path: root/contrib/cirrus
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/cirrus')
4 files changed, 363 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips b/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4acf6e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# pr-removes-fixed-skips - if PR says "Fixes: #123", no skips should mention 123
+package Podman::CI::PrRemovesFixedSkips;
+use v5.14;
+use utf8;
+# Grumble. CI system doesn't have 'open'
+binmode STDIN, ':utf8';
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+(our $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+# BEGIN boilerplate args checking, usage messages
+sub usage {
+ print <<"END_USAGE";
+Usage: $ME [OPTIONS]
+$ME reads a GitHub PR message, looks for
+Fixed/Resolved/Closed issue IDs, then greps for test files
+containing 'Skip' instructions or FIXME comments referencing
+those IDs. If we find any, we abort with a loud and hopefully
+useful message.
+$ME is intended to run from Cirrus CI.
+ --help display this message
+ --version display program name and version
+ exit;
+# Command-line options. Note that this operates directly on @ARGV !
+our $debug = 0;
+sub handle_opts {
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ GetOptions(
+ 'debug!' => \$debug,
+ help => \&usage,
+ version => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 },
+ ) or die "Try `$ME --help' for help\n";
+# END boilerplate args checking, usage messages
+############################## CODE BEGINS HERE ###############################
+# The term is "modulino".
+__PACKAGE__->main() unless caller();
+# Main code.
+sub main {
+ # Note that we operate directly on @ARGV, not on function parameters.
+ # This is deliberate: it's because Getopt::Long only operates on @ARGV
+ # and there's no clean way to make it use @_.
+ handle_opts(); # will set package globals
+ die "$ME: This script takes no arguments; try $ME --help\n" if @ARGV;
+ # Check commit messages from both github and git; they often differ
+ my @issues = fixed_issues(cirrus_change_message(), git_commit_messages())
+ or exit 0;
+ my @found = unremoved_skips(@issues)
+ or exit 0;
+ # Found unremoved skips. Fail loudly.
+ my $issues = "issue #$issues[0]";
+ if (@issues > 1) {
+ $issues = "issues #" . join ", #", @issues;
+ }
+ warn "$ME: Your PR claims to resolve $issues\n";
+ warn " ...but does not remove associated Skips/FIXMEs:\n";
+ warn "\n";
+ warn " $_\n" for @found;
+ warn "\n";
+ warn <<"END_ADVICE";
+Please do not leave Skips or FIXMEs for closed issues.
+If an issue is truly fixed, please remove all Skips referencing it.
+If an issue is only PARTIALLY fixed, please file a new issue for the
+remaining problem, and update remaining Skips to point to that issue.
+And if the issue is fixed but the Skip needs to remain for other
+reasons, again, please update the Skip message accordingly.
+ exit 1;
+# unremoved_skips # Returns list of <path>:<lineno>:<skip string> matches
+sub unremoved_skips {
+ my $issues = join('|', @_);
+ my $re = "(^\\s\+skip|fixme).*#($issues)[^0-9]";
+ # FIXME FIXME FIXME: use File::Find instead of enumerating directories
+ # (the important thing here is to exclude vendor)
+ my @grep = ('egrep', '-rin', $re, "test", "cmd", "libpod", "pkg");
+ my @skips;
+ open my $grep_fh, '-|', @grep
+ or die "$ME: Could not fork: $!\n";
+ while (my $line = <$grep_fh>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ # e.g., test/system/030-run.bats:809: skip "FIXME: #12345 ..."
+ $line =~ m!^(\S+):\d+:\s!
+ or die "$ME: Internal error: output from grep does not match <path>:<lineno>:<space>: '$line'";
+ my $path = $1;
+ # Any .go or .bats file, or the apply-podman-deltas script
+ if ($path =~ /\.(go|bats)$/ || $path =~ m!/apply-podman-deltas$!) {
+ push @skips, $line;
+ }
+ # Anything else is probably a backup file, or something else
+ # we don't care about. (We won't see these in CI, but might
+ # in a user devel environment)
+ elsif ($debug) {
+ print "[ ignoring: $line ]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $grep_fh;
+ return sort @skips;
+# fixed_issues # Parses change message, looks for Fixes/Closes/Resolves
+sub fixed_issues {
+ my @issues;
+ for my $msg (@_) {
+ #
+ #
+ # 1 1 2 2
+ while ($msg =~ /\b(Fix|Clos|Resolv)[esd]*[:\s]+\#(\d+)/gis) {
+ # Skip dups: we're probably checking both github and git messages
+ push @issues, $2
+ unless grep { $_ eq $2 } @issues;
+ }
+ }
+ return @issues;
+# cirrus_change_message # this is the one from *GitHub*, not *git*
+sub cirrus_change_message {
+ my $change_message = $ENV{CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE}
+ or do {
+ # OK for it to be unset if we're not running CI on a PR
+ return if ! $ENV{CIRRUS_PR};
+ # But if we _are_ running on a PR, something went badly wrong.
