path: root/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c4b66e261..4f51adb67 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export GO111MODULE=off
+export GOPROXY=
GO ?= go
@@ -81,13 +82,12 @@ LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT := release-2.3
# caller may override in special circumstances if needed.
GINKGOTIMEOUT ?= -timeout=90m
-RELEASE_VERSION ?= $(shell git fetch --tags && git describe HEAD 2> /dev/null)
-RELEASE_NUMBER ?= $(shell echo $(RELEASE_VERSION) | sed 's/-.*//')
-RELEASE_DIST ?= $(shell ( source /etc/os-release; echo $$ID ))
-RELEASE_DIST_VER ?= $(shell ( source /etc/os-release; echo $$VERSION_ID | cut -d '.' -f 1))
-RELEASE_ARCH ?= $(shell go env GOARCH 2> /dev/null)
-RELEASE_BASENAME := $(shell basename $(PROJECT))
+RELEASE_VERSION ?= $(shell hack/ VERSION)
+RELEASE_NUMBER ?= $(shell hack/ NUMBER)
+RELEASE_DIST ?= $(shell hack/ DIST)
+RELEASE_DIST_VER ?= $(shell hack/ DIST_VER)
+RELEASE_ARCH ?= $(shell hack/ ARCH)
# If GOPATH not specified, use one in the local directory
ifeq ($(GOPATH),)
@@ -164,11 +164,9 @@ podman: .gopathok $(PODMAN_VARLINK_DEPENDENCIES) ## Build with podman
podman-remote: .gopathok $(PODMAN_VARLINK_DEPENDENCIES) ## Build with podman on remote environment
$(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDFLAGS) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) remoteclient" -o bin/$@ $(PROJECT)/cmd/podman
-podman-remote-darwin: .gopathok $(PODMAN_VARLINK_DEPENDENCIES) ## Build with podman on remote OSX environment
- CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin $(GO_BUILD) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "remoteclient containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper" -o bin/$@ $(PROJECT)/cmd/podman
-podman-remote-windows: .gopathok $(PODMAN_VARLINK_DEPENDENCIES) ## Build with podman for a remote windows environment
- CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows $(GO_BUILD) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "remoteclient containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper" -o bin/$@.exe $(PROJECT)/cmd/podman
+podman-remote-%: .gopathok $(PODMAN_VARLINK_DEPENDENCIES) ## Build podman for a specific GOOS
+ $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe"))
+ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=$* $(GO_BUILD) -gcflags '$(GCFLAGS)' -asmflags '$(ASMFLAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS_PODMAN)' -tags "remoteclient containers_image_openpgp exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper" -o bin/$@$(BINSFX) $(PROJECT)/cmd/podman
local-cross: $(CROSS_BUILD_TARGETS) ## Cross local compilation
@@ -182,8 +180,9 @@ clean: ## Clean artifacts
rm -rf \
.gopathok \
_output \
- podman*.zip \
- podman*.tar.gz \
+ release.txt
+ $(wildcard podman-remote*.zip) \
+ $(wildcard podman*.tar.gz) \
bin \
build \
docs/remote \
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ testunit: libpodimage ## Run unittest on the built image
localunit: test/goecho/goecho varlink_generate
ginkgo \
-r \
- --skipPackage test/e2e,pkg/apparmor \
+ --skipPackage test/e2e,pkg/apparmor,test/endpoint \
--cover \
--covermode atomic \
--tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \
@@ -247,6 +246,9 @@ ginkgo:
ginkgo -v -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) remoteclient" $(GINKGOTIMEOUT) -cover -flakeAttempts 3 -progress -trace -noColor test/e2e/.
+ ginkgo -v -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" $(GINKGOTIMEOUT) -cover -flakeAttempts 3 -progress -trace -noColor -debug test/endpoint/.
