path: root/test/system
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/system')
8 files changed, 386 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/test/system/045-start.bats b/test/system/045-start.bats
index 3e0118dba..7e4bbde8d 100644
--- a/test/system/045-start.bats
+++ b/test/system/045-start.bats
@@ -59,4 +59,15 @@ load helpers
is "$output" "Error: fakepolicy invalid restart policy"
+@test "podman start --all --filter" {
+ run_podman run -d $IMAGE /bin/true
+ cid_exited_0="$output"
+ run_podman run -d $IMAGE /bin/false
+ cid_exited_1="$output"
+ run_podman wait $cid_exited_0 $cid_exited_1
+ run_podman start --all --filter exited=0
+ is "$output" "$cid_exited_0"
# vim: filetype=sh
diff --git a/test/system/070-build.bats b/test/system/070-build.bats
index 0f3f3fa7f..6843e28a5 100644
--- a/test/system/070-build.bats
+++ b/test/system/070-build.bats
@@ -29,6 +29,29 @@ EOF
run_podman rmi -f build_test
+@test "podman build test -f -" {
+ rand_filename=$(random_string 20)
+ rand_content=$(random_string 50)
+ tmpdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/build-test
+ mkdir -p $tmpdir
+ containerfile=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/Containerfile
+ cat >$containerfile <<EOF
+RUN apk add nginx
+RUN echo $rand_content > /$rand_filename
+ # The 'apk' command can take a long time to fetch files; bump timeout
+ PODMAN_TIMEOUT=240 run_podman build -t build_test -f - --format=docker $tmpdir < $containerfile
+ is "$output" ".*STEP 4: COMMIT" "COMMIT seen in log"
+ run_podman run --rm build_test cat /$rand_filename
+ is "$output" "$rand_content" "reading generated file in image"
+ run_podman rmi -f build_test
@test "podman build - global runtime flags test" {
skip_if_remote "--runtime-flag flag not supported for remote"
@@ -794,6 +817,32 @@ EOF
run_podman rmi -f build_test
+@test "podman build -f test " {
+ tmpdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/build-test
+ subdir=$tmpdir/subdir
+ mkdir -p $subdir
+ containerfile1=$tmpdir/Containerfile1
+ cat >$containerfile1 <<EOF
+FROM scratch
+copy . /tmp
+ containerfile2=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/Containerfile2
+ cat >$containerfile2 <<EOF
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f Containerfile1 $tmpdir
+ run_podman 125 build -t build_test -f Containerfile2 $tmpdir
+ is "$output" ".*Containerfile2: no such file or directory" "Containerfile2 should not exist"
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f $containerfile1 $tmpdir
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f $containerfile2 $tmpdir
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f $containerfile1
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f $containerfile2
+ run_podman build -t build_test -f $containerfile1 -f $containerfile2 $tmpdir
+ is "$output" ".*$IMAGE" "Containerfile2 is also passed to server"
+ run_podman rmi -f build_test
function teardown() {
# A timeout or other error in 'build' can leave behind stale images
# that podman can't even see and which will cascade into subsequent
diff --git a/test/system/090-events.bats b/test/system/090-events.bats
index 52936d7a0..d889bd7f9 100644
--- a/test/system/090-events.bats
+++ b/test/system/090-events.bats
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
load helpers
@test "events with a filter by label" {
- skip_if_remote "FIXME: -remote does not include labels in event output"
cname=test-$(random_string 30 | tr A-Z a-z)
labelname=$(random_string 10)
labelvalue=$(random_string 15)
diff --git a/test/system/255-auto-update.bats b/test/system/255-auto-update.bats
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bfb44791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/system/255-auto-update.bats
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bats -*- bats -*-
+# Tests for automatically update images for containerized services
+load helpers
+function setup() {
+ skip_if_remote "systemd tests are meaningless over remote"
+ skip_if_rootless
+ basic_setup
+function teardown() {
+ while read line; do
+ if [[ "$line" =~ "podman-auto-update" ]]; then
+ echo "Stop timer: $line.timer"
+ systemctl stop $line.timer
+ systemctl disable $line.timer
+ else
+ systemctl stop $line
+ fi
+ rm -f $UNIT_DIR/$line.{service,timer}
+ done < $SNAME_FILE
+ rm -f $SNAME_FILE
+ run_podman ? rmi
+ run_podman ? rmi
+ run_podman ? rmi
+ basic_teardown
+# This functions is used for handle the basic step in auto-update related
+# tests. Including following steps:
+# 1. Generate a random container name and echo it to output.
