path: root/test/e2e
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/e2e')
8 files changed, 268 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/test/e2e/checkpoint_test.go b/test/e2e/checkpoint_test.go
index 1fa67e9ba..be976207e 100644
--- a/test/e2e/checkpoint_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/checkpoint_test.go
@@ -1555,6 +1555,93 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman checkpoint", func() {
+ It("podman checkpoint container with export and verify non-default runtime", func() {
+ SkipIfRemote("podman-remote does not support --runtime flag")
+ // This test triggers the edge case where:
+ // 1. Default runtime is crun
+ // 2. Container is created with runc
+ // 3. Checkpoint without setting --runtime into archive
+ // 4. Restore without setting --runtime from archive
+ // It should be expected that podman identifies runtime
+ // from the checkpoint archive.
+ // Prevent --runtime arg from being set to force using default
+ // runtime unless explicitly set through passed args.
+ preservedMakeOptions := podmanTest.PodmanMakeOptions
+ podmanTest.PodmanMakeOptions = func(args []string, noEvents, noCache bool) []string {
+ defaultArgs := preservedMakeOptions(args, noEvents, noCache)
+ for i := range args {
+ // Runtime is set explicitly, so we should keep --runtime arg.
+ if args[i] == "--runtime" {
+ return defaultArgs
+ }
+ }
+ updatedArgs := make([]string, 0)
+ for i := 0; i < len(defaultArgs); i++ {
+ // Remove --runtime arg, letting podman fall back to its default
+ if defaultArgs[i] == "--runtime" {
+ i++
+ } else {
+ updatedArgs = append(updatedArgs, defaultArgs[i])
+ }
+ }
+ return updatedArgs
+ }
+ for _, runtime := range []string{"runc", "crun"} {
+ if err := exec.Command(runtime, "--help").Run(); err != nil {
+ Skip(fmt.Sprintf("%s not found in PATH; this test requires both runc and crun", runtime))
+ }
+ }
+ // Detect default runtime
+ session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"info", "--format", "{{.Host.OCIRuntime.Name}}"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ if defaultRuntime := session.OutputToString(); defaultRuntime != "crun" {
+ Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Default runtime is %q; this test requires crun to be default", defaultRuntime))
+ }
+ // Force non-default runtime "runc"
+ localRunString := getRunString([]string{"--runtime", "runc", "--rm", ALPINE, "top"})
+ session = podmanTest.Podman(localRunString)
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(1))
+ cid := session.OutputToString()
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "--format", "{{.OCIRuntime}}", cid})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToString()).To(Equal("runc"))
+ checkpointExportPath := "/tmp/checkpoint-" + cid + ".tar.gz"
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"container", "checkpoint", cid, "-e", checkpointExportPath})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ // As the container has been started with '--rm' it will be completely
+ // cleaned up after checkpointing.
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ fixmeFixme14653(podmanTest, cid)
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainers()).To(Equal(0))
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"container", "restore", "-i", checkpointExportPath})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(podmanTest.NumberOfContainersRunning()).To(Equal(1))
+ Expect(podmanTest.GetContainerStatus()).To(ContainSubstring("Up"))
+ // The restored container should have the same runtime as the original container
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "--format", "{{.OCIRuntime}}", cid})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToString()).To(Equal("runc"))
+ // Remove exported checkpoint
+ os.Remove(checkpointExportPath)
+ })
It("podman checkpoint container with export and try to change the runtime", func() {
SkipIfRemote("podman-remote does not support --runtime flag")
// This test will only run if runc and crun both exist
diff --git a/test/e2e/config.go b/test/e2e/config.go
index 2ca8e2a15..fbcc9dfff 100644
--- a/test/e2e/config.go
+++ b/test/e2e/config.go
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var (
healthcheck = ""
ImageCacheDir = "/tmp/podman/imagecachedir"
fedoraToolbox = ""
- volumeTest = ""
+ volumeTest = ""
// This image has seccomp profiles that blocks all syscalls.
