% podman(1) podman-attach - See the output of pid 1 of a container or enter the container % Dan Walsh # podman-attach "1" "December 2017" "podman" ## NAME podman-attach - Attach to a running container ## SYNOPSIS **podman attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER** ## DESCRIPTION The attach command allows you to attach to a running container using the container's ID or name, either to view its ongoing output or to control it interactively. You can detach from the container (and leave it running) using a configurable key sequence. The default sequence is CTRL-p CTRL-q. You configure the key sequence using the --detach-keys option ## OPTIONS **--detach-keys** Override the key sequence for detaching a container. Format is a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _. **--no-stdin** Do not attach STDIN. The default is false. ## EXAMPLES ## ``` podman attach foobar [root@localhost /]# ``` ``` podman attach 1234 [root@localhost /]# ``` ``` podman attach --no-stdin foobar ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-exec(1), podman-run(1)