path: root/contrib/python/pypodman
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pypodman')
54 files changed, 0 insertions, 4295 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/.pylintrc b/contrib/python/pypodman/.pylintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index a5628a6cf..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/.pylintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may
-# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may
-# run arbitrary code.
-# Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not
-# paths.
-# Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the blacklist. The
-# regex matches against base names, not paths.
-# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as
-# pygtk.require().
-# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. Specifying 0 will auto-detect the
-# number of processors available to use.
-# Control the amount of potential inferred values when inferring a single
-# object. This can help the performance when dealing with large functions or
-# complex, nested conditions.
-# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load,
-# usually to register additional checkers.
-# Pickle collected data for later comparisons.
-# Specify a configuration file.
-# When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common misconfiguration and emit
-# user-friendly hints instead of false-positive error messages.
-# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the
-# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code.
-# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show
-# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You
-# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this
-# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration
-# file where it should appear only once). You can also use "--disable=all" to
-# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if
-# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all
-# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
-# no Warning level messages displayed, use "--disable=all --enable=classes
-# --disable=W".
- parameter-unpacking,
- unpacking-in-except,
- old-raise-syntax,
- backtick,
- long-suffix,
- old-ne-operator,
- old-octal-literal,
- import-star-module-level,
- non-ascii-bytes-literal,
- raw-checker-failed,
- bad-inline-option,
- locally-disabled,
- locally-enabled,
- file-ignored,
- suppressed-message,
- useless-suppression,
- deprecated-pragma,
- use-symbolic-message-instead,
- apply-builtin,
- basestring-builtin,
- buffer-builtin,
- cmp-builtin,
- coerce-builtin,
- execfile-builtin,
- file-builtin,
- long-builtin,
- raw_input-builtin,
- reduce-builtin,
- standarderror-builtin,
- unicode-builtin,
- xrange-builtin,
- coerce-method,
- delslice-method,
- getslice-method,
- setslice-method,
- no-absolute-import,
- old-division,
- dict-iter-method,
- dict-view-method,
- next-method-called,
- metaclass-assignment,
- indexing-exception,
- raising-string,
- reload-builtin,
- oct-method,
- hex-method,
- nonzero-method,
- cmp-method,
- input-builtin,
- round-builtin,
- intern-builtin,
- unichr-builtin,
- map-builtin-not-iterating,
- zip-builtin-not-iterating,
- range-builtin-not-iterating,
- filter-builtin-not-iterating,
- using-cmp-argument,
- eq-without-hash,
- div-method,
- idiv-method,
- rdiv-method,
- exception-message-attribute,
- invalid-str-codec,
- sys-max-int,
- bad-python3-import,
- deprecated-string-function,
- deprecated-str-translate-call,
- deprecated-itertools-function,
- deprecated-types-field,
- next-method-defined,
- dict-items-not-iterating,
- dict-keys-not-iterating,
- dict-values-not-iterating,
- deprecated-operator-function,
- deprecated-urllib-function,
- xreadlines-attribute,
- deprecated-sys-function,
- exception-escape,
- comprehension-escape
-# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
-# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
-# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where
-# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples.
-# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest
-# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which
-# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total
-# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report
-# (RP0004).
-evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)
-# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string
-# used to format the message information. See doc for all details.
-# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, json
-# and msvs (visual studio). You can also give a reporter class, e.g.
-# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass.
-# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages.
-# Activate the evaluation score.
-# Maximum number of nested blocks for function / method body
-# Complete name of functions that never returns. When checking for
-# inconsistent-return-statements if a never returning function is called then
-# it will be considered as an explicit return statement and no message will be
-# printed.
-# List of decorators that produce context managers, such as
-# contextlib.contextmanager. Add to this list to register other decorators that
-# produce valid context managers.
-# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
-# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
-# expressions are accepted.
-# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A
-# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive).
-# Tells whether to warn about missing members when the owner of the attribute
-# is inferred to be None.
-# This flag controls whether pylint should warn about no-member and similar
-# checks whenever an opaque object is returned when inferring. The inference
-# can return multiple potential results while evaluating a Python object, but
-# some branches might not be evaluated, which results in partial inference. In
-# that case, it might be useful to still emit no-member and other checks for
-# the rest of the inferred objects.
-# List of class names for which member attributes should not be checked (useful
-# for classes with dynamically set attributes). This supports the use of
-# qualified names.
-# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked
-# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime
-# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It
-# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching.
-# Show a hint with possible names when a member name was not found. The aspect
-# of finding the hint is based on edit distance.
-# The minimum edit distance a name should have in order to be considered a
-# similar match for a missing member name.
-# The total number of similar names that should be taken in consideration when
-# showing a hint for a missing member.
-# Limits count of emitted suggestions for spelling mistakes.
-# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working
-# install python-enchant package..
-# List of comma separated words that should not be checked.
-# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line.
-# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in
-# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message.
-# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
- XXX,
-# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF.
-# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit.
-ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )?<?https?://\S+>?$
-# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging or continued line.
-# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1
-# tab).
-indent-string=' '
-# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
-# Maximum number of lines in a module.
-# List of optional constructs for which whitespace checking is disabled. `dict-
-# separator` is used to allow tabulation in dicts, etc.: {1 : 1,\n222: 2}.
-# `trailing-comma` allows a space between comma and closing bracket: (a, ).
-# `empty-line` allows space-only lines.
- dict-separator
-# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body
-# contains single statement.
-# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no
-# else.
-# Naming style matching correct argument names.
-# Regular expression matching correct argument names. Overrides argument-
-# naming-style.
-# Naming style matching correct attribute names.
-# Regular expression matching correct attribute names. Overrides attr-naming-
-# style.
-# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma.
- bar,
- baz,
- toto,
- tutu,
- tata
-# Naming style matching correct class attribute names.
-# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names. Overrides class-
-# attribute-naming-style.
-# Naming style matching correct class names.
-# Regular expression matching correct class names. Overrides class-naming-
-# style.
-# Naming style matching correct constant names.
-# Regular expression matching correct constant names. Overrides const-naming-
-# style.
-# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter
-# ones are exempt.
-# Naming style matching correct function names.
-# Regular expression matching correct function names. Overrides function-
-# naming-style.
-# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma.
- e,
- i,
- j,
- k,
- r,
- v,
- ex,
- Run,
- _
-# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name.
-# Naming style matching correct inline iteration names.
-# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names. Overrides
-# inlinevar-naming-style.
-# Naming style matching correct method names.
-# Regular expression matching correct method names. Overrides method-naming-
-# style.
-# Naming style matching correct module names.
-# Regular expression matching correct module names. Overrides module-naming-
-# style.
-# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when
-# the name regexes allow several styles.
-# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do
-# not require a docstring.
-# List of decorators that produce properties, such as abc.abstractproperty. Add
-# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties.
-# These decorators are taken in consideration only for invalid-name.
-# Naming style matching correct variable names.
-# Regular expression matching correct variable names. Overrides variable-
-# naming-style.
-# Ignore comments when computing similarities.
-# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities.
-# Ignore imports when computing similarities.
-# Minimum lines number of a similarity.
-# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
-# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.
-# Tells whether unused global variables should be treated as a violation.
-# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback
-# name must start or end with one of those strings.
- _cb
-# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expected to
-# not be used).
-# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name
-# with leading underscore.
-# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files.
-# List of qualified module names which can have objects that can redefine
-# builtins.
-# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging
-# function parameter format.
-# Allow wildcard imports from modules that define __all__.
-# Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to support both Python 2 and
-# 3 compatible code, which means that the block might have code that exists
-# only in one or another interpreter, leading to false positives when analysed.
-# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma.
-# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
-# not be disabled).
-# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the
-# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled).
-# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must
-# not be disabled).
-# Force import order to recognize a module as part of the standard
-# compatibility libraries.
-# Force import order to recognize a module as part of a third party library.
-# Support argparse.Action constructor API
-# Maximum number of arguments for function / method.
-# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902).
-# Maximum number of boolean expressions in an if statement.
-# Maximum number of branch for function / method body.
-# Maximum number of locals for function / method body.
-# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901).
-# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904).
-# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body.
-# Maximum number of statements in function / method body.
-# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903).
-# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes.
- __new__,
- setUp
-# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access
-# warning.
- _fields,
- _replace,
- _source,
- _make
-# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method.
-# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method.
-# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to
-# "Exception".
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/MANIFEST.in b/contrib/python/pypodman/MANIFEST.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e638cb9..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/MANIFEST.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-prune test/
-include README.md
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/Makefile b/contrib/python/pypodman/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 230eee44d..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-PYTHON ?= $(shell command -v python3 2>/dev/null || command -v python)
-.PHONY: python-pypodman
- $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist bdist
-.PHONY: lint
- $(PYTHON) -m pylint pypodman
-.PHONY: integration
- true
-.PHONY: install
- $(PYTHON) setup.py install --root ${DESTDIR}
-.PHONY: upload
- PODMAN_VERSION=$(PODMAN_VERSION) $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
-.PHONY: clobber
-clobber: uninstall clean
-.PHONY: uninstall
- $(PYTHON) -m pip uninstall --yes pypodman ||:
-.PHONY: clean
- rm -rf pypodman.egg-info dist
- find . -depth -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} \;
- find . -depth -name \*.pyc -exec rm -f {} \;
- $(PYTHON) ./setup.py clean --all
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/README.md b/contrib/python/pypodman/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6991daffa..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# pypodman - CLI for podman written in python
-## Status: Active Development
-See [libpod](https://github.com/containers/libpod/contrib/python/pypodman)
-## Releases
-To build the pypodman egg and install as user:
-cd ~/libpod/contrib/python/pypodman
-python3 setup.py clean -a && python3 setup.py sdist bdist
-python3 setup.py install --user
-Add `~/.local/bin` to your `PATH` to run pypodman command.
