path: root/contrib/cirrus/
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diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index 977762293..f66560cc8 100644
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -76,95 +76,6 @@ exercising cgroups v2 with Podman integration tests. Also depends on
having `SPECIALMODE` set to 'cgroupv2`
-### ``test_build_cache_images_task`` Task
-Modifying the contents of cache-images is tested by making changes to
-one or more of the ``./contrib/cirrus/packer/*`` files. Then
-in the PR description, add the magic string: ``[CI:IMG]``
-***N/B: Steps below are performed by automation***
-1. ````: Same as for other tasks.
-2. ````: Utilize [the packer tool](
- to produce new VM images. Create a new VM from each base-image, connect
- to them with ``ssh``, and perform the steps as defined by the
- ``$PACKER_BASE/libpod_images.yml`` file:
- 1. On a base-image VM, as root, copy the current state of the repository
- into ``/tmp/libpod``.
- 2. Execute distribution-specific scripts to prepare the image for
- use. For example, ````.
- 3. If successful, shut down each VM and record the names, and dates
- into a json manifest file.
- 4. Move the manifest file, into a google storage bucket object.
- This is a retained as a secondary method for tracking/auditing
- creation of VM images, should it ever be needed.
-### ``verify_test_built_images`` Task
-Only runs following successful ``test_build_cache_images_task`` task. Uses
-images following the standard naming format; ***however, only runs a limited
-sub-set of automated tests***. Validating newly built images fully, requires
-updating ``.cirrus.yml``.
-***N/B: Steps below are performed by automation***
-1. Using the just build VM images, launch VMs and wait for them to boot.
-2. Execute the `` as in the `testing` task.
-2. Execute the `` as in the `testing` task.
-***Manual Steps:*** Assuming the automated steps pass, then
-you'll find the new image names displayed at the end of the
-`test_build_cache_images`. For example:
-[+0747s] ==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
-[+0747s] --> ubuntu-18: A disk image was created: ubuntu-18-libpod-5664838702858240
-[+0747s] --> fedora-29: A disk image was created: fedora-29-libpod-5664838702858240
-[+0747s] --> fedora-30: A disk image was created: fedora-30-libpod-5664838702858240
-[+0747s] --> ubuntu-19: A disk image was created: ubuntu-19-libpod-5664838702858240
-Notice the suffix on all the image names comes from the env. var. set in
-Edit `.cirrus.yml`, in the top-level `env` section, update the suffix variable
-used at runtime to launch VMs for testing:
- ...cut...
- ####
- #### Cache-image names to test with (double-quotes around names are critical)
- ###
- _BUILT_IMAGE_SUFFIX: "libpod-5664838702858240"
- ...cut...
-* If re-using the same PR with new images in `.cirrus.yml`,
- take care to also *update the PR description* to remove
- the magic ``[CI:IMG]`` string. Keeping it and
- `--force` pushing would needlessly cause Cirrus-CI to build
- and test images again.
-* In the future, if you need to review the log from the build that produced
- the referenced image:
- * Note the Build ID from the image name (for example `5664838702858240`).
- * Go to that build in the Cirrus-CI WebUI, using the build ID in the URL.
- (For example ``.
- * Choose the *test_build_cache_images* task.
- * Open the *build_vm_images* script section.
### `docs` Task
Builds swagger API documentation YAML and uploads to google storage (an online
@@ -226,99 +137,6 @@ gsutil cors set /path/to/file.json gs://libpod-master-releases
file. Therefore, if it is not functioning or misconfigured, a person must have altered it or
changes were made to the referring site (e.g. ``).
-## Base-images
-Base-images are VM disk-images specially prepared for executing as GCE VMs.
-In particular, they run services on startup similar in purpose/function
-as the standard 'cloud-init' services.
-* The google services are required for full support of ssh-key management
- and GCE OAuth capabilities. Google provides native images in GCE
- with services pre-installed, for many platforms. For example,
- RHEL, CentOS, and Ubuntu.
-* Google does ***not*** provide any images for Fedora (as of 5/2019), nor do
- they provide a base-image prepared to run packer for creating other images
- in the ``test_build_vm_images`` Task (above).
-* Base images do not need to be produced often, but doing so completely
- manually would be time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore a special
- semi-automatic *Makefile* target is provided to assist with producing
- all the base-images: ``libpod_base_images``
-To produce new base-images, including an `image-builder-image` (used by
-the ``cache_images`` Task) some input parameters are required:
-* ``GCP_PROJECT_ID``: The complete GCP project ID string e.g. foobar-12345
- identifying where the images will be stored.
- credentials for a GCE service account. This can be [a service
- account](
- or [end-user
- credentials](
-* Optionally, CSV's may be specified to ``PACKER_BUILDS``
- to limit the base-images produced. For example,
- ``PACKER_BUILDS=fedora,image-builder-image``.
-If there is no existing 'image-builder-image' within GCE, a new
-one may be bootstrapped by creating a CentOS 7 VM with support for
-nested-virtualization, and with elevated cloud privileges (to access
-GCE, from within the GCE VM). For example:
-$ alias pgcloud='sudo podman run -it --rm -e AS_ID=$UID
- -e AS_USER=$USER -v $HOME:$HOME:z'
-$ URL=
-$ SCOPES=$URL/,$URL/compute,$URL/devstorage.full_control
-# The --min-cpu-platform is critical for nested-virt.
-$ pgcloud compute instances create $USER-image-builder \
- --image-family centos-7 \
- --boot-disk-size "200GB" \
- --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" \
- --machine-type n1-standard-2 \
- --scopes $SCOPES
-Then from that VM, execute the
-``contrib/cirrus/packer/`` script.
-Shutdown the VM, and convert it into a new image-builder-image.
-Building new base images is done by first creating a VM from an
-image-builder-image and copying the credentials json file to it.
-$ hack/ image-builder-image-1541772081 another terminal...
-$ pgcloud compute scp /path/to/gac.json $USER-image-builder-image-1541772081:.
-Then, on the VM, change to the ``packer`` sub-directory, and build the images:
-$ cd libpod/contrib/cirrus/packer
-$ make libpod_base_images GCP_PROJECT_ID=<VALUE> \
-Assuming this is successful (hence the semi-automatic part), packer will
-produce a ``packer-manifest.json`` output file. This contains the base-image
-names suitable for updating in ``.cirrus.yml``, `env` keys ``*_BASE_IMAGE``.
-On failure, it should be possible to determine the problem from the packer
-output. Sometimes that means setting `PACKER_LOG=1` and troubleshooting
-the nested virt calls. It's also possible to observe the (nested) qemu-kvm
-console output. Simply set the ``TTYDEV`` parameter, for example:
-$ make libpod_base_images ... TTYDEV=$(tty)
- ...
Some tasks alter their behavior based on this value. A summary of supported