path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
4 files changed, 33 insertions, 1051 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8681a7206..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package spec_test
-import (
- . ""
- . ""
- "testing"
-func TestSpec(t *testing.T) {
- RegisterFailHandler(Fail)
- RunSpecs(t, "Spec Suite")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a2c9c79..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-package spec_test
-import (
- "time"
- . ""
- . ""
- ""
- . ""
- ""
- ""
- Failer ""
- ""
- ""
-var noneFlag = types.FlagTypeNone
-var focusedFlag = types.FlagTypeFocused
-var pendingFlag = types.FlagTypePending
-var _ = Describe("Spec", func() {
- var (
- failer *Failer.Failer
- codeLocation types.CodeLocation
- nodesThatRan []string
- spec *Spec
- buffer *gbytes.Buffer
- )
- newBody := func(text string, fail bool) func() {
- return func() {
- nodesThatRan = append(nodesThatRan, text)
- if fail {
- failer.Fail(text, codeLocation)
- }
- }
- }
- newIt := func(text string, flag types.FlagType, fail bool) *leafnodes.ItNode {
- return leafnodes.NewItNode(text, newBody(text, fail), flag, codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newItWithBody := func(text string, body interface{}) *leafnodes.ItNode {
- return leafnodes.NewItNode(text, body, noneFlag, codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newMeasure := func(text string, flag types.FlagType, fail bool, samples int) *leafnodes.MeasureNode {
- return leafnodes.NewMeasureNode(text, func(Benchmarker) {
- nodesThatRan = append(nodesThatRan, text)
- if fail {
- failer.Fail(text, codeLocation)
- }
- }, flag, codeLocation, samples, failer, 0)
- }
- newBef := func(text string, fail bool) leafnodes.BasicNode {
- return leafnodes.NewBeforeEachNode(newBody(text, fail), codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newAft := func(text string, fail bool) leafnodes.BasicNode {
- return leafnodes.NewAfterEachNode(newBody(text, fail), codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newJusBef := func(text string, fail bool) leafnodes.BasicNode {
- return leafnodes.NewJustBeforeEachNode(newBody(text, fail), codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newJusAft := func(text string, fail bool) leafnodes.BasicNode {
- return leafnodes.NewJustAfterEachNode(newBody(text, fail), codeLocation, 0, failer, 0)
- }
- newContainer := func(text string, flag types.FlagType, setupNodes ...leafnodes.BasicNode) *containernode.ContainerNode {
- c := containernode.New(text, flag, codeLocation)
- for _, node := range setupNodes {
- c.PushSetupNode(node)
- }
- return c
- }
- containers := func(containers ...*containernode.ContainerNode) []*containernode.ContainerNode {
- return containers
- }
- BeforeEach(func() {
- buffer = gbytes.NewBuffer()
- failer = Failer.New()
- codeLocation = codelocation.New(0)
- nodesThatRan = []string{}
- })
- Describe("marking specs focused and pending", func() {
- It("should satisfy various caes", func() {
- cases := []struct {
- ContainerFlags []types.FlagType
- SubjectFlag types.FlagType
- Pending bool
- Focused bool
- }{
- {[]types.FlagType{}, noneFlag, false, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{}, focusedFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{}, pendingFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{noneFlag}, noneFlag, false, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{focusedFlag}, noneFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{pendingFlag}, noneFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{noneFlag}, focusedFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{focusedFlag}, focusedFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{pendingFlag}, focusedFlag, true, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{noneFlag}, pendingFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{focusedFlag}, pendingFlag, true, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{pendingFlag}, pendingFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{focusedFlag, noneFlag}, noneFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{noneFlag, focusedFlag}, noneFlag, false, true},
- {[]types.FlagType{pendingFlag, noneFlag}, noneFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{noneFlag, pendingFlag}, noneFlag, true, false},