-## Running command:
-### Against local podman service
-$ pypodman images
-### Against remote podman service
-$ pypodman --host node001.example.org images
-### Full help system available
-$ pypodman -h
-$ pypodman images -h
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/docs/man1/pypodman.1 b/contrib/python/pypodman/docs/man1/pypodman.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 45472dab0..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/docs/man1/pypodman.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-.TH pypodman 1 2018-07-20 0.7.3
-pypodman \- CLI management tool for containers and images
-\f[B]pypodman\f[] [\f[I]global options\f[]] \f[I]command\f[] [\f[I]options\f[]]
-pypodman is a simple client only tool to help with debugging issues when daemons
-such as CRI runtime and the kubelet are not responding or failing.
-pypodman uses a VarLink API to commicate with a podman service running on either
-the local or remote machine. pypodman uses ssh to create secure tunnels when
-communicating with a remote service.
-\f[B]\[en]help, \-h\f[]
-Print usage statement.
-Print program version number and exit.
-Directory that will be namespaced with \f[C]pypodman\f[] to hold
-See FILES below for more details.
-Log events above specified level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING (default), ERROR,
-Directory that will be namespaced with \f[C]pypodman\f[] to hold local socket
-bindings. The default is `\f[C]$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\\\f[].
-Authenicating user on remote host. \f[C]pypodman\f[] defaults to the logged in
-Name of remote host. There is no default, if not given \f[C]pypodman\f[]
-attempts to connect to \f[C]\-\-remote\-socket\-path\f[] on local host.
-The optional port for \f[C]ssh\f[] to connect tunnel to on remote host.
-Default is None and will allow \f[C]ssh\f[] to follow it's default configuration.
-Path on remote host for podman service's \f[C]AF_UNIX\f[] socket. The default is
-The optional \f[C]ssh\f[] identity file to authenicate when tunnelling to remote
-host. Default is None and will allow \f[C]ssh\f[] to follow it's default methods
-for resolving the identity and private key using the logged in user.
-See podman(1) (podman.1.md)
-(\f[C]Any\ element\ of\ XDG_CONFIG_DIRS\f[] and/or
-\f[C]XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[] and/or \f[B]\[en]config\-home\f[])
-pypodman.conf is one or more configuration files for running the pypodman
-command. pypodman.conf is a TOML file with the stanza \f[C][default]\f[], with a
-map of \f[C]option: value\f[].
-pypodman follows the XDG (freedesktop.org) conventions for resolving it's
-configuration. The list below are read from top to bottom with later items
-overwriting earlier. Any missing items are ignored.
-.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[C]pypodman/pypodman.conf\f[] from any path element in
-\f[C]XDG_CONFIG_DIRS\f[] or \f[C]\\etc\\xdg\f[]
-.IP \[bu] 2
-\f[C]XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[] or $HOME/.config + \f[C]pypodman/pypodman.conf\f[]
-.IP \[bu] 2
-From \f[C]\-\-config\-home\f[] command line option + \f[C]pypodman/pypodman.conf\f[]
-.IP \[bu] 2
-From environment variable prefixed with PODMAN_, for example: PODMAN_RUN_DIR
-.IP \[bu] 2
-From command line option, for example: \[en]run\-dir
-This should provide Operators the ability to setup basic configurations
-and allow users to customize them.
-\f[B]XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\f[] (\f[C]XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/io.podman\f[])
-Directory where pypodman stores non\-essential runtime files and other file
-objects (such as sockets, named pipes, \&...).
-\f[C]podman(1)\f[], \f[C]libpod(8)\f[]
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/__init__.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/__init__.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d9a434254..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote podman client support library."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib.action_base import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib.parser_actions import (ChangeAction, PathAction,
- PositiveIntAction, SignalAction,
- UnitAction)
-from pypodman.lib.podman_parser import PodmanArgumentParser
-from pypodman.lib.report import Report, ReportColumn
-# Silence pylint overlording...
-assert ChangeAction
-assert PathAction
-assert PositiveIntAction
-assert SignalAction
-assert UnitAction
-__all__ = [
- 'AbstractActionBase',
- 'PodmanArgumentParser',
- 'Report',
- 'ReportColumn',
-def query_model(model, identifiers=None):
- """Retrieve all (default) or given model(s)."""
- objs = []
- if identifiers is None:
- objs.extend(model.list())
- else:
- try:
- for ident in identifiers:
- objs.append(model.get(ident))
- except (
- podman.PodNotFound,
- podman.ImageNotFound,
- podman.ContainerNotFound,
- ) as ex:
- print(
- '"{}" not found'.format(ex.name), file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
- return objs
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/action_base.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/action_base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cba7ac5c..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/action_base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-"""Base class for all actions of remote client."""
-import abc
-from functools import lru_cache
-import podman
-class AbstractActionBase(abc.ABC):
- """Base class for all actions of remote client."""
- @classmethod
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Define parser for this action. Subclasses must implement.
- API:
- Use set_defaults() to set attributes "class_" and "method". These will
- be invoked as class_(parsed_args).method()
- """
- parent.add_flag(
- '--all',
- help='list all items.')
- parent.add_flag(
- '--truncate',
- '--trunc',
- default=True,
- help="Truncate id's and other long fields.")
- parent.add_flag(
- '--heading',
- default=True,
- help='Include table headings in the output.')
- parent.add_flag(
- '--quiet',
- help='List only the IDs.')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct class."""
- # Dump all unset arguments before transmitting to service
- self._args = args
- self.opts = {
- k: v
- for k, v in vars(self._args).items() if v is not None
- }
- @property
- def remote_uri(self):
- """URI for remote side of connection."""
- return self._args.remote_uri
- @property
- def local_uri(self):
- """URI for local side of connection."""
- return self._args.local_uri
- @property
- def identity_file(self):
- """Key for authenication."""
- return self._args.identity_file
- @property
- @lru_cache(maxsize=1)
- def client(self):
- """Podman remote client for communicating."""
- if self._args.host is None:
- return podman.Client(uri=self.local_uri)
- return podman.Client(
- uri=self.local_uri,
- remote_uri=self.remote_uri,
- identity_file=self.identity_file)
- def __repr__(self):
- """Compute the “official” string representation of object."""
- return ("{}(local_uri='{}', remote_uri='{}',"
- " identity_file='{}')").format(
- self.__class__,
- self.local_uri,
- self.remote_uri,
- self.identity_file,
- )
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/__init__.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d77ddb1..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"""Module to export all the podman subcommands."""
-from pypodman.lib.actions.attach_action import Attach
-from pypodman.lib.actions.commit_action import Commit
-from pypodman.lib.actions.create_action import Create
-from pypodman.lib.actions.export_action import Export
-from pypodman.lib.actions.history_action import History
-from pypodman.lib.actions.images_action import Images
-from pypodman.lib.actions.import_action import Import
-from pypodman.lib.actions.info_action import Info
-from pypodman.lib.actions.inspect_action import Inspect
-from pypodman.lib.actions.kill_action import Kill
-from pypodman.lib.actions.logs_action import Logs
-from pypodman.lib.actions.mount_action import Mount
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pause_action import Pause
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod_action import Pod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.port_action import Port
-from pypodman.lib.actions.ps_action import Ps
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pull_action import Pull
-from pypodman.lib.actions.push_action import Push
-from pypodman.lib.actions.restart_action import Restart
-from pypodman.lib.actions.rm_action import Rm
-from pypodman.lib.actions.rmi_action import Rmi
-from pypodman.lib.actions.run_action import Run
-from pypodman.lib.actions.search_action import Search
-from pypodman.lib.actions.start_action import Start
-from pypodman.lib.actions.version_action import Version
-__all__ = [
- 'Attach',
- 'Commit',
- 'Create',
- 'Export',
- 'History',
- 'Images',
- 'Import',
- 'Info',
- 'Inspect',
- 'Kill',
- 'Logs',
- 'Mount',
- 'Pause',
- 'Pod',
- 'Port',
- 'Ps',
- 'Pull',
- 'Push',
- 'Restart',
- 'Rm',
- 'Rmi',
- 'Run',
- 'Search',
- 'Start',
- 'Version',
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/_create_args.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/_create_args.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab4292e8..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/_create_args.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-"""Implement common create container arguments together."""
-from pypodman.lib import SignalAction, UnitAction
-class CreateArguments():
- """Helper to add all the create flags to a command."""
- @classmethod
- def add_arguments(cls, parser):
- """Add CreateArguments to parser."""
- parser.add_argument(
- '--add-host',
- action='append',
- metavar='HOST',
- help='Add a line to /etc/hosts.'
- ' The option can be set multiple times.'
- ' (format: hostname:ip)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--annotation',
- action='append',
- help='Add an annotation to the container.'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'
- '(format: key=value)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--attach',
- '-a',
- action='append',
- metavar='FD',
- help=('Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR. The option can be set'
- ' for each of stdin, stdout, and stderr.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--blkio-weight',
- choices=range(10, 1000),
- metavar='[10-1000]',
- help=('Block IO weight (relative weight) accepts a'
- ' weight value between 10 and 1000.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--blkio-weight-device',
- action='append',
- metavar='WEIGHT',
- help='Block IO weight, relative device weight.'
