path: root/libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go b/libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go
index d59ff18ca..9c92b036e 100644
--- a/libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go
+++ b/libpod/oci_conmon_linux.go
@@ -635,297 +635,6 @@ func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) AttachResize(ctr *Container, newSize remotecommand.Te
return nil
-// ExecContainer executes a command in a running container
-// TODO: Split into Create/Start/Attach/Wait
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecContainer(c *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions) (int, chan error, error) {
- if options == nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(define.ErrInvalidArg, "must provide an ExecOptions struct to ExecContainer")
- }
- if len(options.Cmd) == 0 {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(define.ErrInvalidArg, "must provide a command to execute")
- }
- if sessionID == "" {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(define.ErrEmptyID, "must provide a session ID for exec")
- }
- // create sync pipe to receive the pid
- parentSyncPipe, childSyncPipe, err := newPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating socket pair")
- }
- defer errorhandling.CloseQuiet(parentSyncPipe)
- // create start pipe to set the cgroup before running
- // attachToExec is responsible for closing parentStartPipe
- childStartPipe, parentStartPipe, err := newPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating socket pair")
- }
- // We want to make sure we close the parent{Start,Attach}Pipes if we fail
- // but also don't want to close them after attach to exec is called
- attachToExecCalled := false
- defer func() {
- if !attachToExecCalled {
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(parentStartPipe)
- }
- }()
- // create the attach pipe to allow attach socket to be created before
- // $RUNTIME exec starts running. This is to make sure we can capture all output
- // from the process through that socket, rather than half reading the log, half attaching to the socket
- // attachToExec is responsible for closing parentAttachPipe
- parentAttachPipe, childAttachPipe, err := newPipe()
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error creating socket pair")
- }
- defer func() {
- if !attachToExecCalled {
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(parentAttachPipe)
- }
- }()
- childrenClosed := false
- defer func() {
- if !childrenClosed {
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childSyncPipe)
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childAttachPipe)
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childStartPipe)
- }
- }()
- runtimeDir, err := util.GetRuntimeDir()
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, err
- }
- finalEnv := make([]string, 0, len(options.Env))
- for k, v := range options.Env {
- finalEnv = append(finalEnv, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
- }
- processFile, err := prepareProcessExec(c, options.Cmd, finalEnv, options.Terminal, options.Cwd, options.User, sessionID)
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, err
- }
- var ociLog string
- if logrus.GetLevel() != logrus.DebugLevel && r.supportsJSON {
- ociLog = c.execOCILog(sessionID)
- }
- args := r.sharedConmonArgs(c, sessionID, c.execBundlePath(sessionID), c.execPidPath(sessionID), c.execLogPath(sessionID), c.execExitFileDir(sessionID), ociLog, "")
- if options.PreserveFDs > 0 {
- args = append(args, formatRuntimeOpts("--preserve-fds", fmt.Sprintf("%d", options.PreserveFDs))...)
- }
- for _, capability := range options.CapAdd {
- args = append(args, formatRuntimeOpts("--cap", capability)...)
- }
- if options.Terminal {
- args = append(args, "-t")
- }
- if options.Streams != nil && options.Streams.AttachInput {
- args = append(args, "-i")
- }
- // Append container ID and command
- args = append(args, "-e")
- // TODO make this optional when we can detach
- args = append(args, "--exec-attach")
- args = append(args, "--exec-process-spec", processFile.Name())
- logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
- "args": args,
- }).Debugf("running conmon: %s", r.conmonPath)
- execCmd := exec.Command(r.conmonPath, args...)
- if options.Streams != nil {
- // Don't add the InputStream to the execCmd. Instead, the data should be passed
- // through CopyDetachable
- if options.Streams.AttachOutput {
- execCmd.Stdout = options.Streams.OutputStream
- }
- if options.Streams.AttachError {
- execCmd.Stderr = options.Streams.ErrorStream
- }
- }
- conmonEnv, extraFiles, err := r.configureConmonEnv(runtimeDir)
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, err
- }
- if options.PreserveFDs > 0 {
- for fd := 3; fd < int(3+options.PreserveFDs); fd++ {
- execCmd.ExtraFiles = append(execCmd.ExtraFiles, os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), fmt.Sprintf("fd-%d", fd)))
- }
- }
- // we don't want to step on users fds they asked to preserve
- // Since 0-2 are used for stdio, start the fds we pass in at preserveFDs+3
- execCmd.Env = r.conmonEnv
- execCmd.Env = append(execCmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("_OCI_SYNCPIPE=%d", options.PreserveFDs+3), fmt.Sprintf("_OCI_STARTPIPE=%d", options.PreserveFDs+4), fmt.Sprintf("_OCI_ATTACHPIPE=%d", options.PreserveFDs+5))
- execCmd.Env = append(execCmd.Env, conmonEnv...)