- {[]types.FlagType{focusedFlag, pendingFlag}, noneFlag, true, true},
- }
- for i, c := range cases {
- subject := newIt("it node", c.SubjectFlag, false)
- containers := []*containernode.ContainerNode{}
- for _, flag := range c.ContainerFlags {
- containers = append(containers, newContainer("container", flag))
- }
- spec := New(subject, containers, false)
- Ω(spec.Pending()).Should(Equal(c.Pending), "Case %d: %#v", i, c)
- Ω(spec.Focused()).Should(Equal(c.Focused), "Case %d: %#v", i, c)
- if c.Pending {
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStatePending))
- }
- }
- })
- })
- Describe("Skip", func() {
- It("should be skipped", func() {
- spec := New(newIt("it node", noneFlag, false), containers(newContainer("container", noneFlag)), false)
- Ω(spec.Skipped()).Should(BeFalse())
- spec.Skip()
- Ω(spec.Skipped()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStateSkipped))
- })
- })
- Describe("IsMeasurement", func() {
- It("should be true if the subject is a measurement node", func() {
- spec := New(newIt("it node", noneFlag, false), containers(newContainer("container", noneFlag)), false)
- Ω(spec.IsMeasurement()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").IsMeasurement).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").NumberOfSamples).Should(Equal(1))
- spec = New(newMeasure("measure node", noneFlag, false, 10), containers(newContainer("container", noneFlag)), false)
- Ω(spec.IsMeasurement()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").IsMeasurement).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").NumberOfSamples).Should(Equal(10))
- })
- })
- Describe("Passed", func() {
- It("should pass when the subject passed", func() {
- spec := New(newIt("it node", noneFlag, false), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStatePassed))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure).Should(BeZero())
- })
- })
- Describe("Flaked", func() {
- It("should work if Run is called twice and gets different results", func() {
- i := 0
- spec := New(newItWithBody("flaky it", func() {
- i++
- if i == 1 {
- failer.Fail("oops", codeLocation)
- }
- }), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Flaked()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStateFailed))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("oops"))
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Flaked()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStatePassed))
- })
- })
- Describe("Failed", func() {
- It("should be failed if the failure was panic", func() {
- spec := New(newItWithBody("panicky it", func() {
- panic("bam")
- }), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStatePanicked))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("Test Panicked"))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.ForwardedPanic).Should(Equal("bam"))
- })
- It("should be failed if the failure was a timeout", func() {
- spec := New(newItWithBody("sleepy it", func(done Done) {}), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStateTimedOut))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("Timed out"))
- })
- It("should be failed if the failure was... a failure", func() {
- spec := New(newItWithBody("failing it", func() {
- failer.Fail("bam", codeLocation)
- }), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").State).Should(Equal(types.SpecStateFailed))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("bam"))
- })
- })
- Describe("Concatenated string", func() {
- It("should concatenate the texts of the containers and the subject", func() {
- spec := New(
- newIt("it node", noneFlag, false),
- containers(
- newContainer("outer container", noneFlag),
- newContainer("inner container", noneFlag),
- ),
- false,
- )
- Ω(spec.ConcatenatedString()).Should(Equal("outer container inner container it node"))
- })
- })
- Describe("running it specs", func() {
- Context("with just an it", func() {
- Context("that succeeds", func() {
- It("should run the it and report on its success", func() {
- spec := New(newIt("it node", noneFlag, false), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{"it node"}))
- })
- })
- Context("that fails", func() {
- It("should run the it and report on its success", func() {
- spec := New(newIt("it node", noneFlag, true), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("it node"))