+# 2. Tag the fake image before test
+# 3. Start a container with io.containers.autoupdate
+# 4. Generate the service file from the container
+# 5. Remove the origin container
+# 6. Start the container from service
+function generate_service() {
+ local target_img_basename=$1
+ local autoupdate=$2
+ # Container name. Include the autoupdate type, to make debugging easier.
+ # IMPORTANT: variable 'cname' is passed (out of scope) up to caller!
+ cname=c_${autoupdate//\'/}_$(random_string)
+ target_img="$target_img_basename:latest"
+ run_podman tag $IMAGE $target_img
+ if [[ -n "$autoupdate" ]]; then
+ label="--label io.containers.autoupdate=$autoupdate"
+ else
+ label=""
+ fi
+ run_podman run -d --name $cname $label $target_img top -d 120
+ run_podman generate systemd --new $cname
+ echo "$output" > "$UNIT_DIR/container-$cname.service"
+ echo "container-$cname" >> $SNAME_FILE
+ run_podman rm -f $cname
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ systemctl start container-$cname
+ systemctl status container-$cname
+ # Original image ID.
+ # IMPORTANT: variable 'ori_image' is passed (out of scope) up to caller!
+ run_podman inspect --format "{{.Image}}" $cname
+ ori_image=$output
+function _wait_service_ready() {
+ local sname=$1
+ local timeout=6
+ while [[ $timeout -gt 1 ]]; do
+ if systemctl -q is-active $sname; then
+ return
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ let timeout=$timeout-1
+ done
+ # Print serivce status as debug information before failed the case
+ systemctl status $sname
+ die "Timed out waiting for $sname to start"
+# Wait for container to update, as confirmed by its image ID changing
+function _confirm_update() {
+ local cname=$1
+ local old_iid=$2
+ # Image has already been pulled, so this shouldn't take too long
+ local timeout=5
+ while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]; do
+ run_podman '?' inspect --format "{{.Image}}" $cname
+ if [[ $status != 0 ]]; then
+ if [[ $output =~ (no such object|does not exist in database): ]]; then
+ # this is ok, it just means the container is being restarted
+ :
+ else
+ die "podman inspect $cname failed unexpectedly"
+ fi
+ elif [[ $output != $old_iid ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ die "Timed out waiting for $cname to update; old IID=$old_iid"
+# This test can fail in dev. environment because of SELinux.
+# quick fix: chcon -t container_runtime_exec_t ./bin/podman
+@test "podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=image" {
+ generate_service alpine image
+ _wait_service_ready container-$cname.service
+ run_podman auto-update
+ is "$output" "Trying to pull.*" "Image is updated."
+ _confirm_update $cname $ori_image
+@test "podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=disabled" {
+ generate_service alpine disabled
+ _wait_service_ready container-$cname.service
+ run_podman auto-update
+ is "$output" "" "Image is not updated when autoupdate=disabled."
+ run_podman inspect --format "{{.Image}}" $cname
+ is "$output" "$ori_image" "Image ID should not change"
+@test "podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=fakevalue" {
+ fakevalue=fake_$(random_string)
+ generate_service alpine $fakevalue
+ _wait_service_ready container-$cname.service
+ run_podman 125 auto-update
+ is "$output" ".*invalid auto-update policy.*" "invalid policy setup"
+ run_podman inspect --format "{{.Image}}" $cname
+ is "$output" "$ori_image" "Image ID should not change"
+@test "podman auto-update - label io.containers.autoupdate=local" {
+ generate_service localtest local
+ podman commit --change CMD=/bin/bash $cname
+ _wait_service_ready container-$cname.service
+ run_podman auto-update
+ _confirm_update $cname $ori_image
+@test "podman auto-update with multiple services" {
+ # Preserve original image ID, to confirm that it changes (or not)
+ run_podman inspect --format "{{.Id}}" $IMAGE
+ local img_id="$output"
+ local cnames=()
+ local -A expect_update
+ local -A will_update=([image]=1 [registry]=1 [local]=1)
+ local fakevalue=fake_$(random_string)
+ for auto_update in image registry "" disabled "''" $fakevalue local
+ do
+ local img_base="alpine"
+ if [[ $auto_update == "registry" ]]; then
+ img_base="alpine_nginx"
+ elif [[ $auto_update == "local" ]]; then
+ img_base="localtest"
+ fi
+ generate_service $img_base $auto_update
+ cnames+=($cname)
+ if [[ $auto_update == "local" ]]; then
+ local_cname=$cname
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$auto_update" && -n "${will_update[$auto_update]}" ]]; then
+ expect_update[$cname]=1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Only check the last service is started. Previous services should already actived.
