# N/B: PACKER_BUILDS variable is required. Should contain CSV of # builder name(s) from applicable YAML file, # e.g for names see libpod_images.yml PACKER_VER ?= 1.3.5 GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH) ARCH=$(uname -m) PACKER_DIST_FILENAME := packer_${PACKER_VER}_linux_${GOARCH}.zip # Only needed for libpod_base_images target TIMESTAMP := $(shell date +%s) GOSRC ?= $(shell realpath "./../../../") PACKER_BASE ?= contrib/cirrus/packer SCRIPT_BASE ?= contrib/cirrus POST_MERGE_BUCKET_SUFFIX ?= # For debugging nested-virt, use #TTYDEV := $(shell tty) TTYDEV := /dev/null .PHONY: all all: libpod_images %.json: %.yml @python3 -c 'import json,yaml; json.dump( yaml.load(open("$<").read()), open("$@","w"), indent=2);' ${PACKER_DIST_FILENAME}: @curl -L --silent --show-error \ -O https://releases.hashicorp.com/packer/${PACKER_VER}/${PACKER_DIST_FILENAME} packer: ${PACKER_DIST_FILENAME} @curl -L --silent --show-error \ https://releases.hashicorp.com/packer/${PACKER_VER}/packer_${PACKER_VER}_SHA256SUMS \ | grep linux_${GOARCH} > /tmp/packer_sha256sums @sha256sum --check /tmp/packer_sha256sums @unzip -o ${PACKER_DIST_FILENAME} @touch --reference=Makefile ${PACKER_DIST_FILENAME} .PHONY: test test: libpod_base_images.json libpod_images.json packer ./packer inspect libpod_base_images.json > /dev/null ./packer inspect libpod_images.json > /dev/null @echo "All good" .PHONY: libpod_images libpod_images: libpod_images.json packer ifndef PACKER_BUILDS $(error PACKER_BUILDS is undefined, expected builder-names CSV) endif ./packer build -only=${PACKER_BUILDS} \ -force \ -var GOSRC=$(GOSRC) \ -var PACKER_BASE=$(PACKER_BASE) \ -var SCRIPT_BASE=$(SCRIPT_BASE) \ libpod_images.json cidata.ssh: ssh-keygen -f $@ -P "" -q cidata.ssh.pub: cidata.ssh touch $@ meta-data: echo "local-hostname: localhost.localdomain" > $@ user-data: cidata.ssh.pub bash make-user-data.sh cidata.iso: user-data meta-data genisoimage -output cidata.iso -volid cidata -input-charset utf-8 -joliet -rock user-data meta-data # This is intended to be run by a human, with admin access to the libpod GCE project. .PHONY: libpod_base_images libpod_base_images: libpod_base_images.json cidata.iso cidata.ssh packer ifndef GCP_PROJECT_ID $(error GCP_PROJECT_ID is undefined, expected complete GCP project ID string e.g. foobar-12345) endif ifndef GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS $(error GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is undefined, expected absolute path to JSON file, like $HOME/.config/gcloud/legacy_credentials/*/adc.json) endif ifndef PACKER_BUILDS $(error PACKER_BUILDS is undefined, expected builder-names CSV) endif PACKER_CACHE_DIR=/tmp ./packer build \ -force \ -var TIMESTAMP=$(TIMESTAMP) \ -var TTYDEV=$(TTYDEV) \ -var GCP_PROJECT_ID=$(GCP_PROJECT_ID) \ -var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$(GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) \ -var GOSRC=$(GOSRC) \ -var PACKER_BASE=$(PACKER_BASE) \ -var SCRIPT_BASE=$(SCRIPT_BASE) \ -only $(PACKER_BUILDS) \ libpod_base_images.json