path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 55e15d049..daf71fd8e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+### Makefile Navigation
+# This file is organized based on approximate end-to-end workflow:
+# 1. Variables and common definitions are located at the top
+# to make finding them quicker.
+# 2. Main entry-point targets, like "default", "all", and "help"
+# 3. Targets for code formatting and validation
+# 4. Primary build targets, like podman and podman-remote
+# 5. Secondary build targets, shell completions, static and multi-arch.
+# 6. Targets that format and build documentation
+# 7. Testing targets
+# 8. Release and package-building targets
+# 9. Targets that install tools, utilities, binaries and packages
+# 10. Uninstall / Cleanup targets
+### Variables & Definitions
export GOPROXY=
GO ?= go
@@ -47,6 +69,10 @@ BUILDTAGS_CROSS ?= containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_btrfs exclude_gr
CONTAINER_RUNTIME := $(shell command -v podman 2> /dev/null || echo docker)
+MANPAGES_MD ?= $(wildcard docs/source/markdown/*.md pkg/*/docs/*.md)
+MANPAGES_DEST ?= $(subst markdown,man, $(subst source,build,$(MANPAGES)))
@@ -64,8 +90,8 @@ else
ISODATE ?= $(shell date --iso-8601)
LIBPOD := ${PROJECT}/v3/libpod
-GCFLAGS ?= all=-trimpath=${PWD}
-ASMFLAGS ?= all=-trimpath=${PWD}
+GCFLAGS ?= all=-trimpath=$(CURDIR)
+ASMFLAGS ?= all=-trimpath=$(CURDIR)
-X $(LIBPOD)/define.gitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) \
-X $(LIBPOD)/define.buildInfo=$(BUILD_INFO) \
@@ -118,38 +144,62 @@ CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS := \
bin/podman.cross.linux.mips64 \
-.PHONY: all
-all: binaries docs
-.PHONY: default
-default: help
-import re, sys
-print("Usage: make <target>")
-cmds = {}
-for line in sys.stdin:
- match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line)
- if match:
- target, help = match.groups()
- cmds.update({target: help})
-for cmd in sorted(cmds):
- print(" * '%s' - %s" % (cmd, cmds[cmd]))
# Dereference variable $(1), return value if non-empty, otherwise raise an error.
err_if_empty = $(if $(strip $($(1))),$(strip $($(1))),$(error Required variable $(1) value is undefined, whitespace, or empty))
-.PHONY: help
-ifneq (, ${PYTHON})
+# Podman does not work w/o CGO_ENABLED, except in some very specific cases
+# Default to the native OS type and archetecture unless otherwise specified
+GOOS ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOOS)
+ifeq ($(call err_if_empty,GOOS),windows)
+BINSFX := .exe
+SRCBINDIR := bin/windows
+else ifeq ($(GOOS),darwin)
+SRCBINDIR := bin/darwin
- $(error python required for 'make help', executable not found)
+BINSFX := -remote
+# Necessary for nested-$(MAKE) calls and docs/
+define go-get
+ env GO111MODULE=off \
+ $(GO) get -u ${1}
+### Primary entry-point targets
+.PHONY: default
+default: all
+.PHONY: all
+all: binaries docs
+.PHONY: binaries
+binaries: podman podman-remote ## Build podman and podman-remote binaries
+# Extract text following double-# for targets, as their description for
+# the `help` target. Otherwise These simple-substitutions are resolved
+# at reference-time (due to `=` and not `=:`).