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{"it node"}))
- })
- })
- })
- Context("with a full set of setup nodes", func() {
- var failingNodes map[string]bool
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes = map[string]bool{}
- })
- JustBeforeEach(func() {
- spec = New(
- newIt("it node", noneFlag, failingNodes["it node"]),
- containers(
- newContainer("outer container", noneFlag,
- newBef("outer bef A", failingNodes["outer bef A"]),
- newBef("outer bef B", failingNodes["outer bef B"]),
- newJusBef("outer jusbef A", failingNodes["outer jusbef A"]),
- newJusBef("outer jusbef B", failingNodes["outer jusbef B"]),
- newJusAft("outer jusaft A", failingNodes["outer jusaft A"]),
- newJusAft("outer jusaft B", failingNodes["outer jusaft B"]),
- newAft("outer aft A", failingNodes["outer aft A"]),
- newAft("outer aft B", failingNodes["outer aft B"]),
- ),
- newContainer("inner container", noneFlag,
- newBef("inner bef A", failingNodes["inner bef A"]),
- newBef("inner bef B", failingNodes["inner bef B"]),
- newJusBef("inner jusbef A", failingNodes["inner jusbef A"]),
- newJusBef("inner jusbef B", failingNodes["inner jusbef B"]),
- newJusAft("inner jusaft A", failingNodes["inner jusaft A"]),
- newJusAft("inner jusaft B", failingNodes["inner jusaft B"]),
- newAft("inner aft A", failingNodes["inner aft A"]),
- newAft("inner aft B", failingNodes["inner aft B"]),
- ),
- ),
- false,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- })
- Context("that all pass", func() {
- It("should walk through the nodes in the correct order", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusbef A",
- "inner jusbef B",
- "it node",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- })
- })
- Context("when the subject fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["it node"] = true
- })
- It("should run the afters", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusbef A",
- "inner jusbef B",
- "it node",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("it node"))
- })
- })
- Context("when an inner before fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["inner bef A"] = true
- })
- It("should not run any other befores, but it should run the subsequent afters", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("inner bef A"))
- })
- })
- Context("when an outer before fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["outer bef B"] = true
- })
- It("should not run any other befores, but it should run the subsequent afters", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("outer bef B"))
- })
- })
- Context("when an after fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["inner aft B"] = true
- })
- It("should run all other afters, but mark the test as failed", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusbef A",
- "inner jusbef B",
- "it node",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("inner aft B"))
- })
- })
- Context("when a just before each fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["outer jusbef B"] = true
- })
- It("should run the afters, but not the subject", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("outer jusbef B"))
- })
- })
- Context("when a just after each fails", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["outer jusaft A"] = true
- })
- It("should run all other afters, but mark the test as failed", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusbef A",
- "inner jusbef B",
- "it node",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("outer jusaft A"))
- })
- })
- Context("when an after fails after an earlier node has failed", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- failingNodes["it node"] = true
- failingNodes["inner aft B"] = true
- })
- It("should record the earlier failure", func() {
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "outer bef A",
- "outer bef B",
- "inner bef A",
- "inner bef B",
- "outer jusbef A",
- "outer jusbef B",
- "inner jusbef A",
- "inner jusbef B",
- "it node",
- "inner jusaft A",
- "inner jusaft B",
- "outer jusaft A",
- "outer jusaft B",
- "inner aft A",
- "inner aft B",
- "outer aft A",
- "outer aft B",
- }))
- Ω(spec.Summary("").Failure.Message).Should(Equal("it node"))
- })
- })
- })
- })
- Describe("running measurement specs", func() {
- Context("when the measurement succeeds", func() {