- ' (format: DEVICE_NAME:WEIGHT)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cap-add',
- action='append',
- metavar='CAP',
- help=('Add Linux capabilities'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cap-drop',
- action='append',
- metavar='CAP',
- help=('Drop Linux capabilities'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cgroup-parent',
- metavar='PATH',
- help='Path to cgroups under which the cgroup for the'
- ' container will be created. If the path is not'
- ' absolute, the path is considered to be relative'
- ' to the cgroups path of the init process. Cgroups'
- ' will be created if they do not already exist.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cidfile',
- metavar='PATH',
- help='Write the container ID to the file, on the remote host.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--conmon-pidfile',
- metavar='PATH',
- help=('Write the pid of the conmon process to a file,'
- ' on the remote host.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpu-period',
- type=int,
- metavar='PERIOD',
- help=('Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpu-quota',
- type=int,
- metavar='QUOTA',
- help=('Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpu-rt-period',
- type=int,
- metavar='PERIOD',
- help=('Limit the CPU real-time period in microseconds.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpu-rt-runtime',
- type=int,
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=('Limit the CPU real-time runtime in microseconds.'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpu-shares',
- type=int,
- metavar='SHARES',
- help=('CPU shares (relative weight)'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpus',
- type=float,
- help=('Number of CPUs. The default is 0.0 which means no limit'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpuset-cpus',
- metavar='LIST',
- help=('CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cpuset-mems',
- metavar='NODES',
- help=('Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1).'
- ' Only effective on NUMA systems'))
- parser.add_flag(
- '--detach',
- '-d',
- help='Detached mode: run the container in the background and'
- ' print the new container ID. (default: False)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--detach-keys',
- metavar='KEY(s)',
- default=4,
- help='Override the key sequence for detaching a container.'
- ' (format: a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where'
- ' <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device',
- action='append',
- help=('Add a host device to the container'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device-read-bps',
- action='append',
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=('Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device'
- ' (e.g. --device-read-bps=/dev/sda:1mb)'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device-read-iops',
- action='append',
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=('Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device'
- ' (e.g. --device-read-iops=/dev/sda:1000)'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device-write-bps',
- action='append',
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=('Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device'
- ' (e.g. --device-write-bps=/dev/sda:1mb)'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--device-write-iops',
- action='append',
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=('Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device'
- ' (e.g. --device-write-iops=/dev/sda:1000)'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--dns',
- action='append',
- metavar='SERVER',
- help=('Set custom DNS servers.'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--dns-option',
- action='append',
- metavar='OPT',
- help=('Set custom DNS options.'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--dns-search',
- action='append',
- metavar='DOMAIN',
- help=('Set custom DNS search domains.'
- 'The option can be set multiple times.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--entrypoint',
- help=('Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--env',
- '-e',
- action='append',
- help=('Set environment variables.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--env-file',
- help=('Read in a line delimited file of environment variables,'
- ' on the remote host.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--expose',
- action='append',
- metavar='RANGE',
- help=('Expose a port, or a range of ports'
- ' (e.g. --expose=3300-3310) to set up port redirection.'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--gidmap',
- metavar='MAP',
- action='append',
- help=('GID map for the user namespace'),
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--group-add',
- action='append',
- metavar='GROUP',
- help=('Add additional groups to run as'))
- parser.add_argument('--hostname', help='Container host name')
- # only way for argparse to handle these options.
- vol_args = {
- 'choices': ('bind', 'tmpfs', 'ignore'),
- 'metavar': 'MODE',
- 'type': str.lower,
- 'help': 'Tells podman how to handle the builtin image volumes',
- }
- volume_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- volume_group.add_argument('--image-volume', **vol_args)
- volume_group.add_argument('--builtin-volume', **vol_args)
- parser.add_flag(
- '--interactive',
- '-i',
- help='Keep STDIN open even if not attached.')
- parser.add_argument('--ipc', help='Create namespace')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--kernel-memory', action=UnitAction, help='Kernel memory limit')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--label',
- '-l',
- action='append',
- help=('Add metadata to a container'
- ' (e.g., --label com.example.key=value)'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--label-file', help='Read in a line delimited file of labels')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--log-driver',
- choices='json-file',
- metavar='json-file',
- default='json-file',
- help='Logging driver for the container. (default: %(default)s)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--log-opt',
- action='append',
- help='Logging driver specific options')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--memory', '-m', action=UnitAction, help='Memory limit')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--memory-reservation',
- action=UnitAction,
- help='Memory soft limit')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--memory-swap',
- action=UnitAction,
- help=('A limit value equal to memory plus swap.'
- 'Must be used with the --memory flag'))
- parser.add_argument(
- '--memory-swappiness',
- choices=range(0, 100),
- metavar='[0-100]',
- help="Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior")
- parser.add_argument('--name', help='Assign a name to the container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--network',
- '--net',
- metavar='BRIDGE',
- help='Set the Network mode for the container.'
- ' (format: bridge, host, container:UUID, ns:PATH, none)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--oom-kill-disable',
- help='Whether to disable OOM Killer for the container or not.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--oom-score-adj',
- choices=range(-1000, 1000),
- metavar='[-1000-1000]',
- help="Tune the host's OOM preferences for containers")
- parser.add_argument(
- '--pid',
- help='Set the PID Namespace mode for the container.'
- '(format: host, container:UUID, ns:PATH)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--pids-limit',
- type=int,
- metavar='LIMIT',
- help=("Tune the container's pids limit."
- " Set -1 to have unlimited pids for the container."))
- parser.add_argument('--pod', help='Run container in an existing pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--privileged',
- help='Give extended privileges to this container.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--publish',
- '-p',
- metavar='RANGE',
- help="Publish a container's port, or range of ports, to the host")
- parser.add_flag(
- '--publish-all',
- '-P',
- help='Publish all exposed ports to random'
- ' ports on the host interfaces.')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--quiet',
- '-q',
- help='Suppress output information when pulling images')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--read-only',
- help="Mount the container's root filesystem as read only.")
- parser.add_flag(
- '--rm',
- help='Automatically remove the container when it exits.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--rootfs',
- help='If specified, the first argument refers to an'
- ' exploded container on the file system of remote host.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--security-opt',
- action='append',
- metavar='OPT',
- help='Set security options.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--shm-size', action=UnitAction, help='Size of /dev/shm')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--sig-proxy',
- help='Proxy signals sent to the podman run'
- ' command to the container process')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--stop-signal',
- action=SignalAction,
- default='TERM',
- help='Signal to stop a container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--stop-timeout',
- metavar='TIMEOUT',
- type=int,
- default=10,
- help='Seconds to wait on stopping container.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--subgidname',
- metavar='MAP',
- help='Name for GID map from the /etc/subgid file')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--subuidname',
- metavar='MAP',
- help='Name for UID map from the /etc/subuid file')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--sysctl',
- action='append',
- help='Configure namespaced kernel parameters at runtime')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--tmpfs',
- action='append',
- metavar='MOUNT',
- help='Create a tmpfs mount.'
- ' (default: rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=65536k.)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--tty',
- '-t',
- help='Allocate a pseudo-TTY for standard input of container.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--uidmap',
- action='append',
- metavar='MAP',
- help='UID map for the user namespace')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--ulimit',
- action='append',
- metavar='OPT',
- help='Ulimit options',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--user',
- '-u',
- help='Sets the username or UID used and optionally'
- ' the groupname or GID for the specified command.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--userns',
- metavar='NAMESPACE',
- help='Set the user namespace mode for the container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--uts',
- choices=('host', 'ns'),
- type=str.lower,
- help='Set the UTS mode for the container')
- parser.add_argument('--volume', '-v', help='Create a bind mount.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--volumes-from',
- action='append',
- help='Mount volumes from the specified container(s).')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--workdir',
- '-w',
- metavar='PATH',
- help='Working directory inside the container')
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/attach_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/attach_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e9829e894..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/attach_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for attaching to a container."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Attach(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for attaching to a running container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Attach command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('attach', help='attach to container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--image',
- help='image to instantiate and attach to',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'command',
- nargs='*',
- help='image to instantiate and attach to',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='attach')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Attach class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- if not args.image:
- raise ValueError('You must supply one image id'
- ' or name to be attached.')
- def attach(self):
- """Attach to instantiated image."""
- args = {
- 'detach': True,
- 'tty': True,
- }
- if self._args.command:
- args['command'] = self._args.command
- try:
- try:
- ident = self.client.images.pull(self._args.image)
- img = self.client.images.get(ident)
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- ctnr = img.create(**args)
- ctnr.attach(eot=4)
- try:
- ctnr.start()
- print()
- except (BrokenPipeError, KeyboardInterrupt):
- print('\nContainer disconnected.')
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/commit_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/commit_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c166e1aff..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/commit_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for creating image from container."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, ChangeAction
-class Commit(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for creating image from container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Commit command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'commit',
- help='create image from container',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--author',
- help='Set the author for the committed image',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--change',
- '-c',
- action=ChangeAction,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--format',
- '-f',
- choices=('oci', 'docker'),
- default='oci',
- type=str.lower,
- help='Set the format of the image manifest and metadata.'
- ' (Ignored.)',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--iidfile',
- metavar='PATH',
- help='Write the image ID to the file',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--message',
- '-m',
- help='Set commit message for committed image'
- ' (Only on docker images.)',
- )
- parser.add_flag(
- '--pause',
- '-p',
- help='Pause the container when creating an image',
- )
- parser.add_flag(
- '--quiet',
- '-q',
- help='Suppress output',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'container',
- nargs=1,
- help='container to use as source',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'image',
- nargs=1,
- help='image name to create',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='commit')
- def commit(self):
- """Create image from container."""
- try:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(self._args.container[0])
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- ident = ctnr.commit(
- self.opts['image'][0],
- change=self.opts.get('change', None),
- message=self.opts.get('message', None),
- pause=self.opts['pause'],
- author=self.opts.get('author', None),
- )
- if not self.opts['quiet']:
- print(ident)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/create_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/create_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a312bb1..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/create_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for creating container from image."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from ._create_args import CreateArguments
-class Create(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for creating container from image."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Create command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'create', help='create container from image')
- CreateArguments.add_arguments(parser)
- parser.add_argument('image', nargs=1, help='source image id')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'command',
- nargs=parent.REMAINDER,
- help='command and args to run.',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='create')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Create class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- # image id used only on client
- del self.opts['image']
- def create(self):
- """Create container."""