+_HLP_TGTS_RX = '^[[:print:]]+:.*?\#\# .*$$'
+_HLP_TGTS_LEN = $(shell $(_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | cut -d : -f 1 | wc -L)
+_HLPFMT = "%-$(_HLP_TGTS_LEN)s %s\n"
+.PHONY: help
+help: ## (Default) Print listing of key targets with their descriptions
+ @printf $(_HLPFMT) "Target:" "Description:"
+ @printf $(_HLPFMT) "--------------" "--------------------"
+ @$(_HLP_TGTS_CMD) | sort | \
+ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":(.*)?## "}; \
+ {printf $(_HLPFMT), $$1, $$2}'
+### Linting/Formatting/Code Validation targets
ifeq ("$(wildcard $(GOPKGDIR))","")
@@ -158,6 +208,11 @@ ifeq ("$(wildcard $(GOPKGDIR))","")
touch $@
+.PHONY: .gitvalidation
+.gitvalidation: .gopathok
+ @echo "Validating vs commit '$(call err_if_empty,EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)'"
+ GIT_CHECK_EXCLUDE="./vendor:docs/make.bat" $(GOBIN)/git-validation -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..$(HEAD)
.PHONY: lint
lint: golangci-lint
@echo "Linting vs commit '$(call err_if_empty,EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)'"
@@ -198,46 +253,134 @@ volume-plugin-test-img:
test/goecho/goecho: .gopathok $(wildcard test/goecho/*.go)
$(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -o $@ ./test/goecho
+.PHONY: codespell
+ codespell -S bin,vendor,.git,go.sum,changelog.txt,.cirrus.yml,",*.xz,*.gz,*.tar,*.tgz,bin2img,*ico,*.png,*.1,*.5,copyimg,*.orig,apidoc.go" -L uint,iff,od,seeked,splitted,marge,ERRO,hist -w
+.PHONY: validate
+validate: gofmt lint .gitvalidation validate.completions man-page-check swagger-check tests-included
+.PHONY: build-all-new-commits
+ # Validate that all the commits build on top of $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH)
+ git rebase $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH) -x make
+.PHONY: vendor
+ GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod tidy
+ GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod vendor
+ GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod verify
+.PHONY: vendor-in-container
+ podman run --privileged --rm --env HOME=/root \
+ -v $(CURDIR):/src -w /src \
+ \
+ make vendor
+### Primary binary-build targets
-bin/podman: .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum ## Build with podman
# Make sure to warn in case we're building without the systemd buildtag.
+bin/podman: .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum
ifeq (,$(findstring systemd,$(BUILDTAGS)))
- @echo "Podman is being compiled without the systemd build tag. Install libsystemd on \
- Ubuntu or systemd-devel on rpm based distro for journald support."
+ @echo "Podman is being compiled without the systemd build tag. \
+ Install libsystemd on Ubuntu or systemd-devel on rpm based \
+ distro for journald support."
- $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -o $@ ./cmd/podman
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \
+ -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \
+ -o $@ ./cmd/podman
+# Disambiguate Linux vs Darwin/Windows platform binaries under distinct "bin" dirs
+ mkdir -p $(SRCBINDIR)
+$(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX): $(SRCBINDIR) .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum
+ GOOS=$(GOOS) \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \
+ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \
+ -o $@ ./cmd/podman
+$(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static: $(SRCBINDIR) .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum
+ GOOS=$(GOOS) \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC)' \
+ -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" \
+ -o $@ ./cmd/podman
.PHONY: podman
podman: bin/podman
-bin/podman-remote: .gopathok $(SOURCES) go.mod go.sum ## Build with podman on remote environment
- $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o $@ ./cmd/podman
-.PHONY: bin/podman-remote-static
-podman-remote-static: bin/podman-remote-static
- CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN_STATIC)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o bin/podman-remote-static ./cmd/podman
.PHONY: podman-remote
-podman-remote: bin/podman-remote
-.PHONY: podman.msi
-podman.msi: podman-remote podman-remote-windows install-podman-remote-windows-docs ## Will always rebuild exe as there is no podman-remote-windows.exe target to verify timestamp
