% podman-container-restore(1) ## NAME podman\-container\-restore - Restores one or more running containers ## SYNOPSIS **podman container restore** [*options*] *container* ... ## DESCRIPTION Restores a container from a checkpoint. You may use container IDs or names as input. ## OPTIONS **-k**, **--keep** Keep all temporary log and statistics files created by CRIU during checkpointing as well as restoring. These files are not deleted if restoring fails for further debugging. If restoring succeeds these files are theoretically not needed, but if these files are needed Podman can keep the files for further analysis. This includes the checkpoint directory with all files created during checkpointing. The size required by the checkpoint directory is roughly the same as the amount of memory required by the processes in the checkpointed container. Without the **-k**, **--keep** option the checkpoint will be consumed and cannot be used again. **--all, -a** Restore all checkpointed containers. **--latest, -l** Instead of providing the container name or ID, restore the last created container. ## EXAMPLE podman container restore mywebserver podman container restore 860a4b23 ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-container-checkpoint(1) ## HISTORY September 2018, Originally compiled by Adrian Reber <areber@redhat.com>