@echo off setlocal enableextensions title Podman if "%1" EQU "" ( goto run_help ) if "%1" EQU "/?" ( goto run_help ) :: If remote-host is given on command line -- use it setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%a in (%*) do ( echo "%%a" |find "--remote-host" >NUL if !errorlevel! == 0 ( goto run_podman ) ) :: If PODMAN_VARLINK_BRIDGE is set -- use it if defined PODMAN_VARLINK_BRIDGE ( goto run_podman ) :: If the configuration file exists -- use it set config_home=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\podman set config_file=%config_home%\podman-remote.conf if exist "%config_file%" ( goto run_podman ) :: Get connection information from user and build configuration file md "%config_home%" set /p host="Please enter the remote hosts name or IP address: " set /p user="Please enter the remote user name: " ( echo [connections] echo [connections."%host%"] echo destination = "%host%" echo username = "%user%" echo default = true ) >"%config_file%" :run_podman endlocal podman-remote-windows.exe %* goto end :run_help set run=start "Podman Help" /D "%~dp0" /B if not "%3" == "" ( %run% "podman-%2-%3.html goto end ) if not "%2" == "" ( %run% "podman-%2.html goto end ) %run% "%podman-remote.html" goto end :End