// The intention behind blocking all syscalls is to prevent
diff --git a/test/e2e/events_test.go b/test/e2e/events_test.go
index 725118ab0..528fa143d 100644
--- a/test/e2e/events_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/events_test.go
@@ -216,4 +216,25 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman events", func() {
+ It("podman events health_status generated", func() {
+ session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", "--name", "test-hc", "-dt", "--health-cmd", "echo working", "busybox"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
+ hc := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"healthcheck", "run", "test-hc"})
+ hc.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ exitCode := hc.ExitCode()
+ if exitCode == 0 || i == 4 {
+ break
+ }
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ }
+ result := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"events", "--stream=false", "--filter", "event=health_status"})
+ result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(result).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(len(result.OutputToStringArray())).To(BeNumerically(">=", 1), "Number of health_status events")
+ })
diff --git a/test/e2e/image_scp_test.go b/test/e2e/image_scp_test.go
index 2ad3cc75e..77fe810bd 100644
--- a/test/e2e/image_scp_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/image_scp_test.go
@@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ var _ = Describe("podman image scp", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
ConfPath.Value, ConfPath.IsSet = os.LookupEnv("CONTAINERS_CONF")
conf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "containersconf")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
os.Setenv("CONTAINERS_CONF", conf.Name())
tempdir, err = CreateTempDirInTempDir()
if err != nil {
@@ -52,42 +50,40 @@ var _ = Describe("podman image scp", func() {
It("podman image scp bogus image", func() {
- if IsRemote() {
- Skip("this test is only for non-remote")
- }
scp := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"image", "scp", "FOOBAR"})
- Expect(scp).To(ExitWithError())
+ Expect(scp).Should(ExitWithError())
It("podman image scp with proper connection", func() {
- if IsRemote() {
- Skip("this test is only for non-remote")
- }
cmd := []string{"system", "connection", "add",
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
session := podmanTest.Podman(cmd)
- Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
cfg, err := config.ReadCustomConfig()
- Expect(cfg.Engine).To(HaveField("ActiveService", "QA"))
+ Expect(cfg.Engine).Should(HaveField("ActiveService", "QA"))
- URI: "ssh://",
+ URI: "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
scp := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"image", "scp", ALPINE, "QA::"})
- scp.Wait(45)
+ scp.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
// exit with error because we cannot make an actual ssh connection
// This tests that the input we are given is validated and prepared correctly
- // The error given should either be a missing image (due to testing suite complications) or a i/o timeout on ssh
- Expect(scp).To(ExitWithError())
+ // The error given should either be a missing image (due to testing suite complications) or a no such host timeout on ssh
+ Expect(scp).Should(ExitWithError())
+ // podman-remote exits with a different error
+ if !IsRemote() {
+ Expect(scp.ErrorToString()).Should(ContainSubstring("no such host"))
+ }
diff --git a/test/e2e/run_volume_test.go b/test/e2e/run_volume_test.go
index f31e62e42..8cc2a68de 100644
--- a/test/e2e/run_volume_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/run_volume_test.go
@@ -452,6 +452,14 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman run with volumes", func() {
+ copySession := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", "--rm", "-v", "testvol3:/etc/apk:copy", ALPINE, "stat", "-c", "%h", "/etc/apk/arch"})
+ copySession.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(copySession).Should(Exit(0))
+ noCopySession := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", "--rm", "-v", "testvol4:/etc/apk:nocopy", ALPINE, "stat", "-c", "%h", "/etc/apk/arch"})
+ noCopySession.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(noCopySession).Should(Exit(1))
It("podman named volume copyup symlink", func() {
@@ -953,4 +961,32 @@ USER testuser`, fedoraMinimal)
+ It("podman run -v with a relative dir", func() {
+ mountPath := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "vol")
+ err = os.Mkdir(mountPath, 0755)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ defer func() {
+ err := os.RemoveAll(mountPath)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ }()
+ f, err := os.CreateTemp(mountPath, "podman")
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ cwd, err := os.Getwd()
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ err = os.Chdir(mountPath)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ defer func() {
+ err := os.Chdir(cwd)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ }()
+ run := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", "-it", "--security-opt", "label=disable", "-v", "./:" + dest, ALPINE, "ls", dest})
+ run.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(run).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(run.OutputToString()).Should(ContainSubstring(strings.TrimLeft("/vol/", f.Name())))
+ })
diff --git a/test/e2e/system_connection_test.go b/test/e2e/system_connection_test.go
index 8f755e692..baa31424b 100644
--- a/test/e2e/system_connection_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/system_connection_test.go
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
f := CurrentGinkgoTestDescription()
- _, _ = GinkgoWriter.Write(
- []byte(
- fmt.Sprintf("Test: %s completed in %f seconds", f.TestText, f.Duration.Seconds())))
+ processTestResult(f)
Context("without running API service", func() {
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
"--identity", "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
session := podmanTest.Podman(cmd)
@@ -67,10 +65,10 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
cfg, err := config.ReadCustomConfig()
- Expect(cfg).To(HaveActiveService("QA"))
