#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail source $(dirname $0)/lib.sh req_env_var GOSRC RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAMES="" handle_archive() { # Assumed to be called with set +e TASK_NUMBER=$1 PR_OR_BRANCH=$2 CACHE_URL=$3 ARCHIVE_NAME="$(basename $CACHE_URL)" req_env_var TASK_NUMBER PR_OR_BRANCH CACHE_URL ARCHIVE_NAME cd /tmp curl -sO "$CACHE_URL" || return $(warn 0 "Couldn't download file, skipping.") [[ -r "/tmp/$ARCHIVE_NAME" ]] || return $(warn 0 "Unreadable archive '/tmp/$ARCHIVE_NAME', skipping.") ZIPCOMMENT=$(unzip -qqz "$ARCHIVE_NAME" 2>/dev/null) # noisy bugger if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] || [[ -z "$ZIPCOMMENT" ]] then return $(warn 0 "Could not unzip metadata from downloaded '/tmp/$ARCHIVE_NAME', skipping.") fi RELEASE_INFO=$(echo "$ZIPCOMMENT" | grep -m 1 'X-RELEASE-INFO:' | sed -r -e 's/X-RELEASE-INFO:\s*(.+)/\1/') if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] || [[ -z "$RELEASE_INFO" ]] then return $(warn 0 "Metadata empty or invalid: '$ZIPCOMMENT', skipping.") fi # e.g. libpod v1.3.1-166-g60df124e fedora 29 amd64 # or libpod v1.3.1-166-g60df124e amd64 FIELDS="RELEASE_BASENAME RELEASE_VERSION RELEASE_DIST RELEASE_DIST_VER RELEASE_ARCH" read $FIELDS <<< $RELEASE_INFO for f in $FIELDS do [[ -n "${!f}" ]] || return $(warn 0 "Expecting $f to be non-empty in metadata: '$RELEASE_INFO', skipping.") done echo -n "Preparing $RELEASE_BASENAME archive: " # Drop version number to enable "latest" representation # (version available w/in zip-file comment) RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAME="${RELEASE_BASENAME}-${PR_OR_BRANCH}-${RELEASE_DIST}-${RELEASE_DIST_VER}-${RELEASE_ARCH}.zip" # Allow uploading all gathered files in parallel, later with gsutil. mv -v "$ARCHIVE_NAME" "/$RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAME" RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAMES="$RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAMES $RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAME" } make_release() { ARCHIVE_NAME="$1" req_env_var ARCHIVE_NAME # There's no actual testing of windows/darwin targets yet # but we still want to cross-compile and publish binaries if [[ "$SPECIALMODE" == "windows" ]] || [[ "$SPECIALMODE" == "darwin" ]] then RELFILE="podman-remote-${SPECIALMODE}.zip" elif [[ "$SPECIALMODE" == "none" ]] then RELFILE="podman.zip" else die 55 "$(basename $0) unable to handle \$SPECIALMODE=$SPECIALMODE for $ARCHIVE_NAME" fi echo "Calling make $RELFILE" cd $GOSRC make "$RELFILE" echo "Renaming archive so it can be identified/downloaded for publishing" mv -v "$RELFILE" "$ARCHIVE_NAME" echo "Success!" } [[ "$CI" == "true" ]] || \ die 56 "$0 requires a Cirrus-CI cross-task cache to function" cd $GOSRC # Same script re-used for both uploading and downloading to avoid duplication if [[ "$(basename $0)" == "cache_release_archive.sh" ]] then # ref: https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#environment-variables req_env_var CI_NODE_INDEX CIRRUS_BUILD_ID # Use unique names for uncache_release_archives.sh to find/download them all ARCHIVE_NAME="build-${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID}-task-${CI_NODE_INDEX}.zip" make_release "$ARCHIVE_NAME" # ref: https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#http-cache URL="http://$CIRRUS_HTTP_CACHE_HOST/${ARCHIVE_NAME}" echo "Uploading $ARCHIVE_NAME to Cirrus-CI cache at $URL" curl -s -X POST --data-binary "@$ARCHIVE_NAME" "$URL" elif [[ "$(basename $0)" == "uncache_release_archives.sh" ]] then req_env_var CIRRUS_BUILD_ID CI_NODE_TOTAL GCPJSON GCPNAME GCPROJECT [[ "${CI_NODE_INDEX}" -eq "$[CI_NODE_TOTAL-1]" ]] || \ die 0 "WARNING: This task depends on cache data from other tasks, otherwise it is a no-op." if [[ -n "$CIRRUS_PR" ]] then PR_OR_BRANCH="pr$CIRRUS_PR" BUCKET="libpod-pr-releases" elif [[ -n "$CIRRUS_BRANCH" ]] then PR_OR_BRANCH="$CIRRUS_BRANCH" BUCKET="libpod-$CIRRUS_BRANCH-releases" else die 10 "Expecting either \$CIRRUS_PR or \$CIRRUS_BRANCH to be non-empty." fi echo "Blindly downloading Cirrus-CI cache files for task (some will fail)." set +e # Don't stop looping until all task's cache is attempted for (( task_number = 0 ; task_number < $CI_NODE_TOTAL ; task_number++ )) do ARCHIVE_NAME="build-${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID}-task-${task_number}.zip" URL="http://$CIRRUS_HTTP_CACHE_HOST/${ARCHIVE_NAME}" echo "Attempting to download cached archive from $URL" handle_archive "$task_number" "$PR_OR_BRANCH" "$URL" echo "----------------------------------------" done set -e [[ -n "$RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAMES" ]] || \ die 67 "Error: No release archives found in CI cache, expecting at least one." echo "Preparing to upload release archives." gcloud config set project "$GCPROJECT" echo "$GCPJSON" > /tmp/gcp.json gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/tmp/gcp.json rm /tmp/gcp.json # handle_archive() placed all uploadable files under / gsutil -m cp /*.zip "gs://$BUCKET" # Upload in parallel echo "Successfully uploaded archives:" for ARCHIVE_NAME in $RELEASE_ARCHIVE_NAMES do echo " https://storage.cloud.google.com/$BUCKET/$ARCHIVE_NAME" done echo "These will remain available until automatic pruning by bucket policy." else die 9 "I don't know what to do when called $0" fi