diff options
4 files changed, 139 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/logformatter b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter
index 5b8e2f2a1..3ec839aa8 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/logformatter
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ END_HTML
# Highlight the important (non-boilerplate) podman command.
$line =~ s/\s+--remote\s+/ /g; # --remote takes no args
# Strip out the global podman options, but show them on hover
- $line =~ s{(\S+\/podman(-remote)?)((\s+--(root|runroot|runtime|tmpdir|storage-opt|conmon|cgroup-manager|network-config-dir|storage-driver|events-backend|url) \S+)*)(.*)}{
+ $line =~ s{(\S+\/podman(-remote)?)((\s+--(root|runroot|runtime|tmpdir|storage-opt|conmon|cgroup-manager|network-backend|network-config-dir|storage-driver|events-backend|url) \S+)*)(.*)}{
my ($full_path, $remote, $options, $args) = ($1, $2||'', $3, $6);
$options =~ s/^\s+//;
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/logformatter.t b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter.t
index 7f5973a15..2c191769c 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/logformatter.t
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter.t
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ $SCRIPT_BASE/ |& ${TIMESTAMP}
[+0103s] /var/tmp/go/src/
[+0103s] [It] podman pod restart single empty pod
[+0103s] /var/tmp/go/src/
-[+0103s] Running: /var/tmp/go/src/ --storage-opt vfs.imagestore=/tmp/podman/imagecachedir --root /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio --runroot /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio-run --runtime /usr/bin/runc --conmon /usr/bin/conmon --network-config-dir /etc/cni/net.d --cgroup-manager systemd --tmpdir /tmp/podman_test553496330 --events-backend file --storage-driver vfs pod create --infra=false --share
+[+0103s] Running: /var/tmp/go/src/ --network-backend netavark --storage-opt vfs.imagestore=/tmp/podman/imagecachedir --root /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio --runroot /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio-run --runtime /usr/bin/runc --conmon /usr/bin/conmon --network-config-dir /etc/cni/net.d --cgroup-manager systemd --tmpdir /tmp/podman_test553496330 --events-backend file --storage-driver vfs pod create --infra=false --share
[+0103s] 4810be0cfbd42241e349dbe7d50fbc54405cd320a6637c65fd5323f34d64af89
[+0103s] output: 4810be0cfbd42241e349dbe7d50fbc54405cd320a6637c65fd5323f34d64af89
[+0103s] Running: /var/tmp/go/src/ --storage-opt vfs.imagestore=/tmp/podman/imagecachedir --root /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio --runroot /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio-run --runtime /usr/bin/runc --conmon /usr/bin/conmon --network-config-dir /etc/cni/net.d --cgroup-manager systemd --tmpdir /tmp/podman_test553496330 --events-backend file --storage-driver vfs pod restart 4810be0cfbd42241e349dbe7d50fbc54405cd320a6637c65fd5323f34d64af89
@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ $SCRIPT_BASE/ |& ${TIMESTAMP}
<span class="timestamp"> </span> /var/tmp/go/src/<a class="codelink" href=''>/containers/podman/test/e2e/pod_restart_test.go:18</a>
<span class="timestamp"> </span><span class="testname">[It] podman pod restart single empty pod</span>
<span class="timestamp"> </span> /var/tmp/go/src/<a class="codelink" href=''>/containers/podman/test/e2e/pod_restart_test.go:41</a>
-<span class="timestamp"> </span><span class="boring">#</span> <span title="/var/tmp/go/src/"><b>podman</b></span> <span class="boring" title="--storage-opt vfs.imagestore=/tmp/podman/imagecachedir
+<span class="timestamp"> </span><span class="boring">#</span> <span title="/var/tmp/go/src/"><b>podman</b></span> <span class="boring" title="--network-backend netavark
+--storage-opt vfs.imagestore=/tmp/podman/imagecachedir
--root /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio
--runroot /tmp/podman_test553496330/crio-run
--runtime /usr/bin/runc
diff --git a/hack/make-and-check-size b/hack/make-and-check-size
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a6a77e8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hack/make-and-check-size
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# make-and-check-size - wrapper around 'make' that also checks binary growth
+# This script is intended to be run via 'git rebase -x', in a Makefile rule
+# such as:
+# build-all-new-commits:
+# CONTEXT_DIR=$(shell mktemp -d --tmpdir make-size-check.XXXXXXX); \
+# git rebase $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH)^ -x "hack/make-and-check-size $$CONTEXT_DIR"; \
+# $(RM) -rf $$CONTEXT_DIR
+# ...which has long been a part of our usual CI, one that makes sure that
+# each commit (in a multi-commit PR) can be compiled individually. By
+# adding the '^' to GIT_BASE_BRANCH we establish a baseline and store
+# the binary sizes of each file (podman, podman-remote) prior to our PR.