+ Expect(cfg).Should(HaveActiveService("QA"))
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
- Expect(config.ReadCustomConfig()).To(HaveActiveService("QE"))
+ Expect(config.ReadCustomConfig()).Should(HaveActiveService("QE"))
It("add UDS", func() {
@@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
"--identity", "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
@@ -155,8 +153,8 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
cfg, err := config.ReadCustomConfig()
- Expect(cfg.Engine.ActiveService).To(BeEmpty())
- Expect(cfg.Engine.ServiceDestinations).To(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(cfg.Engine.ActiveService).Should(BeEmpty())
+ Expect(cfg.Engine.ServiceDestinations).Should(BeEmpty())
@@ -165,7 +163,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
"--identity", "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@ var _ = Describe("podman system connection", func() {
"--identity", "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
- "ssh://",
+ "ssh://root@podman.test:2222/run/podman/podman.sock",
session := podmanTest.Podman(cmd)
diff --git a/test/e2e/volume_ls_test.go b/test/e2e/volume_ls_test.go
index 19f87fb8a..dcfb13f4e 100644
--- a/test/e2e/volume_ls_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/volume_ls_test.go
@@ -152,6 +152,37 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman volume ls", func() {
+ It("podman ls volume with --filter name", func() {
+ volName1 := "volume1"
+ session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "create", volName1})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ volName2 := "volume2"
+ session2 := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "create", volName2})
+ session2.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session2).Should(Exit(0))
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "ls", "--filter", "name=volume1*"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()).To(HaveLen(3))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()[1]).To(ContainSubstring(volName1))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()[2]).To(ContainSubstring(volName2))
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "ls", "--filter", "name=volumex"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()).To(BeEmpty())
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "ls", "--filter", "name=volume1"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).Should(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()).To(HaveLen(2))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()[1]).To(ContainSubstring(volName1))
+ })
It("podman ls volume with multiple --filter flag", func() {
session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "create", "--label", "foo=bar", "myvol"})
volName := session.OutputToString()
diff --git a/test/e2e/volume_plugin_test.go b/test/e2e/volume_plugin_test.go
index 4700afdb5..b585f8dd8 100644
--- a/test/e2e/volume_plugin_test.go
+++ b/test/e2e/volume_plugin_test.go
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
. ""
+ ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
@@ -188,4 +189,71 @@ var _ = Describe("Podman volume plugins", func() {
+ It("podman volume reload", func() {
+ podmanTest.AddImageToRWStore(volumeTest)
+ confFile := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "containers.conf")
+ err := os.WriteFile(confFile, []byte(`[engine]
+testvol5 = "/run/docker/plugins/testvol5.sock"`), 0o644)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ os.Setenv("CONTAINERS_CONF", confFile)
+ pluginStatePath := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "volumes")
+ err = os.Mkdir(pluginStatePath, 0755)
+ Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
+ // Keep this distinct within tests to avoid multiple tests using the same plugin.
+ pluginName := "testvol5"
+ ctrName := "pluginCtr"
+ plugin := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"run", "--name", ctrName, "--security-opt", "label=disable", "-v", "/run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins",
+ "-v", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", pluginStatePath, pluginStatePath), "-d", volumeTest, "--sock-name", pluginName, "--path", pluginStatePath})
+ plugin.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(plugin).Should(Exit(0))
+ localvol := "local-" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID()
+ // create local volume
+ session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "create", localvol})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ vol1 := "vol1-" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID()
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "create", "--driver", pluginName, vol1})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ // now create volume in plugin without podman
+ vol2 := "vol2-" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID()
+ plugin = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", ctrName, "/usr/local/bin/testvol", "--sock-name", pluginName, "create", vol2})
+ plugin.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(plugin).Should(Exit(0))
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "ls", "-q"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()).To(ContainElements(localvol, vol1))
+ Expect(session.ErrorToString()).To(Equal("")) // make sure no errors are shown
+ plugin = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", ctrName, "/usr/local/bin/testvol", "--sock-name", pluginName, "remove", vol1})
+ plugin.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(plugin).Should(Exit(0))
+ // now reload volumes from plugins
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "reload"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ Expect(string(session.Out.Contents())).To(Equal(fmt.Sprintf(`Added:
+`, vol2, vol1)))
+ Expect(session.ErrorToString()).To(Equal("")) // make sure no errors are shown
+ session = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "ls", "-q"})
+ session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout()
+ Expect(session).To(Exit(0))
+ Expect(session.OutputToStringArray()).To(ContainElements(localvol, vol2))
+ Expect(session.ErrorToString()).To(Equal("")) // make no errors are shown
+ })