+ die "$ME: \$CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE is undefined\n";
+ };
+ return $change_message;
+# git_commit_messages # the ones from the *git history*
+sub git_commit_messages {
+ # Probably the same as HEAD, but use Cirrus-defined value if available
+ my $head = $ENV{CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO} || 'HEAD';
+ # Base of this PR. Here we absolutely rely on cirrus.
+ return if ! $ENV{DEST_BRANCH};
+ chomp(my $base = qx{git merge-base $ENV{DEST_BRANCH} $head});
+ qx{git log --format=%B $base..$head};
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips.t b/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips.t
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c936892cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/pr-removes-fixed-skips.t
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Don't care if these modules don't exist in CI; only Ed runs this test
+use v5.14;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Differences;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use FindBin;
+# Simpleminded parser tests. LHS gets glommed together into one long
+# github message; RHS (when present) is the expected subset of issue IDs
+# that will be parsed from it.
+# Again, we glom the LHS into one long multiline string. There doesn't
+# seem to be much point to testing line-by-line.
+my $parser_tests = <<'END_PARSER_TESTS';
+Fixes 100
+Fixes: 101
+Closes 102
+Fixes: #103 | 103
+Fix: #104, #105 | 104
+Resolves: #106 closes #107 | 106 107
+fix: #108, FIXES: #109, FiXeD: #110 | 108 109 110
+Close: #111 resolved: #112 | 111 112
+# Read tests from __END__ section of this script
+my @full_tests;
+while (my $line = <DATA>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^==\s+(.*)/) {
+ push @full_tests,
+ { name => $1, issues => [], files => {}, expect => [] };
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\[([\d\s,]+)\]$/) {
+ $full_tests[-1]{issues} = [ split /,\s+/, $1 ];
+ }
+ # 1 1 23 3 4 4 5 52
+ elsif ($line =~ m!^(\!|\+)\s+((\S+):(\d+):(.*))$!) {
+ push @{$full_tests[-1]{expect}}, $2 if $1 eq '+';
+ $full_tests[-1]{files}{$3}[$4] = $5;
+ }
+plan tests => 1 + 1 + @full_tests;
+require_ok "$FindBin::Bin/pr-removes-fixed-skips";
+# Parser tests. Just run as one test.
+my $msg = '';
+my @parser_expect;
+for my $line (split "\n", $parser_tests) {
+ if ($line =~ s/\s+\|\s+([\d\s]+)$//) {
+ push @parser_expect, split ' ', $1;
+ }
+ $msg .= $line . "\n";
+my @parsed = Podman::CI::PrRemovesFixedSkips::fixed_issues($msg);
+eq_or_diff \@parsed, \@parser_expect, "parser parses issue IDs";
+# Full tests. Create dummy source-code trees and verify that our check runs.
+my $tmpdir = tempdir(basename($0) . ".XXXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+chdir $tmpdir
+ or die "Cannot cd $tmpdir: $!";
+mkdir $_ for qw(cmd libpod pkg test);
+for my $t (@full_tests) {
+ for my $f (sort keys %{$t->{files}}) {
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ make_path(dirname($f));
+ open my $fh, '>', $f or die;
+ my @lines = @{$t->{files}{$f}};
+ for my $i (1 .. @lines + 10) {
+ my $line = $lines[$i] || "[line $i intentionally left blank]";
+ print { $fh } $line, "\n";
+ }
+ close $fh
+ or die;
+ }
+ # FIXME: run test
+ my @actual = Podman::CI::PrRemovesFixedSkips::unremoved_skips(@{$t->{issues}});
+ eq_or_diff \@actual, $t->{expect}, $t->{name};
+ # clean up
+ unlink $_ for sort keys %{$t->{files}};
+chdir '/';
+== basic test
+! test/foo/bar/ skip "#12345: not a .go file"
++ test/foo/bar/foo.go:17: skip "#12345: this one should be found"
++ test/zzz/foo.bats:10: # FIXME: #12345: we detect FIXMEs also
+== no substring matches
+! test/system/123-foo.bats:12: skip "#1234: should not match 123"
+! test/system/123-foo.bats:13: skip "#0123: should not match 123"
+== multiple matches
+[456, 789]
++ cmd/podman/foo_test.go:10: Skip("#456 - blah blah")
+! cmd/podman/foo_test.go:15: Skip("#567 - not a match")
++ cmd/podman/foo_test.go:19: Skip("#789 - match 2nd issue")
++ cmd/podman/zzz_test.go:12: Skip("#789 - in another file")
+== no match on bkp files
+! pkg/podman/foo_test.go~:10: Skip("#10101: no match in ~ file")
