#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script executes a command while logging all output to a temporary # file. If the command exits non-zero, then all output is sent to the console, # before returning the exit code. If the script itself fails, the exit code 121 # is returned. set -eo pipefail SCRIPT_BASEDIR="$(basename $0)" badusage() { echo "Incorrect usage: $SCRIPT_BASEDIR) <command> [options]" > /dev/stderr echo "ERROR: $1" exit 121 } COMMAND="$@" [[ -n "$COMMAND" ]] || badusage "No command specified" OUTPUT_TMPFILE="$(mktemp -p '' ${SCRIPT_BASEDIR}_output_XXXX)" output_on_error() { RET=$? set +e if [[ "$RET" -ne "0" ]] then echo "---------------------------" cat "$OUTPUT_TMPFILE" echo "[$(date --iso-8601=second)] <exit $RET> $COMMAND" fi rm -f "$OUTPUT_TMPFILE" } trap "output_on_error" EXIT "$@" 2>&1 | while IFS='' read LINE # Preserve leading/trailing whitespace do # Every stdout and (copied) stderr line echo "[$(date --iso-8601=second)] $LINE" done >> "$OUTPUT_TMPFILE"