- It("should run N samples", func() {
- spec = New(
- newMeasure("measure node", noneFlag, false, 3),
- containers(
- newContainer("container", noneFlag,
- newBef("bef A", false),
- newJusBef("jusbef A", false),
- newJusAft("jusaft A", false),
- newAft("aft A", false),
- ),
- ),
- false,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "bef A",
- "jusbef A",
- "measure node",
- "jusaft A",
- "aft A",
- "bef A",
- "jusbef A",
- "measure node",
- "jusaft A",
- "aft A",
- "bef A",
- "jusbef A",
- "measure node",
- "jusaft A",
- "aft A",
- }))
- })
- })
- Context("when the measurement fails", func() {
- It("should bail after the failure occurs", func() {
- spec = New(
- newMeasure("measure node", noneFlag, true, 3),
- containers(
- newContainer("container", noneFlag,
- newBef("bef A", false),
- newJusBef("jusbef A", false),
- newJusAft("jusaft A", false),
- newAft("aft A", false),
- ),
- ),
- false,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(spec.Failed()).Should(BeTrue())
- Ω(nodesThatRan).Should(Equal([]string{
- "bef A",
- "jusbef A",
- "measure node",
- "jusaft A",
- "aft A",
- }))
- })
- })
- })
- Describe("Summary", func() {
- var (
- subjectCodeLocation types.CodeLocation
- outerContainerCodeLocation types.CodeLocation
- innerContainerCodeLocation types.CodeLocation
- summary *types.SpecSummary
- )
- BeforeEach(func() {
- subjectCodeLocation = codelocation.New(0)
- outerContainerCodeLocation = codelocation.New(0)
- innerContainerCodeLocation = codelocation.New(0)
- spec = New(
- leafnodes.NewItNode("it node", func() {
- time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
- }, noneFlag, subjectCodeLocation, 0, failer, 0),
- containers(
- containernode.New("outer container", noneFlag, outerContainerCodeLocation),
- containernode.New("inner container", noneFlag, innerContainerCodeLocation),
- ),
- false,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- summary = spec.Summary("suite id")
- })
- It("should have the suite id", func() {
- Ω(summary.SuiteID).Should(Equal("suite id"))
- })
- It("should have the component texts and code locations", func() {
- Ω(summary.ComponentTexts).Should(Equal([]string{"outer container", "inner container", "it node"}))
- Ω(summary.ComponentCodeLocations).Should(Equal([]types.CodeLocation{outerContainerCodeLocation, innerContainerCodeLocation, subjectCodeLocation}))
- })
- It("should have a runtime", func() {
- Ω(summary.RunTime).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 10*time.Millisecond))
- })
- It("should have a runtime which remains consistent after spec run", func() {
- totalRunTime := summary.RunTime
- Ω(totalRunTime).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 10*time.Millisecond))
- Consistently(func() time.Duration { return spec.Summary("suite id").RunTime }).Should(Equal(totalRunTime))
- })
- It("should not be a measurement, or have a measurement summary", func() {
- Ω(summary.IsMeasurement).Should(BeFalse())
- Ω(summary.Measurements).Should(BeEmpty())
- })
- })
- Describe("Summaries for measurements", func() {
- var summary *types.SpecSummary
- BeforeEach(func() {
- spec = New(leafnodes.NewMeasureNode("measure node", func(b Benchmarker) {
- b.RecordValue("a value", 7, "some info")
- b.RecordValueWithPrecision("another value", 8, "ns", 5, "more info")
- }, noneFlag, codeLocation, 4, failer, 0), containers(), false)
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(spec.Passed()).Should(BeTrue())
- summary = spec.Summary("suite id")
- })
- It("should include the number of samples", func() {
- Ω(summary.NumberOfSamples).Should(Equal(4))
- })
- It("should be a measurement", func() {
- Ω(summary.IsMeasurement).Should(BeTrue())
- })
- It("should have the measurements report", func() {
- Ω(summary.Measurements).Should(HaveKey("a value"))
- report := summary.Measurements["a value"]
- Ω(report.Name).Should(Equal("a value"))
- Ω(report.Info).Should(Equal("some info"))
- Ω(report.Results).Should(Equal([]float64{7, 7, 7, 7}))
- Ω(summary.Measurements).Should(HaveKey("another value"))
- report = summary.Measurements["another value"]
- Ω(report.Name).Should(Equal("another value"))
- Ω(report.Info).Should(Equal("more info"))
- Ω(report.Results).Should(Equal([]float64{8, 8, 8, 8}))
- Ω(report.Units).Should(Equal("ns"))
- Ω(report.Precision).Should(Equal(5))
- })
- })
