# Library of common, shared utility functions. This file is intended # to be sourced by other scripts, not called directly. # Global details persist here source /etc/environment # not always loaded under all circumstances # Automation environment doesn't automatically load for Ubuntu 18 if [[ -r '/usr/share/automation/environment' ]]; then source '/usr/share/automation/environment' fi # Under some contexts these values are not set, make sure they are. export USER="$(whoami)" export HOME="$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 6)" [[ -n "$UID" ]] || export UID=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 3) export GID=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 4) # Essential default paths, many are overridden when executing under Cirrus-CI export GOPATH="${GOPATH:-/var/tmp/go}" if type -P go &> /dev/null then # required for go 1.12+ export GOCACHE="${GOCACHE:-$HOME/.cache/go-build}" # called processes like `make` and other tools need these vars. eval "export $(go env)" # Ensure compiled tooling is reachable export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin" fi CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR="${CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR:-$GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/libpod}" export GOSRC="${GOSRC:-$CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR}" export PATH="$HOME/bin:$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}" # Saves typing / in case location ever moves SCRIPT_BASE=${SCRIPT_BASE:-./contrib/cirrus} PACKER_BASE=${PACKER_BASE:-./contrib/cirrus/packer} # Important filepaths SETUP_MARKER_FILEPATH="${SETUP_MARKER_FILEPATH:-/var/tmp/.setup_environment_sh_complete}" AUTHOR_NICKS_FILEPATH="${CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR}/${SCRIPT_BASE}/git_authors_to_irc_nicks.csv" # Log remote-client system test varlink output here export VARLINK_LOG=/var/tmp/varlink.log cd $GOSRC if type -P git &> /dev/null && [[ -d "$GOSRC/.git" ]] then CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO=${CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO:-$(git show-ref --hash=8 HEAD || date +%s)} else # pick something unique and obviously not from Cirrus CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO=${CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO:-unknown_$(date +%s)} fi # Defaults when not running under CI export CI="${CI:-false}" CIRRUS_CI="${CIRRUS_CI:-false}" DEST_BRANCH="${DEST_BRANCH:-master}" CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION="${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION:-false}" CIRRUS_REPO_NAME=${CIRRUS_REPO_NAME:-libpod} CIRRUS_BASE_SHA=${CIRRUS_BASE_SHA:-unknown$(date +%s)} # difficult to reliably discover CIRRUS_BUILD_ID=${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID:-$RANDOM$(date +%s)} # must be short and unique # Vars. for image-building PACKER_VER="1.4.2" # CSV of cache-image names to build (see $PACKER_BASE/libpod_images.json) # Base-images rarely change, define them here so they're out of the way. export PACKER_BUILDS="${PACKER_BUILDS:-ubuntu-18,ubuntu-19,fedora-32,fedora-31}" # Manually produced base-image names (see $SCRIPT_BASE/README.md) export UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE="ubuntu-1910-eoan-v20200211" export PRIOR_UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE="ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20200218" # Manually produced base-image names (see $SCRIPT_BASE/README.md) export FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-32-n-0-1586202964" export PRIOR_FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE="fedora-cloud-base-31-1-9-1586202964" export BUILT_IMAGE_SUFFIX="${BUILT_IMAGE_SUFFIX:--$CIRRUS_REPO_NAME-${CIRRUS_BUILD_ID}}" # IN_PODMAN container image IN_PODMAN_IMAGE="quay.io/libpod/in_podman:$DEST_BRANCH" # Image for uploading releases UPLDREL_IMAGE="quay.io/libpod/upldrel:master" # This is needed under some environments/contexts SUDO='' [[ "$UID" -eq 0 ]] || \ SUDO='sudo -E' # Avoid getting stuck waiting for user input export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" SUDOAPTGET="$SUDO apt-get -qq --yes" SUDOAPTADD="$SUDO add-apt-repository --yes" # Regex that finds enabled periodic apt configuration items PERIODIC_APT_RE='^(APT::Periodic::.+")1"\;' # Short-cuts for retrying/timeout calls LILTO="timeout_attempt_delay_command 120s 5 30s" BIGTO="timeout_attempt_delay_command 300s 5 60s" # Safe env. vars. to transfer from root -> $ROOTLESS_USER (go env handled separately) ROOTLESS_ENV_RE='(CIRRUS_.