![PODMAN logo](../../logo/podman-logo-source.svg) # Podman Hello World image ## Overview This directory contains the Containerfile and bash script necessary to create the "hello" podman image housed on quay.io under the Podman account in a public repository. The image is public and can be pulled without credentials. Using this image is helpful to: * Prove that basic Podman operations are working on the host. * Shows that the image was pulled from the quay.io container registry. * Container creation was successfuly accomplished. (`podman ps -a`) * The created container was able to stream output to your terminal. ## Directory Contents The contents of this directory contain: * ./Containerfile * ./podman_hello_world.bash ## Sample Usage To simply run the image: ``` podman run quay.io/podman/hello ! ... Hello Podman World ...! .--"--. / - - \ / (O) (O) \ ~~~| -=(,Y,)=- | .---. /` \ |~~ ~/ o o \~~~~.----. ~~ | =(X)= |~ / (O (O) \ ~~~~~~~ ~| =(Y_)=- | ~~~~ ~~~| U |~~ Project: https://github.com/containers/podman Website: https://podman.io Documents: https://docs.podman.io Twitter: @Podman_io ``` To build the image yourself, copy the files from this directory into a local directory and issue these commands: ``` chmod 755 ./podman_hello_world.bash podman build -t myhello . podman run myhello ```