- Describe("When told to emit progress", func() {
- It("should emit progress to the writer as it runs Befores, JustBefores, Afters, and Its", func() {
- spec = New(
- newIt("it node", noneFlag, false),
- containers(
- newContainer("outer container", noneFlag,
- newBef("outer bef A", false),
- newJusBef("outer jusbef A", false),
- newJusAft("outer jusaft A", false),
- newAft("outer aft A", false),
- ),
- newContainer("inner container", noneFlag,
- newBef("inner bef A", false),
- newJusBef("inner jusbef A", false),
- newJusAft("inner jusaft A", false),
- newAft("inner aft A", false),
- ),
- ),
- true,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[BeforeEach\] outer container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[BeforeEach\] inner container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[JustBeforeEach\] outer container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[JustBeforeEach\] inner container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[It\] it node`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[JustAfterEach\] inner container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[JustAfterEach\] outer container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[AfterEach\] inner container`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[AfterEach\] outer container`))
- })
- It("should emit progress to the writer as it runs Befores, JustBefores, JustAfters, Afters, and Measures", func() {
- spec = New(
- newMeasure("measure node", noneFlag, false, 2),
- containers(),
- true,
- )
- spec.Run(buffer)
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[Measure\] measure node`))
- Ω(buffer).Should(gbytes.Say(`\[Measure\] measure node`))
- })
- })
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 006185ab5..27c0d1d6c 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -7,14 +7,21 @@ import (
type Specs struct {
- specs []*Spec
+ specs []*Spec
+ names []string
hasProgrammaticFocus bool
RegexScansFilePath bool
func NewSpecs(specs []*Spec) *Specs {
+ names := make([]string, len(specs))
+ for i, spec := range specs {
+ names[i] = spec.ConcatenatedString()
+ }
return &Specs{
specs: specs,
+ names: names,
@@ -30,10 +37,13 @@ func (e *Specs) Shuffle(r *rand.Rand) {
permutation := r.Perm(len(e.specs))
shuffledSpecs := make([]*Spec, len(e.specs))
+ names := make([]string, len(e.specs))
for i, j := range permutation {
shuffledSpecs[i] = e.specs[j]
+ names[i] = e.names[j]
e.specs = shuffledSpecs
+ e.names = names
func (e *Specs) ApplyFocus(description string, focusString string, skipString string) {
@@ -64,33 +74,43 @@ func (e *Specs) applyProgrammaticFocus() {
// toMatch returns a byte[] to be used by regex matchers. When adding new behaviours to the matching function,
// this is the place which we append to.
-func (e *Specs) toMatch(description string, spec *Spec) []byte {
+func (e *Specs) toMatch(description string, i int) []byte {
+ if i > len(e.names) {
+ return nil
+ }
if e.RegexScansFilePath {
return []byte(
description + " " +
- spec.ConcatenatedString() + " " +
- spec.subject.CodeLocation().FileName)
+ e.names[i] + " " +
+ e.specs[i].subject.CodeLocation().FileName)
} else {
return []byte(
description + " " +
- spec.ConcatenatedString())
+ e.names[i])
func (e *Specs) applyRegExpFocusAndSkip(description string, focusString string, skipString string) {
- for _, spec := range e.specs {
+ var focusFilter *regexp.Regexp
+ if focusString != "" {
+ focusFilter = regexp.MustCompile(focusString)
+ }
+ var skipFilter *regexp.Regexp
+ if skipString != "" {
+ skipFilter = regexp.MustCompile(skipString)
+ }
+ for i, spec := range e.specs {
matchesFocus := true
matchesSkip := false
- toMatch := e.toMatch(description, spec)
+ toMatch := e.toMatch(description, i)
- if focusString != "" {
- focusFilter := regexp.MustCompile(focusString)
+ if focusFilter != nil {
matchesFocus = focusFilter.Match([]byte(toMatch))
- if skipString != "" {
- skipFilter := regexp.MustCompile(skipString)
+ if skipFilter != nil {
matchesSkip = skipFilter.Match([]byte(toMatch))
@@ -115,9 +135,10 @@ func (e *Specs) Len() int {
func (e *Specs) Less(i, j int) bool {
- return e.specs[i].ConcatenatedString() < e.specs[j].ConcatenatedString()
+ return e.names[i] < e.names[j]
func (e *Specs) Swap(i, j int) {
+ e.names[i], e.names[j] = e.names[j], e.names[i]