localintegration: varlink_generate test-binaries ginkgo
remoteintegration: varlink_generate test-binaries ginkgo-remote
@@ -297,23 +299,6 @@ vagrant-check:
binaries: varlink_generate podman podman-remote ## Build podman
-# Zip archives are supported on all platforms + allows embedding metadata binaries docs
- $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' $@_XXXX))
- test -n "$(TMPDIR)"
- $(MAKE) install "DESTDIR=$(TMPDIR)" "PREFIX=$(TMPDIR)/usr"
- # Encoded RELEASE_INFO format depended upon by CI tooling
- # X-RELEASE-INFO format depended upon by CI tooling
- cd "$(TMPDIR)" && echo \
- zip --recurse-paths --archive-comment "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./"
- -rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
- podman-remote-%
- # Don't label darwin/windows cros-compiles with local distribution & version
- echo "X-RELEASE-INFO: podman-remote $(RELEASE_VERSION) $* cc $(RELEASE_ARCH)" | \
- zip --archive-comment "$(CURDIR)/$@" ./bin/$<*
@@ -330,19 +315,58 @@ docs: $(MANPAGES) ## Generate documentation
install-podman-remote-docs: docs
@(cd docs; ./ ./remote)
+# When publishing releases include critical build-time details
+.PHONY: release.txt
+ # X-RELEASE-INFO format depended upon by automated tooling
+ echo -n "X-RELEASE-INFO:" > "$@"
+ for field in "$(RELEASE_BASENAME)" "$(RELEASE_VERSION)" \
+ echo -n " $$field"; done >> "$@"
+ echo "" >> "$@"
+podman-$(RELEASE_NUMBER).tar.gz: binaries docs release.txt
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' podman_XXXX))
+ $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_NUMBER))
+ mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
+ $(MAKE) install.bin install.cni install.systemd "DESTDIR=$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)" "PREFIX=/usr"
+ # release.txt location and content depended upon by automated tooling
+ cp release.txt "$(TMPDIR)/"
+ tar -czvf $@ --xattrs -C "$(TMPDIR)" "./release.txt" "./$(SUBDIR)"
+ -rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
+# Must call make in-line: Dependency-spec. w/ wild-card also consumes variable value.
+ $(MAKE) podman-remote-$* install-podman-remote-docs release.txt \
+ $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p '' $podman_remote_XXXX))
+ $(eval SUBDIR := podman-$(RELEASE_VERSION))
+ $(eval BINSFX := $(shell test "$*" != "windows" || echo ".exe"))
+ mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)"
+ # release.txt location and content depended upon by automated tooling
+ cp release.txt "$(TMPDIR)/"
+ cp ./bin/podman-remote-$*$(BINSFX) "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/podman$(BINSFX)"
+ cp -r ./docs/remote "$(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/docs/"
+ $(eval DOCFILE := $(TMPDIR)/$(SUBDIR)/docs/podman.1)
+ cp docs/podman-remote.1 "$(DOCFILE)"
+ sed -i 's/podman\\*-remote/podman/g' "$(DOCFILE)"
+ sed -i 's/Podman\\*-remote/Podman\ for\ $*/g' "$(DOCFILE)"
+ sed -i 's/podman\.conf/podman\-remote\.conf/g' "$(DOCFILE)"
+ sed -i 's/A\ remote\ CLI\ for\ Podman\:\ //g' "$(DOCFILE)"
+ cd "$(TMPDIR)" && \
+ zip --recurse-paths "$(CURDIR)/$@" "./release.txt" "./"
+ -rm -rf "$(TMPDIR)"
+.PHONY: podman-release
+ rm -f release.txt
+ $(MAKE) podman-$(RELEASE_NUMBER).tar.gz
-brew-pkg: install-podman-remote-docs podman-remote-darwin
- @mkdir -p ./brew
- @cp ./bin/podman-remote-darwin ./brew/podman
- @cp -r ./docs/remote ./brew/docs/
- @cp docs/podman-remote.1 ./brew/docs/podman.1
- @cp docs/podman-remote.conf.5 ./brew/docs/podman-remote.conf.5
- @sed -i 's/podman\\*-remote/podman/g' ./brew/docs/podman.1
- @sed -i 's/Podman\\*-remote/Podman\ for\ Mac/g' ./brew/docs/podman.1
- @sed -i 's/podman\.conf/podman\-remote\.conf/g' ./brew/docs/podman.1
- @sed -i 's/A\ remote\ CLI\ for\ Podman\:\ //g' ./brew/docs/podman.1
- tar -czvf podman-${RELEASE_NUMBER}.tar.gz ./brew
- @rm -rf ./brew
+.PHONY: podman-remote-%-release
+ rm -f release.txt
+ $(MAKE) podman-remote-$(RELEASE_NUMBER)-$*.zip
docker-docs: docs
(cd docs; ./ *.1)