path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
12 files changed, 524 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..cbc481d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index 1ffe554e9..5895d84f4 100644
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ export FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-31-1-9-1578586410"
export PRIOR_FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-30-1-2-1578586410"
# IN_PODMAN container image
# Image for uploading releases
# Avoid getting stuck waiting for user input
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/logformatter b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4cc4480f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/logformatter
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# logformatter - highlight a Cirrus test log (ginkgo or bats)
+# Adapted from
+package LibPod::CI::LogFormatter;
+use v5.14;
+use utf8;
+# Grumble. CI system doesn't have 'open'
+binmode STDIN, ':utf8';
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+(our $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+# For debugging, show data structures using DumpTree($var)
+#use Data::TreeDumper; $Data::TreeDumper::Displayaddress = 0;
+# BEGIN user-customizable section
+# Stylesheet for highlighting or de-highlighting parts of lines
+our $CSS = <<'END_CSS';
+/* wrap long lines - don't require user to scroll right */
+pre { line-break: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: pre-wrap; }
+.boring { color: #999; }
+.timestamp { color: #999; }
+.log-debug { color: #999; }
+.log-info { color: #333; }
+.log-warn { color: #f60; }
+.log-error { color: #900; font-weight: bold; }
+.subtest { background: #eee; }
+.subsubtest { color: #F39; font-weight: bold; }
+.string { color: #00c; }
+.command { font-weight: bold; color: #000; }
+.changed { color: #000; font-weight: bold; }
+/* links to source files: not as prominent as links to errors */
+a.codelink:link { color: #000; }
+a.codelink:visited { color: #666; }
+a.codelink:hover { background: #000; color: #999; }
+/* The timing tests at bottom: remove underline, it's too cluttery. */
+a.timing { text-decoration: none; }
+/* BATS styles */
+.bats-ok { color: #3f3; }
+.bats-notok { color: #F00; font-weight: bold; }
+.bats-skip { color: #F90; }
+.bats-log { color: #900; }
+.bats-log-esm { color: #b00; font-weight: bold; }
+/* error titles: display next to timestamp, not on separate line */
+h2 { display: inline; }
+# END user-customizable section
+# BEGIN boilerplate args checking, usage messages
+sub usage {
+ print <<"END_USAGE";
+$ME is a filter; it HTMLifies an input stream (presumably
+Ginkgo or BATS log results), writing HTML results to an output file
+but passing stdin unmodified to stdout. It is intended to run in
+the Cirrus CI environment.
+ TEST_NAME descriptive name; output file will be TEST_NAME.log.html
+ --help display this message
+ --man display program man page
+ --version display program name and version
+ exit;
+# Command-line options. Note that this operates directly on @ARGV !
+our $debug = 0;
+our $force = 0;
+our $verbose = 0;
+our $NOT = ''; # print "blahing the blah$NOT\n" if $debug
+sub handle_opts {
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ GetOptions(
+ 'debug!' => \$debug,
+ 'dry-run|n!' => sub { $NOT = ' [NOT]' },
+ 'force' => \$force,
+ 'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
+ help => \&usage,
+ version => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 },
+ ) or die "Try `$ME --help' for help\n";
+# END boilerplate args checking, usage messages
+############################## CODE BEGINS HERE ###############################
+# The term is "modulino".
+__PACKAGE__->main() unless caller();
+# Main code.
+sub main {
+ # Note that we operate directly on @ARGV, not on function parameters.
+ # This is deliberate: it's because Getopt::Long only operates on @ARGV
+ # and there's no clean way to make it use @_.
+ handle_opts(); # will set package globals
+ # In case someone is tempted to run us on the command line
+ die "$ME: this is a filter, not an interactive script\n" if -t *STDIN;
+ # Fetch command-line arguments. Barf if too many.