- $(eval DOCFILE := docs/build/remote/windows)
- find $(DOCFILE) -print \
- |wixl-heat --var var.ManSourceDir --component-group ManFiles --directory-ref INSTALLDIR --prefix $(DOCFILE)/ >$(DOCFILE)/pages.wsx
- wixl -D VERSION=$(RELEASE_NUMBER) -D ManSourceDir=$(DOCFILE) -o podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER).msi contrib/msi/podman.wxs $(DOCFILE)/pages.wsx
-podman-remote-%: .gopathok ## Build podman for a specific GOOS
- $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe"))
- CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$* $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "${REMOTETAGS}" -o bin/$@$(BINSFX) ./cmd/podman
+podman-remote: $(SRCBINDIR) $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) ## Build podman-remote binary
+# A wildcard podman-remote-% target incorrectly sets GOOS for release targets
+.PHONY: podman-remote-linux
+podman-remote-linux: ## Build podman-remote for Linux
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=linux \
+ bin/podman-remote
+PHONY: podman-remote-static
+podman-remote-static: $(SRCBINDIR)/podman-remote-static
+.PHONY: podman-remote-windows
+podman-remote-windows: ## Build podman-remote for Windows
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=windows \
+ bin/windows/podman.exe
+.PHONY: podman-remote-darwin
+podman-remote-darwin: ## Build podman-remote for MacOS
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=darwin \
+ bin/darwin/podman
+### Secondary binary-build targets
-local-cross: $(CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Cross local compilation
+.PHONY: generate-bindings
+ifneq ($(GOOS),darwin)
+ GO111MODULE=off $(GO) generate ./pkg/bindings/... ;
+# DO NOT USE: use local-cross instead
bin/podman.cross.%: .gopathok
TARGET="$*"; \
- GOOS="$${TARGET%%.*}" \
- GOARCH="$${TARGET##*.}" \
- CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags '$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)' -o "$@" ./cmd/podman
+ GOOS="$${TARGET%%.*}"; \
+ GOARCH="$${TARGET##*.}"; \
+ $(GO) build \
+ -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' \
+ -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' \
+ -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' \
+ -tags '$(BUILDTAGS_CROSS)' \
+ -o "$@" ./cmd/podman
+.PHONY: local-cross
+local-cross: $(CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Cross compile podman binary for multiple architectures
# Update nix/nixpkgs.json its latest stable commit
.PHONY: nixpkgs
@@ -246,7 +389,7 @@ nixpkgs:
-f channel:nixos-20.09 nix-prefetch-git \
-c nix-prefetch-git \
--no-deepClone \
- refs/head/nixos-20.09 > nix/nixpkgs.json
+ refs/heads/nixos-20.09 > nix/nixpkgs.json
# Build statically linked binary
.PHONY: static
@@ -255,37 +398,100 @@ static:
mkdir -p ./bin
cp -rfp ./result/bin/* ./bin/
-.PHONY: run-docker-py-tests
- $(eval testLogs=$(shell mktemp))
- ./bin/podman run --rm --security-opt label=disable --privileged -v $(testLogs):/testLogs --net=host -e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:8080 $(DOCKERPY_IMAGE) sh -c "pytest $(DOCKERPY_TEST) "
+.PHONY: build-no-cgo
+ BUILDTAGS="containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_btrfs \
+ exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper exclude_disk_quota" \
+ $(MAKE) all
-pkg/api/swagger.yaml: .gopathok release.txt
+.PHONY: completions
+completions: podman podman-remote
+ # key = shell, value = completion filename
+ declare -A outfiles=([bash]=%s [zsh]=_%s [fish] [powershell]=%s.ps1);\
+ for shell in $${!outfiles[*]}; do \
+ for remote in "" "-remote"; do \
+ podman="podman$$remote"; \
+ outfile=$$(printf "completions/$$shell/$${outfiles[$$shell]}" $$podman); \
+ ./bin/$$podman completion $$shell >| $$outfile; \
+ done;\
+ done
+### Documentation targets
+pkg/api/swagger.yaml: .gopathok
make -C pkg/api
+$(MANPAGES): %: .install.md2man docdir
+ @sed -e 's/\((podman.*\.md)\)//' -e 's/\[\(podman.*\)\]/\1/' \
+ -e 's;<\(/\)\?\(a[^>]*\|sup\)>;;g' $< | \
+ $(GOMD2MAN) -in /dev/stdin -out $(subst source/markdown,build/man,$@)
+.PHONY: docdir
+ mkdir -p docs/build/man
+.PHONY: docs
+docs: $(MANPAGES) ## Generate documentation
+# docs/ requires a locally executable 'podman-remote' binary
+# in addition to the target-archetecture binary (if any).