+# CONTEXT_DIR is a temporary directory used to store the original sizes
+# of each binary file under bin/
+# *IMPORTANT NOTE*: this script will leave the git checkout in a funky state!
+# (because we rebase onto a nonterminal commit). I believe this is OK, since
+# this makefile target is used only in CI and only in a scratch VM. Running
+# this in a development environment would yield unpredictable results anyway,
+# by rebasing onto origin/main by default and by leaving an aborted rebase
+# on failure.
+ME=$(basename $0)
+# BEGIN end-user-customizable settings
+# Maximum allowable size, in bytes
+MAX_BIN_GROWTH=$((50 * 1024))
+# Github label which allows overriding this check
+# END end-user-customizable settings
+# Helper function: queries github for labels on this PR
+function bloat_approved() {
+ # Argument is the actual size increase in this build.
+ # FIXME: 2022-03-21: this is not actually used atm, but Ed hopes some day
+ # to implement a more robust size-override mechanism, such as by
+ # requiring a MAX_BIN_GROWTH=nnn statement in github comments.
+ local actual_growth="$1"
+ if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_PR" ]]; then
+ echo "$ME: cannot query github: \$CIRRUS_PR is undefined" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN" ]]; then
+ echo "$ME: cannot query github: \$CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN is undefined" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ query="{
+ \"query\": \"query {
+ repository(owner: \\\"containers\\\", name: \\\"podman\\\") {
+ pullRequest(number: $CIRRUS_PR) {
+ labels(first: 100) {
+ nodes {
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: bearer $CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @- <<<"$query")
+ labels=$(jq -r '.data.repository.pullRequest.labels.nodes[].name' <<<"$result")
+ grep -q -w "$OVERRIDE_LABEL" <<<"$labels"
+set -e
+# Must be invoked with one argument, an existing context directory
+context_dir=${1?Missing CONTEXT-DIR argument}
+if [[ ! -d $context_dir ]]; then
+ echo "$ME: directory '$context_dir' does not exist"
+ exit 1
+# This is the original (and primary) purpose of this check: if 'make' fails,
+# there is no point in continuing
+echo "Building: $(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+# Determine size of each built file.
+# - If this is our first time through, preserve that size in a tmpfile
+# - On all subsequent runs, compare built size to initial size
+for bin in bin/*;do
+ size=$(stat -c %s $bin)
+ saved_size_file=$context_dir/$(basename $bin)
+ if [[ -e $saved_size_file ]]; then
+ # Not the first time through: compare to original size
+ size_orig=$(< $saved_size_file)
+ delta_size=$(( size - size_orig ))
+ if [[ $delta_size -gt $MAX_BIN_GROWTH ]]; then
+ separator=$(printf "%.0s*" {1..75}) # row of stars, for highlight
+ echo "$separator"
+ echo "* $bin grew by $delta_size bytes; max allowed is $MAX_BIN_GROWTH."
+ echo "*"
+ if bloat_approved $delta_size; then
+ echo "* Continuing due to '$OVERRIDE_LABEL' label"
+ echo "*"
+ echo "$separator"
+ else
+ echo "* Please investigate, and fix if possible."
+ echo "*"
+ echo "* A repo admin can override by setting the $OVERRIDE_LABEL label"
+ echo "$separator"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # First time through: preserve original file size
+ echo $size >$saved_size_file
+ fi
diff --git a/test/compose/slirp4netns_opts/ b/test/compose/slirp4netns_opts/
index cfa84e1e4..2d41311ad 100644
--- a/test/compose/slirp4netns_opts/
+++ b/test/compose/slirp4netns_opts/
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
# -*- bash -*-
-output="$(cat $OUTFILE)"
# Reading from the nc socket is flaky because docker-compose only starts
# the containers. We cannot know at this point if the container did already
# send the message. Give the container 5 seconds time to send the message
# to prevent flakes.
-local _timeout=5
-while [ $_timeout -gt 0 ]; do
+while [ $container_timeout -gt 0 ]; do
+ output="$(< $OUTFILE)"
if [ -n "$output" ]; then
sleep 1
- _timeout=$(($_timeout - 1))
- output="$(cat $OUTFILE)"
+ container_timeout=$(($container_timeout - 1))
is "$output" "$expected" "$testname : nc received teststring"