path: root/test/compose/test-compose
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/compose/test-compose')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/compose/test-compose b/test/compose/test-compose
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9558fbf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/compose/test-compose
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Usage: test-compose [testname]
+ME=$(basename $0)
+# BEGIN stuff you can but probably shouldn't customize
+# Directory where this script and all subtests live
+TEST_ROOTDIR=$(realpath $(dirname $0))
+# Podman executable
+PODMAN_BIN=$(realpath $TEST_ROOTDIR/../../bin)/podman
+# Local path to docker socket (we will add the unix:/ prefix when we need it)
+# END stuff you can but probably shouldn't customize
+# BEGIN setup
+export TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/var/tmp}
+WORKDIR=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d $ME.tmp.XXXXXX)
+# Log of all HTTP requests and responses; always make '.log' point to latest
+LOG=${LOGBASE}.$(date +'%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
+ln -sf $LOG $LOGBASE
+# Keep track of test count and failures in files, not variables, because
+# variables don't carry back up from subshells.
+echo 0 >$testcounter_file
+echo 0 >$failures_file
+# END setup
+# BEGIN infrastructure code - the helper functions used in tests themselves
+# die # Exit error with a message to stderr
+function die() {
+ echo "$ME: $*" >&2
+ exit 1
+# is # Simple comparison
+function is() {
+ local actual=$1
+ local expect=$2
+ local testname=$3
+ if [[ $actual = $expect ]]; then
+ # On success, include expected value; this helps readers understand
+ _show_ok 1 "$testname=$expect"
+ return
+ fi
+ _show_ok 0 "$testname" "$expect" "$actual"
+# like # Compare, but allowing patterns
+function like() {
+ local actual=$1
+ local expect=$2
+ local testname=$3
+ # "is" (equality) is a subset of "like", but one that expr fails on if
+ # the expected result has shell-special characters like '['. Treat it
+ # as a special case.
+ if [[ "$actual" = "$expect" ]]; then
+ _show_ok 1 "$testname=$expect"
+ return
+ fi
+ if expr "$actual" : ".*$expect" &>/dev/null; then
+ # On success, include expected value; this helps readers understand
+ _show_ok 1 "$testname ('$actual') ~ $expect"
+ return
+ fi
+ _show_ok 0 "$testname" "~ $expect" "$actual"
+# _show_ok # Helper for is() and like(): displays 'ok' or 'not ok'
+function _show_ok() {
+ local ok=$1
+ local testname=$2
+ # If output is a tty, colorize pass/fail
+ local red=
+ local green=
+ local reset=
+ local bold=
+ if [ -t 1 ]; then
+ red='\e[31m'
+ green='\e[32m'
+ reset='\e[0m'
+ bold='\e[1m'
+ fi
+ _bump $testcounter_file
+ count=$(<$testcounter_file)
+ # "skip" is a special case of "ok". Assume that our caller has included
+ # the magical '# skip - reason" comment string.
+ if [[ $ok == "skip" ]]; then
+ # colon-plus: replace green with yellow, but only if green is non-null
+ green="${green:+\e[33m}"
+ ok=1
+ fi
+ if [ $ok -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo -e "${green}ok $count $testname${reset}"
+ echo "ok $count $testname" >>$LOG
+ return
+ fi
+ # Failed
+ local expect=$3
+ local actual=$4
+ printf "${red}not ok $count $testname${reset}\n"
+ printf "${red}# expected: %s${reset}\n" "$expect"
+ printf "${red}# actual: ${bold}%s${reset}\n" "$actual"
+ echo "not ok $count $testname" >>$LOG
+ echo " expected: $expect" >>$LOG
+ _bump $failures_file
+# _bump # Increment a counter in a file
+function _bump() {
+ local file=$1
+ count=$(<$file)
+ echo $(( $count + 1 )) >| $file
+# test_port # Run curl against a port, check results against expectation
+function test_port() {
+ local port="$1" # e.g. 5000
+ local op="$2" # '=' or '~'
+ local expect="$3" # what to expect from curl output
+ local actual=$(curl --retry 5 --retry-connrefused -s$port/)
+ local curl_rc=$?
