% podman(1) podman-stop - Stop one or more containers % Brent Baude # podman-stop "1" "September 2017" "podman" ## NAME podman stop - Stop one or more containers ## SYNOPSIS **podman stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [...]** ## DESCRIPTION Stops one or more containers. You may use container IDs or names as input. The **--timeout** switch allows you to specify the number of seconds to wait before forcibly stopping the container after the stop command is issued to the container. The default is 10 seconds. ## OPTIONS **--timeout, t** Timeout to wait before forcibly stopping the container **--all, -a** Stop all running containers. This does not include paused containers. ## EXAMPLE podman stop mywebserver podman stop 860a4b23 podman stop mywebserver 860a4b23 podman stop --timeout 2 860a4b23 podman stop -a ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-rm(1) ## HISTORY September 2018, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <bbaude@redhat.com>