+)|(ROOTLESS_.+)|(.+_IMAGE.*)|(.+_BASE)|(.*DIRPATH)|(.*FILEPATH)|(SOURCE.*)|(DEPEND.*)|(.+_DEPS_.+)|(OS_REL.*)|(.+_ENV_RE)|(TRAVIS)|(CI.+)|(TEST_REMOTE.*)' # Unsafe env. vars for display SECRET_ENV_RE='(IRCID)|(ACCOUNT)|(GC[EP]..+)|(SSH)' SPECIALMODE="${SPECIALMODE:-none}" MOD_LIBPOD_CONF="${MOD_LIBPOD_CONF:false}" TEST_REMOTE_CLIENT="${TEST_REMOTE_CLIENT:-false}" export CONTAINER_RUNTIME=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-podman} # When running as root, this may be empty or not, as a user, it MUST be set. if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]] then ROOTLESS_USER="${ROOTLESS_USER:-}" else ROOTLESS_USER="${ROOTLESS_USER:-$USER}" fi # GCE image-name compatible string representation of distribution name OS_RELEASE_ID="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $ID)" # GCE image-name compatible string representation of distribution _major_ version OS_RELEASE_VER="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_ID | cut -d '.' -f 1)" # Combined to ease soe usage OS_REL_VER="${OS_RELEASE_ID}-${OS_RELEASE_VER}" # Type of filesystem used for cgroups CG_FS_TYPE="$(stat -f -c %T /sys/fs/cgroup)" # When building images, the version of automation tooling to install INSTALL_AUTOMATION_VERSION=1.1.3 # Installed into cache-images, supports overrides # by user-data in case of breakage or for debugging. CUSTOM_CLOUD_CONFIG_DEFAULTS="$GOSRC/$PACKER_BASE/cloud-init/$OS_RELEASE_ID/cloud.cfg.d" # Pass in a list of one or more envariable names; exit non-zero with # helpful error message if any value is empty req_env_var() { # Provide context. If invoked from function use its name; else script name local caller=${FUNCNAME[1]} if [[ -n "$caller" ]]; then # Indicate that it's a function name caller="$caller()" else # Not called from a function: use script name caller=$(basename $0) fi # Usage check [[ -n "$1" ]] || die 1 "FATAL: req_env_var: invoked without arguments" # Each input arg is an envariable name, e.g. HOME PATH etc. Expand each. # If any is empty, bail out and explain why. for i; do if [[ -z "${!i}" ]]; then die 9 "FATAL: $caller requires \$$i to be non-empty" fi done } item_test() { ITEM="$1" shift TEST_ARGS="$@" req_env_var ITEM TEST_ARGS if ERR=$(test "$@" 2>&1) then echo "ok $ITEM" return 0 else RET=$? echo -n "not ok $ITEM: $TEST_ARGS" if [[ -z "$ERR" ]] then echo "" else # test command itself failed echo -n ":" # space follows :'s in $ERR echo "$ERR" | cut -d : -f 4- # omit filename, line number, and command fi return $RET fi } show_env_vars() { echo "Showing selection of environment variable definitions:" _ENV_VAR_NAMES=$(awk 'BEGIN{for(v in ENVIRON) print v}' | \ egrep -v "(^PATH$)|(^BASH_FUNC)|(^[[:punct:][:space:]]+)|$SECRET_ENV_RE" | \ sort -u) for _env_var_name in $_ENV_VAR_NAMES do # Supports older BASH versions printf " ${_env_var_name}=%q\n" "$(printenv $_env_var_name)" done } die() { echo "************************************************" echo ">>>>> ${2:-FATAL ERROR (but no message given!) in ${FUNCNAME[1]}()}" echo "************************************************" exit ${1:-1} } warn() { echo ">>>>> ${1:-WARNING (but no message given!) in ${FUNCNAME[1]}()}" > /dev/stderr } bad_os_id_ver() { echo "Unknown/Unsupported distro. $OS_RELEASE_ID and/or version $OS_RELEASE_VER for $(basename $0)" exit 42 } stub() { echo "STUB: Pretending to do $1" } timeout_attempt_delay_command() { TIMEOUT=$1 ATTEMPTS=$2 DELAY=$3 shift 3 STDOUTERR=$(mktemp -p '' $(basename $0)_XXXXX) req_env_var ATTEMPTS DELAY echo "Retrying $ATTEMPTS times with a $DELAY delay, and $TIMEOUT timeout for command: $@" for (( COUNT=1 ; COUNT <= $ATTEMPTS ; COUNT++ )) do echo "##### (attempt #$COUNT)" &>> "$STDOUTERR" if timeout --foreground $TIMEOUT "$@" &>> "$STDOUTERR" then echo "##### (success after #$COUNT attempts)" &>> "$STDOUTERR" break else echo "##### (failed with exit: $?)" &>> "$STDOUTERR" sleep $DELAY fi done cat "$STDOUTERR" rm -f "$STDOUTERR" if (( COUNT > $ATTEMPTS )) then echo "##### (exceeded $ATTEMPTS attempts)" exit 125 fi } ircmsg() { req_env_var CIRRUS_TASK_ID IRCID [[ -n "$*" ]] || die 9 "ircmsg() invoked without message text argument" # Sometimes setup_environment.sh didn't run SCRIPT="$(dirname $0)/podbot.py" NICK="podbot_$CIRRUS_TASK_ID" NICK="${NICK:0:15}" # Any longer will break things set +e $SCRIPT $NICK $@ echo "Ignoring exit($?)" set -e } # This covers all possible human & CI workflow parallel & serial combinations # where at least one caller must definitively discover if within a commit range # there is at least one release tag not having any '-' characters (return 0) # or otherwise (return non-0). is_release() { unset RELVER local ret req_env_var CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO if [[ -n "$CIRRUS_TAG" ]]; then RELVER="$CIRRUS_TAG" elif [[ ! "$CIRRUS_BASE_SHA" =~ "unknown" ]] then # Normally not possible for this to be empty, except when unittesting. req_env_var CIRRUS_BASE_SHA local range="${CIRRUS_BASE_SHA}..