+ if [ $curl_rc -ne 0 ]; then
+ _show_ok 0 "$testname - curl failed with status $curl_rc"
+### docker-compose down >>$logfile 2>&1
+### exit 1
+ fi
+ case "$op" in
+ '=') is "$actual" "$expect" "$testname : port $port" ;;
+ '~') like "$actual" "$expect" "$testname : port $port" ;;
+ *) die "Invalid operator '$op'" ;;
+ esac
+# start_service # Run the socket listener
+function start_service() {
+ test -x $PODMAN_BIN || die "Not found: $PODMAN_BIN"
+ # FIXME: use ${testname} subdir but we can't: 50-char limit in runroot
+ rm -rf $WORKDIR/{root,runroot,cni}
+ mkdir --mode 0755 $WORKDIR/{root,runroot,cni}
+ chcon --reference=/var/lib/containers $WORKDIR/root
+ cp /etc/cni/net.d/*podman*conflist $WORKDIR/cni/
+ --root $WORKDIR/root \
+ --runroot $WORKDIR/runroot \
+ --cgroup-manager=systemd \
+ --cni-config-dir $WORKDIR/cni \
+ system service \
+ --time 0 unix:/$DOCKER_SOCK \
+ &> $WORKDIR/server.log &
+ service_pid=$!
+ # Wait (FIXME: how do we test the socket?)
+ local _timeout=5
+ while [ $_timeout -gt 0 ]; do
+ # FIXME: should we actually try a read or write?
+ test -S $DOCKER_SOCK && return
+ sleep 1
+ _timeout=$(( $_timeout - 1 ))
+ done
+ cat $WORKDIR/server.log
+ die "Timed out waiting for service"
+# podman # Needed by some test scripts to invoke the actual podman binary
+function podman() {
+ echo "\$ podman $*" >>$WORKDIR/output.log
+ --root $WORKDIR/root \
+ --runroot $WORKDIR/runroot \
+ "$@" >>$WORKDIR/output.log 2>&1
+# random_string # Returns a pseudorandom human-readable string
+function random_string() {
+ # Numeric argument, if present, is desired length of string
+ local length=${1:-10}
+ head /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | head -c$length
+# END infrastructure code
+# BEGIN sanity checks
+for tool in curl docker-compose; do
+ type $tool &>/dev/null || die "$ME: Required tool '$tool' not found"
+# END sanity checks
+# BEGIN entry handler (subtest invoker)
+# Identify the tests to run. If called with args, use those as globs.
+if [ -n "$*" ]; then
+ shopt -s nullglob
+ for i; do
+ match=(${TEST_ROOTDIR}/*${i}*/docker-compose.yml)
+ if [ ${#match} -eq 0 ]; then
+ die "No match for $TEST_ROOTDIR/*$i*.curl"
+ fi
+ tests_to_run+=("${match[@]}")
+ done
+ shopt -u nullglob
+ tests_to_run=(${TEST_ROOTDIR}/*/docker-compose.yml)
+# Too hard to precompute the number of tests; just spit it out at the end.
+for t in ${tests_to_run[@]}; do
+ testdir="$(dirname $t)"
+ testname="$(basename $testdir)"
+ if [ -e $test_dir/SKIP ]; then
+ local reason="$(<$test_dir/SKIP)"
+ if [ -n "$reason" ]; then
+ reason=" - $reason"
+ fi
+ _show_ok skip "$testname # skip$reason"
+ continue
+ fi
+ start_service
+ logfile=$WORKDIR/$testname.log
+ (
+ cd $testdir || die "Cannot cd $testdir"
+ # setup file may be used for creating temporary directories/files.
+ # We source it so that envariables defined in it will get back to us.
+ if [ -e ]; then
+ .
+ fi
+ if [ -e ]; then
+ trap '.' 0
+ fi
+ docker-compose up -d &> $logfile
+ docker_compose_rc=$?
+ if [[ $docker_compose_rc -ne 0 ]]; then
+ _show_ok 0 "$testname - up" "[ok]" "status=$docker_compose_rc"
+ sed -e 's/^/# /' <$logfile
+ docker-compose down >>$logfile 2>&1 # No status check here
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ _show_ok 1 "$testname - up"
+ # Run tests. This is likely to be a series of 'test_port' checks
+ # but may also include podman commands to inspect labels, state
+ if [ -e ]; then
+ .
+ fi
+ # FIXME: if any tests fail, try 'podman logs' on container?
+ if [ -n "$COMPOSE_WAIT" ]; then
+ echo -n "Pausing due to \$COMPOSE_WAIT. Press ENTER to continue: "
+ read keepgoing
+ fi
+ # Done. Clean up.
+ docker-compose down &> $logfile
+ rc=$?
+ if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then
+ _show_ok 1 "$testname - down"
+ else
+ _show_ok 0 "$testname - down" "[ok]" "rc=$rc"
+ # FIXME: show error
+ fi
+ )
+ kill $service_pid
+ wait $service_pid
+ # FIXME: otherwise we get EBUSY
+ umount $WORKDIR/root/overlay &>/dev/null
+ # FIXME: run 'podman ps'?
+# rm -rf $WORKDIR/${testname}
+# END entry handler
+# Clean up
+#if [ -z "$PODMAN_TESTS_KEEP_WORKDIR" ]; then
+# rm -rf $WORKDIR
+echo "1..${test_count}"
+exit $failure_count