+install-podman-remote-%-docs: podman-remote-$(shell env -i HOME=$$HOME PATH=$$PATH go env GOOS) docs $(MANPAGES)
+ rm -rf docs/build/remote
+ mkdir -p docs/build/remote
+ ln -sf $(CURDIR)/docs/source/markdown/links docs/build/man/
+ docs/ \
+ $* \
+ docs/build/remote/$* \
+ $(if $(findstring windows,$*),docs/source/markdown,docs/build/man)
+.PHONY: man-page-check
+man-page-check: bin/podman
+ hack/man-page-checker
+ hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages
+.PHONY: swagger-check
+ hack/swagger-check
.PHONY: swagger
swagger: pkg/api/swagger.yaml
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: ## Clean artifacts
- rm -rf \
- .gopathok \
- _output \
- release.txt \
- $(wildcard podman-remote*.zip) \
- $(wildcard podman*.tar.gz) \
- bin \
- build \
- test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp \
- test/goecho/goecho \
- test/testdata/redis-image \
- libpod/container_ffjson.go \
- libpod/pod_ffjson.go \
- libpod/container_easyjson.go \
- libpod/pod_easyjson.go \
- .install.goimports \
- docs/build
- make -C docs clean
+.PHONY: docker-docs
+docker-docs: docs
+ (cd docs; ./ ./build/man/*.1)
+.PHONY: changelog
+changelog: ## Generate updated changelog.txt from git logs
+ @echo "Creating changelog from $(CHANGELOG_BASE) to $(CHANGELOG_TARGET)"
+ $(eval TMPFILE := $(shell mktemp podman_tmp_XXXX))
+ $(shell cat changelog.txt > $(TMPFILE))
+ $(shell echo "- Changelog for $(CHANGELOG_TARGET) ($(ISODATE)):" > changelog.txt)
+ $(shell git log --no-merges --format=" * %s" $(CHANGELOG_BASE)..$(CHANGELOG_TARGET) >> changelog.txt)
+ $(shell echo "" >> changelog.txt)
+ $(shell cat $(TMPFILE) >> changelog.txt)
+ $(shell rm $(TMPFILE))
+# Workaround vim syntax highlighting bug: "
+### Utility and Testing targets
+.PHONY: validate.completions
+validate.completions: SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash # Set shell to bash for this target
+ # Check if the files can be loaded by the shell
+ . completions/bash/podman
+ if [ -x /bin/zsh ]; then /bin/zsh completions/zsh/_podman; fi
+ if [ -x /bin/fish ]; then /bin/fish completions/fish/; fi
+.PHONY: run-docker-py-tests
+ $(eval testLogs=$(shell mktemp podman_tmp_XXXX))
+ ./bin/podman run --rm --security-opt label=disable --privileged -v $(testLogs):/testLogs --net=host -e DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:8080 $(DOCKERPY_IMAGE) sh -c "pytest $(DOCKERPY_TEST) "
.PHONY: localunit
localunit: test/goecho/goecho
@@ -330,7 +536,7 @@ remoteintegration: test-binaries ginkgo-remote
# Wipe existing config, database, and cache: start with clean slate.
$(RM) -rf ${HOME}/.local/share/containers ${HOME}/.config/containers
- if timeout -v 1 true; then PODMAN=$(shell pwd)/bin/podman bats test/system/; else echo "Skipping $@: 'timeout -v' unavailable'"; fi
+ if timeout -v 1 true; then PODMAN=$(CURDIR)/bin/podman bats test/system/; else echo "Skipping $@: 'timeout -v' unavailable'"; fi
.PHONY: remotesystem
@@ -341,7 +547,7 @@ remotesystem:
# podman server spews copious unhelpful output; ignore it.
if timeout -v 1 true; then \
- SOCK_FILE=$(shell mktemp --dry-run --tmpdir podman.XXXXXX);\
+ SOCK_FILE=$(shell mktemp --dry-run --tmpdir podman_tmp_XXXX);\
export PODMAN_SOCKET=unix:$$SOCK_FILE; \
./bin/podman system service --timeout=0 $$PODMAN_SOCKET > $(if $(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),$(PODMAN_SERVER_LOG),/dev/null) 2>&1 & \
@@ -355,7 +561,7 @@ remotesystem:
echo "Error: ./bin/podman system service did not come up on $$SOCK_FILE" >&2;\
exit 1;\
- env PODMAN="$(shell pwd)/bin/podman-remote --url $$PODMAN_SOCKET" bats test/system/ ;\
+ env PODMAN="$(CURDIR)/bin/podman-remote --url $$PODMAN_SOCKET" bats test/system/ ;\
kill %1;\
rm -f $$SOCK_FILE;\
@@ -378,130 +584,88 @@ remoteapiv2:
system.test-binary: .install.ginkgo
$(GO) test -c ./test/system
-.PHONY: binaries
-binaries: podman podman-remote ## Build podman
-.PHONY: install.catatonit
- ./hack/
.PHONY: test-binaries
test-binaries: test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp test/goecho/goecho install.catatonit
-MANPAGES_MD ?= $(wildcard docs/source/markdown/*.md pkg/*/docs/*.md)
-MANPAGES_DEST ?= $(subst markdown,man, $(subst source,build,$(MANPAGES)))
-$(MANPAGES): %: .install.md2man docdir
- @sed -e 's/\((podman.*\.md)\)//' -e 's/\[\(podman.*\)\]/\1/' -e 's;<\(/\)\?\(a[^>]*\|sup\)>;;g' $< | $(GOMD2MAN) -in /dev/stdin -out $(subst source/markdown,build/man,$@)
-.PHONY: docdir
- mkdir -p docs/build/man
-.PHONY: docs
-docs: $(MANPAGES) ## Generate documentation
-install-podman-remote-%-docs: podman-remote docs $(MANPAGES)
- rm -rf docs/build/remote
- mkdir -p docs/build/remote
- ln -sf $(shell pwd)/docs/source/markdown/links docs/build/man/
- docs/ $* docs/build/remote/$* $(if $(findstring windows,$*),docs/source/markdown,docs/build/man)
-.PHONY: man-page-check
-man-page-check: bin/podman
- hack/man-page-checker
- hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages
-.PHONY: swagger-check
- hack/swagger-check
.PHONY: tests-included
-.PHONY: codespell
- codespell -S bin,vendor,.git,go.sum,changelog.txt,.cirrus.yml,",*.xz,*.gz,*.tar,*.tgz,bin2img,*ico,*.png,*.1,*.5,copyimg,*.orig,apidoc.go" -L uint,iff,od,seeked,splitted,marge,ERRO,hist -w
+### Release/Packaging targets
-# When publishing releases include critical build-time details
-.PHONY: release.txt
- # X-RELEASE-INFO format depended upon by automated tooling
- echo -n "X-RELEASE-INFO:" > "$@"
- for field in "$(RELEASE_BASENAME)" "$(RELEASE_VERSION)" \
- echo -n " $$field"; done >> "$@"
- echo "" >> "$@"
-podman-release.tar.gz: binaries docs release.txt
- $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' podman_XXXX))
+podman-release.tar.gz: binaries docs ## Build all binaries, docs., and installation tree, into a tarball.
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX))
$(eval SUBDIR := podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER))
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
- $(MAKE) install.bin install.cni install.systemd "DESTDIR=$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)" "PREFIX=/usr"
- # release.txt location and content depended upon by automated tooling
- cp release.txt "$(TMPDIR)/"
- tar -czvf $@ --xattrs -C "$(TMPDIR)" "./release.txt" "./$(SUBDIR)"
+ $(MAKE) install.bin install.cni \
+ install.systemd "DESTDIR=$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)" "PREFIX=/usr"
+ tar -czvf $@ --xattrs -C "$(TMPDIR)" "./$(SUBDIR)"
-rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
-# Must call make in-line: Dependency-spec. w/ wild-card.
- $(MAKE) podman-remote-$* install-podman-remote-$*-docs release.txt \
- $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' $podman_remote_XXXX))
- $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_VERSION))
- $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe")) podman-remote-% install-podman-remote-%-docs ## Build podman-remote for GOOS=%, docs., and installation zip.
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d podman_tmp_XXXX))
+ $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_NUMBER))
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
- # release.txt location and content depended upon by automated tooling
- cp release.txt "$(TMPDIR)/"
- cp ./bin/podman-remote-$*$(BINSFX) "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/podman$(BINSFX)"
+ $(MAKE) \
+ GOOS=$* \
+ install.remote-nobuild
cp -r ./docs/build/remote/$* "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/docs/"
cp ./contrib/remote/containers.conf "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/"
- cd "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)" && \
- zip --recurse-paths "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./release.txt" "./"
+ cd "$(TMPDIR)" && \
+ zip --recurse-paths "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./"
-rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
-.PHONY: podman-release
- rm -f release.txt
- $(MAKE) podman-release.tar.gz
-.PHONY: podman-remote-%-release
- rm -f release.txt
- $(MAKE) podman-remote-release-$*.zip
+.PHONY: podman.msi
+podman.msi: podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER).msi ## Build podman-remote, package for installation on Windows
+podman-v$(RELEASE_NUMBER).msi: podman-remote-windows install-podman-remote-windows-docs
+ $(eval DOCFILE := docs/build/remote/windows)
+ find $(DOCFILE) -print | \
+ wixl-heat --var var.ManSourceDir --component-group ManFiles \
+ --directory-ref INSTALLDIR --prefix $(DOCFILE)/ > \
+ $(DOCFILE)/pages.wsx
+ -o $@ contrib/msi/podman.wxs $(DOCFILE)/pages.wsx
-.PHONY: generate-bindings
-ifneq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
- GO111MODULE=off $(GO) generate ./pkg/bindings/... ;
+.PHONY: package
+package: ## Build rpm packages
+ ## TODO(ssbarnea): make version number predictable, it should not change
+ ## on each execution, producing duplicates.
+ rm -rf build/* *.src.rpm ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*
+ ./contrib/
-.PHONY: docker-docs
-docker-docs: docs
- (cd docs; ./ ./build/man/*.1)
+### Installation targets
-.PHONY: changelog
-changelog: ## Generate changelog
- @echo "Creating changelog from $(CHANGELOG_BASE) to $(CHANGELOG_TARGET)"
- $(eval TMPFILE := $(shell mktemp))
- $(shell cat changelog.txt > $(TMPFILE))
- $(shell echo "- Changelog for $(CHANGELOG_TARGET) ($(ISODATE)):" > changelog.txt)
- $(shell git log --no-merges --format=" * %s" $(CHANGELOG_BASE)..$(CHANGELOG_TARGET) >> changelog.txt)
- $(shell echo "" >> changelog.txt)
- $(shell cat $(TMPFILE) >> changelog.txt)
- $(shell rm $(TMPFILE))
+# Remember that rpms install exec to /usr/bin/podman while a `make install`
+# installs them to /usr/local/bin/podman which is likely before. Always use
+# a full path to test installed podman or you risk to call another executable.