- try:
- for ident in self._args.image:
- try:
- img = self.client.images.get(ident)
- img.container(**self.opts)
- print(ident)
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/export_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/export_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef178c4c..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/export_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for export container filesystem to tarball."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Export(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for exporting container filesystem to tarball."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Export command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'export',
- help='export container to tarball',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--output',
- '-o',
- metavar='PATH',
- nargs=1,
- required=True,
- help='Write to this file on host',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'container',
- nargs=1,
- help='container to use as source',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='export')
- def export(self):
- """Create tarball from container filesystem."""
- try:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(self._args.container[0])
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- ctnr.export(self._args.output[0])
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/history_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/history_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c3ad756..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/history_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client for reporting image history."""
-import json
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import humanize
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, Report, ReportColumn
-class History(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for reporting Image History."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add History command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('history', help='report image history')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_flag(
- '--human',
- '-H',
- help='Display sizes and dates in human readable format.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--format',
- choices=('json', 'table'),
- help="Alter the output for a format like 'json' or 'table'."
- " (default: table)")
- parser.add_argument(
- 'image', nargs='+', help='image for history report')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='history')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct History class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'id':
- ReportColumn('id', 'ID', 12),
- 'created':
- ReportColumn('created', 'CREATED', 11),
- 'createdBy':
- ReportColumn('createdBy', 'CREATED BY', 45),
- 'size':
- ReportColumn('size', 'SIZE', 8),
- 'comment':
- ReportColumn('comment', 'COMMENT', 0)
- })
- def history(self):
- """Report image history."""
- rows = list()
- for ident in self._args.image:
- for details in self.client.images.get(ident).history():
- fields = dict(details._asdict())
- if self._args.human:
- fields.update({
- 'size':
- humanize.naturalsize(details.size),
- 'created':
- humanize.naturaldate(
- podman.datetime_parse(details.created)),
- })
- del fields['tags']
- rows.append(fields)
- if self._args.quiet:
- for row in rows:
- ident = row['id'][:12] if self._args.truncate else row['id']
- print(ident)
- elif self._args.format == 'json':
- print(json.dumps(rows, indent=2), flush=True)
- else:
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(
- rows, self.columns.keys(), truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/images_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/images_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 21376eeeb..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/images_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client commands dealing with images."""
-import operator
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import humanize
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, Report, ReportColumn
-class Images(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for Image manipulation."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Images commands to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('images', help='list images')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--sort',
- choices=['created', 'id', 'repository', 'size', 'tag'],
- default='created',
- type=str.lower,
- help=('Change sort ordered of displayed images.'
- ' (default: %(default)s)'))
- parser.add_flag(
- '--digests',
- help='Include digests with images.')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='list')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Images class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'name':
- ReportColumn('name', 'REPOSITORY', 0),
- 'tag':
- ReportColumn('tag', 'TAG', 10),
- 'id':
- ReportColumn('id', 'IMAGE ID', 12),
- 'created':
- ReportColumn('created', 'CREATED', 12),
- 'size':
- ReportColumn('size', 'SIZE', 8),
- 'repoDigests':
- ReportColumn('repoDigests', 'DIGESTS', 35),
- })
- def list(self):
- """List images."""
- images = sorted(
- self.client.images.list(),
- key=operator.attrgetter(self._args.sort))
- if not images:
- return
- rows = list()
- for image in images:
- fields = dict(image)
- fields.update({
- 'created':
- humanize.naturaldate(podman.datetime_parse(image.created)),
- 'size':
- humanize.naturalsize(int(image.size)),
- 'repoDigests':
- ' '.join(image.repoDigests),
- })
- for r in image.repoTags:
- name, tag = r.rsplit(':', 1)
- fields.update({
- 'name': name,
- 'tag': tag,
- })
- rows.append(fields)
- if not self._args.digests:
- del self.columns['repoDigests']
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(
- rows, self.columns.keys(), truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/import_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/import_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 43448144a..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/import_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command to import tarball as image filesystem."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, ChangeAction
-class Import(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for importing tarball as image filesystem."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Import command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'import',
- help='import tarball as image filesystem',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--change',
- '-c',
- action=ChangeAction,
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--message',
- '-m',
- help='Set commit message for imported image.',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'source',
- metavar='PATH',
- nargs=1,
- help='tarball to use as source on remote system',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'reference',
- metavar='TAG',
- nargs='*',
- help='Optional tag for image. (default: None)',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='import_')
- def import_(self):
- """Import tarball as image filesystem."""
- # ImportImage() validates it's parameters therefore we need to create
- # pristine dict() for keywords
- options = {}
- if 'message' in self.opts:
- options['message'] = self.opts['message']
- if 'change' in self.opts and self.opts['change']:
- options['changes'] = self.opts['change']
- reference = self.opts['reference'][0] if 'reference' in self.opts\
- else None
- try:
- ident = self.client.images.import_image(
- self.opts['source'][0],
- reference,
- **options,
- )
- print(ident)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/info_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/info_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c854a358..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/info_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for reporting on Podman service."""
-import json
-import sys
-import podman
-import yaml
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Info(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for reporting on Podman Service."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Info command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'info', help='report info on podman service')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--format',
- choices=('json', 'yaml'),
- help="Alter the output for a format like 'json' or 'yaml'."
- " (default: yaml)")
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='info')
- def info(self):
- """Report on Podman Service."""
- try:
- info = self.client.system.info()
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- if self._args.format == 'json':
- print(json.dumps(info._asdict(), indent=2), flush=True)
- else:
- print(
- yaml.dump(
- dict(info._asdict()),
- canonical=False,
- default_flow_style=False),
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/inspect_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/inspect_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5ad2215..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/inspect_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for inspecting podman objects."""
-import json
-import logging
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Inspect(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for inspecting podman objects."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Inspect command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('inspect', help='inspect objects')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--type',
- '-t',
- choices=('all', 'container', 'image'),
- default='all',
- type=str.lower,
- help='Type of object to inspect',
- )
- parser.add_flag(
- '--size',
- help='Display the total file size if the type is a container.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'objects',
- nargs='+',
- help='objects to inspect',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='inspect')
- def _get_container(self, ident):
- try:
- logging.debug("Getting container %s", ident)
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- except podman.ContainerNotFound:
- pass
- else:
- return ctnr.inspect()
- def _get_image(self, ident):
- try:
- logging.debug("Getting image %s", ident)
- img = self.client.images.get(ident)
- except podman.ImageNotFound:
- pass
- else:
- return img.inspect()
- def inspect(self):
- """Inspect provided podman objects."""
- output = []
- try:
- for ident in self._args.objects:
- obj = None
- if self._args.type in ('all', 'container'):
- obj = self._get_container(ident)
- if obj is None and self._args.type in ('all', 'image'):
- obj = self._get_image(ident)
- if obj is None:
- if self._args.type == 'container':
- msg = 'Container "{}" not found'.format(ident)
- elif self._args.type == 'image':
- msg = 'Image "{}" not found'.format(ident)
- else:
- msg = 'Object "{}" not found'.format(ident)
- print(msg, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
- else:
- fields = obj._asdict()
- if not self._args.size:
- try:
- del fields['sizerootfs']
- except KeyError:
- pass
- output.append(fields)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- print(json.dumps(output, indent=2))
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/kill_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/kill_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8fb4e74d..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/kill_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for signaling podman containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, SignalAction
-class Kill(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for sending signal to main process in container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Kill command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('kill', help='signal container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--signal',
- '-s',
- action=SignalAction,
- default=9,
- help='Signal to send to the container. (default: %(default)s)')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'containers',
- nargs='+',
- help='containers to signal',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='kill')
- def kill(self):
- """Signal provided containers."""
- try:
- for ident in self._args.containers:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- ctnr.kill(self._args.signal)
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- print(ident)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/logs_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/logs_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ff7bb08..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/logs_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for retrieving container logs."""
-import argparse
-import logging
-import sys
-from collections import deque
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, PositiveIntAction
-class Logs(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for retrieving logs from container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Logs command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('logs', help='retrieve logs from container')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--tail',
- metavar='LINES',
- action=PositiveIntAction,
- help='Output the specified number of LINES at the end of the logs')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'container',
- nargs=1,
- help='retrieve container logs',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='logs')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Logs class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- def logs(self):
- """Retrieve logs from containers."""
- try:
- ident = self._args.container[0]
- try:
- logging.debug('Get container "%s" logs', ident)
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- if self._args.tail:
- logs = iter(deque(ctnr.logs(), maxlen=self._args.tail))
- else:
- logs = ctnr.logs()
- for line in logs:
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/mount_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/mount_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 905eda6da..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/mount_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for retrieving mounts from containers."""
-import sys
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, Report, ReportColumn
-class Mount(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for retrieving mounts from container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add mount command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'mount', help='retrieve mounts from containers.')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- 'containers',
- nargs='*',
- help='containers to list ports',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='mount')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Mount class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'id':
- ReportColumn('id', 'CONTAINER ID', 14),
- 'destination':
- ReportColumn('destination', 'DESTINATION', 0)
- })
- def mount(self):
- """Retrieve mounts from containers."""
- try:
- ctnrs = []
- if not self._args.containers:
- ctnrs = self.client.containers.list()
- else:
- for ident in self._args.containers:
- try:
- ctnrs.append(self.client.containers.get(ident))
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- if not ctnrs:
- print(
- 'Unable to find any containers.', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
- return 1
- rows = list()
- for ctnr in ctnrs:
- details = ctnr.inspect()
- rows.append({
- 'id': ctnr.id,
- 'destination': details.graphdriver['data']['mergeddir']
- })
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(
- rows, self.columns.keys(), truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pause_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pause_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc02f7fe..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pause_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for pausing processes in containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Pause(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for pausing processes in container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pause command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('pause', help='pause container processes')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'containers',
- nargs='+',
- help='containers to pause',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='pause')
- def pause(self):
- """Pause provided containers."""