+ _wait_service_ready container-$cname.service
+ run_podman commit --change CMD=/bin/bash $local_cname
+ # Exit code is expected, due to invalid 'fakevalue'
+ run_podman 125 auto-update
+ update_log=$output
+ is "$update_log" ".*invalid auto-update policy.*" "invalid policy setup"
+ is "$update_log" ".*1 error occurred.*" "invalid policy setup"
+ local n_updated=$(grep -c 'Trying to pull' <<<"$update_log")
+ is "$n_updated" "2" "Number of images updated from registry."
+ for cname in "${!expect_update[@]}"; do
+ is "$update_log" ".*$cname.*" "container with auto-update policy image updated"
+ # Just because podman says it fetched, doesn't mean it actually updated
+ _confirm_update $cname $img_id
+ done
+ # Final confirmation that all image IDs have/haven't changed
+ for cname in "${cnames[@]}"; do
+ run_podman inspect --format "{{.Image}}" $cname
+ if [[ -n "${expect_update[$cname]}" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$output" == "$img_id" ]]; then
+ die "$cname: image ID ($output) did not change"
+ fi
+ else
+ is "$output" "$img_id" "Image should not be changed."
+ fi
+ done
+@test "podman auto-update using systemd" {
+ generate_service alpine image
+ cat >$UNIT_DIR/podman-auto-update-$cname.timer <<EOF
+Description=Podman auto-update testing timer
+OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*:0/2
+ cat >$UNIT_DIR/podman-auto-update-$cname.service <<EOF
+Description=Podman auto-update testing service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman auto-update
+ echo "podman-auto-update-$cname" >> $SNAME_FILE
+ systemctl enable --now podman-auto-update-$cname.timer
+ systemctl list-timers --all
+ local expect='Finished Podman auto-update testing service'
+ local failed_start=failed
+ local count=0
+ while [ $count -lt 120 ]; do
+ run journalctl -n 15 -u podman-auto-update-$cname.service
+ if [[ "$output" =~ $expect ]]; then
+ failed_start=
+ break
+ fi
+ ((count+=1))
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ if [[ -n "$failed_start" ]]; then
+ die "Did not find expected string '$expect' in journalctl output for $cname"
+ fi
+ _confirm_update $cname $ori_image
+# vim: filetype=sh
diff --git a/test/system/410-selinux.bats b/test/system/410-selinux.bats
index f8cee0e59..4ef9c8b30 100644
--- a/test/system/410-selinux.bats
+++ b/test/system/410-selinux.bats
@@ -183,7 +183,10 @@ function check_label() {
# runc and crun emit different diagnostics
case "$runtime" in
- crun) expect="\`/proc/thread-self/attr/exec\`: OCI runtime error: unable to assign security attribute" ;;
+ # crun 0.20.1 changes the error message
+ # from /proc/thread-self/attr/exec`: .* unable to assign
+ # to /proc/self/attr/keycreate`: .* unable to process
+ crun) expect="\`/proc/.*\`: OCI runtime error: unable to \(assign\|process\) security attribute" ;;
runc) expect="OCI runtime error: .*: failed to set /proc/self/attr/keycreate on procfs" ;;
*) skip "Unknown runtime '$runtime'";;
