# Podman Service Interface
interface io.projectatomic.podman

# Version is the structure returned by GetVersion
type Version (
  version: string,
  go_version: string,
  git_commit: string,
  built: int,
  os_arch: string

type NotImplemented (
    comment: string

type StringResponse (
    message: string

# ImageInList describes the structure that is returned in
# ListImages.
type ImageInList (
  id: string,
  parentId: string,
  repoTags: []string,
  repoDigests: []string,
  created: string,
  size: int,
  virtualSize: int,
  containers: int,
  labels: [string]string

# ImageHistory describes the returned structure from ImageHistory.
type ImageHistory (
    id: string,
    created: string,
    createdBy: string,
    tags: []string,
    size: int,
    comment: string

# ImageSearch is the returned structure for SearchImage.  It is returned
# in arrary form.
type ImageSearch (
    description: string,
    is_official: bool,
    is_automated: bool,
    name: string,
    star_count: int

# System
method Ping() -> (ping: StringResponse)
method GetVersion() -> (version: Version)

# Containers
method ListContainers() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method CreateContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method InspectContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method ListContainerProcesses() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method GetContainerLogs() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method ListContainerChanges() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method ExportContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method GetContainerStats() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method ResizeContainerTty() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method StartContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method StopContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method RestartContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method KillContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method UpdateContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method RenameContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method PauseContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method UnpauseContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method AttachToContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method WaitContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method RemoveContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method DeleteStoppedContainers() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)

# Images
method ListImages() -> (images: []ImageInList)
method BuildImage() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method CreateImage() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method InspectImage(name: string) -> (image: string)
method HistoryImage(name: string) -> (history: []ImageHistory)
method PushImage(name: string, tag: string, tlsverify: bool) -> ()
method TagImage(name: string, tagged: string) -> ()
method RemoveImage(name: string, force: bool) -> (image: string)
method SearchImage(name: string, limit: int) -> (images: []ImageSearch)
method DeleteUnusedImages() -> (images: []string)
method CreateFromContainer() -> (notimplemented: NotImplemented)
method ImportImage(source: string, reference: string, message: string, changes: []string) -> (image: string)
method ExportImage(name: string, destination: string, compress: bool) -> ()
method PullImage(name: string) -> (id: string)

# Something failed
error ActionFailed (reason: string)
error ImageNotFound (imagename: string)
error ErrorOccurred (reason: string)
error RuntimeError (reason: string)