- try:
- for ident in self._args.containers:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- ctnr.pause()
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- print(ident)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/__init__.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 91c54f417..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-"""Provide subparsers for pod commands."""
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.create_parser import CreatePod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.inspect_parser import InspectPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.kill_parser import KillPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.pause_parser import PausePod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.processes_parser import ProcessesPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.remove_parser import RemovePod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.start_parser import StartPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.stop_parser import StopPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.top_parser import TopPod
-from pypodman.lib.actions.pod.unpause_parser import UnpausePod
-__all__ = [
- 'CreatePod',
- 'InspectPod',
- 'KillPod',
- 'PausePod',
- 'ProcessesPod',
- 'RemovePod',
- 'StartPod',
- 'StopPod',
- 'TopPod',
- 'UnpausePod',
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/create_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/create_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0bde777..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/create_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for creating pod."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class CreatePod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Implement Create Pod command."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Create command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('create', help='create pod')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--cgroup-parent',
- dest='cgroupparent',
- type=str,
- help='Path to cgroups under which the'
- ' cgroup for the pod will be created.')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--infra',
- help='Create an infra container and associate it with the pod.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-l',
- '--label',
- dest='labels',
- action='append',
- type=str,
- help='Add metadata to a pod (e.g., --label=com.example.key=value)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-n',
- '--name',
- dest='ident',
- type=str,
- help='Assign name to the pod')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--share',
- choices=('ipc', 'net', 'pid', 'user', 'uts'),
- help='Comma deliminated list of kernel namespaces to share')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='create')
- # TODO: Add golang CLI arguments not included in API.
- # parser.add_argument(
- # '--infra-command',
- # default='/pause',
- # help='Command to run to start the infra container.'
- # '(default: %(default)s)')
- # parser.add_argument(
- # '--infra-image',
- # default='k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1',
- # help='Image to create for the infra container.'
- # '(default: %(default)s)')
- # parser.add_argument(
- # '--podidfile',
- # help='Write the pod ID to given file name on remote host')
- def create(self):
- """Create Pod from given options."""
- config = {}
- for key in ('ident', 'cgroupparent', 'infra', 'labels', 'share'):
- config[key] = self.opts.get(key)
- try:
- pod = self.client.pods.create(**config)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- print(pod.id)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/inspect_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/inspect_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c42d636c..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/inspect_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for inspecting pods."""
-import json
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class InspectPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for reporting on pods and their containers."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Inspect command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'inspect',
- help='configuration and state information about a given pod')
- parser.add_argument('pod', nargs='+', help='pod(s) to inspect')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='inspect')
- def inspect(self):
- """Report on provided pods."""
- output = {}
- try:
- for ident in self._args.pod:
- try:
- pod = self.client.pods.get(ident)
- except podman.PodNotFound:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found.'.format(ident),
- file=sys.stdout,
- flush=True)
- output.update(pod.inspect()._asdict())
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- print(json.dumps(output, indent=2))
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/kill_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/kill_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6229939..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/kill_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for signaling pods and their containers."""
-import signal
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, SignalAction
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class KillPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for sending signal to processes in pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Kill command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('kill', help='signal containers in pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Sends signal to all pods.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-s',
- '--signal',
- action=SignalAction,
- default=9,
- help='Signal to send to the pod. (default: %(default)s)')
- parser.add_argument('pod', nargs='*', help='pod(s) to signal')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='kill')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Pod Kill object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, but not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def kill(self):
- """Signal provided pods."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.kill(self._args.signal)
- print(pod.id)
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found.'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/pause_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/pause_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c751314ca..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/pause_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for pausing processes in pod."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class PausePod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for pausing containers in pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Pause command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('pause', help='pause containers in pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Pause all pods.')
- parser.add_argument('pod', nargs='*', help='pod(s) to pause.')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='pause')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Pod Pause object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, but not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def pause(self):
- """Pause containers in provided Pod."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.pause()
- print(pod.id)
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/processes_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/processes_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 855e313c7..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/processes_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-"""Report on pod's containers' processes."""
-import operator
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, Report, ReportColumn
-class ProcessesPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Report on Pod's processes."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Ps command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('ps', help='list processes of pod')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_flag(
- '--ctr-names',
- help='Include container name in the info field.')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--ctr-ids',
- help='Include container ID in the info field.')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--ctr-status',
- help='Include container status in the info field.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--format',
- choices=('json'),
- help='Pretty-print containers to JSON')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--sort',
- choices=('created', 'id', 'name', 'status', 'count'),
- default='created',
- type=str.lower,
- help='Sort on given field. (default: %(default)s)')
- parser.add_argument('--filter', help='Not Implemented')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='processes')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct ProcessesPod class."""
- if args.sort == 'created':
- args.sort = 'createdat'
- elif args.sort == 'count':
- args.sort = 'numberofcontainers'
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'id':
- ReportColumn('id', 'POD ID', 14),
- 'name':
- ReportColumn('name', 'NAME', 30),
- 'status':
- ReportColumn('status', 'STATUS', 8),
- 'numberofcontainers':
- ReportColumn('numberofcontainers', 'NUMBER OF CONTAINERS', 0),
- 'info':
- ReportColumn('info', 'CONTAINER INFO', 0),
- })
- def processes(self):
- """List pods."""
- pods = sorted(
- self.client.pods.list(), key=operator.attrgetter(self._args.sort))
- if not pods:
- return
- rows = list()
- for pod in pods:
- fields = dict(pod)
- if self._args.ctr_ids \
- or self._args.ctr_names \
- or self._args.ctr_status:
- keys = ('id', 'name', 'status', 'info')
- info = []
- for ctnr in pod.containersinfo:
- ctnr_info = []
- if self._args.ctr_ids:
- ctnr_info.append(ctnr['id'])
- if self._args.ctr_names:
- ctnr_info.append(ctnr['name'])
- if self._args.ctr_status:
- ctnr_info.append(ctnr['status'])
- info.append("[ {} ]".format(" ".join(ctnr_info)))
- fields.update({'info': " ".join(info)})
- else:
- keys = ('id', 'name', 'status', 'numberofcontainers')
- rows.append(fields)
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(rows, keys, truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/remove_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/remove_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 289325d14..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/remove_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for deleting pod and containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class RemovePod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for removing pod and containers from storage."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Rm command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('rm', help='Delete pod and container(s)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Remove all pods.')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--force',
- '-f',
- help='Stop and remove container(s) then delete pod.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'pod', nargs='*', help='Pod to remove. Or, use --all')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='remove')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct RemovePod object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, but not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def remove(self):
- """Remove pod and container(s)."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.remove(self._args.force)
- print(pod.id)
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found.'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize,
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/restart_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/restart_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53f45b6de..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/restart_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for restarting pod and container(s)."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class RestartPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for restarting containers in Pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Restart command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('restart', help='restart containers in pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Restart all pods.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'pod', nargs='*', help='Pod to restart. Or, use --all')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='restart')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct RestartPod object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def restart(self):
- """Restart pod and container(s)."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.restart()
- print(pod.id)
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found.'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/start_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/start_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff62b839e..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/start_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for starting pod and container(s)."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class StartPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for starting pod and container(s)."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Start command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('start', help='start pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Start all pods.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'pod', nargs='*', help='Pod to start. Or, use --all')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='start')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct StartPod object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, but not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def start(self):
- """Start pod and container(s)."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.start()
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/stop_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/stop_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf2bf1e7..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/stop_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for stopping pod and container(s)."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class StopPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for stopping pod and container(s)."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Stop command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('stop', help='stop pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Stop all pods.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'pod', nargs='*', help='Pod to stop. Or, use --all')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='stop')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Contruct StopPod object."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def stop(self):
- """Stop pod and container(s)."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.stop()
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/top_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/top_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f27d60f14..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/top_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for reporting on pod and container(s)."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class TopPod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Report on containers in Pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Top command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('top', help='report on containers in pod')
- parser.add_argument('pod', nargs=1, help='Pod to report on.')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='top')
- def top(self):
- """Report on pod and container(s)."""
- try:
- for ident in self._args.pod:
- pod = self.client.pods.get(ident)
- print(pod.top())
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found.'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/unpause_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/unpause_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5186cf9cc..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod/unpause_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for unpausing processes in pod."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from pypodman.lib import query_model as query_pods
-class UnpausePod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for unpausing containers in pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Unpause command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('unpause', help='unpause pod')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='Unpause all pods.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'pod', nargs='*', help='Pod to unpause. Or, use --all')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='unpause')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Pod Unpause class."""
- if args.all and args.pod:
- raise ValueError('You may give a pod or use --all, but not both')
- super().__init__(args)
- def unpause(self):
- """Unpause containers in provided Pod."""
- idents = None if self._args.all else self._args.pod
- pods = query_pods(self.client.pods, idents)
- for pod in pods:
- try:
- pod.unpause()
- print(pod.id)
- except podman.PodNotFound as ex:
- print(
- 'Pod "{}" not found'.format(ex.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as ex:
- print(
- '{}'.format(ex.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8997a05..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pod_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for pod subcommands."""
-import inspect
-import logging
-import sys
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-# pylint: disable=wildcard-import
-# pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import
-from .pod import *
-class Pod(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for creating a pod."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pod Create command to parent parser."""
- pod_parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'pod',
- help='pod commands.'
