper stuff
+ aliases []yaml_alias_data_t // The alias data.
+ document *yaml_document_t // The currently parsed document.
+// Emitter Definitions
+// The prototype of a write handler.
+// The write handler is called when the emitter needs to flush the accumulated
+// characters to the output. The handler should write @a size bytes of the
+// @a buffer to the output.
+// @param[in,out] data A pointer to an application data specified by
+// yaml_emitter_set_output().
+// @param[in] buffer The buffer with bytes to be written.
+// @param[in] size The size of the buffer.
+// @returns On success, the handler should return @c 1. If the handler failed,
+// the returned value should be @c 0.
+type yaml_write_handler_t func(emitter *yaml_emitter_t, buffer []byte) error
+type yaml_emitter_state_t int
+// The emitter states.
+const (
+ // Expect STREAM-START.
+ yaml_EMIT_STREAM_START_STATE yaml_emitter_state_t = iota
+ yaml_EMIT_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_STATE // Expect the content of a document.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a flow sequence.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a flow sequence.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect a key of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_FLOW_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a flow mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_FIRST_ITEM_STATE // Expect the first item of a block sequence.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_SEQUENCE_ITEM_STATE // Expect an item of a block sequence.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_FIRST_KEY_STATE // Expect the first key of a block mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_KEY_STATE // Expect the key of a block mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_SIMPLE_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value for a simple key of a block mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_BLOCK_MAPPING_VALUE_STATE // Expect a value of a block mapping.
+ yaml_EMIT_END_STATE // Expect nothing.
+// The emitter structure.
+// All members are internal. Manage the structure using the @c yaml_emitter_
+// family of functions.
+type yaml_emitter_t struct {
+ // Error handling
+ error yaml_error_type_t // Error type.
+ problem string // Error description.
+ // Writer stuff
+ write_handler yaml_write_handler_t // Write handler.
+ output_buffer *[]byte // String output data.
+ output_file io.Writer // File output data.
+ buffer []byte // The working buffer.
+ buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
+ raw_buffer []byte // The raw buffer.
+ raw_buffer_pos int // The current position of the buffer.
+ encoding yaml_encoding_t // The stream encoding.
+ // Emitter stuff
+ canonical bool // If the output is in the canonical style?
+ best_indent int // The number of indentation spaces.
+ best_width int // The preferred width of the output lines.
+ unicode bool // Allow unescaped non-ASCII characters?
+ line_break yaml_break_t // The preferred line break.
+ state yaml_emitter_state_t // The current emitter state.
+ states []yaml_emitter_state_t // The stack of states.
+ events []yaml_event_t // The event queue.
+ events_head int // The head of the event queue.
+ indents []int // The stack of indentation levels.
+ tag_directives []yaml_tag_directive_t // The list of tag directives.
+ indent int // The current indentation level.
+ flow_level int // The current flow level.
+ root_context bool // Is it the document root context?
+ sequence_context bool // Is it a sequence context?
+ mapping_context bool // Is it a mapping context?
+ simple_key_context bool // Is it a simple mapping key context?
+ line int // The current line.
+ column int // The current column.
+ whitespace bool // If the last character was a whitespace?
+ indention bool // If the last character was an indentation character (' ', '-', '?', ':')?
+ open_ended bool // If an explicit document end is required?
+ // Anchor analysis.
+ anchor_data struct {
+ anchor []byte // The anchor value.
+ alias bool // Is it an alias?
+ }
+ // Tag analysis.
+ tag_data struct {
+ handle []byte // The tag handle.
+ suffix []byte // The tag suffix.
+ }
+ // Scalar analysis.
+ scalar_data struct {
+ value []byte // The scalar value.
+ multiline bool // Does the scalar contain line breaks?
+ flow_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expessed in the flow plain style?
+ block_plain_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the block plain style?
+ single_quoted_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the single quoted style?
+ block_allowed bool // Can the scalar be expressed in the literal or folded styles?
+ style yaml_scalar_style_t // The output style.
+ }
+ // Dumper stuff
+ opened bool // If the stream was already opened?
+ closed bool // If the stream was already closed?
+ // The information associated with the document nodes.
+ anchors *struct {
+ references int // The number of references.
+ anchor int // The anchor id.
+ serialized bool // If the node has been emitted?
