path: root/hack
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hack')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hack/ b/hack/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e9a755dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hack/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+set -e
+cd $(dirname $0)/../
+# TODO: Many/most of these values should come from .cirrus.yml
+PGCLOUD="sudo podman run -it --rm -e AS_ID=$UID -e AS_USER=$USER -v /home/$USER:$HOME:z"
+CREATE_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute instances create --zone=$ZONE --image=$1 --custom-cpu=$CPUS --custom-memory=$MEMORY --boot-disk-size=$DISK --labels=in-use-by=$USER $VMNAME"
+SSH_CMD="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -F /dev/null"
+CLEANUP_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute instances delete --zone $ZONE --delete-disks=all $VMNAME"
+if [[ -z "$1" ]]
+ echo -e "\n${RED}Error: No image-name specified. Some possible values (from .cirrus.yml).${NOR}"
+ egrep 'image_name' ".cirrus.yml" | grep -v '#' | cut -d: -f 2 | tr -d [:blank:]
+ exit 1
+echo -e "\n${YEL}WARNING: This will not work without local sudo access to run podman,${NOR}"
+echo -e " ${YEL}and prior authorization to use the libpod GCP project. Also,${NOR}"
+echo -e " ${YEL}possession of the proper ssh private key is required.${NOR}"
+if [[ "$USER" =~ "root" ]]
+ echo -e "\n${RED}ERROR: This script must be run as a regular user${NOR}"
+ exit 2
+if [[ ! -r "$HOME/.config/gcloud/active_config" ]]
+ echo -e "\n${RED}ERROR: Can't find gcloud configuration, attempting to run init.${NOR}"
+ $PGCLOUD init --project=$PROJECT
+cleanup() {
+ echo -e "\n${YEL}Deleting $VMNAME ${RED}(Might take a minute or two)${NOR}
+ $CLEANUP_CMD # prompts for Yes/No
+trap cleanup EXIT
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Trying to creating a VM named $VMNAME (not fatal if already exists).${NOR}"
+echo "+ $CREATE_CMD"
+$CREATE_CMD || true # allow re-running commands below when "delete: N"
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Attempting to retrieve IP address of existing ${VMNAME}${NOR}."
+IP=`$PGCLOUD compute instances list --filter=name=$VMNAME --limit=1 '--format=csv(networkInterfaces.accessConfigs.natIP)' | tr --complement --delete .[:digit:]`
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Creating $GOSRC directory.${NOR}"
+SSH_MKDIR="$SSH_CMD root@$IP mkdir -vp $GOSRC"
+echo "+ $SSH_MKDIR"
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Synchronizing local repository to $IP:${GOSRC}${NOR} ."
+export RSYNC_RSH="$SSH_CMD"
+RSYNC_CMD="rsync --quiet --recursive --update --links --safe-links --perms --sparse $PWD/ root@$IP:$GOSRC/"
+echo "+ export RSYNC_RSH=\"$SSH_CMD\""
+echo "+ $RSYNC_CMD"
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Executing environment setup${NOR}"
+ENV_CMD="$SSH_CMD root@$IP env CI=true $GOSRC/contrib/cirrus/"
+echo "+ $ENV_CMD"
+$SSH_CMD root@$IP $GOSRC/contrib/cirrus/
+echo -e "\n${YEL}Connecting to $VMNAME ${RED}(option to delete VM upon logout).${NOR}"
+SSH_CMD="$SSH_CMD -t root@$IP"
+echo "+ $SSH_CMD"
+$SSH_CMD "cd $GOSRC ; bash -il"