diff --git a/test/system/450-interactive.bats b/test/system/450-interactive.bats
index a9bf52ee8..a2db39492 100644
--- a/test/system/450-interactive.bats
+++ b/test/system/450-interactive.bats
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ function teardown() {
stty rows $rows cols $cols <$PODMAN_TEST_PTY
# ...and make sure stty under podman reads that.
- # FIXME: 'sleep 1' is needed for podman-remote; without it, there's
- run_podman run -it --name mystty $IMAGE sh -c 'sleep 1;stty size' <$PODMAN_TEST_PTY
+ run_podman run -it --name mystty $IMAGE stty size <$PODMAN_TEST_PTY
is "$output" "$rows $cols" "stty under podman reads the correct dimensions"
diff --git a/test/system/build-testimage b/test/system/build-testimage
index 3e5b982ce..eb5849b5e 100755
--- a/test/system/build-testimage
+++ b/test/system/build-testimage
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ chmod 755 pause
# - check for updates @
# busybox-extras provides httpd needed in 500-networking.bats
cat >Containerfile <<EOF
-ARG ARCH=please-override-arch
+ARG REPO=please-override-repo
RUN apk add busybox-extras
ADD testimage-id pause /home/podman/
LABEL created_by=$create_script
@@ -74,17 +74,46 @@ EOF
# --squash-all : needed by 'tree' test in 070-build.bats
podman rmi -f testimage &> /dev/null || true
+# There should always be a testimage tagged ':0000000<X>' (eight digits,
+# zero-padded sequence ID) in the same location; this is used by tests
+# which need to pull a non-locally-cached image. This image will rarely
+# if ever need to change, nor in fact does it even have to be a copy of
+# this testimage since all we use it for is 'true'.
+# However, it does need to be multiarch :-(
+zerotag_latest=$(skopeo list-tags docker:// |\
+ jq -r '.Tags[]' |\
+ sort --version-sort |\
+ grep '^000' |\
+ tail -n 1)
+zerotag_next=$(printf "%08d" $((zerotag_latest + 1)))
+# We don't always need to push the :00xx image, but build it anyway.${zerotag_next}
+buildah manifest create $zeroimg
# We need to use buildah because (as of 2021-02-23) only buildah has --manifest
# and because Dan says arch emulation is not currently working on podman
# (no further details).
# Arch emulation on Fedora requires the qemu-user-static package.
-for arch in amd64 arm64v8 ppc64le s390x;do
+for arch in amd64 arm64 ppc64le s390x;do
+ # repo is usually the same name as the desired arch; except
+ # for arm64, where podman needs to have the arch be 'arm64' but the
+ # image lives in 'arm64v8'.
+ repo=$arch
+ if [[ $repo = "arm64" ]]; then
+ repo="${repo}v8"
+ fi
${BUILDAH} bud \
--arch=$arch \
- --build-arg ARCH=$arch \
+ --build-arg REPO=$repo \
--manifest=testimage \
--squash \
+ # The zero-tag image
+ ${BUILDAH} pull --arch $arch$repo/busybox:1.33.1
+ ${BUILDAH} manifest add $zeroimg$repo/busybox:1.33.1
# Clean up
@@ -94,23 +123,13 @@ rm -rf $tmpdir
# Tag image and push (all arches) to quay.$YMD
podman tag testimage ${remote_tag}
-${BUILDAH} manifest push --all ${remote_tag} docker://${remote_tag}
+cat <<EOF
-# Side note: there should always be a testimage tagged ':0000000<X>'
-# (eight digits, zero-padded sequence ID) in the same location; this is
-# used by tests which need to pull a non-locally-cached image. This
-# image will rarely if ever need to change, nor in fact does it even
-# have to be a copy of this testimage since all we use it for is 'true'.
-# However, it does need to be multiarch :-(
-# As of 2021-02-24 it is simply busybox, because it is super small,
-# but it's complicated because of multiarch:
-# buildah manifest create $img
-# for arch in amd64 arm64v8 ppc64le s390x;do
-# buildah pull --arch $arch$arch/busybox:1.32.0
-# buildah manifest add $img$arch/busybox:1.32.0
-# done
-# buildah manifest push --all $img docker://$img
+If you're happy with these images, run:
+ ${BUILDAH} manifest push --all ${remote_tag} docker://${remote_tag}
+ ${BUILDAH} manifest push --all ${zeroimg} docker://${zeroimg}
+(You do not always need to push the :0000 image)
diff --git a/test/system/helpers.bash b/test/system/helpers.bash
index e0c208f57..1859a2168 100644
--- a/test/system/helpers.bash
+++ b/test/system/helpers.bash
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ PODMAN=${PODMAN:-podman}
# Remote image that we *DO NOT* fetch or keep by default; used for testing pull
-# This changed from 0 to 1 on 2021-02-24 due to multiarch considerations; it
-# should change only very rarely.
+# This has changed in 2021, from 0 through 3, various iterations of getting
+# multiarch to work. It should change only very rarely.
# Because who wants to spell that out each time?