+ }
+ last_anchor_id int // The last assigned anchor id.
+ document *yaml_document_t // The currently emitted document.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8110ce3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package yaml
+const (
+ // The size of the input raw buffer.
+ input_raw_buffer_size = 512
+ // The size of the input buffer.
+ // It should be possible to decode the whole raw buffer.
+ input_buffer_size = input_raw_buffer_size * 3
+ // The size of the output buffer.
+ output_buffer_size = 128
+ // The size of the output raw buffer.
+ // It should be possible to encode the whole output buffer.
+ output_raw_buffer_size = (output_buffer_size*2 + 2)
+ // The size of other stacks and queues.
+ initial_stack_size = 16
+ initial_queue_size = 16
+ initial_string_size = 16
+// Check if the character at the specified position is an alphabetical
+// character, a digit, '_', or '-'.
+func is_alpha(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'Z' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'z' || b[i] == '_' || b[i] == '-'
+// Check if the character at the specified position is a digit.
+func is_digit(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9'
+// Get the value of a digit.
+func as_digit(b []byte, i int) int {
+ return int(b[i]) - '0'
+// Check if the character at the specified position is a hex-digit.
+func is_hex(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'F' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'f'
+// Get the value of a hex-digit.
+func as_hex(b []byte, i int) int {
+ bi := b[i]
+ if bi >= 'A' && bi <= 'F' {
+ return int(bi) - 'A' + 10
+ }
+ if bi >= 'a' && bi <= 'f' {
+ return int(bi) - 'a' + 10
+ }
+ return int(bi) - '0'
+// Check if the character is ASCII.
+func is_ascii(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] <= 0x7F
+// Check if the character at the start of the buffer can be printed unescaped.
+func is_printable(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return ((b[i] == 0x0A) || // . == #x0A
+ (b[i] >= 0x20 && b[i] <= 0x7E) || // #x20 <= . <= #x7E
+ (b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] >= 0xA0) || // #0xA0 <= . <= #xD7FF
+ (b[i] > 0xC2 && b[i] < 0xED) ||
+ (b[i] == 0xED && b[i+1] < 0xA0) ||
+ (b[i] == 0xEE) ||
+ (b[i] == 0xEF && // #xE000 <= . <= #xFFFD
+ !(b[i+1] == 0xBB && b[i+2] == 0xBF) && // && . != #xFEFF
+ !(b[i+1] == 0xBF && (b[i+2] == 0xBE || b[i+2] == 0xBF))))
+// Check if the character at the specified position is NUL.
+func is_z(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] == 0x00
+// Check if the beginning of the buffer is a BOM.
+func is_bom(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF
+// Check if the character at the specified position is space.
+func is_space(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] == ' '
+// Check if the character at the specified position is tab.
+func is_tab(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] == '\t'
+// Check if the character at the specified position is blank (space or tab).
+func is_blank(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ //return is_space(b, i) || is_tab(b, i)
+ return b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t'
+// Check if the character at the specified position is a line break.
+func is_break(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return (b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
+ b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
+ b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9) // PS (#x2029)
+func is_crlf(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ return b[i] == '\r' && b[i+1] == '\n'
+// Check if the character is a line break or NUL.
+func is_breakz(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ //return is_break(b, i) || is_z(b, i)
+ return ( // is_break:
+ b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
+ b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
+ b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
+ // is_z:
+ b[i] == 0)
+// Check if the character is a line break, space, or NUL.
+func is_spacez(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ //return is_space(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
+ return ( // is_space:
+ b[i] == ' ' ||
+ // is_breakz:
+ b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
+ b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
+ b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
+ b[i] == 0)
+// Check if the character is a line break, space, tab, or NUL.
+func is_blankz(b []byte, i int) bool {
+ //return is_blank(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
+ return ( // is_blank:
+ b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' ||
+ // is_breakz:
+ b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
+ b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
+ b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
+ b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
+ b[i] == 0)
+// Determine the width of the character.
+func width(b byte) int {
+ // Don't replace these by a switch without first
+ // confirming that it is being inlined.
+ if b&0x80 == 0x00 {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if b&0xE0 == 0xC0 {
+ return 2
+ }
+ if b&0xF0 == 0xE0 {
+ return 3
+ }
+ if b&0xF8 == 0xF0 {
+ return 4
+ }
+ return 0