e.specs[i], e.specs[j] = e.specs[j], e.specs[i]
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 066fbbb3a..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-package spec_test
-import (
- "math/rand"
- . ""
- . ""
- . ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
-var _ = Describe("Specs", func() {
- var specs *Specs
- newSpec := func(text string, flag types.FlagType) *Spec {
- subject := leafnodes.NewItNode(text, func() {}, flag, codelocation.New(0), 0, nil, 0)
- return New(subject, []*containernode.ContainerNode{}, false)
- }
- newMeasureSpec := func(text string, flag types.FlagType) *Spec {
- subject := leafnodes.NewMeasureNode(text, func(Benchmarker) {}, flag, codelocation.New(0), 0, nil, 0)
- return New(subject, []*containernode.ContainerNode{}, false)
- }
- newSpecs := func(args ...interface{}) *Specs {
- specs := []*Spec{}
- for index := 0; index < len(args)-1; index += 2 {
- specs = append(specs, newSpec(args[index].(string), args[index+1].(types.FlagType)))
- }
- return NewSpecs(specs)
- }
- specTexts := func(specs *Specs) []string {
- texts := []string{}
- for _, spec := range specs.Specs() {
- texts = append(texts, spec.ConcatenatedString())
- }
- return texts
- }
- willRunTexts := func(specs *Specs) []string {
- texts := []string{}
- for _, spec := range specs.Specs() {
- if !(spec.Skipped() || spec.Pending()) {
- texts = append(texts, spec.ConcatenatedString())
- }
- }
- return texts
- }
- skippedTexts := func(specs *Specs) []string {
- texts := []string{}
- for _, spec := range specs.Specs() {
- if spec.Skipped() {
- texts = append(texts, spec.ConcatenatedString())
- }
- }
- return texts
- }
- pendingTexts := func(specs *Specs) []string {
- texts := []string{}
- for _, spec := range specs.Specs() {
- if spec.Pending() {
- texts = append(texts, spec.ConcatenatedString())
- }
- }
- return texts
- }
- Describe("Shuffling specs", func() {
- It("should shuffle the specs using the passed in randomizer", func() {
- specs17 := newSpecs("C", noneFlag, "A", noneFlag, "B", noneFlag)
- specs17.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(17)))
- texts17 := specTexts(specs17)
- specs17Again := newSpecs("C", noneFlag, "A", noneFlag, "B", noneFlag)
- specs17Again.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(17)))
- texts17Again := specTexts(specs17Again)
- specs15 := newSpecs("C", noneFlag, "A", noneFlag, "B", noneFlag)
- specs15.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(15)))
- texts15 := specTexts(specs15)
- specsUnshuffled := newSpecs("C", noneFlag, "A", noneFlag, "B", noneFlag)
- textsUnshuffled := specTexts(specsUnshuffled)
- Ω(textsUnshuffled).Should(Equal([]string{"C", "A", "B"}))
- Ω(texts17).Should(Equal(texts17Again))
- Ω(texts17).ShouldNot(Equal(texts15))
- Ω(texts17).ShouldNot(Equal(textsUnshuffled))
- Ω(texts15).ShouldNot(Equal(textsUnshuffled))
- Ω(texts17).Should(HaveLen(3))
- Ω(texts17).Should(ContainElement("A"))
- Ω(texts17).Should(ContainElement("B"))
- Ω(texts17).Should(ContainElement("C"))
- Ω(texts15).Should(HaveLen(3))
- Ω(texts15).Should(ContainElement("A"))
- Ω(texts15).Should(ContainElement("B"))
- Ω(texts15).Should(ContainElement("C"))
- })
- })
- Describe("with no programmatic focus", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- specs = newSpecs("A1", noneFlag, "A2", noneFlag, "B1", noneFlag, "B2", pendingFlag)
- specs.ApplyFocus("", "", "")
- })
- It("should not report as having programmatic specs", func() {
- Ω(specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()).Should(BeFalse())
- })
- })
- Describe("Applying focus/skip", func() {
- var description, focusString, skipString string
- BeforeEach(func() {
- description, focusString, skipString = "", "", ""
- })
- JustBeforeEach(func() {
- specs = newSpecs("A1", focusedFlag, "A2", noneFlag, "B1", focusedFlag, "B2", pendingFlag)
- specs.ApplyFocus(description, focusString, skipString)
- })
- Context("with neither a focus string nor a skip string", func() {
- It("should apply the programmatic focus", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "B1"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A2", "B2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- })
- It("should report as having programmatic specs", func() {
- Ω(specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()).Should(BeTrue())
- })
- })
- Context("with a focus regexp", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- focusString = "A"
- })
- It("should override the programmatic focus", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "A2"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B1", "B2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- })
- It("should not report as having programmatic specs", func() {
- Ω(specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()).Should(BeFalse())
- })
- })
- Context("with a focus regexp", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- focusString = "B"
- })
- It("should not override any pendings", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B1"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "A2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B2"}))
- })
- })
- Context("with a description", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- description = "C"
- focusString = "C"
- })
- It("should include the description in the focus determination", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "A2", "B1"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B2"}))
- })
- })
- Context("with a description", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- description = "C"
- skipString = "C"
- })
- It("should include the description in the focus determination", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "A2", "B1", "B2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- })
- })
- Context("with a skip regexp", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- skipString = "A"
- })
- It("should override the programmatic focus", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B1"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1", "A2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"B2"}))
- })
- It("should not report as having programmatic specs", func() {
- Ω(specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()).Should(BeFalse())
- })
- })
- Context("with both a focus and a skip regexp", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- focusString = "1"
- skipString = "B"
- })
- It("should AND the two", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A1"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A2", "B1", "B2"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- })
- It("should not report as having programmatic specs", func() {
- Ω(specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()).Should(BeFalse())
- })
- })
- })
- Describe("With a focused spec within a pending context and a pending spec within a focused context", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- pendingInFocused := New(
- leafnodes.NewItNode("PendingInFocused", func() {}, pendingFlag, codelocation.New(0), 0, nil, 0),
- []*containernode.ContainerNode{
- containernode.New("", focusedFlag, codelocation.New(0)),
- }, false)
- focusedInPending := New(
- leafnodes.NewItNode("FocusedInPending", func() {}, focusedFlag, codelocation.New(0), 0, nil, 0),
- []*containernode.ContainerNode{
- containernode.New("", pendingFlag, codelocation.New(0)),
- }, false)
- specs = NewSpecs([]*Spec{
- newSpec("A", noneFlag),
- newSpec("B", noneFlag),
- pendingInFocused,
- focusedInPending,
- })
- specs.ApplyFocus("", "", "")
- })
- It("should not have a programmatic focus and should run all tests", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A", "B"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(ConsistOf(ContainSubstring("PendingInFocused"), ContainSubstring("FocusedInPending")))
- })
- })
- Describe("skipping measurements", func() {
- BeforeEach(func() {
- specs = NewSpecs([]*Spec{
- newSpec("A", noneFlag),
- newSpec("B", noneFlag),
- newSpec("C", pendingFlag),
- newMeasureSpec("measurementA", noneFlag),
- newMeasureSpec("measurementB", pendingFlag),
- })
- })
- It("should skip measurements", func() {
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A", "B", "measurementA"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(BeEmpty())
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"C", "measurementB"}))
- specs.SkipMeasurements()
- Ω(willRunTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"A", "B"}))
- Ω(skippedTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"measurementA", "measurementB"}))
- Ω(pendingTexts(specs)).Should(Equal([]string{"C"}))
- })
- })