- ' For subcommands, see: %(prog)s pod --help')
- subparser = pod_parser.add_subparsers()
- # pull in plugin(s) code for each subcommand
- for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(
- sys.modules['pypodman.lib.actions.pod'],
- predicate=inspect.isclass):
- if hasattr(obj, 'subparser'):
- try:
- obj.subparser(subparser)
- except NameError as e:
- logging.critical(e)
- logging.warning(
- 'See subparser configuration for Class "%s"', name)
- sys.exit(3)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/port_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/port_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6913f3813..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/port_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for retrieving ports from containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Port(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for retrieving ports from container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Port command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'port', help='retrieve ports from containers')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--all',
- '-a',
- help='List all known port mappings for running containers')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'containers',
- nargs='*',
- help='containers to list ports',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='port')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Port class."""
- if not args.all and not args.containers:
- raise ValueError('You must supply at least one'
- ' container id or name, or --all.')
- super().__init__(args)
- def port(self):
- """Retrieve ports from containers."""
- try:
- ctnrs = []
- if self._args.all:
- ctnrs = self.client.containers.list()
- else:
- for ident in self._args.containers:
- try:
- ctnrs.append(self.client.containers.get(ident))
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- for ctnr in ctnrs:
- print("{}\n{}".format(ctnr.id, ctnr.ports))
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/ps_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/ps_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ceb2e67..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/ps_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client commands dealing with containers."""
-import operator
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import humanize
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, Report, ReportColumn
-class Ps(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for Container manipulation."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Images command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('ps', help='list containers')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--sort',
- choices=('createdat', 'id', 'image', 'names', 'runningfor', 'size',
- 'status'),
- default='createdat',
- type=str.lower,
- help=('Change sort ordered of displayed containers.'
- ' (default: %(default)s)'))
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='list')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Ps class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'id':
- ReportColumn('id', 'CONTAINER ID', 12),
- 'image':
- ReportColumn('image', 'IMAGE', 31),
- 'command':
- ReportColumn('column', 'COMMAND', 20),
- 'createdat':
- ReportColumn('createdat', 'CREATED', 12),
- 'status':
- ReportColumn('status', 'STATUS', 10),
- 'ports':
- ReportColumn('ports', 'PORTS', 0),
- 'names':
- ReportColumn('names', 'NAMES', 18)
- })
- def list(self):
- """List containers."""
- if self._args.all:
- ictnrs = self.client.containers.list()
- else:
- ictnrs = filter(
- lambda c: podman.FoldedString(c['status']) == 'running',
- self.client.containers.list())
- # TODO: Verify sorting on dates and size
- ctnrs = sorted(ictnrs, key=operator.attrgetter(self._args.sort))
- if not ctnrs:
- return
- rows = list()
- for ctnr in ctnrs:
- fields = dict(ctnr)
- fields.update({
- 'command':
- ' '.join(ctnr.command),
- 'createdat':
- humanize.naturaldate(podman.datetime_parse(ctnr.createdat)),
- })
- rows.append(fields)
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(
- rows, self.columns.keys(), truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pull_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pull_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d8fbfc1f0..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/pull_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for pulling images."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Pull(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for retrieving images from repository."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Pull command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'pull',
- help='retrieve image from repository',
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'targets',
- nargs='+',
- help='image id(s) to retrieve.',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='pull')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Pull class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- def pull(self):
- """Retrieve image."""
- for ident in self._args.targets:
- try:
- self.client.images.pull(ident)
- print(ident)
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/push_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/push_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e86ca335..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/push_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for pushing image elsewhere."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Push(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for pushing images to repository."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Push command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'push',
- help='push image elsewhere',
- )
- parser.add_flag(
- '--tlsverify',
- help='Require HTTPS and verify certificates when'
- ' contacting registries.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'image', nargs=1, help='name or id of image to push')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'tag',
- nargs=1,
- help='destination image id',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='push')
- def pull(self):
- """Store image elsewhere."""
- try:
- try:
- img = self.client.images.get(self._args.image[0])
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- img.push(self._args.tag[0], tlsverify=self._args.tlsverify)
- print(self._args.image[0])
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/restart_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/restart_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 415594920..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/restart_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for restarting containers."""
-import logging
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase, PositiveIntAction
-class Restart(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for Restarting containers."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Restart command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('restart', help='restart container(s)')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--timeout',
- action=PositiveIntAction,
- default=10,
- help='Timeout to wait before forcibly stopping the container'
- ' (default: %(default)s seconds)')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'targets', nargs='+', help='container id(s) to restart')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='restart')
- def restart(self):
- """Restart container(s)."""
- try:
- for ident in self._args.targets:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- logging.debug('Restarting Container %s', ctnr.id)
- ctnr.restart(timeout=self._args.timeout)
- print(ident)
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rm_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rm_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 99ff6c460..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rm_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for deleting containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Rm(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for removing containers from storage."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Rm command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('rm', help='delete container(s)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--force',
- '-f',
- help='force delete of running container(s).')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'targets', nargs='+', help='container id(s) to delete')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='remove')
- def remove(self):
- """Remove container(s)."""
- for ident in self._args.targets:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- ctnr.remove(self._args.force)
- print(ident)
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rmi_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rmi_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c3d0bd79..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/rmi_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for deleting images."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Rmi(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for removing images from storage."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Rmi command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('rmi', help='delete image(s)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--force',
- '-f',
- help='force delete of image(s) and associated containers.')
- parser.add_argument('targets', nargs='+', help='image id(s) to delete')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='remove')
- def remove(self):
- """Remove image(s)."""
- for ident in self._args.targets:
- try:
- img = self.client.images.get(ident)
- img.remove(self._args.force)
- print(ident)
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/run_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/run_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6b3cb2c..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/run_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for run a command in a new container."""
-import logging
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-from ._create_args import CreateArguments
-class Run(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for running a command in a container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Run command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('run', help='Run container from image')
- CreateArguments.add_arguments(parser)
- parser.add_argument('image', nargs=1, help='source image id.')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'command',
- nargs=parent.REMAINDER,
- help='command and args to run.',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='run')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Run class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- if args.detach and args.rm:
- raise ValueError('Incompatible options: --detach and --rm')
- # image id used only on client
- del self.opts['image']
- def run(self):
- """Run container."""
- for ident in self._args.image:
- try:
- try:
- img = self.client.images.get(ident)
- ctnr = img.container(**self.opts)
- except podman.ImageNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Image {} not found.'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- continue
- else:
- logging.debug('New container created "{}"'.format(ctnr.id))
- if self._args.detach:
- ctnr.start()
- print(ctnr.id)
- else:
- ctnr.attach(eot=4)
- ctnr.start()
- print(ctnr.id)
- if self._args.rm:
- ctnr.remove(force=True)
- except (BrokenPipeError, KeyboardInterrupt):
- print('\nContainer "{}" disconnected.'.format(ctnr.id))
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Run for container "{}" failed: {} {}'.format(
- ctnr.id, repr(e), e.reason.capitalize()),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/search_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/search_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b8b465d..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/search_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for searching registries for an image."""
-import argparse
-import sys
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import (AbstractActionBase, PositiveIntAction, Report,
- ReportColumn)
-class FilterAction(argparse.Action):
- """Parse filter argument components."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=None,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help=None,
- metavar='FILTER'):
- """Create FilterAction object."""
- help = (help or '') + (' (format: stars=##'
- ' or is-automated=[True|False]'
- ' or is-official=[True|False])')
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """
- Convert and Validate input.
- Note: side effects
- 1) self.dest value is set to subargument dest
- 2) new attribute self.dest + '_value' is created with 2nd value.
- """
- opt, val = values.split('=', 1)
- if opt == 'stars':
- msg = ('{} option "stars" requires'
- ' a positive integer').format(self.dest)
- try:
- val = int(val)
- except ValueError:
- parser.error(msg)
- if val < 0:
- parser.error(msg)
- elif opt == 'is-automated':
- if val.capitalize() in ('True', 'False'):
- val = bool(val)
- else:
- msg = ('{} option "is-automated"'
- ' must be True or False.'.format(self.dest))
- parser.error(msg)
- elif opt == 'is-official':
- if val.capitalize() in ('True', 'False'):
- val = bool(val)
- else:
- msg = ('{} option "is-official"'
- ' must be True or False.'.format(self.dest))
- parser.error(msg)
- else:
- msg = ('{} only supports one of the following options:\n'
- ' stars, is-automated, or is-official').format(self.dest)
- parser.error(msg)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, opt)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest + '_value', val)
-class Search(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for searching registries for an image."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Search command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('search', help='search for images')
- super().subparser(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--filter',
- '-f',
- action=FilterAction,
- help='Filter output based on conditions provided.')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--limit',
- action=PositiveIntAction,
- default=25,
- help='Limit the number of results.'
- ' (default: %(default)s)')
- parser.add_argument('term', nargs=1, help='search term for image')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='search')
- def __init__(self, args):
- """Construct Search class."""
- super().__init__(args)
- self.columns = OrderedDict({
- 'name':
- ReportColumn('name', 'NAME', 44),
- 'description':
- ReportColumn('description', 'DESCRIPTION', 44),
- 'star_count':
- ReportColumn('star_count', 'STARS', 5),
- 'is_official':
- ReportColumn('is_official', 'OFFICIAL', 8),
- 'is_automated':
- ReportColumn('is_automated', 'AUTOMATED', 9),
- })
- def search(self):
- """Search registries for image."""