+.PHONY: package-install
+package-install: package ## Install rpm packages
+ sudo ${PKG_MANAGER} -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm
+ /usr/bin/podman version
+ /usr/bin/podman info # will catch a broken conmon
.PHONY: install
install: .gopathok install.bin install.remote install.cni install.systemd ## Install binaries to system locations
+.PHONY: install.catatonit
+ ./hack/
.PHONY: install.remote-nobuild
install ${SELINUXOPT} -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 bin/podman-remote $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote
- test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote bin/podman-remote
+ install ${SELINUXOPT} -m 755 $(SRCBINDIR)/podman$(BINSFX) \
+ test -z "${SELINUXOPT}" || \
+ chcon --verbose --reference=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote \
+ bin/podman-remote
.PHONY: install.remote
install.remote: podman-remote install.remote-nobuild
@@ -582,41 +746,9 @@ else
-.PHONY: uninstall
- for i in $(filter %.1,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/$$(basename $${i}); \
- done; \
- for i in $(filter %.5,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/$$(basename $${i}); \
- done
- # Remove podman and remote bin
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote
- # Remove related config files
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${ETCDIR}/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${TMPFILESDIR}/podman.conf
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.service
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket
- rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service
-.PHONY: .gitvalidation
-.gitvalidation: .gopathok
- @echo "Validating vs commit '$(call err_if_empty,EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)'"
- GIT_CHECK_EXCLUDE="./vendor:docs/make.bat" $(GOBIN)/git-validation -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..$(HEAD)
.PHONY: .install.goimports .install.gitvalidation .install.md2man .install.ginkgo .install.golangci-lint .install.bats ## Install needed tools
-define go-get
- env GO111MODULE=off \
- $(GO) get -u ${1}
.install.goimports: .gopathok
if [ ! -x "$(GOBIN)/goimports" ]; then \
$(call go-get,; \
@@ -662,61 +794,46 @@ install.libseccomp.sudo:
git clone ../../seccomp/libseccomp
cd ../../seccomp/libseccomp && git checkout --detach $(LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT) && ./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make all && make install
-.PHONY: completions
-completions: podman podman-remote
- # key = shell, value = completion filename
- declare -A outfiles=([bash]=%s [zsh]=_%s [fish] [powershell]=%s.ps1);\
- for shell in $${!outfiles[*]}; do \
- for remote in "" "-remote"; do \
- podman="podman$$remote"; \
- outfile=$$(printf "completions/$$shell/$${outfiles[$$shell]}" $$podman); \
- ./bin/$$podman completion $$shell >| $$outfile; \
- done;\
+.PHONY: uninstall
+ for i in $(filter %.1,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/$$(basename $${i}); \
+ done; \
+ for i in $(filter %.5,$(MANPAGES_DEST)); do \
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/$$(basename $${i}); \
+ # Remove podman and remote bin
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/podman-remote
+ # Remove related config files
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${ETCDIR}/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${TMPFILESDIR}/podman.conf
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.socket
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/io.podman.service
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${SYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.socket
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${USERSYSTEMDDIR}/podman.service
-.PHONY: validate.completions
-validate.completions: SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash # Set shell to bash for this target
- # Check if the files can be loaded by the shell
- . completions/bash/podman
- if [ -x /bin/zsh ]; then /bin/zsh completions/zsh/_podman; fi
- if [ -x /bin/fish ]; then /bin/fish completions/fish/; fi
-.PHONY: validate
-validate: gofmt lint .gitvalidation validate.completions man-page-check swagger-check tests-included
-.PHONY: build-all-new-commits
- # Validate that all the commits build on top of $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH)
- git rebase $(GIT_BASE_BRANCH) -x make
-.PHONY: build-no-cgo
- env BUILDTAGS="containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_btrfs exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper exclude_disk_quota" CGO_ENABLED=0 $(MAKE)
-.PHONY: vendor
- GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod tidy
- GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod vendor
- GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod verify
-.PHONY: vendor-in-container
- podman run --privileged --rm --env HOME=/root -v `pwd`:/src -w /src make vendor
-.PHONY: package
-package: ## Build rpm packages
- ## TODO(ssbarnea): make version number predictable, it should not change
- ## on each execution, producing duplicates.
- rm -rf build/* *.src.rpm ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*
- ./contrib/
-# Remember that rpms install exec to /usr/bin/podman while a `make install`
-# installs them to /usr/local/bin/podman which is likely before. Always use
-# a full path to test installed podman or you risk to call another executable.
-.PHONY: package-install
-package-install: package ## Install rpm packages
- sudo ${PKG_MANAGER} -y install ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm
- /usr/bin/podman version
- /usr/bin/podman info # will catch a broken conmon
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: ## Clean all make artifacts
+ rm -rf \
+ .gopathok \
+ _output \
+ $(wildcard podman-*.msi) \
+ $(wildcard podman-remote*.zip) \
+ $(wildcard podman_tmp_*) \
+ $(wildcard podman*.tar.gz) \
+ bin \
+ build \
+ test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp \
+ test/goecho/goecho \
+ test/testdata/redis-image \
+ libpod/container_ffjson.go \
+ libpod/pod_ffjson.go \
+ libpod/container_easyjson.go \
+ libpod/pod_easyjson.go \
+ .install.goimports \
+ docs/build
+ make -C docs clean