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-[![GoDoc][doc-img]][doc] [![Build Status][ci-img]][ci] [![Coverage Status][cov-img]][cov] [![OpenTracing 1.0 Enabled][ot-img]][ot-url]
-# Jaeger Bindings for Go OpenTracing API
-Instrumentation library that implements an
-[OpenTracing Go]( Tracer for Jaeger (
-**IMPORTANT**: The library's import path is based on its original location under ``. Do not try to import it as ``, it will not compile. We might revisit this in the next major release.
- * :white_check_mark: `import ""`
- * :x: `import ""`
-## How to Contribute
-Please see [](
-## Installation
-We recommended using a dependency manager like [dep](
-and [semantic versioning]( when including this library into an application.
-For example, Jaeger backend imports this library like this:
- name = ""
- version = "2.17"
-If you instead want to use the latest version in `master`, you can pull it via `go get`.
-Note that during `go get` you may see build errors due to incompatible dependencies, which is why
-we recommend using semantic versions for dependencies. The error may be fixed by running
-`make install` (it will install `dep` if you don't have it):
-go get -u
-cd $GOPATH/src/
-git submodule update --init --recursive
-make install
-## Initialization
-See tracer initialization examples in [godoc](
-and [config/example_test.go](./config/example_test.go).
-### Environment variables
-The tracer can be initialized with values coming from environment variables, if it is
-[built from a config](
-that was created via [FromEnv()](
-None of the env vars are required and all of them can be overridden via direct setting
-of the property on the configuration object.
-Property| Description
---- | ---
-JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME | The service name.
-JAEGER_AGENT_HOST | The hostname for communicating with agent via UDP (default `localhost`).
-JAEGER_AGENT_PORT | The port for communicating with agent via UDP (default `6831`).
-JAEGER_ENDPOINT | The HTTP endpoint for sending spans directly to a collector, i.e. http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces. If specified, the agent host/port are ignored.
-JAEGER_USER | Username to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the collector endpoint.
-JAEGER_PASSWORD | Password to send as part of "Basic" authentication to the collector endpoint.
-JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANS | Whether the reporter should also log the spans" `true` or `false` (default `false`).
-JAEGER_REPORTER_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | The reporter's maximum queue size (default `100`).
-JAEGER_REPORTER_FLUSH_INTERVAL | The reporter's flush interval, with units, e.g. `500ms` or `2s` ([valid units][timeunits]; default `1s`).
-JAEGER_REPORTER_ATTEMPT_RECONNECTING_DISABLED | When true, disables udp connection helper that periodically re-resolves the agent's hostname and reconnects if there was a change (default `false`).
-JAEGER_REPORTER_ATTEMPT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL | Controls how often the agent client re-resolves the provided hostname in order to detect address changes ([valid units][timeunits]; default `30s`).
-JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE | The sampler type: `remote`, `const`, `probabilistic`, `ratelimiting` (default `remote`). See also
-JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM | The sampler parameter (number).
-JAEGER_SAMPLER_MANAGER_HOST_PORT | (deprecated) The HTTP endpoint when using the `remote` sampler.
-JAEGER_SAMPLING_ENDPOINT | The URL for the sampling configuration server when using sampler type `remote` (default ``).
-JAEGER_SAMPLER_MAX_OPERATIONS | The maximum number of operations that the sampler will keep track of (default `2000`).
-JAEGER_SAMPLER_REFRESH_INTERVAL | How often the `remote` sampler should poll the configuration server for the appropriate sampling strategy, e.g. "1m" or "30s" ([valid units][timeunits]; default `1m`).
-JAEGER_TAGS | A comma separated list of `name=value` tracer-level tags, which get added to all reported spans. The value can also refer to an environment variable using the format `${envVarName:defaultValue}`.
-JAEGER_DISABLED | Whether the tracer is disabled or not. If `true`, the `opentracing.NoopTracer` is used (default `false`).
-JAEGER_RPC_METRICS | Whether to store RPC metrics, `true` or `false` (default `false`).