- try:
- rows = list()
- for entry in self.client.images.search(
- self._args.term[0], limit=self._args.limit):
- if self._args.filter == 'is-official':
- if self._args.filter_value != entry.is_official:
- continue
- elif self._args.filter == 'is-automated':
- if self._args.filter_value != entry.is_automated:
- continue
- elif self._args.filter == 'stars':
- if self._args.filter_value > entry.star_count:
- continue
- fields = dict(entry._asdict())
- status = '[OK]' if entry.is_official else ''
- fields['is_official'] = status
- status = '[OK]' if entry.is_automated else ''
- fields['is_automated'] = status
- if self._args.truncate:
- fields.update({'name': entry.name[-44:]})
- rows.append(fields)
- with Report(self.columns, heading=self._args.heading) as report:
- report.layout(
- rows, self.columns.keys(), truncate=self._args.truncate)
- for row in rows:
- report.row(**row)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/start_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/start_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f88731dc..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/start_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for starting containers."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Start(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for starting container."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Start command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser('start', help='start container')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--attach',
- '-a',
- help="Attach container's STDOUT and STDERR.")
- parser.add_argument(
- '--detach-keys',
- metavar='KEY(s)',
- default=4,
- help='Override the key sequence for detaching a container.'
- ' (format: a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where'
- ' <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _) (default: ^D)')
- parser.add_flag(
- '--interactive',
- '-i',
- help="Attach container's STDIN.")
- # TODO: Implement sig-proxy
- parser.add_flag(
- '--sig-proxy',
- help="Proxy received signals to the process."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- 'containers',
- nargs='+',
- help='containers to start',
- )
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='start')
- def start(self):
- """Start provided containers."""
- stdin = sys.stdin if self.opts['interactive'] else None
- stdout = sys.stdout if self.opts['attach'] else None
- try:
- for ident in self._args.containers:
- try:
- ctnr = self.client.containers.get(ident)
- ctnr.attach(
- eot=self.opts['detach_keys'],
- stdin=stdin,
- stdout=stdout)
- ctnr.start()
- except podman.ContainerNotFound as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- 'Container "{}" not found'.format(e.name),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- else:
- print(ident)
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- return 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/version_action.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/version_action.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a0cabe4..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/actions/version_action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote client command for reporting on Podman service."""
-import sys
-import podman
-from pypodman.lib import AbstractActionBase
-class Version(AbstractActionBase):
- """Class for reporting on Podman Service."""
- @classmethod
- def subparser(cls, parent):
- """Add Version command to parent parser."""
- parser = parent.add_parser(
- 'version', help='report version on podman service')
- parser.set_defaults(class_=cls, method='version')
- def version(self):
- """Report on Podman Service."""
- try:
- info = self.client.system.info()
- except podman.ErrorOccurred as e:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- print(
- '{}'.format(e.reason).capitalize(),
- file=sys.stderr,
- flush=True)
- return 1
- else:
- version = info._asdict()['podman']
- host = info._asdict()['host']
- print("Version {}".format(version['podman_version']))
- print("Go Version {}".format(version['go_version']))
- print("Git Commit {}".format(version['git_commit']))
- print("OS/Arch {}/{}".format(host["os"], host["arch"]))
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/parser_actions.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/parser_actions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff12cab8..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/parser_actions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-Supplimental argparse.Action converters and validaters.
-The constructors are very verbose but remain for IDE support.
-import argparse
-import copy
-import os
-import signal
-# API defined by argparse.Action therefore shut up pylint
-# pragma pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
-# pragma pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-# pragma pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-class ChangeAction(argparse.Action):
- """Convert and validate change argument."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=None,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help=None,
- metavar='OPT=VALUE'):
- """Create ChangeAction object."""
- help = (help or '') + ('Apply change(s) to the new image.'
- ' May be given multiple times.')
- if default is None:
- default = []
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """Convert and Validate input."""
- items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) or []
- items = copy.copy(items)
- choices = ('CMD', 'ENTRYPOINT', 'ENV', 'EXPOSE', 'LABEL', 'ONBUILD',
- opt, _ = values.split('=', 1)
- if opt not in choices:
- parser.error('Option "{}" is not supported by argument "{}",'
- ' valid options are: {}'.format(
- opt, option_string, ', '.join(choices)))
- items.append(values)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
-class SignalAction(argparse.Action):
- """Validate input as a signal."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=str,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help='The signal to send.'
- ' It may be given as a name or a number.',
- metavar='SIGNAL'):
- """Create SignalAction object."""
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- if hasattr(signal, "Signals"):
- def _signal_number(signame):
- cooked = 'SIG{}'.format(signame)
- try:
- return signal.Signals[cooked].value
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- def _signal_number(signame):
- cooked = 'SIG{}'.format(signame)
- for n, v in sorted(signal.__dict__.items()):
- if n != cooked:
- continue
- if n.startswith("SIG") and not n.startswith("SIG_"):
- return v
- self._signal_number = _signal_number
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """Validate input is a signal for platform."""
- if values.isdigit():
- signum = int(values)
- if signal.SIGRTMIN <= signum >= signal.SIGRTMAX:
- raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid signal. {}-{}'.format(
- values, signal.SIGRTMIN, signal.SIGRTMAX))
- else:
- signum = self._signal_number(values)
- if signum is None:
- parser.error(
- '"{}" is not a valid signal,'
- ' see your platform documentation.'.format(values))
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, signum)
-class UnitAction(argparse.Action):
- """Validate number given is positive integer, with optional suffix."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=None,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help=None,
- metavar='UNIT'):
- """Create UnitAction object."""
- help = (help or metavar or dest)\
- + ' (format: <number>[<unit>], where unit = b, k, m or g)'
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """Validate input as a UNIT."""
- try:
- val = int(values)
- except ValueError:
- if not values[:-1].isdigit():
- msg = ('{} must be a positive integer,'
- ' with optional suffix').format(option_string)
- parser.error(msg)
- if not values[-1] in ('b', 'k', 'm', 'g'):
- msg = '{} only supports suffices of: b, k, m, g'.format(
- option_string)
- parser.error(msg)
- else:
- if val <= 0:
- msg = '{} must be a positive integer'.format(option_string)
- parser.error(msg)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
-class PositiveIntAction(argparse.Action):
- """Validate number given is positive integer."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=int,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help='Must be a positive integer.',
- metavar=None):
- """Create PositiveIntAction object."""
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """Validate input."""
- if values > 0:
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
- return
- msg = '{} must be a positive integer'.format(option_string)
- parser.error(msg)
-class PathAction(argparse.Action):
- """Expand user- and relative-paths."""
- def __init__(self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- nargs=None,
- const=None,
- default=None,
- type=None,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help=None,
- metavar='PATH'):
- """Create PathAction object."""
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=nargs,
- const=const,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar)
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- """Resolve full path value on local filesystem."""
- setattr(namespace, self.dest,
- os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(values)))
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/podman_parser.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/podman_parser.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 913546a91..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/podman_parser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-"""Parse configuration while building subcommands."""
-import argparse
-import getpass
-import inspect
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-from contextlib import suppress
-from pathlib import Path
-import pkg_resources
-import pytoml
-from .parser_actions import PathAction, PositiveIntAction
-# TODO: setup.py and obtain __version__ from rpm.spec
- __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pypodman').version
-except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- __version__ = '0.0.0'
-class HelpFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
- """Set help width to screen size."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Construct HelpFormatter using screen width."""
- if 'width' not in kwargs:
- try:
- size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
- kwargs['width'] = size.columns
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- kwargs['width'] = 80
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-class PodmanArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
- """Default remote podman configuration."""
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Construct the parser."""
- kwargs['add_help'] = True
- kwargs['description'] = ('Portable and simple management'
- ' tool for containers and images')
- kwargs['formatter_class'] = HelpFormatter
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- def add_flag(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Add flag to parser."""
- flags = [a for a in args if a[0] in self.prefix_chars]
- dest = flags[0].lstrip(self.prefix_chars)
- no_flag = '{0}{0}no-{1}'.format(self.prefix_chars, dest)
- group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
- group.add_argument(*flags, action='store_true', dest=dest, **kwargs)
- group.add_argument(no_flag, action='store_false', dest=dest, **kwargs)
- default = kwargs.get('default', False)
- self.set_defaults(**{dest: default})
- def initialize_parser(self):
- """Initialize parser without causing recursion meltdown."""
- self.add_argument(
- '--version',
- action='version',
- version='%(prog)s v. ' + __version__)
- self.add_argument(
- '--log-level',
- choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'],
- default='WARNING',
- type=str.upper,
- help='set logging level for events. (default: %(default)s)',
- )
- self.add_argument(
- '--run-dir',
- metavar='DIRECTORY',
- help=('directory to place local socket bindings.'
- ' (default: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pypodman)'))
- self.add_argument(
- '--username',
- '-l',
- help='Authenicating user on remote host. (default: {})'.format(
- getpass.getuser()))
- self.add_argument(
- '--host', help='name of remote host. (default: None)')
- self.add_argument(
- '--port',
- '-p',
- action=PositiveIntAction,
- help='port for ssh tunnel to remote host. (default: 22)')
- self.add_argument(
- '--remote-socket-path',
- metavar='PATH',
- help=('path of podman socket on remote host'
- ' (default: /run/podman/io.podman)'))
- self.add_argument(
- '--identity-file',
- '-i',
- action=PathAction,
- help='path to ssh identity file. (default: ~user/.ssh/id_dsa)')
- self.add_argument(
- '--config-home',
- metavar='DIRECTORY',
- action=PathAction,
- help=('home of configuration "pypodman.conf".'
- ' (default: XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pypodman)'))
- actions_parser = self.add_subparsers(
- dest='subparser_name', help='commands')
- # For create/exec/run: don't process options intended for subcommand
- actions_parser.REMAINDER = argparse.REMAINDER
- # import buried here to prevent import loops
- import pypodman.lib.actions # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
- assert pypodman.lib.actions
- # pull in plugin(s) code for each subcommand
- for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(
- sys.modules['pypodman.lib.actions'],
- predicate=inspect.isclass):
- if hasattr(obj, 'subparser'):
- try:
- obj.subparser(actions_parser)
- except NameError as e:
- logging.critical(e)
- logging.warning(
- 'See subparser configuration for Class "%s"', name)
- sys.exit(3)
- def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
- """Parse command line arguments, backed by env var and config_file."""