+ my $test_name = shift(@ARGV)
+ or die "$ME: missing TEST_NAME argument; try $ME --help\n";
+ warn "$ME: Too many arguments; ignoring extras. try $ME --help\n" if @ARGV;
+ format_log($test_name);
+sub format_log {
+ my $test_name = shift; # in: e.g. 'integration_test'
+ my $outfile = "$test_name.log.html";
+ my $out_tmp = "$outfile.tmp.$$";
+ open my $out_fh, '>:utf8', $out_tmp
+ or warn "$ME: Cannot create $out_tmp: $!\n";
+ # Boilerplate: HTML headers for output file
+ print { $out_fh } <<"END_HTML" if $out_fh;
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html
+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" lang="en-US">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<style type="text/css">
+<!-- on page load, go to bottom: that's where the error summary is -->
+<script language="javascript">
+function scrollToBottom() {
+ if (window.scrollY < 10) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
+ }
+window.addEventListener("load", scrollToBottom, false);
+ # State variables
+ my $previous_timestamp = ''; # timestamp of previous line
+ my $cirrus_task; # Cirrus task number, used for linking
+ my $git_commit; # git SHA, used for linking to source files
+ my $in_failure; # binary flag: are we in an error dump?
+ my $in_timing; # binary flag: are we in the timing section?
+ my $after_divider = 0; # Count of lines after seeing '-----'
+ my $current_output; # for removing duplication
+ my $looks_like_bats; # binary flag: for detecting BATS results
+ # Main loop: read input, one line at a time, and write out reformatted
+ while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
+ print $line; # Immediately dump back to stdout
+ # Remain robust in face of errors: always write stdout even if no HTML
+ next LINE if ! $out_fh;
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/\0//g; # Some log files have NULs????
+ $line = escapeHTML($line);
+ # Temporarily strip off leading timestamp
+ $line =~ s/^(\[\+\d+s\]\s)//;
+ my $timestamp = $1 || '';
+ if ($previous_timestamp && $timestamp eq $previous_timestamp) {
+ $timestamp = ' ' x length($timestamp);
+ }
+ elsif ($timestamp) {
+ $previous_timestamp = $timestamp;
+ }
+ # Try to identify the git commit we're working with...
+ if ($line =~ m!libpod/define.gitCommit=([0-9a-f]+)!) {
+ $git_commit = $1;
+ }
+ # we can link to specific lines in source files
+ if ($git_commit) {
+ # 1 12 3 34 4 5 526 6
+ $line =~ s{^(.*)(\/(containers\/libpod)(\/\S+):(\d+))(.*)$}
+ {$1<a class="codelink" href='$3/blob/$git_commit$4#L$5'>$2</a>$6};
+ }
+ # Try to identify the cirrus task
+ if ($line =~ /cirrus-task-(\d+)/) {
+ $cirrus_task = $1;
+ }
+ # BATS handling
+ if ($line =~ /^1\.\.\d+$/) {
+ $looks_like_bats = 1;
+ }
+ if ($looks_like_bats) {
+ my $css;
+ if ($line =~ /^ok\s.*\s# skip/) { $css = 'skip' }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^ok\s/) { $css = 'ok' }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^not\s+ok\s/) { $css = 'notok' }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^#\s#\|\s/) { $css = 'log-esm' }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^#\s/) { $css = 'log' }
+ if ($css) {
+ $line = "<span class='bats-$css'>$line</span>";
+ }
+ print { $out_fh } "<span class=\"timestamp\">$timestamp</span>"
+ if $timestamp;
+ print { $out_fh } $line, "\n";
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ # Timing section at the bottom of the page
+ if ($line =~ / timing results\s*$/) {
+ $in_timing = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($in_timing) {
+ if ($line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s*$/) {
+ my ($name, $time) = ($1, $2);
+ my $id = make_id($1, 'timing');
+ # Try to column-align the timing numbers. Some test names
+ # will be longer than our max - oh well.
