% podman-generate Podman Man Pages % Brent Baude % April 2019 # NAME podman-generate-systemd- Generate Systemd Unit file # SYNOPSIS **podman generate systemd** [*-n*|*--name*] [*-t*|*--timeout*] [*--restart-policy*] *container* # DESCRIPTION **podman generate systemd** will create a Systemd unit file that can be used to control a container. The command will dynamically create the unit file and output it to stdout where it can be piped by the user to a file. The options can be used to influence the results of the output as well. # OPTIONS: **--name** **-n** Use the name of the container for the start, stop, and description in the unit file **--timeout** **-t** Override the default stop timeout for the container with the given value. **--restart-policy** Set the SystemD restart policy. The restart-policy must be one of: "no", "on-success", "on-failure", "on-abnormal", "on-watchdog", "on-abort", or "always". The default policy is *on-failure*. ## Examples ## Create a systemd unit file for a container running nginx: ``` $ sudo podman generate systemd nginx [Unit] Description=c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc Podman Container [Service] Restart=on-failure ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc KillMode=none Type=forking PIDFile=/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc/userdata/c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc.pid [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Create a systemd unit file for a container running nginx with an *always* restart policy and 1-second timeout. ``` $ sudo podman generate systemd --restart-policy=always -t 1 nginx [Unit] Description=c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc Podman Container [Service] Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 1 c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc KillMode=none Type=forking PIDFile=/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc/userdata/c21da63c4783be2ac2cd3487ef8d2ec15ee2a28f63dd8f145e3b05607f31cffc.pid [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-container(1) # HISTORY April 2019, Originally compiled by Brent Baude (bbaude at redhat dot com)