- execCmd.ExtraFiles = append(execCmd.ExtraFiles, childSyncPipe, childStartPipe, childAttachPipe)
- execCmd.ExtraFiles = append(execCmd.ExtraFiles, extraFiles...)
- execCmd.Dir = c.execBundlePath(sessionID)
- execCmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
- Setpgid: true,
- }
- err = startCommandGivenSelinux(execCmd)
- // We don't need children pipes on the parent side
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childSyncPipe)
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childAttachPipe)
- errorhandling.CloseQuiet(childStartPipe)
- childrenClosed = true
- if err != nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot start container %s", c.ID())
- }
- if err := r.moveConmonToCgroupAndSignal(c, execCmd, parentStartPipe); err != nil {
- return -1, nil, err
- }
- if options.PreserveFDs > 0 {
- for fd := 3; fd < int(3+options.PreserveFDs); fd++ {
- // These fds were passed down to the runtime. Close them
- // and not interfere
- if err := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), fmt.Sprintf("fd-%d", fd)).Close(); err != nil {
- logrus.Debugf("unable to close file fd-%d", fd)
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO Only create if !detach
- // Attach to the container before starting it
- attachChan := make(chan error)
- go func() {
- // attachToExec is responsible for closing pipes
- attachChan <- c.attachToExec(options.Streams, options.DetachKeys, sessionID, parentStartPipe, parentAttachPipe)
- close(attachChan)
- }()
- attachToExecCalled = true
- if err := execCmd.Wait(); err != nil {
- return -1, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot run conmon")
- }
- pid, err := readConmonPipeData(parentSyncPipe, ociLog)
- return pid, attachChan, err
-// ExecAttachResize resizes the TTY of the given exec session.
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecAttachResize(ctr *Container, sessionID string, newSize remotecommand.TerminalSize) error {
- controlFile, err := openControlFile(ctr, ctr.execBundlePath(sessionID))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer controlFile.Close()
- if _, err = fmt.Fprintf(controlFile, "%d %d %d\n", 1, newSize.Height, newSize.Width); err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write to ctl file to resize terminal")
- }
- return nil
-// ExecStopContainer stops a given exec session in a running container.
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecStopContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, timeout uint) error {
- pid, err := ctr.getExecSessionPID(sessionID)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- logrus.Debugf("Going to stop container %s exec session %s", ctr.ID(), sessionID)
- // Is the session dead?
- // Ping the PID with signal 0 to see if it still exists.
- if err := unix.Kill(pid, 0); err != nil {
- if err == unix.ESRCH {
- return nil
- }
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "error pinging container %s exec session %s PID %d with signal 0", ctr.ID(), sessionID, pid)
- }
- if timeout > 0 {
- // Use SIGTERM by default, then SIGSTOP after timeout.
- logrus.Debugf("Killing exec session %s (PID %d) of container %s with SIGTERM", sessionID, pid, ctr.ID())
- if err := unix.Kill(pid, unix.SIGTERM); err != nil {
- if err == unix.ESRCH {
- return nil
- }
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "error killing container %s exec session %s PID %d with SIGTERM", ctr.ID(), sessionID, pid)
- }
- // Wait for the PID to stop
- if err := waitPidStop(pid, time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second); err != nil {
- logrus.Warnf("Timed out waiting for container %s exec session %s to stop, resorting to SIGKILL", ctr.ID(), sessionID)
- } else {
- // No error, container is dead
- return nil
- }
- }
- // SIGTERM did not work. On to SIGKILL.