${CIRRUS_CHANGE_IN_REPO}" if echo "${range}$CIRRUS_TAG" | grep -iq 'unknown'; then die 11 "is_release() unusable range ${range} or tag $CIRRUS_TAG" fi if type -P git &> /dev/null then git fetch --all --tags &> /dev/null|| \ die 12 "is_release() failed to fetch tags" RELVER=$(git log --pretty='format:%d' $range | \ grep '(tag:' | sed -r -e 's/\s+[(]tag:\s+(v[0-9].*)[)]/\1/' | \ sort -uV | tail -1) ret=$? else warn -1 "Git command not found while checking for release" ret="-1" fi [[ "$ret" -eq "0" ]] || \ die 13 "is_release() failed to parse tags" else # Not testing a PR, but neither CIRRUS_BASE_SHA or CIRRUS_TAG are set return 1 fi if [[ -n "$RELVER" ]]; then echo "Found \$RELVER $RELVER" if echo "$RELVER" | grep -q '-'; then return 2 # development tag else return 0 fi else return 1 # not a release fi } setup_rootless() { req_env_var ROOTLESS_USER GOSRC SECRET_ENV_RE ROOTLESS_ENV_RE # Only do this once if passwd --status $ROOTLESS_USER then echo "Updating $ROOTLESS_USER user permissions on possibly changed libpod code" chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "$GOSRC" return 0 fi cd $GOSRC # Guarantee independence from specific values ROOTLESS_UID=$[RANDOM+1000] ROOTLESS_GID=$[RANDOM+1000] echo "creating $ROOTLESS_UID:$ROOTLESS_GID $ROOTLESS_USER user" groupadd -g $ROOTLESS_GID $ROOTLESS_USER useradd -g $ROOTLESS_GID -u $ROOTLESS_UID --no-user-group --create-home $ROOTLESS_USER chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "$GOSRC" echo "creating ssh keypair for $USER" [[ -r "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" ]] || \ ssh-keygen -P "" -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" echo "Allowing ssh key for $ROOTLESS_USER" (umask 077 && mkdir "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh") chown -R $ROOTLESS_USER:$ROOTLESS_USER "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh" install -o $ROOTLESS_USER -g $ROOTLESS_USER -m 0600 \ "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" # Makes debugging easier cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" echo "Configuring subuid and subgid" grep -q "${ROOTLESS_USER}" /etc/subuid || \ echo "${ROOTLESS_USER}:$[ROOTLESS_UID * 100]:65536" | \ tee -a /etc/subuid >> /etc/subgid # Env. vars set by Cirrus and setup_environment.sh must be explicitly # transferred to the test-user. echo "Configuring rootless user's environment variables:" echo "# Added by $GOSRC/$SCRIPT_PATH/lib.sh setup_rootless()" _ENV_VAR_NAMES=$(awk 'BEGIN{for(v in ENVIRON) print v}' | \ egrep -v "(^PATH$)|(^BASH_FUNC)|(^[[:punct:][:space:]]+)|$SECRET_ENV_RE" | \ egrep "$ROOTLESS_ENV_RE" | \ sort -u) for _env_var_name in $_ENV_VAR_NAMES do # Works with older versions of bash printf "${_env_var_name}=%q\n" "$(printenv $_env_var_name)" >> "/home/$ROOTLESS_USER/.bashrc" done echo "Ensure the systems ssh process is up and running within 5 minutes" systemctl start sshd NOW=$(date +%s) TIMEOUT=$(date --date '+5 minutes' +%s) while [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$TIMEOUT" ]] do if timeout --foreground -k 1s 1s \ ssh $ROOTLESS_USER@localhost \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no \ true then break else sleep 2s fi done [[ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$TIMEOUT" ]] || \ die 11 "Timeout exceeded waiting for localhost ssh capability" } # Grab a newer version of git from software collections # https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/ # and use it with a wrapper install_scl_git() { echo "Installing SoftwareCollections updated 'git' version." ooe.sh $SUDO yum -y install rh-git29 cat << "EOF" | $SUDO tee /usr/bin/git #!/bin/bash scl enable rh-git29 -- git $@ EOF $SUDO chmod 755 /usr/bin/git } install_test_configs() { echo "Installing cni config, policy and registry config" req_env_var GOSRC SCRIPT_BASE cd $GOSRC install -v -D -m 644 ./cni/87-podman-bridge.conflist /etc/cni/net.d/ # This config must always sort last in the list of networks (podman picks first one # as the default). This config prevents allocation of network address space used # by default in google cloud. https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/vpc#ip-ranges install -v -D -m 644 $SCRIPT_BASE/99-do-not-use-google-subnets.conflist /etc/cni/net.d/ install -v -D -m 644 ./test/policy.json /etc/containers/ install -v -D -m 644 ./test/registries.conf /etc/containers/ } # Remove all files provided by the distro version of podman. # All VM cache-images used for testing include the distro podman because (1) it's # required for podman-in-podman testing and (2) it somewhat simplifies the task # of pulling in necessary prerequisites packages as the set can change over time. # For general CI testing however, calling this function makes sure the system # can only run the compiled source version. remove_packaged_podman_files() { echo "Removing packaged podman files to prevent conflicts with source build and testing." req_env_var OS_RELEASE_ID # If any binaries are resident they could cause unexpected pollution for unit in io.podman.service io.podman.socket do for state in enabled active do if systemctl --quiet is-$state $unit then echo "Warning: $unit found $state prior to packaged-file removal" systemctl --quiet disable $unit || true systemctl --quiet stop $unit || true fi done done if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" =~ "ubuntu" ]] then LISTING_CMD="$SUDO dpkg-query -L podman" else LISTING_CMD='$SUDO rpm -ql podman' fi # yum/dnf/dpkg may list system directories, only remove files $LISTING_CMD | while read fullpath do # Sub-directories may contain unrelated/valuable stuff if [[ -d "$fullpath" ]]; then continue; fi ooe.sh $SUDO rm -vf "$fullpath" done # Be super extra sure and careful vs performant and completely safe sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches } canonicalize_image_names() { req_env_var IMGNAMES echo "Adding all current base images to \$IMGNAMES for timestamp update" export IMGNAMES="\ $IMGNAMES $UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE $PRIOR_UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE $FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE $PRIOR_FEDORA_BASE_IMAGE " } systemd_banish() { $GOSRC/$PACKER_BASE/systemd_banish.sh } # This can be removed when the kernel bug fix is included in Fedora workaround_bfq_bug() { if [[ "$OS_RELEASE_ID" == "fedora" ]] && [[ $OS_RELEASE_VER -le 32 ]]; then warn "Switching io scheduler to 'deadline' to avoid RHBZ 1767539" warn "aka https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=205447" echo "mq-deadline" | sudo tee /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler > /dev/null echo -n "IO Scheduler set to: " $SUDO cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler fi } # Warning: DO NOT USE. # This is called by other functions as the very last step during the VM Image build # process. It's purpose is to "reset" the image, so all the first-boot operations # happen at test runtime (like generating new ssh host keys, resizing partitions, etc.) _finalize() { set +e # Don't fail at the very end if [[ -d "$CUSTOM_CLOUD_CONFIG_DEFAULTS" ]] then echo "Installing custom cloud-init defaults" $SUDO cp -v "$CUSTOM_CLOUD_CONFIG_DEFAULTS"/* /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ else echo "Could not find any files in $CUSTOM_CLOUD_CONFIG_DEFAULTS" fi echo "Re-initializing so next boot does 'first-boot' setup again." cd / $SUDO rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instanc* $SUDO rm -rf /root/.ssh/* $SUDO rm -rf /etc/ssh/*key* $SUDO rm -rf /etc/ssh/moduli $SUDO rm -rf /home/* $SUDO rm -rf /tmp/* $SUDO rm -rf /tmp/.??* $SUDO sync $SUDO fstrim -av } # Called during VM Image setup, not intended for general use. rh_finalize() { set +e # Don't fail at the very end echo "Resetting to fresh-state for usage as cloud-image." PKG=$(type -P dnf || type -P yum || echo "") $SUDO $PKG clean all $SUDO rm -rf /var/cache/{yum,dnf} $SUDO rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-*.rules $SUDO touch /.unconfigured # force firstboot to run _finalize } # Called during VM Image setup, not intended for general use. ubuntu_finalize() { set +e # Don't fail at the very end echo "Resetting to fresh-state for usage as cloud-image." $LILTO $SUDOAPTGET autoremove $SUDO rm -rf /var/cache/apt _finalize }