path: root/contrib/cirrus/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/cirrus/')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index d9f91c7af..ccbdb63b6 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -23,22 +23,6 @@ function _run_ext_svc() {
-function _run_smoke() {
- make gofmt
- # There is little value to validating commits after tag-push
- # and it's very difficult to automatically determine a starting commit.
- # $CIRRUS_TAG is only non-empty when executing due to a tag-push
- # shellcheck disable=SC2154
- if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_TAG" ]]; then
- # If PR consists of multiple commits, test that each compiles cleanly
- make .gitvalidation
- # PRs should include some way to test.
- $SCRIPT_BASE/pr-should-include-tests
- fi
function _run_automation() {
@@ -51,11 +35,14 @@ function _run_automation() {
function _run_validate() {
- # Confirm compile via prior task + cache
- bin/podman --version
- bin/podman-remote --version
+ # git-validation tool fails if $EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT is empty
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+ if [[ -n "$EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT" ]]; then
+ make validate
+ else
+ warn "Skipping git-validation since \$EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT is empty"
+ fi
- make validate # Some items require a build
function _run_unit() {
@@ -130,20 +117,70 @@ exec_container() {
function _run_swagger() {
+ local upload_filename
+ local upload_bucket
local download_url
+ local envvarsfile
# Building this is a PITA, just grab binary for use in automation
# Ref:
curl -s | \
jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("linux_amd64")) | .browser_download_url')
- curl -o /usr/local/bin/swagger -L'#' "$download_url"
+ # The filename and bucket depend on the automation context
+ #shellcheck disable=SC2154,SC2153
+ if [[ -n "$CIRRUS_PR" ]]; then
+ upload_bucket="libpod-pr-releases"
+ upload_filename="swagger-pr$CIRRUS_PR.yaml"
+ elif [[ -n "$CIRRUS_TAG" ]]; then
+ upload_bucket="libpod-master-releases"
+ upload_filename="swagger-$CIRRUS_TAG.yaml"
+ elif [[ "$CIRRUS_BRANCH" == "master" ]]; then
+ upload_bucket="libpod-master-releases"
+ # readthedocs versioning uses "latest" for "master" (default) branch
+ upload_filename="swagger-latest.yaml"
+ elif [[ -n "$CIRRUS_BRANCH" ]]; then
+ upload_bucket="libpod-master-releases"
+ upload_filename="swagger-$CIRRUS_BRANCH.yaml"
+ else
+ die "Unknown execution context, expected a non-empty value for \$CIRRUS_TAG, \$CIRRUS_BRANCH, or \$CIRRUS_PR"
+ fi
+ curl -s -o /usr/local/bin/swagger -L'#' "$download_url"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/swagger
+ # Swagger validation takes a significant amount of time
+ msg "Pulling \$CTR_FQIN '$CTR_FQIN' (background process)"
+ podman pull --quiet $CTR_FQIN &
make swagger
# Cirrus-CI Artifact instruction expects file here
- cp -v $GOSRC/pkg/api/swagger.yaml $GOSRC/
+ cp -v $GOSRC/pkg/api/swagger.yaml ./
+ envvarsfile=$(mktemp -p '' .tmp_$(basename $0)_XXXXXXXX)
+ trap "rm -f $envvarsfile" EXIT # contains secrets
+ # Warning: These values must _not_ be quoted, podman will not remove them.
+ #shellcheck disable=SC2154
+ cat <<eof>>$envvarsfile
+ msg "Waiting for backgrounded podman pull to complete..."
+ wait %%
+ podman run -it --rm --security-opt label=disable \
+ --env-file=$envvarsfile \
+ -v $GOSRC:$GOSRC:ro \
+ --workdir $GOSRC \
+ rm -f $envvarsfile
function _run_consistency() {
@@ -191,15 +228,14 @@ function _run_altbuild() {
req_env_vars CTR_FQIN
[[ "$UID" -eq 0 ]] || \
die "Static build must execute nixos container as root on host"
- mkdir -p /var/cache/nix
- podman run -i --rm -v /var/cache/nix:/mnt/nix:Z \
- $CTR_FQIN cp -rfT /nix /mnt/nix
- podman run -i --rm -v /var/cache/nix:/nix:Z \
- -v $PWD:$PWD:Z -w $PWD $CTR_FQIN \
- nix --print-build-logs --option cores 4 --option max-jobs 4 \
- build --file ./nix/
- # result symlink is absolute from container perspective :(
- cp /var/cache/$(readlink result)/bin/podman ./ # for cirrus-ci artifact
+ podman run -i --rm \
+ -v $PWD:$PWD:Z -w $PWD $CTR_FQIN sh -c \
+ "nix-env -iA cachix -f && \
+ cachix use podman && \
+ nix-build nix && \
+ nix-store -qR --include-outputs \$(nix-instantiate nix/default.nix) | grep -v podman | cachix push podman && \
+ cp -R result/bin ."
rm result # makes cirrus puke