# Library of common, shared utility functions. This file is intended # to be sourced by other scripts, not called directly. # Global details persist here source /etc/environment # not always loaded under all circumstances # Under some contexts these values are not set, make sure they are. USER="$(whoami)" HOME="$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 6)" [[ -n "$UID" ]] || UID=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 3) GID=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 4) # Essential default paths, many are overriden when executing under Cirrus-CI export GOPATH="${GOPATH:-/var/tmp/go}" if type -P go &> /dev/null then # required for go 1.12+ export GOCACHE="${GOCACHE:-$HOME/.cache/go-build}" eval "$(go env)" # required by make and other tools export $(go env | cut -d '=' -f 1) # Ensure compiled tooling is reachable export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin" fi CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR="${CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR:-$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/libpod}" export GOSRC="${GOSRC:-$CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR}" export PATH="$HOME/bin:$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}" TIMESTAMPS_FILEPATH="${TIMESTAMPS_FILEPATH:-/var/tmp/timestamps}" SETUP_MARKER_FILEPATH="${SETUP_MARKER_FILEPATH:-/var/tmp/.setup_environment_sh_complete}" # Saves typing / in case location ever moves SCRIPT_BASE=${SCRIPT_BASE:-./contrib/cirrus} PACKER_BASE=${PACKER_BASE:-./contrib/cirrus/packer} cd $GOSRC if type -P git &> /dev/null then CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO=${CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO:-$(git show-ref --hash=8 HEAD || date +%s)} else # pick something unique and obviously not from Cirrus CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO=${CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO:-no_git_$(date +%s)} fi # Defaults when not running under CI export CI="${CI:-false}" CIRRUS_CI="${CIRRUS_CI:-false}" CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION="${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION:-false}" CIRRUS_REPO_NAME=${CIRRUS_REPO_NAME:-libpod} CIRRUS_BASE_SHA=${CIRRUS_BASE_SHA:-unknown$(date +%s)} # difficult to reliably discover CIRRUS_BUILD_ID=${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID:-$RANDOM$(date +%s)} # must be short and unique # Vars. for image-building PACKER_VER="1.3.5" # CSV of cache-image names to build (see $PACKER_BASE/libpod_images.json) # Base-images rarely change, define them here so they're out of the way. PACKER_BUILDS="${PACKER_BUILDS:-ubuntu-18,fedora-30,fedora-29}" # Google-maintained base-image names UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE="ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20181203a" # Manually produced base-image names (see $SCRIPT_BASE/README.md) FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-30-1-2-1559164849" PRIOR_FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-29-1-2-1559164849" BUILT_IMAGE_SUFFIX="${BUILT_IMAGE_SUFFIX:--$CIRRUS_REPO_NAME-${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID}}" # IN_PODMAN container image IN_PODMAN_IMAGE="quay.io/libpod/in_podman:latest" # Safe env. vars. to transfer from root -> $ROOTLESS_USER (go env handled separetly) ROOTLESS_ENV_RE='(CIRRUS_.+)|(ROOTLESS_.+)|(.+_IMAGE.*)|(.+_BASE)|(.*DIRPATH)|(.*FILEPATH)|(SOURCE.*)|(DEPEND.*)|(.+_DEPS_.+)|(OS_REL.*)|(.+_ENV_RE)|(TRAVIS)|(CI.+)|(TEST_REMOTE.*)' # Unsafe env. vars for display SECRET_ENV_RE='(IRCID)|(ACCOUNT)|(^GC[EP]..+)|(SSH)' SPECIALMODE="${SPECIALMODE:-none}" TEST_REMOTE_CLIENT="${TEST_REMOTE_CLIENT:-false}" export CONTAINER_RUNTIME=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-podman} # When running as root, this may be empty or not, as a user, it MUST be set. if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]] then ROOTLESS_USER="${ROOTLESS_USER:-}" else ROOTLESS_USER="${ROOTLESS_USER:-$USER}" fi # GCE image-name compatible string representation of distribution name OS_RELEASE_ID="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $ID)" # GCE image-name compatible string representation of distribution _major_ version OS_RELEASE_VER="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_ID | cut -d '.' -f 1)" # Combined to ease soe usage OS_REL_VER="${OS_RELEASE_ID}-${OS_RELEASE_VER}" # Pass in a list of one or more envariable names; exit non-zero with # helpful error message if any value