-By default, the client sends traces via UDP to the agent at `localhost:6831`. Use `JAEGER_AGENT_HOST` and
-`JAEGER_AGENT_PORT` to send UDP traces to a different `host:port`. If `JAEGER_ENDPOINT` is set, the client sends traces
-to the endpoint via `HTTP`, making the `JAEGER_AGENT_HOST` and `JAEGER_AGENT_PORT` unused. If `JAEGER_ENDPOINT` is
-secured, HTTP basic authentication can be performed by setting the `JAEGER_USER` and `JAEGER_PASSWORD` environment
-### Closing the tracer via `io.Closer`
-The constructor function for Jaeger Tracer returns the tracer itself and an `io.Closer` instance.
-It is recommended to structure your `main()` so that it calls the `Close()` function on the closer
-before exiting, e.g.
-tracer, closer, err := cfg.NewTracer(...)
-defer closer.Close()
-This is especially useful for command-line tools that enable tracing, as well as
-for the long-running apps that support graceful shutdown. For example, if your deployment
-system sends SIGTERM instead of killing the process and you trap that signal to do a graceful
-exit, then having `defer closer.Close()` ensures that all buffered spans are flushed.
-### Metrics & Monitoring
-The tracer emits a number of different metrics, defined in
-[metrics.go](metrics.go). The monitoring backend is expected to support
-tag-based metric names, e.g. instead of `statsd`-style string names
-like ``, the metrics
-are defined by a short name and a collection of key/value tags, for
-example: `name:jaeger.traces, state:started, sampled:y`. See [metrics.go](./metrics.go)
-file for the full list and descriptions of emitted metrics.
-The monitoring backend is represented by the `metrics.Factory` interface from package
-[`""`]( An implementation
-of that interface can be passed as an option to either the Configuration object or the Tracer
-constructor, for example:
-import (
- ""
- ""
- metricsFactory := prometheus.New()
- tracer, closer, err := config.Configuration{
- ServiceName: "your-service-name",
- }.NewTracer(
- config.Metrics(metricsFactory),
- )
-By default, a no-op `metrics.NullFactory` is used.
-### Logging
-The tracer can be configured with an optional logger, which will be
-used to log communication errors, or log spans if a logging reporter
-option is specified in the configuration. The logging API is abstracted
-by the [Logger](logger.go) interface. A logger instance implementing
-this interface can be set on the `Config` object before calling the
-`New` method.
-Besides the [zap]( implementation
-bundled with this package there is also a [go-kit](
-one in the [jaeger-lib]( repository.
-## Instrumentation for Tracing
-Since this tracer is fully compliant with OpenTracing API 1.0,
-all code instrumentation should only use the API itself, as described
-in the [opentracing-go]( documentation.
-## Features
-### Reporters
-A "reporter" is a component that receives the finished spans and reports
-them to somewhere. Under normal circumstances, the Tracer
-should use the default `RemoteReporter`, which sends the spans out of
-process via configurable "transport". For testing purposes, one can
-use an `InMemoryReporter` that accumulates spans in a buffer and
-allows to retrieve them for later verification. Also available are
-`NullReporter`, a no-op reporter that does nothing, a `LoggingReporter`
-which logs all finished spans using their `String()` method, and a
-`CompositeReporter` that can be used to combine more than one reporter
-into one, e.g. to attach a logging reporter to the main remote reporter.
-### Span Reporting Transports
-The remote reporter uses "transports" to actually send the spans out
-of process. Currently the supported transports include:
- * [Jaeger Thrift]( over UDP or HTTP,
- * [Zipkin Thrift]( over HTTP.
-### Sampling
-The tracer does not record all spans, but only those that have the
-sampling bit set in the `flags`. When a new trace is started and a new
-unique ID is generated, a sampling decision is made whether this trace
-should be sampled. The sampling decision is propagated to all downstream
-calls via the `flags` field of the trace context. The following samplers
-are available:
- 1. `RemotelyControlledSampler` uses one of the other simpler samplers
- and periodically updates it by polling an external server. This
- allows dynamic control of the sampling strategies.
- 1. `ConstSampler` always makes the same sampling decision for all
- trace IDs. it can be configured to either sample all traces, or
- to sample none.
- 1. `ProbabilisticSampler` uses a fixed sampling rate as a probability
- for a given trace to be sampled. The actual decision is made by
- comparing the trace ID with a random number multiplied by the
- sampling rate.
- 1. `RateLimitingSampler` can be used to allow only a certain fixed
- number of traces to be sampled per second.
-#### Delayed sampling
-Version 2.20 introduced the ability to delay sampling decisions in the life cycle
-of the root span. It involves several features and architectural changes:
- * **Shared sampling state**: the sampling state is shared across all local
- (i.e. in-process) spans for a given trace.
- * **New `SamplerV2` API** allows the sampler to be called at multiple points
- in the life cycle of a span:
- * on span creation
- * on overwriting span operation name
- * on setting span tags
- * on finishing the span
- * **Final/non-final sampling state**: the new `SamplerV2` API allows the sampler
- to indicate if the negative sampling decision is final or not (positive sampling
- decisions are always final). If the decision is not final, the sampler will be
- called again on further span life cycle events, like setting tags.
-These new features are used in the experimental `x.TagMatchingSampler`, which
-can sample a trace based on a certain tag added to the root
-span or one of its local (in-process) children. The sampler can be used with
-another experimental `x.PrioritySampler` that allows multiple samplers to try
-to make a sampling decision, in a certain priority order.
-### Baggage Injection
-The OpenTracing spec allows for [baggage][baggage], which are key value pairs that are added
-to the span context and propagated throughout the trace. An external process can inject baggage
-by setting the special HTTP Header `jaeger-baggage` on a request:
-curl -H "jaeger-baggage: key1=value1, key2=value2"
-Baggage can also be programatically set inside your service:
-if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
- span.SetBaggageItem("key", "value")
-Another service downstream of that can retrieve the baggage in a similar way:
-if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
- val := span.BaggageItem("key")
- println(val)
-### Debug Traces (Forced Sampling)
-#### Programmatically
-The OpenTracing API defines a `sampling.priority` standard tag that
-can be used to affect the sampling of a span and its children:
-import (
- ""
- ""
-span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
-ext.SamplingPriority.Set(span, 1)
-#### Via HTTP Headers
-Jaeger Tracer also understands a special HTTP Header `jaeger-debug-id`,
-which can be set in the incoming request, e.g.
-curl -H "jaeger-debug-id: some-correlation-id"
-When Jaeger sees this header in the request that otherwise has no
-tracing context, it ensures that the new trace started for this
-request will be sampled in the "debug" mode (meaning it should survive
-all downsampling that might happen in the collection pipeline), and the
-root span will have a tag as if this statement was executed:
-span.SetTag("jaeger-debug-id", "some-correlation-id")
-This allows using Jaeger UI to find the trace by this tag.
-### Zipkin HTTP B3 compatible header propagation
-Jaeger Tracer supports Zipkin B3 Propagation HTTP headers, which are used
-by a lot of Zipkin tracers. This means that you can use Jaeger in conjunction with e.g. [these OpenZipkin tracers](
-However it is not the default propagation format, see [here](zipkin/ how to set it up.
-## SelfRef
-Jaeger Tracer supports an additional [span reference][] type call `Self`, which was proposed
-to the OpenTracing Specification (
-but not yet accepted. This allows the caller to provide an already created `SpanContext`
-when starting a new span. The `Self` reference bypasses trace and span id generation,
-as well as sampling decisions (i.e. the sampling bit in the `SpanContext.flags` must be
-set appropriately by the caller).
-The `Self` reference supports the following use cases:
- * the ability to provide externally generated trace and span IDs
- * appending data to the same span from different processes, such as loading and continuing spans/traces from offline (ie log-based) storage
-Usage requires passing in a `SpanContext` and the `jaeger.Self` reference type:
-span := tracer.StartSpan(
- "continued_span",
- jaeger.SelfRef(yourSpanContext),
-defer span.Finish()
-## License
-[Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE).
-[span reference]: