path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
3 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3104bbc88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+package suite
+import (
+ "math/rand"
+ "net/http"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+type ginkgoTestingT interface {
+ Fail()
+type Suite struct {
+ topLevelContainer *containernode.ContainerNode
+ currentContainer *containernode.ContainerNode
+ containerIndex int
+ beforeSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode
+ afterSuiteNode leafnodes.SuiteNode
+ runner *specrunner.SpecRunner
+ failer *failer.Failer
+ running bool
+func New(failer *failer.Failer) *Suite {
+ topLevelContainer := containernode.New("[Top Level]", types.FlagTypeNone, types.CodeLocation{})
+ return &Suite{
+ topLevelContainer: topLevelContainer,
+ currentContainer: topLevelContainer,
+ failer: failer,
+ containerIndex: 1,
+ }
+func (suite *Suite) Run(t ginkgoTestingT, description string, reporters []reporters.Reporter, writer writer.WriterInterface, config config.GinkgoConfigType) (bool, bool) {
+ if config.ParallelTotal < 1 {
+ panic(" must be >= 1")
+ }
+ if config.ParallelNode > config.ParallelTotal || config.ParallelNode < 1 {
+ panic("ginkgo.parallel.node is one-indexed and must be <=")
+ }
+ r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.RandomSeed))
+ suite.topLevelContainer.Shuffle(r)
+ iterator, hasProgrammaticFocus := suite.generateSpecsIterator(description, config)
+ suite.runner = specrunner.New(description, suite.beforeSuiteNode, iterator, suite.afterSuiteNode, reporters, writer, config)
+ suite.running = true
+ success := suite.runner.Run()
+ if !success {
+ t.Fail()
+ }
+ return success, hasProgrammaticFocus
+func (suite *Suite) generateSpecsIterator(description string, config config.GinkgoConfigType) (spec_iterator.SpecIterator, bool) {
+ specsSlice := []*spec.Spec{}
+ suite.topLevelContainer.BackPropagateProgrammaticFocus()
+ for _, collatedNodes := range suite.topLevelContainer.Collate() {
+ specsSlice = append(specsSlice, spec.New(collatedNodes.Subject, collatedNodes.Containers, config.EmitSpecProgress))
+ }
+ specs := spec.NewSpecs(specsSlice)
+ specs.RegexScansFilePath = config.RegexScansFilePath
+ if config.RandomizeAllSpecs {
+ specs.Shuffle(rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.RandomSeed)))
+ }
+ specs.ApplyFocus(description, config.FocusString, config.SkipString)
+ if config.SkipMeasurements {
+ specs.SkipMeasurements()
+ }
+ var iterator spec_iterator.SpecIterator
+ if config.ParallelTotal > 1 {
+ iterator = spec_iterator.NewParallelIterator(specs.Specs(), config.SyncHost)
+ resp, err := http.Get(config.SyncHost + "/has-counter")
+ if err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ iterator = spec_iterator.NewShardedParallelIterator(specs.Specs(), config.ParallelTotal, config.ParallelNode)
+ }
+ } else {
+ iterator = spec_iterator.NewSerialIterator(specs.Specs())
+ }
+ return iterator, specs.HasProgrammaticFocus()
+func (suite *Suite) CurrentRunningSpecSummary() (*types.SpecSummary, bool) {
+ return suite.runner.CurrentSpecSummary()
+func (suite *Suite) SetBeforeSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.beforeSuiteNode != nil {
+ panic("You may only call BeforeSuite once!")
+ }
+ suite.beforeSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewBeforeSuiteNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer)
+func (suite *Suite) SetAfterSuiteNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.afterSuiteNode != nil {
+ panic("You may only call AfterSuite once!")
+ }
+ suite.afterSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewAfterSuiteNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer)
+func (suite *Suite) SetSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.beforeSuiteNode != nil {
+ panic("You may only call BeforeSuite once!")
+ }
+ suite.beforeSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewSynchronizedBeforeSuiteNode(bodyA, bodyB, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer)
+func (suite *Suite) SetSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(bodyA interface{}, bodyB interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.afterSuiteNode != nil {
+ panic("You may only call AfterSuite once!")
+ }
+ suite.afterSuiteNode = leafnodes.NewSynchronizedAfterSuiteNode(bodyA, bodyB, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer)
+func (suite *Suite) PushContainerNode(text string, body func(), flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation) {
+ container := containernode.New(text, flag, codeLocation)
+ suite.currentContainer.PushContainerNode(container)
+ previousContainer := suite.currentContainer
+ suite.currentContainer = container
+ suite.containerIndex++
+ body()
+ suite.containerIndex--
+ suite.currentContainer = previousContainer
+func (suite *Suite) PushItNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call It from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSubjectNode(leafnodes.NewItNode(text, body, flag, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
+func (suite *Suite) PushMeasureNode(text string, body interface{}, flag types.FlagType, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, samples int) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call Measure from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSubjectNode(leafnodes.NewMeasureNode(text, body, flag, codeLocation, samples, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
+func (suite *Suite) PushBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call BeforeEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewBeforeEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
+func (suite *Suite) PushJustBeforeEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call JustBeforeEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewJustBeforeEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
+func (suite *Suite) PushJustAfterEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call JustAfterEach from within a Describe or Context", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewJustAfterEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
+func (suite *Suite) PushAfterEachNode(body interface{}, codeLocation types.CodeLocation, timeout time.Duration) {
+ if suite.running {
+ suite.failer.Fail("You may only call AfterEach from within a Describe, Context or When", codeLocation)
+ }
+ suite.currentContainer.PushSetupNode(leafnodes.NewAfterEachNode(body, codeLocation, timeout, suite.failer, suite.containerIndex))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06fe1d12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package suite_test
+import (
+ . ""
+ . ""
+ "testing"
+func Test(t *testing.T) {
+ RegisterFailHandler(Fail)
+ RunSpecs(t, "Suite")
+var numBeforeSuiteRuns = 0
+var numAfterSuiteRuns = 0
+var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
+ numBeforeSuiteRuns++
+var _ = AfterSuite(func() {
+ numAfterSuiteRuns++
+ Ω(numBeforeSuiteRuns).Should(Equal(1))
+ Ω(numAfterSuiteRuns).Should(Equal(1))
+type fakeTestingT struct {
+ didFail bool
+func (fakeT *fakeTestingT) Fail() {
+ fakeT.didFail = true
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd2d11dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+package suite_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ . ""
+ . ""
+ . ""
+ "math/rand"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ Failer ""
+ Writer ""
+ ""
+ ""
+var _ = Describe("Suite", func() {
+ var (
+ specSuite *Suite
+ fakeT *fakeTestingT
+ fakeR *reporters.FakeReporter
+ writer *Writer.FakeGinkgoWriter
+ failer *Failer.Failer
+ )
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ writer = Writer.NewFake()
+ fakeT = &fakeTestingT{}
+ fakeR = reporters.NewFakeReporter()
+ failer = Failer.New()
+ specSuite = New(failer)
+ })
+ Describe("running a suite", func() {
+ var (
+ runOrder []string
+ randomizeAllSpecs bool
+ randomSeed int64
+ focusString string
+ parallelNode int
+ parallelTotal int
+ runResult bool
+ hasProgrammaticFocus bool
+ )
+ var f = func(runText string) func() {
+ return func() {
+ runOrder = append(runOrder, runText)
+ }
+ }
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ randomizeAllSpecs = false
+ randomSeed = 11
+ parallelNode = 1
+ parallelTotal = 1
+ focusString = ""
+ runOrder = make([]string, 0)
+ specSuite.SetBeforeSuiteNode(f("BeforeSuite"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(f("top BE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushJustBeforeEachNode(f("top JBE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushAfterEachNode(f("top AE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushContainerNode("container", func() {
+ specSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(f("BE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushJustBeforeEachNode(f("JBE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushAfterEachNode(f("AE"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushItNode("it", f("IT"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushContainerNode("inner container", func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("inner it", f("inner IT"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0))
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0))
+ specSuite.PushContainerNode("container 2", func() {
+ specSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(f("BE 2"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushItNode("it 2", f("IT 2"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0))
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", f("top IT"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.SetAfterSuiteNode(f("AfterSuite"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ JustBeforeEach(func() {
+ runResult, hasProgrammaticFocus = specSuite.Run(fakeT, "suite description", []reporters.Reporter{fakeR}, writer, config.GinkgoConfigType{
+ RandomSeed: randomSeed,
+ RandomizeAllSpecs: randomizeAllSpecs,
+ FocusString: focusString,
+ ParallelNode: parallelNode,
+ ParallelTotal: parallelTotal,
+ })
+ })
+ It("provides the config and suite description to the reporter", func() {
+ Ω(fakeR.Config.RandomSeed).Should(Equal(int64(randomSeed)))
+ Ω(fakeR.Config.RandomizeAllSpecs).Should(Equal(randomizeAllSpecs))
+ Ω(fakeR.BeginSummary.SuiteDescription).Should(Equal("suite description"))
+ })
+ It("reports that the BeforeSuite node ran", func() {
+ Ω(fakeR.BeforeSuiteSummary).ShouldNot(BeNil())
+ })
+ It("reports that the AfterSuite node ran", func() {
+ Ω(fakeR.AfterSuiteSummary).ShouldNot(BeNil())
+ })
+ It("provides information about the current test", func() {
+ description := CurrentGinkgoTestDescription()
+ Ω(description.ComponentTexts).Should(Equal([]string{"Suite", "running a suite", "provides information about the current test"}))
+ Ω(description.FullTestText).Should(Equal("Suite running a suite provides information about the current test"))
+ Ω(description.TestText).Should(Equal("provides information about the current test"))
+ Ω(description.IsMeasurement).Should(BeFalse())
+ Ω(description.FileName).Should(ContainSubstring("suite_test.go"))
+ Ω(description.LineNumber).Should(BeNumerically(">", 50))
+ Ω(description.LineNumber).Should(BeNumerically("<", 150))
+ Ω(description.Failed).Should(BeFalse())
+ Ω(description.Duration).Should(BeNumerically(">", 0))
+ })
+ Measure("should run measurements", func(b Benchmarker) {
+ r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
+ runtime := b.Time("sleeping", func() {
+ sleepTime := time.Duration(r.Float64() * 0.01 * float64(time.Second))
+ time.Sleep(sleepTime)
+ })
+ Ω(runtime.Seconds()).Should(BeNumerically("<=", 1))
+ Ω(runtime.Seconds()).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 0))
+ randomValue := r.Float64() * 10.0
+ b.RecordValue("random value", randomValue)
+ Ω(randomValue).Should(BeNumerically("<=", 10.0))
+ Ω(randomValue).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 0.0))
+ b.RecordValueWithPrecision("specific value", 123.4567, "ms", 2)
+ b.RecordValueWithPrecision("specific value", 234.5678, "ms", 2)
+ }, 10)
+ It("creates a node hierarchy, converts it to a spec collection, and runs it", func() {
+ Ω(runOrder).Should(Equal([]string{
+ "BeforeSuite",
+ "top BE", "BE", "top JBE", "JBE", "IT", "AE", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE", "top JBE", "JBE", "inner IT", "AE", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE 2", "top JBE", "IT 2", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "top JBE", "top IT", "top AE",
+ "AfterSuite",
+ }))
+ })
+ Context("when in an AfterEach block", func() {
+ AfterEach(func() {
+ description := CurrentGinkgoTestDescription()
+ Ω(description.IsMeasurement).Should(BeFalse())
+ Ω(description.FileName).Should(ContainSubstring("suite_test.go"))
+ Ω(description.Failed).Should(BeFalse())
+ Ω(description.Duration).Should(BeNumerically(">", 0))
+ })
+ It("still provides information about the current test", func() {
+ Ω(true).To(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when told to randomize all specs", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ randomizeAllSpecs = true
+ })
+ It("does", func() {
+ Ω(runOrder).Should(Equal([]string{
+ "BeforeSuite",
+ "top BE", "top JBE", "top IT", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE", "top JBE", "JBE", "inner IT", "AE", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE", "top JBE", "JBE", "IT", "AE", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE 2", "top JBE", "IT 2", "top AE",
+ "AfterSuite",
+ }))
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when provided with a filter", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ focusString = `inner|\d`
+ })
+ It("converts the filter to a regular expression and uses it to filter the running specs", func() {
+ Ω(runOrder).Should(Equal([]string{
+ "BeforeSuite",
+ "top BE", "BE", "top JBE", "JBE", "inner IT", "AE", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "BE 2", "top JBE", "IT 2", "top AE",
+ "AfterSuite",
+ }))
+ })
+ It("should not report a programmatic focus", func() {
+ Ω(hasProgrammaticFocus).Should(BeFalse())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("with a programatically focused spec", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("focused it", f("focused it"), types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushContainerNode("focused container", func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("inner focused it", f("inner focused it"), types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ specSuite.PushItNode("inner unfocused it", f("inner unfocused it"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeFocused, codelocation.New(0))
+ })
+ It("should only run the focused test, applying backpropagation to favor most deeply focused leaf nodes", func() {
+ Ω(runOrder).Should(Equal([]string{
+ "BeforeSuite",
+ "top BE", "top JBE", "focused it", "top AE",
+ "top BE", "top JBE", "inner focused it", "top AE",
+ "AfterSuite",
+ }))
+ })
+ It("should report a programmatic focus", func() {
+ Ω(hasProgrammaticFocus).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when the specs pass", func() {
+ It("doesn't report a failure", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeFalse())
+ })
+ It("should return true", func() {
+ Ω(runResult).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when a spec fails", func() {
+ var location types.CodeLocation
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ location = codelocation.New(0)
+ failer.Fail("oops!", location)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should return false", func() {
+ Ω(runResult).Should(BeFalse())
+ })
+ It("reports a failure", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ It("generates the correct failure data", func() {
+ Ω(fakeR.SpecSummaries[0].Failure.Message).Should(Equal("oops!"))
+ Ω(fakeR.SpecSummaries[0].Failure.Location).Should(Equal(location))
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when runnable nodes are nested within other runnable nodes", func() {
+ Context("when an It is nested", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("nested it", f("oops"), types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when a Measure is nested", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ specSuite.PushMeasureNode("nested measure", func(Benchmarker) {}, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 10)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when a BeforeEach is nested", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ specSuite.PushBeforeEachNode(f("nested bef"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when a JustBeforeEach is nested", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ specSuite.PushJustBeforeEachNode(f("nested jbef"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ Context("when a AfterEach is nested", func() {
+ BeforeEach(func() {
+ specSuite.PushItNode("top level it", func() {
+ specSuite.PushAfterEachNode(f("nested aft"), codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }, types.FlagTypeNone, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ })
+ It("should fail", func() {
+ Ω(fakeT.didFail).Should(BeTrue())
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ Describe("BeforeSuite", func() {
+ Context("when setting BeforeSuite more than once", func() {
+ It("should panic", func() {
+ specSuite.SetBeforeSuiteNode(func() {}, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ Ω(func() {
+ specSuite.SetBeforeSuiteNode(func() {}, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }).Should(Panic())
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ Describe("AfterSuite", func() {
+ Context("when setting AfterSuite more than once", func() {
+ It("should panic", func() {
+ specSuite.SetAfterSuiteNode(func() {}, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ Ω(func() {
+ specSuite.SetAfterSuiteNode(func() {}, codelocation.New(0), 0)
+ }).Should(Panic())
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ Describe("By", func() {
+ It("writes to the GinkgoWriter", func() {
+ originalGinkgoWriter := GinkgoWriter
+ buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ GinkgoWriter = buffer
+ By("Saying Hello GinkgoWriter")
+ GinkgoWriter = originalGinkgoWriter
+ Ω(buffer.String()).Should(ContainSubstring("STEP"))
+ Ω(buffer.String()).Should(ContainSubstring(": Saying Hello GinkgoWriter\n"))
+ })
+ It("calls the passed-in callback if present", func() {
+ a := 0
+ By("calling the callback", func() {
+ a = 1
+ })
+ Ω(a).Should(Equal(1))
+ })
+ It("panics if there is more than one callback", func() {
+ Ω(func() {
+ By("registering more than one callback", func() {}, func() {})
+ }).Should(Panic())
+ })
+ })
+ Describe("GinkgoRandomSeed", func() {
+ It("returns the current config's random seed", func() {
+ Ω(GinkgoRandomSeed()).Should(Equal(config.GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed))
+ })
+ })