+ my $spaces = 80 - length(unescapeHTML($name));
+ $spaces = 1 if $spaces < 1;
+ $spaces++ if $time < 10;
+ my $spacing = ' ' x $spaces;
+ $line = qq{<a class="timing" href="#t--$id">$name</a>$spacing$time};
+ }
+ else {
+ $in_timing = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Ginkgo error reformatting
+ #
+ if ($line =~ /^.{1,4} (Failure|Panic)( in .*)? \[/) {
+ # Begins a block of multiple lines including a stack trace
+ print { $out_fh } "<div class='log-error'>\n";
+ $in_failure = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^-----------/) {
+ if ($in_failure) {
+ # Ends a stack trace block
+ $in_failure = 0;
+ print { $out_fh } "</div>\n";
+ }
+ $after_divider = 1;
+ print { $out_fh } "</pre>\n<hr />\n<pre>\n";
+ # Always show timestamp at start of each new test
+ $previous_timestamp = '';
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^Running:/) {
+ # Highlight the important (non-boilerplate) podman command.
+ # Strip out the global podman options, but show them on hover
+ $line =~ s{(\S+\/podman)((\s+--(root|runroot|runtime|tmpdir|storage-opt|conmon|cgroup-manager|cni-config-dir|storage-driver|events-backend) \S+)*)(.*)}{
+ my ($full_path, $options, $args) = ($1, $2, $5);
+ $options =~ s/^\s+//;
+ # Separate each '--foo bar' with newlines for readability
+ $options =~ s/ --/\n--/g;
+ qq{<span title="$full_path"><b>podman</b></span> <span class=\"boring\" title=\"$options\">[options]</span><b>$args</b>};
+ }e;
+ $current_output = '';
+ }
+ # Grrr. 'output:' usually just tells us what we already know.
+ elsif ($line =~ /^output:/) {
+ $current_output =~ s!^\s+|\s+$!!g; # Trim leading/trailing blanks
+ $current_output =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse multiple spaces
+ if ($line eq "output: $current_output" || $line eq 'output: ') {
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^Error:/ || $line =~ / level=(warning|error) /) {
+ $line = "<span class='log-warn'>" . $line . "</span>";
+ }
+ else {
+ $current_output .= ' ' . $line;
+ }
+ # Two lines after each divider, there's a test name. Make it
+ # an anchor so we can link to it later.
+ if ($after_divider++ == 2) {
+ # Sigh. There is no actual marker. Assume that anything with
+ ## two leading spaces then alpha (not slashes) is a test name.
+ if ($line =~ /^ [a-zA-Z]/) {
+ my $id = make_id($line, 'anchor');
+ $line = "<a name='t--$id'><h2>$line</h2></a>";
+ }
+ }
+ # Failure name corresponds to a previously-seen block.
+ ## FIXME: sometimes there are three failures with the same name.
+ ## ...I have no idea why or how to link to the right ones.
+ # 1 2 2 3 3 14 4
+ if ($line =~ /^(\[(Fail|Panic!)\] .* \[(It|BeforeEach)\] )([A-Za-z].*)/) {
+ my ($lhs, $type, $ginkgo_fluff, $testname) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ my $id = make_id($testname, 'link');
+ $line = "<b>$lhs<a href='#t--$id'>$testname</a></b>";
+ }
+ print { $out_fh } "<span class=\"timestamp\">$timestamp</span>"
+ if $timestamp;
+ print { $out_fh } $line, "\n";
+ }
+ my $have_formatted_log; # Set on success
+ if ($out_fh) {
+ print { $out_fh } "</pre>\n";
+ # Did we find a cirrus task? Link back.
