% podman-container-rm(1) ## NAME podman\-container\-rm (podman\-rm) - Remove one or more containers ## SYNOPSIS **podman container rm** [*options*] *container* **podman rm** [*options*] *container* ## DESCRIPTION **podman rm** will remove one or more containers from the host. The container name or ID can be used. This does not remove images. Running containers will not be removed without the `-f` option ## OPTIONS **--all, a** Remove all containers. Can be used in conjunction with -f as well. **--force, f** Force the removal of running and paused containers. Forcing a containers removal also removes containers from container storage even if the container is not known to podman. Containers could have been created by a different container engine. **--latest, -l** Instead of providing the container name or ID, use the last created container. If you use methods other than Podman to run containers such as CRI-O, the last started container could be from either of those methods. The latest option is not supported on the remote client. **--volumes, -v** Remove the volumes associated with the container. (Not yet implemented) ## EXAMPLE Remove a container by its name *mywebserver* ``` podman rm mywebserver ``` Remove several containers by name and container id. ``` podman rm mywebserver myflaskserver 860a4b23 ``` Forcibly remove a container by container ID. ``` podman rm -f 860a4b23 ``` Remove all containers regardless of its run state. ``` podman rm -f -a ``` Forcibly remove the latest container created. ``` podman rm -f --latest ``` ## Exit Status **_0_** if all specified containers removed **_1_** if one of the specified containers did not exist, and no other failures **_125_** if command fails for a reason other then an container did not exist ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-image-rm(1) ## HISTORY August 2017, Originally compiled by Ryan Cole <rycole@redhat.com>