#! /usr/bin/env bash
# dependabot-dance - invoked to perform manual steps on podman dependabot PRs
# As best I can tell (please correct me if mistaken), dependabot's job is
# to submit PRs with a change only in 'go.mod' but without actually
# running 'make vendor' to update the source files under vendor. This
# requires a human to run those steps.
# This script automates that, with a few safety checks.
ME=$(basename $0)
missing=" argument is missing; see $ME --help for details"
usage="Usage: $ME [--help] [-v|--verbose]

$ME performs a series of magical steps to get dependabot PRs
ready for merge. The important one is 'make vendor-in-container',
everything else is scaffolding to check out the PR and push it back.

  --help          display usage message
  -v, --verbose   verbose output

for i
    value=$(expr "$i" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)')
    case "$i" in
    -h*|--help)	echo "$usage"; exit 0;;
    -v|--verbose)	verbose=$i; shift;;
    -*)	echo "$ME: unrecognized option $i" >&2
	echo "$usage" >&2
	exit 1;;
    *)	break;;

die () {
    echo "$ME: $*" >&2
    exit 1

function branch_dance() {
    local branch="$1"

    # User will appreciate seeing 'git' and 'make' commands, but nothing else
    set -x
    git checkout -t $branch
    set +x

    # Commit must be from dependabot
    author=$(git show --no-patch --format='format:%an' HEAD)
    if ! [[ $author =~ dependabot ]]; then
        echo "Commit author is '$author' (expected 'dependabot')"
        echo -n "Continue? [y/N] "
        read answer
        case "$answer" in
            [yY]*) ;;
            *) exit 1;;

    # This is what does all the work
    set -x
    make vendor-in-container
    set +x

    # Now make sure at least *something* changed under vendor
    modified=$(git ls-files -m vendor)
    if [[ -z "$modified" ]]; then
        echo "No files changed under 'vendor' -- nothing to do!"

    # Okay, here we go
    set -x
    git add vendor
    git commit -a --amend -s --no-edit
    git push --force
    set +x

    # Try to leave things in relatively clean state; remove local branch copy
    local tracking_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
    git checkout master
    git branch -d $tracking_branch

# Make sure we're cd'ed to the top level of a podman repo
test -d .git || die "No .git subdirectory (please cd to top level)"

# Clear all dependabot remote branches
git branch -r | grep /dependabot/go_modules/ \
    | xargs --no-run-if-empty git branch -r -d

# ...and pull new ones
git pull --all

# Abort on any error from here on
set -e

# We cannot have any git-modified files
modified=$(git ls-files -m)
test -z "$modified" || die "Modified files exist: $modified"

for branch in $(git branch -r | grep /dependabot/go_modules/); do
    echo ">>>>> $branch"
    branch_dance $branch