path: root/libpod/container_internal_linux.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libpod/container_internal_linux.go')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/libpod/container_internal_linux.go b/libpod/container_internal_linux.go
index f4b629a83..7745646b6 100644
--- a/libpod/container_internal_linux.go
+++ b/libpod/container_internal_linux.go
@@ -305,13 +305,40 @@ func (c *Container) getUserOverrides() *lookup.Overrides {
return &overrides
+func lookupHostUser(name string) (*runcuser.ExecUser, error) {
+ var execUser runcuser.ExecUser
+ // Lookup User on host
+ u, err := util.LookupUser(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return &execUser, err
+ }
+ uid, err := strconv.ParseUint(u.Uid, 8, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ return &execUser, err
+ }
+ gid, err := strconv.ParseUint(u.Gid, 8, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ return &execUser, err
+ }
+ execUser.Uid = int(uid)
+ execUser.Gid = int(gid)
+ execUser.Home = u.HomeDir
+ return &execUser, nil
// Generate spec for a container
// Accepts a map of the container's dependencies
func (c *Container) generateSpec(ctx context.Context) (*spec.Spec, error) {
overrides := c.getUserOverrides()
execUser, err := lookup.GetUserGroupInfo(c.state.Mountpoint, c.config.User, overrides)
if err != nil {
- return nil, err
+ if util.StringInSlice(c.config.User, c.config.HostUsers) {
+ execUser, err = lookupHostUser(c.config.User)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
g := generate.NewFromSpec(c.config.Spec)
@@ -990,6 +1017,7 @@ func (c *Container) exportCheckpoint(options ContainerCheckpointOptions) error {
includeFiles := []string{
+ metadata.DevShmCheckpointTar,
@@ -1134,11 +1162,38 @@ func (c *Container) checkpoint(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointO
return nil, 0, err
+ // Setting CheckpointLog early in case there is a failure.
+ c.state.CheckpointLog = path.Join(c.bundlePath(), "dump.log")
+ c.state.CheckpointPath = c.CheckpointPath()
runtimeCheckpointDuration, err := c.ociRuntime.CheckpointContainer(c, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
+ // Keep the content of /dev/shm directory
+ if c.config.ShmDir != "" && c.state.BindMounts["/dev/shm"] == c.config.ShmDir {
+ shmDirTarFileFullPath := filepath.Join(c.bundlePath(), metadata.DevShmCheckpointTar)
+ shmDirTarFile, err := os.Create(shmDirTarFileFullPath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, err
+ }
+ defer shmDirTarFile.Close()
+ input, err := archive.TarWithOptions(c.config.ShmDir, &archive.TarOptions{
+ Compression: archive.Uncompressed,
+ IncludeSourceDir: true,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, err
+ }
+ if _, err = io.Copy(shmDirTarFile, input); err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, err
+ }
+ }
// Save network.status. This is needed to restore the container with
// the same IP. Currently limited to one IP address in a container
// with one interface.
@@ -1169,6 +1224,9 @@ func (c *Container) checkpoint(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointO
if !options.KeepRunning && !options.PreCheckPoint {
c.state.State = define.ContainerStateStopped
c.state.Checkpointed = true
+ c.state.CheckpointedTime = time.Now()
+ c.state.Restored = false
+ c.state.RestoredTime = time.Time{}
// Cleanup Storage and Network
if err := c.cleanup(ctx); err != nil {
@@ -1216,6 +1274,8 @@ func (c *Container) checkpoint(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointO
logrus.Debugf("Unable to remove file %s", file)
+ // The file has been deleted. Do not mention it.
+ c.state.CheckpointLog = ""
c.state.FinishedTime = time.Now()
@@ -1293,6 +1353,10 @@ func (c *Container) restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOpti
return nil, 0, err
+ // Setting RestoreLog early in case there is a failure.
+ c.state.RestoreLog = path.Join(c.bundlePath(), "restore.log")
+ c.state.CheckpointPath = c.CheckpointPath()
// Read network configuration from checkpoint
var netStatus map[string]types.StatusBlock
_, err := metadata.ReadJSONFile(&netStatus, c.bundlePath(), metadata.NetworkStatusFile)
@@ -1473,6 +1537,24 @@ func (c *Container) restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOpti
+ // Restore /dev/shm content
+ if c.config.ShmDir != "" && c.state.BindMounts["/dev/shm"] == c.config.ShmDir {
+ shmDirTarFileFullPath := filepath.Join(c.bundlePath(), metadata.DevShmCheckpointTar)
+ if _, err := os.Stat(shmDirTarFileFullPath); err != nil {
+ logrus.Debug("Container checkpoint doesn't contain dev/shm: ", err.Error())
+ } else {
+ shmDirTarFile, err := os.Open(shmDirTarFileFullPath)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, err
+ }
+ defer shmDirTarFile.Close()
+ if err := archive.UntarUncompressed(shmDirTarFile, c.config.ShmDir, nil); err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Cleanup for a working restore.
if err := c.removeConmonFiles(); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
@@ -1559,6 +1641,9 @@ func (c *Container) restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOpti
c.state.State = define.ContainerStateRunning
c.state.Checkpointed = false
+ c.state.Restored = true
+ c.state.CheckpointedTime = time.Time{}
+ c.state.RestoredTime = time.Now()
if !options.Keep {
// Delete all checkpoint related files. At this point, in theory, all files
@@ -1569,6 +1654,7 @@ func (c *Container) restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOpti
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Non-fatal: removal of checkpoint directory (%s) failed: %v", c.CheckpointPath(), err)
+ c.state.CheckpointPath = ""
err = os.RemoveAll(c.PreCheckPointPath())
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Non-fatal: removal of pre-checkpoint directory (%s) failed: %v", c.PreCheckPointPath(), err)
@@ -1589,6 +1675,8 @@ func (c *Container) restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOpti
logrus.Debugf("Non-fatal: removal of checkpoint file (%s) failed: %v", file, err)
+ c.state.CheckpointLog = ""
+ c.state.RestoreLog = ""
return criuStatistics, runtimeRestoreDuration,
@@ -1716,11 +1804,9 @@ func (c *Container) makeBindMounts() error {
if !c.config.UseImageHosts {
- newHosts, err := c.generateHosts("/etc/hosts")
- if err != nil {
+ if err := c.updateHosts("/etc/hosts"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating hosts file for container %s", c.ID())
- c.state.BindMounts["/etc/hosts"] = newHosts
@@ -1737,32 +1823,32 @@ func (c *Container) makeBindMounts() error {
} else {
if !c.config.UseImageHosts && c.state.BindMounts["/etc/hosts"] == "" {
- newHosts, err := c.generateHosts("/etc/hosts")
- if err != nil {
+ if err := c.updateHosts("/etc/hosts"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating hosts file for container %s", c.ID())
- c.state.BindMounts["/etc/hosts"] = newHosts
// SHM is always added when we mount the container
c.state.BindMounts["/dev/shm"] = c.config.ShmDir
- newPasswd, newGroup, err := c.generatePasswdAndGroup()
- if err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating temporary passwd file for container %s", c.ID())
- }
- if newPasswd != "" {
- // Make /etc/passwd
- // If it already exists, delete so we can recreate
- delete(c.state.BindMounts, "/etc/passwd")
- c.state.BindMounts["/etc/passwd"] = newPasswd
- }
- if newGroup != "" {
- // Make /etc/group
- // If it already exists, delete so we can recreate
- delete(c.state.BindMounts, "/etc/group")
- c.state.BindMounts["/etc/group"] = newGroup
+ if c.config.Passwd == nil || *c.config.Passwd {
+ newPasswd, newGroup, err := c.generatePasswdAndGroup()
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating temporary passwd file for container %s", c.ID())
+ }
+ if newPasswd != "" {
+ // Make /etc/passwd
+ // If it already exists, delete so we can recreate
+ delete(c.state.BindMounts, "/etc/passwd")
+ c.state.BindMounts["/etc/passwd"] = newPasswd
+ }
+ if newGroup != "" {
+ // Make /etc/group
+ // If it already exists, delete so we can recreate
+ delete(c.state.BindMounts, "/etc/group")
+ c.state.BindMounts["/etc/group"] = newGroup
+ }
// Make /etc/hostname
@@ -2029,18 +2115,29 @@ func (c *Container) generateResolvConf() (string, error) {
return destPath, nil
-// generateHosts creates a containers hosts file
-func (c *Container) generateHosts(path string) (string, error) {
+// updateHosts updates the container's hosts file
+func (c *Container) updateHosts(path string) error {
+ var hosts string
orig, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
- return "", err
+ // Ignore if the path does not exist
+ if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else {
+ hosts = string(orig)
- hosts := string(orig)
- hosts += c.getHosts()
+ hosts += c.getHosts()
hosts = c.appendLocalhost(hosts)
- return c.writeStringToRundir("hosts", hosts)
+ newHosts, err := c.writeStringToRundir("hosts", hosts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ c.state.BindMounts["/etc/hosts"] = newHosts
+ return nil
// based on networking mode we may want to append the localhost
@@ -2135,11 +2232,24 @@ func (c *Container) getHosts() string {
} else if c.config.NetMode.IsSlirp4netns() {
- gatewayIP, err := GetSlirp4netnsGateway(c.slirp4netnsSubnet)
- if err != nil {
- logrus.Warn("Failed to determine gatewayIP: ", err.Error())
- } else {
- hosts += fmt.Sprintf("%s host.containers.internal\n", gatewayIP.String())
+ // getLocalIP returns the non loopback local IP of the host
+ getLocalIP := func() string {
+ addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ for _, address := range addrs {
+ // check the address type and if it is not a loopback the display it
+ if ipnet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipnet.IP.IsLoopback() {
+ if ipnet.IP.To4() != nil {
+ return ipnet.IP.String()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ if ip := getLocalIP(); ip != "" {
+ hosts += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\n", ip, "host.containers.internal")
} else {
logrus.Debug("Network configuration does not support host.containers.internal address")
@@ -2265,12 +2375,25 @@ func (c *Container) generateUserGroupEntry(addedGID int) (string, int, error) {
// /etc/passwd via AddCurrentUserPasswdEntry (though this does not trigger if
// the user in question already exists in /etc/passwd) or the UID to be added
// is 0).
+// 3. The user specified additional host user accounts to add the the /etc/passwd file
// Returns password entry (as a string that can be appended to /etc/passwd) and
// any error that occurred.
func (c *Container) generatePasswdEntry() (string, error) {
passwdString := ""
addedUID := 0
+ for _, userid := range c.config.HostUsers {
+ // Lookup User on host
+ u, err := util.LookupUser(userid)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ entry, err := c.userPasswdEntry(u)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ passwdString += entry
+ }
if c.config.AddCurrentUserPasswdEntry {
entry, uid, _, err := c.generateCurrentUserPasswdEntry()
if err != nil {
@@ -2303,17 +2426,25 @@ func (c *Container) generateCurrentUserPasswdEntry() (string, int, int, error) {
if err != nil {
return "", 0, 0, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get current user")
+ pwd, err := c.userPasswdEntry(u)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", 0, 0, err
+ }
+ return pwd, uid, rootless.GetRootlessGID(), nil
+func (c *Container) userPasswdEntry(u *user.User) (string, error) {
// Lookup the user to see if it exists in the container image.
- _, err = lookup.GetUser(c.state.Mountpoint, u.Username)
+ _, err := lookup.GetUser(c.state.Mountpoint, u.Username)
if err != runcuser.ErrNoPasswdEntries {
- return "", 0, 0, err
+ return "", err
// Lookup the UID to see if it exists in the container image.
_, err = lookup.GetUser(c.state.Mountpoint, u.Uid)
if err != runcuser.ErrNoPasswdEntries {
- return "", 0, 0, err
+ return "", err
// If the user's actual home directory exists, or was mounted in - use
@@ -2347,7 +2478,7 @@ func (c *Container) generateCurrentUserPasswdEntry() (string, int, int, error) {
c.config.Spec.Process.Env = append(c.config.Spec.Process.Env, fmt.Sprintf("HOME=%s", homeDir))
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s:*:%s:%s:%s:%s:/bin/sh\n", u.Username, u.Uid, u.Gid, u.Name, homeDir), uid, rootless.GetRootlessGID(), nil
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s:*:%s:%s:%s:%s:/bin/sh\n", u.Username, u.Uid, u.Gid, u.Name, homeDir), nil
// generateUserPasswdEntry generates an /etc/passwd entry for the container user
@@ -2402,7 +2533,7 @@ func (c *Container) generateUserPasswdEntry(addedUID int) (string, int, int, err
// generatePasswdAndGroup generates container-specific passwd and group files
// iff g.config.User is a number or we are configured to make a passwd entry for
-// the current user.
+// the current user or the user specified HostsUsers
// Returns path to file to mount at /etc/passwd, path to file to mount at
// /etc/group, and any error that occurred. If no passwd/group file were
// required, the empty string will be returned for those path (this may occur
@@ -2413,7 +2544,8 @@ func (c *Container) generateUserPasswdEntry(addedUID int) (string, int, int, err
// with a bind mount). This is done in cases where the container is *not*
// read-only. In this case, the function will return nothing ("", "", nil).
func (c *Container) generatePasswdAndGroup() (string, string, error) {
- if !c.config.AddCurrentUserPasswdEntry && c.config.User == "" {
+ if !c.config.AddCurrentUserPasswdEntry && c.config.User == "" &&
+ len(c.config.HostUsers) == 0 {
return "", "", nil