% podman(1) podman-port - List port mappings for the CONTAINER, or lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to the PRIVATE_PORT % Brent Baude # podman-port "1" "January 2018" "podman" ## NAME podman\-port - List port mappings for a container ## SYNOPSIS **podman port [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [PRIVATE_PORT[/PROTO]]** ## DESCRIPTION List port mappings for the CONTAINER, or lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to the PRIVATE_PORT ## OPTIONS **--all, a** List all known port mappings for running containers. When using this option, you cannot pass any container names or private ports/protocols as filters. **--latest, -l** Instead of providing the container name or ID, use the last created container. If you use methods other than Podman to run containers such as CRI-O, the last started container could be from either of those methods. ## EXAMPLE List all port mappings ``` #podman port -a b4d2f05432e482e017b1a4b2eae15fa7b4f6fb7e9f65c1bde46294fdef285906 80/udp -> 80/tcp -> # ``` List port mappings for a specific container ``` #podman port b4d2f054 80/udp -> 80/tcp -> # ``` List the port mappings for the latest container and port 80 ``` #podman port b4d2f054 80 # ``` List the port mappings for a specific container for port 80 and the tcp protocol. ``` #podman port b4d2f054 80/tcp # ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-inspect(1) ## HISTORY January 2018, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <bbaude@redhat.com>