% podman-volume-create(1) ## NAME podman\-volume\-create - Create a new volume ## SYNOPSIS **podman volume create** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Creates an empty volume and prepares it to be used by containers. The volume can be created with a specific name, if a name is not given a random name is generated. You can add metadata to the volume by using the **--label** flag and driver options can be set using the **--opt** flag. ## OPTIONS **--driver**=*driver* Specify the volume driver name (default local). **--help** Print usage statement **-l**, **-label**=*label* Set metadata for a volume (e.g., --label mykey=value). **-o**, **--opt**=*option* Set driver specific options. ## EXAMPLES ``` $ podman volume create myvol $ podman volume create $ podman volume create --label foo=bar myvol ``` ## SEE ALSO podman-volume(1) ## HISTORY November 2018, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani