#!/bin/bash # podman needs to play some games with resources if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo >&2 $0 must be run as root. exit 2 fi # setup path to find new binaries _NOT_ system binaries if [[ ! -x ../../../bin/podman ]]; then echo 1>&2 Cannot find podman binary from libpod root directory. Run \"make binaries\" exit 1 fi export PATH=../../../bin:$PATH function usage { echo 1>&2 $0 '[-v] [-h] [test.|test..]' } while getopts "vh" arg; do case $arg in v ) VERBOSE='-v'; export LOG_LEVEL=debug ;; h ) usage ; exit 0 ;; \? ) usage ; exit 2 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) function cleanup { set +xeuo pipefail # aggressive cleanup as tests may crash leaving crap around umount '^(shm|nsfs)' umount '\/run\/netns' if [[ $RETURNCODE -eq 0 ]]; then rm -r "$1" fi } # Create temporary directory for storage export TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/podman.XXXXXXXXXX` trap "cleanup $TMPDIR" EXIT function umount { # xargs -r always ran once, so write any mount points to file first mount |awk "/$1/"' { print $3 }' >${TMPDIR}/mounts if [[ -s ${TMPDIR}/mounts ]]; then xargs <${TMPDIR}/mounts -t umount fi } function showlog { [[ -s $1 ]] && cat <<-EOT $1 ===== $(cat "$1") EOT } # Need locations to store stuff mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/{podman,crio,crio-run,cni/net.d,ctnr,tunnel} # Cannot be done in python unittest fixtures. EnvVar not picked up. export REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH=${TMPDIR}/registry.conf cat >$REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH <<-EOT [registries.search] registries = ['docker.io'] [registries.insecure] registries = [] [registries.block] registries = [] EOT export CNI_CONFIG_PATH=${TMPDIR}/cni/net.d cat >$CNI_CONFIG_PATH/87-podman-bridge.conflist <<-EOT { "cniVersion": "0.3.0", "name": "podman", "plugins": [{ "type": "bridge", "bridge": "cni0", "isGateway": true, "ipMasq": true, "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "", "routes": [{ "dst": "" }] } }, { "type": "portmap", "capabilities": { "portMappings": true } } ] } EOT cat >$TMPDIR/ctnr/hello.sh <<-EOT echo 'Hello, World' exit 0 EOT cat >$TMPDIR/ctnr/Dockerfile <<-EOT FROM alpine:latest COPY ./hello.sh /tmp/ RUN chmod 755 /tmp/hello.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/tmp/hello.sh"] EOT export PODMAN_HOST="unix:${TMPDIR}/podman/io.podman" PODMAN_ARGS="--storage-driver=vfs \ --root=${TMPDIR}/crio \ --runroot=${TMPDIR}/crio-run \ --cni-config-dir=$CNI_CONFIG_PATH \ --cgroup-manager=cgroupfs \ " if [[ -n $VERBOSE ]]; then PODMAN_ARGS="$PODMAN_ARGS --log-level=$LOG_LEVEL" fi PODMAN="podman $PODMAN_ARGS" cat <<-EOT |tee /tmp/test_podman.output $($PODMAN --version) $PODMAN varlink --timeout=0 ${PODMAN_HOST} ========================================== EOT # Run podman in background without systemd for test purposes $PODMAN varlink --timeout=0 ${PODMAN_HOST} >>/tmp/test_podman.output 2>&1 & if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 Failed to start podman showlog /tmp/test_podman.output fi if [[ -z $1 ]]; then export PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m unittest discover -s . $VERBOSE RETURNCODE=$? else export PYTHONPATH=.:./test python3 -m unittest $1 $VERBOSE RETURNCODE=$? fi pkill -9 podman pkill -9 conmon showlog /tmp/test_podman.output showlog /tmp/alpine.log showlog /tmp/busybox.log exit $RETURNCODE