- self.initialize_parser()
- cooked = super().parse_args(args, namespace)
- return self.resolve_configuration(cooked)
- def resolve_configuration(self, args):
- """Find and fill in any arguments not passed on command line."""
- args.xdg_runtime_dir = os.environ.get('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', '/tmp')
- args.xdg_config_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME',
- os.path.expanduser('~/.config'))
- args.xdg_config_dirs = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', '/etc/xdg')
- # Configuration file(s) are optional,
- # required arguments may be provided elsewhere
- config = {'default': {}}
- dirs = args.xdg_config_dirs.split(':')
- dirs.extend((args.xdg_config_home, args.config_home))
- for dir_ in dirs:
- if dir_ is None:
- continue
- with suppress(OSError):
- cnf = Path(dir_, 'pypodman', 'pypodman.conf')
- with cnf.open() as stream:
- config.update(pytoml.load(stream))
- def reqattr(name, value):
- """Raise an error if value is unset."""
- if value:
- setattr(args, name, value)
- return value
- return self.error(
- 'Required argument "{}" is not configured.'.format(name))
- reqattr(
- 'run_dir',
- getattr(args, 'run_dir')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_RUN_DIR')
- or config['default'].get('run_dir')
- or str(Path(args.xdg_runtime_dir, 'pypodman'))
- ) # yapf: disable
- setattr(
- args,
- 'host',
- getattr(args, 'host')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_HOST')
- or config['default'].get('host')
- ) # yapf:disable
- reqattr(
- 'username',
- getattr(args, 'username')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_USER')
- or config['default'].get('username')
- or os.environ.get('USER')
- or os.environ.get('LOGNAME')
- or getpass.getuser()
- ) # yapf:disable
- reqattr(
- 'port',
- getattr(args, 'port')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_PORT')
- or config['default'].get('port', None)
- or 22
- ) # yapf:disable
- reqattr(
- 'remote_socket_path',
- getattr(args, 'remote_socket_path')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_REMOTE_SOCKET_PATH')
- or config['default'].get('remote_socket_path')
- or '/run/podman/io.podman'
- ) # yapf:disable
- reqattr(
- 'log_level',
- getattr(args, 'log_level')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_LOG_LEVEL')
- or config['default'].get('log_level')
- or logging.WARNING
- ) # yapf:disable
- setattr(
- args,
- 'identity_file',
- getattr(args, 'identity_file')
- or os.environ.get('PODMAN_IDENTITY_FILE')
- or config['default'].get('identity_file')
- or os.path.expanduser('~{}/.ssh/id_dsa'.format(args.username))
- ) # yapf:disable
- if not os.path.isfile(args.identity_file):
- args.identity_file = None
- if args.host:
- args.local_socket_path = str(Path(args.run_dir, 'podman.socket'))
- else:
- args.local_socket_path = args.remote_socket_path
- args.local_uri = 'unix:{}'.format(args.local_socket_path)
- if args.host:
- components = ['ssh://', args.username, '@', args.host]
- if args.port:
- components.extend((':', str(args.port)))
- components.append(args.remote_socket_path)
- args.remote_uri = ''.join(components)
- return args
- def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
- """Capture message and route to logger."""
- if message:
- log = logging.info if status == 0 else logging.error
- log(message)
- super().exit(status)
- def error(self, message):
- """Capture message and route to logger."""
- logging.error('%s: %s', self.prog, message)
- logging.error("Try '%s --help' for more information.", self.prog)
- super().exit(2)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/report.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/report.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b689390fd..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/lib/report.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-"""Report Manager."""
-import string
-import sys
-from collections import namedtuple
-class ReportFormatter(string.Formatter):
- """Custom formatter to default missing keys to '<none>'."""
- def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
- """Map missing key to value '<none>'."""
- try:
- if isinstance(key, int):
- return args[key]
- else:
- return kwargs[key]
- except KeyError:
- return '<none>'
-class ReportColumn(namedtuple('ReportColumn', 'key display width default')):
- """Hold attributes of output column."""
- __slots__ = ()
- def __new__(cls, key, display, width, default=None):
- """Add defaults for attributes."""
- return super(ReportColumn, cls).__new__(cls, key, display, width,
- default)
-class Report():
- """Report Manager."""
- def __init__(self, columns, heading=True, epilog=None, file=sys.stdout):
- """Construct Report.
- columns is a mapping for named fields to column headings.
- headers True prints headers on table.
- epilog will be printed when the report context is closed.
- """
- self._columns = columns
- self._file = file
- self._format_string = None
- self._formatter = ReportFormatter()
- self._heading = heading
- self.epilog = epilog
- def row(self, **fields):
- """Print row for report."""
- if self._heading:
- hdrs = {k: v.display for (k, v) in self._columns.items()}
- print(
- self._formatter.format(self._format_string, **hdrs),
- flush=True,
- file=self._file,
- )
- self._heading = False
- fields = {k: str(v) for k, v in fields.items()}
- print(self._formatter.format(self._format_string, **fields))
- def __enter__(self):
- """Return `self` upon entering the runtime context."""
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- """Leave Report context and print epilog if provided."""
- if self.epilog:
- print(self.epilog, flush=True, file=self._file)
- def layout(self, iterable, keys, truncate=True):
- """Use data and headings build format for table to fit."""
- fmt = []
- for key in keys:
- slice_ = [str(i.get(key, '')) for i in iterable]
- data_len = len(max(slice_, key=len))
- info = self._columns.get(key,
- ReportColumn(key, key.upper(), data_len))
- display_len = max(data_len, len(info.display))
- if truncate and info.width != 0:
- display_len = info.width
- fmt.append('{{{0}:{1}.{1}}}'.format(key, display_len))
- self._format_string = ' '.join(fmt)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/main.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/main.py
deleted file mode 100755
index e512dc483..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-"""Remote podman client."""
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from subprocess import CalledProcessError
-from pypodman.lib import PodmanArgumentParser
-def main():
- """Entry point."""
- # Setup logging so we use stderr and can change logging level later
- # Do it now before there is any chance of a default setup hardcoding crap.
- log = logging.getLogger()
- fmt = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s | %(levelname)-8s | %(message)s',
- '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
- stderr = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
- stderr.setFormatter(fmt)
- log.addHandler(stderr)
- log.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- parser = PodmanArgumentParser()
- args = parser.parse_args()
- log.setLevel(args.log_level)
- logging.debug(
- 'Logging initialized at level %s',
- logging.getLevelName(logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()))
- def want_tb():
- """Add traceback when logging events."""
- return log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG
- try:
- if not os.path.exists(args.run_dir):
- os.makedirs(args.run_dir)
- except PermissionError as e:
- logging.critical(e, exc_info=want_tb())
- sys.exit(6)
- # class_(args).method() are set by the sub-command's parser
- returncode = None
- try:
- obj = args.class_(args)
- except AttributeError:
- parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- except ValueError as e:
- print(e, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
- sys.exit(1)
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- logging.critical(repr(e), exc_info=want_tb())
- logging.warning('See subparser "%s" configuration.',
- args.subparser_name)
- sys.exit(5)
- try:
- returncode = getattr(obj, args.method)()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- except AttributeError as e:
- logging.critical(e, exc_info=want_tb())
- logging.warning('See subparser "%s" configuration.',
- args.subparser_name)
- returncode = 3
- except (
- CalledProcessError,
- ConnectionError,
- ConnectionRefusedError,
- ConnectionResetError,
- TimeoutError,
- ) as e:
- logging.critical(e, exc_info=want_tb())
- logging.info('Review connection arguments for correctness.')
- returncode = 4
- return 0 if returncode is None else returncode
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/test/test_report.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/test/test_report.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 280a9a954..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/pypodman/test/test_report.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import unittest
-from report import Report, ReportColumn
-class TestReport(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def test_report_column(self):
- rc = ReportColumn('k', 'v', 3)
- self.assertEqual(rc.key, 'k')
- self.assertEqual(rc.display, 'v')
- self.assertEqual(rc.width, 3)
- self.assertIsNone(rc.default)
- rc = ReportColumn('k', 'v', 3, 'd')
- self.assertEqual(rc.key, 'k')
- self.assertEqual(rc.display, 'v')
- self.assertEqual(rc.width, 3)
- self.assertEqual(rc.default, 'd')
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/requirements.txt b/contrib/python/pypodman/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba01ed36e..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/pypodman/setup.py b/contrib/python/pypodman/setup.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f07e89201..000000000
--- a/contrib/python/pypodman/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-from setuptools import find_packages, setup
-root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-with open(os.path.join(root, 'README.md')) as me:
- readme = me.read()
-with open(os.path.join(root, 'requirements.txt')) as r:
- requirements = r.read().splitlines()
- name='pypodman',
- version=os.environ.get('PODMAN_VERSION', '0.0.0'),
- description='A client for communicating with a Podman server',
- author_email='jhonce@redhat.com',
- author='Jhon Honce',
- license='Apache Software License',
- long_description=readme,
- entry_points={'console_scripts': [
- 'pypodman = pypodman.main:main',
- ]},
- include_package_data=True,
- install_requires=requirements,
- packages=find_packages(exclude=['test']),
- python_requires='>=3',
- zip_safe=True,
- url='http://github.com/containers/libpod',
- keywords='varlink libpod podman pypodman',
- classifiers=[
- 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
- 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
- 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
- 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
- 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
- 'Operating System :: POSIX',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
- 'Topic :: System :: Systems Administration',
- 'Topic :: Utilities',
- ])