+ if ($cirrus_task) {
+ print { $out_fh } <<"END_HTML";
+<hr />
+<h3>Cirrus <a href="$cirrus_task">task $cirrus_task</a></h3>
+ }
+ # FIXME: need a safe way to get TZ
+ printf { $out_fh } <<"END_HTML", scalar(CORE::localtime);
+<hr />
+<small>Processed %s by $ME v$VERSION</small>
+ if (close $out_fh) {
+ if (rename $out_tmp => $outfile) {
+ $have_formatted_log = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "$ME: Could not rename $out_tmp: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "$ME: Error writing $out_tmp: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # FIXME: if Cirrus magic envariables are available, write a link to results
+ if ($have_formatted_log && $ENV{CIRRUS_TASK_ID}) {
+ my $URL_BASE = "";
+ my $STATIC_MAGIC_BLOB = "cirrus-ci-5385732420009984-fcae48";
+ my $ARTIFACT_NAME = "html";
+ print "\n\nAnnotated results:\n $URL\n";
+ }
+# make_id # Given a test name, generate an anchor link name
+sub make_id {
+ my $name = shift; # in: test title
+ my $type = shift; # in: differentiator (anchor, link)
+ state %counter;
+ $name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # strip leading/trailing whitespace
+ $name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/-/g; # Convert non-alphanumeric to dash
+ # Keep a running tally of how many times we've seen this identifier
+ # for this given type! This lets us cross-match, in the bottom of
+ # the page, the first/second/third failure of a given test.
+ $name .= "--" . ++$counter{$type}{$name};
+ $name;
+sub escapeHTML {
+ my $s = shift;
+ state %chars;
+ %chars = ('&' => '&amp;', '<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '"' => '&quot;', "'" => '&#39;')
+ if keys(%chars) == 0;
+ my $class = join('', sort keys %chars);
+ $s =~ s/([$class])/$chars{$1}/ge;
+ return $s;
+sub unescapeHTML {
+ my $s = shift;
+ # We don't actually care about the character, only its length
+ $s =~ s/\&\#?[a-z0-9]+;/./g;
+ return $s;
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/packer/libpod_base_images.yml b/contrib/cirrus/packer/libpod_base_images.yml
index 21f3795f1..255723d57 100644
--- a/contrib/cirrus/packer/libpod_base_images.yml
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/packer/libpod_base_images.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ variables:
# Required for output from qemu builders
- # Ubuntu releases are mearly copied to this project for control purposes
+ # Ubuntu releases are merely copied to this project for control purposes
diff --git a/contrib/cirrus/ b/contrib/cirrus/
index d2e1b8767..5001ef4dd 100755
--- a/contrib/cirrus/
+++ b/contrib/cirrus/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ exithandler() {
echo "$(basename $0) exit status: $RET"
[[ "$RET" -eq "0" ]] && date +%s >> "$SETUP_MARKER_FILEPATH"
- [ "$RET" -eq "0" ]] || warn "Non-zero exit caused by error ABOVE env. var. display."
+ [[ "$RET" -eq "0" ]] || warn "Non-zero exit caused by error ABOVE env. var. display."
trap exithandler EXIT
diff --git a/contrib/fedora-minimal/Dockerfile b/contrib/fedora-minimal/Dockerfile
index 8ea4e6765..a051b3204 100644
--- a/contrib/fedora-minimal/Dockerfile
+++ b/contrib/fedora-minimal/Dockerfile
@@ -1 +1 @@
-FROM fedora-minimal:latest
diff --git a/contrib/gate/Dockerfile b/contrib/gate/Dockerfile
index 2a904a202..54bd2cbde 100644
--- a/contrib/gate/Dockerfile
+++ b/contrib/gate/Dockerfile
@@ -33,31 +33,36 @@ RUN dnf -y install \
zip \
&& dnf clean all
-ENV GOPATH="/go" \
- PATH="/go/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" \
+ENV GOPATH="/var/tmp/go" \
+ GOBIN="/var/tmp/go/bin" \
+ PATH="/var/tmp/go/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" \
SRCPATH="/usr/src/libpod" \
- GOSRC="/go/src/"
+ GOSRC="/var/tmp/go/src/"
-# Only needed for installing build-time dependencies
+# Only needed for installing build-time dependencies, then will be removed
# Install dependencies
RUN set -x && \
+ mkdir -p "$GOBIN" && \
+ mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d && \
+ mkdir -p /etc/containers && \
install -D -m 755 $GOSRC/contrib/gate/ /usr/local/bin/ && \
- python3 -m pip install pre-commit && \
- rm -rf "$GOSRC"
+ python3 -m pip install pre-commit
# Install cni config
-#RUN make install.cni
-RUN mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d/
COPY cni/87-podman-bridge.conflist /etc/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist
# Make sure we have some policy for pulling images
-RUN mkdir -p /etc/containers
COPY test/policy.json /etc/containers/policy.json
COPY test/redhat_sigstore.yaml /etc/containers/registries.d/
+RUN make && \
+ cd / && \
+ rm -rf "$GOSRC" && \
+ mkdir -p "$GOSRC"
VOLUME ["/usr/src/libpod"]
+# This entrypoint will synchronize the above volume ($SRCPATH) to $GOSRC before
+# executing make. This ensures the original source remains prestine and is never
+# modified by any lint/validation checks.
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
diff --git a/contrib/gate/ b/contrib/gate/
index 709e6035f..fe1205dc5 100644
--- a/contrib/gate/
+++ b/contrib/gate/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
![PODMAN logo](../../logo/podman-logo-source.svg)
-A standard container image for `gofmt` and lint-checking the libpod
-repository. The [contributors guide contains the documentation for usage.](
+A standard container image for lint-checking and validating changes to the libpod
+repository. The
+[contributors guide contains the documentation for usage.]( Note that this container image is also utilized
+in automation, see the file [.cirrus.yml](.cirrus.yml)
diff --git a/contrib/gate/ b/contrib/gate/
index 0189cf7c5..ab6528e00 100755
--- a/contrib/gate/
+++ b/contrib/gate/
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
-[[ -n "$SRCPATH" ]] || \
- ( echo "ERROR: \$SRCPATH must be non-empty" && exit 1 )
-[[ -n "$GOSRC" ]] || \
- ( echo "ERROR: \$GOSRC must be non-empty" && exit 2 )
+set -e
+die() {
+ echo "${2:-FATAL ERROR (but no message given!)} (gate container entrypoint)"
+ exit ${1:-1}
+[[ -n "$SRCPATH" ]] || die 1 "ERROR: \$SRCPATH must be non-empty"
+[[ -n "$GOPATH" ]] || die 2 "ERROR: \$GOPATH must be non-empty"
+[[ -n "$GOSRC" ]] || die 3 "ERROR: \$GOSRC must be non-empty"
[[ -r "${SRCPATH}/contrib/gate/Dockerfile" ]] || \
- ( echo "ERROR: Expecting libpod repository root at $SRCPATH" && exit 3 )
+ die 4 "ERROR: Expecting libpod repository root at $SRCPATH"
# Working from a copy avoids needing to perturb the actual source files
-mkdir -p "$GOSRC"
+# if/when developers use gate container for local testing
+echo "Copying $SRCPATH to $GOSRC"
+mkdir -vp "$GOSRC"
/usr/bin/rsync --recursive --links --quiet --safe-links \
--perms --times --delete "${SRCPATH}/" "${GOSRC}/"
cd "$GOSRC"
-make "$@"
+exec make "$@"
diff --git a/contrib/podmanimage/ b/contrib/podmanimage/
index ab55f3189..9d841cdba 100644
--- a/contrib/podmanimage/
+++ b/contrib/podmanimage/
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ the images live are public and can be pulled without credentials. These contain
resulting containers can run safely with privileges within the container. The container images are built
using the latest Fedora and then Podman is installed into them:
- * - This image is built using the latest stable version of Podman in a Fedora based container. Built with podman/stable/Dockerfile.
- * - This image is built using the latest code found in this GitHub repository. When someone creates a commit and pushes it, the image is created. Due to that the image changes frequently and is not guaranteed to be stable. Built with podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile.
- * - This image is built using the latest version of Podman that is or was in updates testing for Fedora. At times this may be the same as the stable image. This container image will primarily be used by the development teams for verification testing when a new package is created. Built with podmanimage/testing/Dockerfile.
+ * - This image is built using the latest stable version of Podman in a Fedora based container. Built with [podmanimage/stable/Dockerfile](stable/Dockerfile).
+ * - This image is built using the latest code found in this GitHub repository. When someone creates a commit and pushes it, the image is created. Due to that the image changes frequently and is not guaranteed to be stable. Built with [podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile](upstream/Dockerfile).
+ * - This image is built using the latest version of Podman that is or was in updates testing for Fedora. At times this may be the same as the stable image. This container image will primarily be used by the development teams for verification testing when a new package is created. Built with [podmanimage/testing/Dockerfile](testing/Dockerfile).
+ * - This image is built manually using a Fedora based container. An RPM is first pulled from the [Fedora Updates System]( and the image is built from there. For more details, see the Containerfile used to build it, [podmanimage/stable/manual/Containerfile](stable/manual/Containerfile).
## Sample Usage
diff --git a/contrib/podmanimage/stable/manual/Containerfile b/contrib/podmanimage/stable/manual/Containerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d76d6d9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/podmanimage/stable/manual/Containerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# stable/manual/Containerfile
+# Build a Podman container image from the latest
+# stable version of Podman on the Fedora Updates System.
+# This image can be used to create a secured container
+# that runs safely with privileges within the container.
+# This Containerfile builds version 1.7.0, the version and
+# the RPM name would need to be adjusted before a run as
+# appropriate.
+# To use, first copy an rpm file from bohdi to `/root/tmp`
+# and then run:
+# 'podman build -f ./Containerfile -t .'
+# Once complete run:
+# `podman push docker://`
+# Start Build Process using the latest Fedora
+FROM fedora:latest
+# Don't include container-selinux and remove
+# directories used by dnf that are just taking
+# up space.
+COPY /tmp/podman-1.7.0-3.fc30.x86_64.rpm /tmp
+RUN yum -y install /tmp/podman-1.7.0-3.fc30.x86_64.rpm fuse-overlayfs --exclude container-selinux; rm -rf /var/cache /var/log/dnf* /var/log/yum.* /tmp/podman*.rpm
+# Adjust storage.conf to enable Fuse storage.
+RUN sed -i -e 's|^#mount_program|mount_program|g' -e '/additionalimage.*/a "/var/lib/shared",' /etc/containers/storage.conf
+RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/shared/overlay-images /var/lib/shared/overlay-layers; touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-images/images.lock; touch /var/lib/shared/overlay-layers/layers.lock
+# Adjust libpod.conf to write logging to a file
+RUN sed -i 's/events_logger = "journald"/events_logger = "file"/g' /usr/share/containers/libpod.conf; mkdir -p /run/systemd/journal
+# Set up environment variables to note that this is
+# not starting with usernamespace and default to
+# isolate the filesystem with chroot.
diff --git a/contrib/podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile b/contrib/podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile
index 7c9434fa6..847097920 100644
--- a/contrib/podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile
+++ b/contrib/podmanimage/upstream/Dockerfile
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ ENV GOPATH=/root/podman
# that are needed for building but not running Podman
RUN useradd build; yum -y update; yum -y reinstall shadow-utils; yum -y install --exclude container-selinux \
--enablerepo=updates-testing \
- atomic-registries \
btrfs-progs-devel \
containernetworking-cni \
+ conmon \
device-mapper-devel \
git \
glib2-devel \
glibc-devel \
glibc-static \
go \
- golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man \
+ golang-github-cpuguy83-md2man \
gpgme-devel \
iptables \
libassuan-devel \