is empty req_env_var() { # Provide context. If invoked from function use its name; else script name local caller=${FUNCNAME[1]} if [[ -n "$caller" ]]; then # Indicate that it's a function name caller="$caller()" else # Not called from a function: use script name caller=$(basename $0) fi # Usage check [[ -n "$1" ]] || die 1 "FATAL: req_env_var: invoked without arguments" # Each input arg is an envariable name, e.g. HOME PATH etc. Expand each. # If any is empty, bail out and explain why. for i; do if [[ -z "${!i}" ]]; then die 9 "FATAL: $caller requires \$$i to be non-empty" fi done } show_env_vars() { echo "Showing selection of environment variable definitions:" _ENV_VAR_NAMES=$(awk 'BEGIN{for(v in ENVIRON) print v}' | \ egrep -v "(^PATH$)|(^BASH_FUNC)|(^[[:punct:][:space:]]+)|$SECRET_ENV_RE" | \ sort -u) for _env_var_name in $_ENV_VAR_NAMES do # Supports older BASH versions printf " ${_env_var_name}=%q\n" "$(printenv $_env_var_name)" done echo "" echo "##### $(go version) #####" echo "" } die() { echo "************************************************" echo ">>>>> ${2:-FATAL ERROR (but no message given!) in ${FUNCNAME[1]}()}" echo "************************************************" exit ${1:-1} } bad_os_id_ver() { echo "Unknown/Unsupported distro. $OS_RELEASE_ID and/or version $OS_RELEASE_VER for $(basename $0)" exit 42 } stub() { echo "STUB: Pretending to do $1" } ircmsg() { req_env_var CIRRUS_TASK_ID IRCID [[ -n "$*" ]] || die 9 "ircmsg() invoked without message text argument" # Sometimes setup_environment.sh didn't run SCRIPT="$(dirname $0)/podbot.py" NICK="podbot_$CIRRUS_TASK_ID" NICK="${NICK:0:15}" # Any longer will break things set +e $SCRIPT $NICK $@ echo "Ignoring exit($?)" set -e } setup_rootless() { req_env_var ROOTLESS_USER GOSRC # Only do this once if passwd --status $ROOTLESS_USER then echo "Updating $ROOTLESS_USER user permissions on possibly changed libpod code" chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "$GOSRC" return 0 fi cd $GOSRC # Guarantee independence from specific values ROOTLESS_UID=$[RANDOM+1000] ROOTLESS_GID=$[RANDOM+1000] echo "creating $ROOTLESS_UID:$ROOTLESS_GID $ROOTLESS_USER user" groupadd -g $ROOTLESS_GID $ROOTLESS_USER useradd -g $ROOTLESS_GID -u $ROOTLESS_UID --no-user-group --create-home $ROOTLESS_USER chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "$GOSRC" echo "creating ssh keypair for $USER" [[ -r "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" ]] || \ ssh-keygen -P "" -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" echo "Allowing ssh key for $ROOTLESS_USER" (umask 077 && mkdir "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh") chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh" install -o $ROOTLESS_USER -g $ROOTLESS_USER -m 0600 \ "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" # Makes debugging easier cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" echo "Configuring subuid and subgid" grep -q "${ROOTLESS_USER}" /etc/subuid || \ echo "${ROOTLESS_USER}:$[ROOTLESS_UID * 100]:65536" | \ tee -a /etc/subuid >> /etc/subgid # Env. vars set by Cirrus and setup_environment.sh must be explicitly # transfered to the test-user. echo "Configuring rootless user's environment variables:" echo "# Added by $GOSRC/$SCRIPT_PATH/lib.sh setup_rootless()" _ENV_VAR_NAMES=$(awk 'BEGIN{for(v in ENVIRON) print v}' | \ egrep -v "(^PATH$)|(^BASH_FUNC)|(^[[:punct:][:space:]]+)|$SECRET_ENV_RE" | \ egrep "$ROOTLESS_ENV_RE" | \ sort -u) for _env_var_name in $_ENV_VAR_NAMES do # Works with older versions of bash printf "${_env_var_name}=%q\n" "$(printenv $_env_var_name)" >> "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.bashrc" done echo "Ensure the systems ssh process is up and running within 5 minutes" systemctl start sshd NOW=$(date +%s) TIMEOUT=$(date --date '+5 minutes' +%s) while [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$TIMEOUT" ]] do if timeout --foreground -k 1s 1s \ ssh $ROOTLESS_USER@localhost \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no \ true then break else sleep 2s fi done [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$TIMEOUT" ]] || \ die 11 "Timeout exceeded waiting for localhost ssh capability" } # Helper/wrapper script to only show stderr/stdout on non-zero exit install_ooe() { req_env_var SCRIPT_BASE echo "Installing script to mask stdout/stderr unless non-zero exit." sudo install -D -m 755 "/tmp/libpod/$SCRIPT_BASE/ooe.sh" /usr/local/bin/ooe.sh } # Grab a newer version of git from software collections # https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/ # and use it with a wrapper install_scl_git() { echo "Installing SoftwareCollections updated 'git' version." ooe.sh sudo yum -y install rh-git29 cat << "EOF" | sudo tee /usr/bin/git #!/bin/bash scl enable rh-git29 -- git $@ EOF sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/git } install_cni_plugins() { echo "Installing CNI Plugins from commit $CNI_COMMIT" req_env_var GOPATH CNI_COMMIT DEST="$GOPATH/src/github.com/containernetworking/plugins" rm -rf "$DEST" ooe.sh git clone "https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins.git" "$DEST" cd "$DEST" ooe.sh git checkout -q "$CNI_COMMIT" ooe.sh ./build.sh sudo mkdir -p /usr/libexec/cni sudo cp bin/* /usr/libexec/cni } install_runc_from_git(){ req_env_var GOPATH OS_RELEASE_ID RUNC_COMMIT wd=$(pwd) DEST="$GOPATH/src/github.com/opencontainers/runc" rm -rf "$DEST" ooe.sh git clone https://github.com/opencontainers/runc.git "$DEST" cd "$DEST" ooe.sh git fetch origin --tags ooe.sh git checkout -q "$RUNC_COMMIT" if [[ "${OS_RELEASE_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]] then ooe.sh make static BUILDTAGS="seccomp apparmor" else ooe.sh make BUILDTAGS="seccomp selinux" fi sudo install -m 755 runc /usr/bin/runc cd $wd } install_runc(){ echo "Installing RunC from commit $RUNC_COMMIT" echo "Platform is $OS_RELEASE_ID" req_env_var GOPATH RUNC_COMMIT OS_RELEASE_ID if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" =~ "ubuntu" ]]; then echo "Running make install.libseccomp.sudo for ubuntu" if ! [[ -d "/tmp/libpod" ]] then echo "Expecting a copy of libpod repository in /tmp/libpod" exit 5 fi mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/" # Symlinks don't work with Go cp -a /tmp/libpod "$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/" cd "$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/libpod" ooe.sh sudo make install.libseccomp.sudo fi install_runc_from_git } install_buildah() { echo "Installing buildah from latest upstream master" req_env_var GOPATH DEST="$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/buildah" rm -rf "$DEST" ooe.sh git clone https://github.com/containers/buildah "$DEST" cd "$DEST" ooe.sh make ooe.sh sudo make install } # Requires $GOPATH and $CONMON_COMMIT to be set install_conmon(){ echo "Installing conmon from commit $CONMON_COMMIT" req_env_var GOPATH CONMON_COMMIT DEST="$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/conmon.git" rm -rf "$DEST" ooe.sh git clone https://github.com/containers/conmon.git "$DEST" cd "$DEST" ooe.sh git fetch origin --tags ooe.sh git checkout -q "$CONMON_COMMIT" ooe.sh make sudo install -D -m 755 bin/conmon /usr/libexec/podman/conmon } install_criu(){ echo "Installing CRIU" echo "Installing CRIU from commit $CRIU_COMMIT" echo "Platform is $OS_RELEASE_ID" req_env_var CRIU_COMMIT if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" =~ "ubuntu" ]]; then ooe.sh sudo -E add-apt-repository -y ppa:criu/ppa ooe.sh sudo -E apt-get -qq -y update ooe.sh sudo -E apt-get -qq -y install criu elif [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" =~ "fedora" ]]; then echo "Using CRIU from distribution" else DEST="/tmp/criu" rm -rf "$DEST" ooe.sh git clone https://github.com/checkpoint-restore/criu.git "$DEST" cd $DEST ooe.sh git fetch origin --tags ooe.sh git checkout -q "$CRIU_COMMIT" ooe.sh make sudo install -D -m 755 criu/criu /usr/sbin/ fi } install_varlink() { echo "Installing varlink from the cheese-factory" ooe.sh sudo -H pip3 install varlink } _finalize(){ set +e # Don't fail at the very end set +e # make errors non-fatal echo "Removing leftover giblets from cloud-init" cd / sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instanc* sudo rm -rf /root/.ssh/* sudo rm -rf /home/* sudo rm -rf /tmp/* sudo rm -rf /tmp/.??* sync sudo fstrim -av } rh_finalize(){ set +e # Don't fail at the very end # Allow root ssh-logins if [[ -r /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ]] then sudo sed -re 's/^disable_root:.*/disable_root: 0/g' -i /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg fi echo "Resetting to fresh-state for usage as cloud-image." PKG=$(type -P dnf || type -P yum || echo "") sudo $PKG clean all sudo rm -rf /var/cache/{yum,dnf} sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-*.rules sudo touch /.unconfigured # force firstboot to run _finalize } ubuntu_finalize(){ set +e # Don't fail at the very end echo "Resetting to fresh-state for usage as cloud-image." sudo rm -rf /var/cache/apt _finalize }