+! pkg/podman/foo_test.go.bkp:10: Skip("#10101: no match in .bkp file")
+== no match if Skip is commented out
+! test/e2e/foo_test.go:10: // Skip("#123: commented out")
+! test/system/012-foo.bats:20: # skip "#123: commented out"
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index 32f66bac2..35ecfd4ff 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ function _run_automation() {
function _run_validate() {
+ # TODO: aarch64 images need python3-devel installed
+ #
+ bigto dnf install -y python3-devel
# git-validation tool fails if $EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT is empty
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
if [[ -n "$EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT" ]]; then
@@ -246,6 +250,7 @@ function _run_build() {
if [[ "$runtime" != "$CI_DESIRED_RUNTIME" ]]; then
die "Built podman is using '$runtime'; this CI environment requires $CI_DESIRED_RUNTIME"
+ msg "Built podman is using expected runtime='$runtime'"
function _run_altbuild() {
@@ -334,6 +339,9 @@ function _run_release() {
+# ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***
+# Please see gitlab comment in
+# ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***
function _run_gitlab() {
rootless_uid=$(id -u)
systemctl enable --now --user podman.socket
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index 4952f8dd2..c3b7811bc 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -71,27 +71,20 @@ fi
cd "${GOSRC}/"
-# Defined by Does the host support cgroups v1 or v2
+# Defined by Does the host support cgroups v1 or v2? Use runc or crun
+# respectively.
+# **IMPORTANT**: $OCI_RUNTIME is a fakeout! It is used only in e2e tests.
+# For actual podman, as in system tests, we force runtime in containers.conf
case "$CG_FS_TYPE" in
if ((CONTAINER==0)); then
warn "Forcing testing with runc instead of crun"
- if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
- # Need b/c using cri-o-runc package from OBS
- echo "OCI_RUNTIME=/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runc" \
- >> /etc/ci_environment
- else
- echo "OCI_RUNTIME=runc" >> /etc/ci_environment
- fi
+ echo "OCI_RUNTIME=runc" >> /etc/ci_environment
+ printf "[engine]\nruntime=\"runc\"\n" >>/etc/containers/containers.conf
- if ((CONTAINER==0)); then
- # This is necessary since we've built/installed from source,
- # which uses runc as the default.
- warn "Forcing testing with crun instead of runc"
- echo "OCI_RUNTIME=crun" >> /etc/ci_environment
- fi
+ # Nothing to do: podman defaults to crun
*) die_unknown CG_FS_TYPE
@@ -321,13 +314,30 @@ case "$TEST_FLAVOR" in
- # This only runs on Ubuntu for now
+ # ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***
+ # This sets up a special ubuntu environment exclusively for
+ # running the upstream gitlab-runner unit tests through
+ # podman as a drop-in replacement for the Docker daemon.
+ # Test and setup information can be found here:
+ #
+ #
+ # Unless you know what you're doing, and/or are in contact
+ # with the upstream gitlab-runner developers/community,
+ # please don't make changes willy-nilly to this setup.
+ # It's designed to follow upstream gitlab-runner development
+ # and alert us if any podman change breaks their foundation.
+ #
+ # That said, if this task does break in strange ways or requires
+ # updates you're unsure of. Please consult with the upstream
+ # community through an issue near the one linked above. If
+ # an extended period of breakage is expected, please un-comment
+ # the related `allow_failures: $CI == $CI` line in `.cirrus.yml`.
+ # ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***
if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" != "ubuntu" ]]; then
die "This test only runs on Ubuntu due to sheer laziness"
- # Ref:
make install PREFIX=/usr ETCDIR=/etc
@@ -351,7 +361,7 @@ case "$TEST_FLAVOR" in
ssh="ssh $ROOTLESS_USER@localhost -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no env GOPATH=$GOPATH"
- showrun $ssh go get -u
+ showrun $ssh go install
showrun $ssh git clone https://$slug $GOPATH/src/$slug
showrun $ssh make -C $GOPATH/src/$slug development_setup
showrun $ssh bash -c "'cd $GOPATH/src/$slug && GOPATH=$GOPATH go get .'"