# Unit tests for some functions in lib.sh
source $(dirname $0)/lib.sh

# Iterator and return code; updated in test functions

function check_result {
    testnum=$(expr $testnum + 1)
    MSG=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '*>\012'|sed -e 's/^ \+//')
    if [ "$MSG" = "$2" ]; then
        echo "ok $testnum $(echo $3) = $(echo $MSG)"
        echo "not ok $testnum $3"
        echo "#  expected: $2"
        echo "#    actual: $MSG"

# tests for die()

function test_die() {
    local input_status=$1
    local input_msg=$2
    local expected_status=$3
    local expected_msg=$4

    local msg
    msg=$(die $input_status "$input_msg")
    local status=$?

    check_result "$msg" "$expected_msg" "die $input_status $input_msg"

test_die 1 "a message" 1 "a message"
test_die 2 ""          2 "FATAL ERROR (but no message given!) in test_die()"
test_die '' ''         1 "FATAL ERROR (but no message given!) in test_die()"

# tests for req_env_var()

function test_rev() {
    local input_args=$1
    local expected_status=$2
    local expected_msg=$3

    # bash gotcha: doing 'local msg=...' on one line loses exit status
    local msg
    msg=$(req_env_var $input_args)
    local status=$?

    check_result "$msg"    "$expected_msg"    "req_env_var $input_args"
    check_result "$status" "$expected_status" "req_env_var $input_args (rc)"

# error if called with no args
test_rev '' 1 'FATAL: req_env_var: invoked without arguments'

# error if desired envariable is unset
unset FOO BAR
test_rev FOO 9 'FATAL: test_rev() requires $FOO to be non-empty'
test_rev BAR 9 'FATAL: test_rev() requires $BAR to be non-empty'
# OK if desired envariable was unset
test_rev FOO 0 ''

# OK if multiple vars are non-empty
test_rev "$ENV_VARS" 0 ''
unset BAR

# ...but error if any single desired one is unset
test_rev "FOO BAR" 9 'FATAL: test_rev() requires $BAR to be non-empty'

# ...and OK if all args are set
test_rev "FOO BAR" 0 ''

# tests for test_okay()

function test_item_test {
    local exp_msg=$1
    local exp_ret=$2
    local item=$3
    shift 3
    local test_args="$@"
    local msg
    msg=$(item_test "$item" "$@")
    local status=$?

    check_result "$msg"    "$exp_msg" "test_item $item $test_args"
    check_result "$status" "$exp_ret" "test_item $item $test_args (actual rc $status)"

# negative tests
test_item_test "FATAL: item_test() requires \$ITEM to be non-empty" 9 "" ""
test_item_test "FATAL: item_test() requires \$TEST_ARGS to be non-empty" 9 "foo" ""
test_item_test "not ok foo: -gt 5 ~= bar: too many arguments" 2 "foo" "-gt" "5" "~=" "bar"
test_item_test "not ok bar: a -ge 10: a: integer expression expected" 2 "bar" "a" "-ge" "10"
test_item_test "not ok basic logic: 0 -ne 0" 1 "basic logic" "0" "-ne" "0"

# positive tests
test_item_test "ok snafu" 0 "snafu" "foo" "!=" "bar"
test_item_test "ok foobar" 0 "foobar" "one two three" "=" "one two three"
test_item_test "ok oh boy" 0 "oh boy" "line 1
line2" "!=" "line 1

test_item_test "ok okay enough" 0 "okay enough" "line 1
line2" "=" "line 1


exit $rc