path: root/cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go b/cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go
index 8e937fa90..e9cf76aae 100644
--- a/cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go
+++ b/cmd/podman/generate/systemd.go
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ import (
+ "github.com/containers/common/pkg/completion"
+ "github.com/containers/podman/v2/cmd/podman/common"
@@ -24,11 +26,12 @@ var (
The generated units can later be controlled via systemctl(1).`
systemdCmd = &cobra.Command{
- Use: "systemd [options] CTR|POD",
- Short: "Generate systemd units.",
- Long: systemdDescription,
- RunE: systemd,
- Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
+ Use: "systemd [options] CTR|POD",
+ Short: "Generate systemd units.",
+ Long: systemdDescription,
+ RunE: systemd,
+ Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
+ ValidArgsFunction: common.AutocompleteContainersAndPods,
Example: `podman generate systemd CTR
podman generate systemd --new --time 10 CTR
podman generate systemd --files --name POD`,
@@ -44,13 +47,32 @@ func init() {
flags := systemdCmd.Flags()
flags.BoolVarP(&systemdOptions.Name, "name", "n", false, "Use container/pod names instead of IDs")
flags.BoolVarP(&files, "files", "f", false, "Generate .service files instead of printing to stdout")
- flags.UintVarP(&systemdTimeout, "time", "t", containerConfig.Engine.StopTimeout, "Stop timeout override")
- flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.RestartPolicy, "restart-policy", "on-failure", "Systemd restart-policy")
+ timeFlagName := "time"
+ flags.UintVarP(&systemdTimeout, timeFlagName, "t", containerConfig.Engine.StopTimeout, "Stop timeout override")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(timeFlagName, completion.AutocompleteNone)
flags.BoolVarP(&systemdOptions.New, "new", "", false, "Create a new container instead of starting an existing one")
- flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.ContainerPrefix, "container-prefix", "container", "Systemd unit name prefix for containers")
- flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.PodPrefix, "pod-prefix", "pod", "Systemd unit name prefix for pods")
- flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.Separator, "separator", "-", "Systemd unit name separator between name/id and prefix")
- flags.StringVar(&format, "format", "", "Print the created units in specified format (json)")
+ containerPrefixFlagName := "container-prefix"
+ flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.ContainerPrefix, containerPrefixFlagName, "container", "Systemd unit name prefix for containers")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(containerPrefixFlagName, completion.AutocompleteNone)
+ podPrefixFlagName := "pod-prefix"
+ flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.PodPrefix, podPrefixFlagName, "pod", "Systemd unit name prefix for pods")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(podPrefixFlagName, completion.AutocompleteNone)
+ separatorFlagName := "separator"
+ flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.Separator, separatorFlagName, "-", "Systemd unit name separator between name/id and prefix")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(separatorFlagName, completion.AutocompleteNone)
+ restartPolicyFlagName := "restart-policy"
+ flags.StringVar(&systemdOptions.RestartPolicy, restartPolicyFlagName, "on-failure", "Systemd restart-policy")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(restartPolicyFlagName, common.AutocompleteSystemdRestartOptions)
+ formatFlagName := "format"
+ flags.StringVar(&format, formatFlagName, "", "Print the created units in specified format (json)")
+ _ = systemdCmd.RegisterFlagCompletionFunc(formatFlagName, common.AutocompleteJSONFormat)