--- run: concurrency: 6 deadline: 5m skip-dirs-use-default: true skip-dirs: - contrib - dependencies skip-files: - swagger.go modules-download-mode: readonly linters: enable-all: true disable: # All these break for one reason or another - nolintlint # some linter must be disabled (see `nolint` in the code) - tagliatelle # too many JSON keys cannot be changed due to compat - gocognit - testpackage - goerr113 - exhaustivestruct - errorlint - wrapcheck - paralleltest - wsl - godox - tparallel - gomnd - nlreturn - noctx - nestif - predeclared - thelper - ifshort - forbidigo - exhaustive - gofumpt - gci - godot - dupl - funlen - gochecknoglobals - gochecknoinits - goconst - gocyclo - lll - unconvert - errcheck - gosec - maligned - gomoddirectives - containedctx - contextcheck - cyclop - errname - forcetypeassert - ireturn - varnamelen - maintidx - nilnil # deprecated linters - golint # replaced by revive - scopelint # replaced by exportloopref - interfacer linters-settings: errcheck: check-blank: false ignore: encoding/json:^Unmarshal,fmt:.*