Analyse the size of all go-packages used during the build process via
the newly added `hack/analyses/go-archive-analysis.sh` script. The
script expects the `WORK` environment variable to be set, which points
to a temporary work directory generated by `go build`. To generate such
a work directory, set the `BUILDFLAGS="-work -a"`:
* `-work` for creating the work directory
* `-a` to force rebuilding all packages even when already cached
The workflow may look as follows:
$ BUILDFLAGS="-work -a" make podman
$ WORK=/tmp/go-build127001249 ./hack/analyses/go-archive-analysis.sh
The output of the script has the format `$SIZE $PACKAGE` where $SIZE is
the size of the compiled version of the go package (i.e., `.a` file) and
$PACKAGE for the corresponding package, for instance, `math/big` for a
stdlib package or vendor/... for vendored packages.
Credits to the authors of https://github.com/jondot/goweight, which
inspired this work.
Signed-off-by: Valentin Rothberg <rothberg@redhat.com>