#!/bin/bash set -e source $(dirname $0)/lib.sh req_env_var GOSRC SCRIPT_BASE OS_RELEASE_ID OS_RELEASE_VER CONTAINER_RUNTIME cd "$GOSRC" if [[ "$SPECIALMODE" == "in_podman" ]] then set -x ${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run --rm --privileged --net=host \ -v $GOSRC:$GOSRC:Z \ --workdir $GOSRC \ -e "CGROUP_MANAGER=cgroupfs" \ -e "STORAGE_OPTIONS=--storage-driver=vfs" \ -e "CRIO_ROOT=$GOSRC" \ -e "PODMAN_BINARY=/usr/bin/podman" \ -e "CONMON_BINARY=/usr/libexec/podman/conmon" \ -e "DIST=$OS_RELEASE_ID" \ -e "CONTAINER_RUNTIME=$CONTAINER_RUNTIME" \ ${OS_RELEASE_ID}podmanbuild bash $GOSRC/$SCRIPT_BASE/container_test.sh -b -i -t -n exit $? elif [[ "$SPECIALMODE" == "rootless" ]] then req_env_var ROOTLESS_USER set -x ssh $ROOTLESS_USER@localhost \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no \ $GOSRC/$SCRIPT_BASE/rootless_test.sh exit $? else set -x make make install PREFIX=/usr ETCDIR=/etc make test-binaries make install.tools clean_env case "${OS_RELEASE_ID}-${OS_RELEASE_VER}" in ubuntu-18) ;; fedora-29) ;& # Continue to the next item fedora-28) ;& centos-7) ;& rhel-7) make podman-remote install bin/podman-remote /usr/bin ;; *) bad_os_id_ver ;; esac if [[ "$TEST_REMOTE_CLIENT" == "true" ]] then make remoteintegration else make localintegration fi exit $? fi