- logrus.Debugf("Killing exec session %s (PID %d) of container %s with SIGKILL", sessionID, pid, ctr.ID())
- if err := unix.Kill(pid, unix.SIGTERM); err != nil {
- if err == unix.ESRCH {
- return nil
- }
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "error killing container %s exec session %s PID %d with SIGKILL", ctr.ID(), sessionID, pid)
- }
- // Wait for the PID to stop
- if err := waitPidStop(pid, killContainerTimeout*time.Second); err != nil {
- return errors.Wrapf(err, "timed out waiting for container %s exec session %s PID %d to stop after SIGKILL", ctr.ID(), sessionID, pid)
- }
- return nil
-// ExecUpdateStatus checks if the given exec session is still running.
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecUpdateStatus(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (bool, error) {
- pid, err := ctr.getExecSessionPID(sessionID)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- logrus.Debugf("Checking status of container %s exec session %s", ctr.ID(), sessionID)
- // Is the session dead?
- // Ping the PID with signal 0 to see if it still exists.
- if err := unix.Kill(pid, 0); err != nil {
- if err == unix.ESRCH {
- return false, nil
- }
- return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "error pinging container %s exec session %s PID %d with signal 0", ctr.ID(), sessionID, pid)
- }
- return true, nil
-// ExecContainerCleanup cleans up files created when a command is run via
-// ExecContainer. This includes the attach socket for the exec session.
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecContainerCleanup(ctr *Container, sessionID string) error {
- // Clean up the sockets dir. Issue #3962
- // Also ignore if it doesn't exist for some reason; hence the conditional return below
- if err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(r.socketsDir, sessionID)); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return err
- }
- return nil
// CheckpointContainer checkpoints the given container.
func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) CheckpointContainer(ctr *Container, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) error {
if err := label.SetSocketLabel(ctr.ProcessLabel()); err != nil {
@@ -1002,16 +711,6 @@ func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) AttachSocketPath(ctr *Container) (string, error) {
return filepath.Join(r.socketsDir, ctr.ID(), "attach"), nil
-// ExecAttachSocketPath is the path to a container's exec session attach socket.
-func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecAttachSocketPath(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (string, error) {
- // We don't even use container, so don't validity check it
- if sessionID == "" {
- return "", errors.Wrapf(define.ErrInvalidArg, "must provide a valid session ID to get attach socket path")
- }
- return filepath.Join(r.socketsDir, sessionID, "attach"), nil
// ExitFilePath is the path to a container's exit file.
func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExitFilePath(ctr *Container) (string, error) {
if ctr == nil {
@@ -1415,15 +1114,21 @@ func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) configureConmonEnv(runtimeDir string) ([]string, []*o
// sharedConmonArgs takes common arguments for exec and create/restore and formats them for the conmon CLI
func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) sharedConmonArgs(ctr *Container, cuuid, bundlePath, pidPath, logPath, exitDir, ociLogPath, logTag string) []string {
// set the conmon API version to be able to use the correct sync struct keys
- args := []string{"--api-version", "1"}
+ args := []string{
+ "--api-version", "1",
+ "-c", ctr.ID(),
+ "-u", cuuid,
+ "-r", r.path,
+ "-b", bundlePath,
+ "-p", pidPath,
+ "-n", ctr.Name(),
+ "--exit-dir", exitDir,
+ "--socket-dir-path", r.socketsDir,
+ }
if r.cgroupManager == config.SystemdCgroupsManager && !ctr.config.NoCgroups {
args = append(args, "-s")
- args = append(args, "-c", ctr.ID())
- args = append(args, "-u", cuuid)
- args = append(args, "-r", r.path)
- args = append(args, "-b", bundlePath)
- args = append(args, "-p", pidPath)
var logDriver string
switch ctr.LogDriver() {
@@ -1444,8 +1149,6 @@ func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) sharedConmonArgs(ctr *Container, cuuid, bundlePath, p
args = append(args, "-l", logDriver)
- args = append(args, "--exit-dir", exitDir)
- args = append(args, "--socket-dir-path", r.socketsDir)
if r.logSizeMax >= 0 {
args = append(args, "--log-size-max", fmt.Sprintf("%v", r.logSizeMax))
@@ -1704,6 +1407,8 @@ func httpAttachTerminalCopy(container *net.UnixConn, http *bufio.ReadWriter, cid
buf := make([]byte, bufferSize)
for {
numR, err := container.Read(buf)
+ logrus.Debugf("Read fd(%d) %d/%d bytes for container %s", int(buf[0]), numR, len(buf), cid)
if numR > 0 {
switch buf[0] {
case AttachPipeStdout: