path: root/docs/source/markdown/
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/markdown/ b/docs/source/markdown/
index 011efc5b7..1d7b1f259 100644
--- a/docs/source/markdown/
+++ b/docs/source/markdown/
@@ -122,166 +122,7 @@ clone process has completed. All containers within the pod are started.
@@option uts.pod
-#### **--volume**, **-v**=*[[SOURCE-VOLUME|HOST-DIR:]CONTAINER-DIR[:OPTIONS]]*
-Create a bind mount. If ` -v /HOST-DIR:/CONTAINER-DIR` is specified, Podman
-bind mounts `/HOST-DIR` in the host to `/CONTAINER-DIR` in the Podman
-container. Similarly, `-v SOURCE-VOLUME:/CONTAINER-DIR` will mount the volume
-in the host to the container. If no such named volume exists, Podman will
-create one. The `OPTIONS` are a comma-separated list and can be: <sup>[[1]](#Footnote1)</sup> (Note when using the remote client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines, the volumes will be mounted from the remote server, not necessarily the client machine.)
-The _options_ is a comma-separated list and can be:
-* **rw**|**ro**
-* **z**|**Z**
-* [**r**]**shared**|[**r**]**slave**|[**r**]**private**[**r**]**unbindable**
-* [**r**]**bind**
-* [**no**]**exec**
-* [**no**]**dev**
-* [**no**]**suid**
-* [**O**]
-* [**U**]
-The `CONTAINER-DIR` must be an absolute path such as `/src/docs`. The volume
-will be mounted into the container at this directory.
-Volumes may specify a source as well, as either a directory on the host
-or the name of a named volume. If no source is given, the volume will be created as an
-anonymously named volume with a randomly generated name, and will be removed when
-the pod is removed via the `--rm` flag or `podman rm --volumes` commands.
-If a volume source is specified, it must be a path on the host or the name of a
-named volume. Host paths are allowed to be absolute or relative; relative paths
-are resolved relative to the directory Podman is run in. If the source does not
-exist, Podman will return an error. Users must pre-create the source files or
-Any source that does not begin with a `.` or `/` will be treated as the name of
-a named volume. If a volume with that name does not exist, it will be created.
-Volumes created with names are not anonymous, and they are not removed by the `--rm`
-option and the `podman rm --volumes` command.
-Specify multiple **-v** options to mount one or more volumes into a
- `Write Protected Volume Mounts`
-Add `:ro` or `:rw` suffix to a volume to mount it read-only or
-read-write mode, respectively. By default, the volumes are mounted read-write.
-See examples.
- `Chowning Volume Mounts`
-By default, Podman does not change the owner and group of source volume
-directories mounted into containers. If a pod is created in a new user
-namespace, the UID and GID in the container may correspond to another UID and
-GID on the host.
-The `:U` suffix tells Podman to use the correct host UID and GID based on the
-UID and GID within the pod, to change recursively the owner and group of
-the source volume.
-**Warning** use with caution since this will modify the host filesystem.
- `Labeling Volume Mounts`
-Labeling systems like SELinux require that proper labels are placed on volume
-content mounted into a pod. Without a label, the security system might
-prevent the processes running inside the pod from using the content. By
-default, Podman does not change the labels set by the OS.
-To change a label in the pod context, add either of two suffixes
-`:z` or `:Z` to the volume mount. These suffixes tell Podman to relabel file
-objects on the shared volumes. The `z` option tells Podman that two pods
-share the volume content. As a result, Podman labels the content with a shared
-content label. Shared volume labels allow all containers to read/write content.
-The `Z` option tells Podman to label the content with a private unshared label.
-Only the current pod can use a private volume.
- `Overlay Volume Mounts`
- The `:O` flag tells Podman to mount the directory from the host as a
-temporary storage using the `overlay file system`. The pod processes
-can modify content within the mountpoint which is stored in the
-container storage in a separate directory. In overlay terms, the source
-directory will be the lower, and the container storage directory will be the
-upper. Modifications to the mount point are destroyed when the pod
-finishes executing, similar to a tmpfs mount point being unmounted.
- Subsequent executions of the container will see the original source directory
-content, any changes from previous pod executions no longer exist.
- One use case of the overlay mount is sharing the package cache from the
-host into the container to allow speeding up builds.
- Note:
- - The `O` flag conflicts with other options listed above.
-Content mounted into the container is labeled with the private label.
- On SELinux systems, labels in the source directory must be readable
-by the infra container label. Usually containers can read/execute `container_share_t`
-and can read/write `container_file_t`. If unable to change the labels on a
-source volume, SELinux container separation must be disabled for the infra container/pod
-to work.
- - The source directory mounted into the pod with an overlay mount
-should not be modified, it can cause unexpected failures. It is recommended
-to not modify the directory until the container finishes running.
- `Mounts propagation`
-By default bind mounted volumes are `private`. That means any mounts done
-inside pod will not be visible on host and vice versa. One can change
-this behavior by specifying a volume mount propagation property. Making a
-volume `shared` mounts done under that volume inside pod will be
-visible on host and vice versa. Making a volume `slave` enables only one
-way mount propagation and that is mounts done on host under that volume
-will be visible inside container but not the other way around. <sup>[[1]](#Footnote1)</sup>
-To control mount propagation property of a volume one can use the [**r**]**shared**,
-[**r**]**slave**, [**r**]**private** or the [**r**]**unbindable** propagation flag.
-Propagation property can be specified only for bind mounted volumes and not for
-internal volumes or named volumes. For mount propagation to work the source mount
-point (the mount point where source dir is mounted on) has to have the right propagation
-properties. For shared volumes, the source mount point has to be shared. And for
-slave volumes, the source mount point has to be either shared or slave.
-To recursively mount a volume and all of its submounts into a
-pod, use the `rbind` option. By default the bind option is
-used, and submounts of the source directory will not be mounted into the
-Mounting the volume with the `nosuid` options means that SUID applications on
-the volume will not be able to change their privilege. By default volumes
-are mounted with `nosuid`.
-Mounting the volume with the noexec option means that no executables on the
-volume will be able to executed within the pod.
-Mounting the volume with the nodev option means that no devices on the volume
-will be able to be used by processes within the pod. By default volumes
-are mounted with `nodev`.
-If the `<source-dir>` is a mount point, then "dev", "suid", and "exec" options are
-ignored by the kernel.
-Use `df <source-dir>` to figure out the source mount and then use
-`findmnt -o TARGET,PROPAGATION <source-mount-dir>` to figure out propagation
-properties of source mount. If `findmnt` utility is not available, then one
-can look at the mount entry for the source mount point in `/proc/self/mountinfo`. Look
-at `optional fields` and see if any propagation properties are specified.
-`shared:X` means mount is `shared`, `master:X` means mount is `slave` and if
-nothing is there that means mount is `private`. <sup>[[1]](#Footnote1)</sup>
-To change propagation properties of a mount point use `mount` command. For
-example, if one wants to bind mount source directory `/foo` one can do
-`mount --bind /foo /foo` and `mount --make-private --make-shared /foo`. This
-will convert /foo into a `shared` mount point. Alternatively one can directly
-change propagation properties of source mount. Say `/` is source mount for
-`/foo`, then use `mount --make-shared /` to convert `/` into a `shared` mount.
-Note: if the user only has access rights via a group, accessing the volume
-from inside a rootless pod will fail.
+@@option volume
#### **--volumes-from**=*container[:options]]*
@@ -343,3 +184,6 @@ d0cf1f782e2ed67e8c0050ff92df865a039186237a4df24d7acba5b1fa8cc6e7
May 2022, Originally written by Charlie Doern <>
+<a name="Footnote1">1</a>: The Podman project is committed to inclusivity, a core value of open source. The `master` and `slave` mount propagation terminology used here is problematic and divisive, and should be changed. However, these terms are currently used within the Linux kernel and must be used as-is at this time. When the kernel maintainers rectify this usage, Podman will follow suit immediately.