% podman "1" ## NAME podman - Simple management tool for containers and images ## SYNOPSIS **podman** [*options*] *command* # DESCRIPTION podman is a simple client only tool to help with debugging issues when daemons such as CRI runtime and the kubelet are not responding or failing. A shared API layer could be created to share code between the daemon and podman. podman does not require any daemon running. podman utilizes the same underlying components that crio uses i.e. containers/image, container/storage, oci-runtime-tool/generate, runc or any other OCI compatible runtime. podman shares state with crio and so has the capability to debug pods/images created by crio. **podman [GLOBAL OPTIONS]** ## GLOBAL OPTIONS **--help, -h** Print usage statement **--cgroup-manager** CGroup manager to use for container cgroups. Supported values are cgroupfs (default) or systemd. Setting this flag can cause certain commands to break when called on containers created by the other CGroup manager type. **--config value, -c**=**"config.file"** Path of a config file detailing container server configuration options **--cpu-profile** Path to where the cpu performance results should be written **--log-level** log messages above specified level: debug, info, warn, error (default), fatal or panic **--root**=**value** Path to the root directory in which data, including images, is stored **--runroot**=**value** Path to the 'run directory' where all state information is stored **--runtime**=**value** Path to the OCI compatible binary used to run containers **--storage-driver, -s**=**value** Select which storage driver is used to manage storage of images and containers (default is overlay) **--storage-opt**=**value** Used to pass an option to the storage driver **--syslog** output logging information to syslog as well as the console **--version, -v** Print the version ## COMMANDS | Command | Description | | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [podman-attach(1)](podman-attach.1.md) | Attach to a running container. | | [podman-build(1)](podman-build.1.md) | Build a container using a Dockerfile. | | [podman-commit(1)](podman-commit.1.md) | Create new image based on the changed container. | | [podman-container(1)](podman-container.1.md) | Manage Containers. | | [podman-cp(1)](podman-cp.1.md) | Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem. | | [podman-create(1)](podman-create.1.md) | Create a new container. | | [podman-diff(1)](podman-diff.1.md) | Inspect changes on a container or image's filesystem. | | [podman-exec(1)](podman-exec.1.md) | Execute a command in a running container. | | [podman-export(1)](podman-export.1.md) | Export a container's filesystem contents as a tar archive. | | [podman-history(1)](podman-history.1.md) | Show the history of an image. | | [podman-image(1)](podman-image.1.md) | Manage Images. | | [podman-images(1)](podman-images.1.md) | List images in local storage. | | [podman-import(1)](podman-import.1.md) | Import a tarball and save it as a filesystem image. | | [podman-info(1)](podman-info.1.md) | Displays Podman related system information. | | [podman-inspect(1)](podman-inspect.1.md) | Display a container or image's configuration. | | [podman-kill(1)](podman-kill.1.md) | Kill the main process in one or more containers. | | [podman-load(1)](podman-load.1.md) | Load an image from the docker archive. | | [podman-login(1)](podman-login.1.md) | Login to a container registry. | | [podman-logout(1)](podman-logout.1.md) | Logout of a container registry. | | [podman-logs(1)](podman-logs.1.md) | Display the logs of a container. | | [podman-mount(1)](podman-mount.1.md) | Mount a working container's root filesystem. | | [podman-pause(1)](podman-pause.1.md) | Pause one or more containers. | | [podman-port(1)](podman-port.1.md) | List port mappings for the container. | | [podman-ps(1)](podman-ps.1.md) | Prints out information about containers. | | [podman-pull(1)](podman-pull.1.md) | Pull an image from a registry. | | [podman-push(1)](podman-push.1.md) | Push an image from local storage to elsewhere. | | [podman-restart(1)](podman-restart.1.md) | Restart one or more containers. | | [podman-rm(1)](podman-rm.1.md) | Remove one or more containers. | | [podman-rmi(1)](podman-rmi.1.md) | Removes one or more locally stored images. | | [podman-run(1)](podman-run.1.md) | Run a command in a container. | | [podman-save(1)](podman-save.1.md) | Save an image to docker-archive or oci. | | [podman-search(1)](podman-search.1.md) | Search a registry for an image. | | [podman-start(1)](podman-start.1.md) | Starts one or more containers. | | [podman-stats(1)](podman-stats.1.md) | Display a live stream of one or more container's resource usage statistics. | | [podman-stop(1)](podman-stop.1.md) | Stop one or more running containers. | | [podman-tag(1)](podman-tag.1.md) | Add an additional name to a local image. | | [podman-top(1)](podman-top.1.md) | Display the running processes of a container. | | [podman-umount(1)](podman-umount.1.md) | Unmount a working container's root filesystem. | | [podman-unpause(1)](podman-unpause.1.md) | Unpause one or more containers. | | [podman-version(1)](podman-version.1.md) | Display the Podman version information. | | [podman-wait(1)](podman-wait.1.md) | Wait on one or more containers to stop and print their exit codes. | ## FILES **libpod.conf** (`/etc/containers/libpod.conf`) libpod.conf is the configuration file for all tools using libpod to manage containers. When Podman runs in rootless mode, then the file `$HOME/.config/containers/libpod.conf` is used. **storage.conf** (`/etc/containers/storage.conf`) storage.conf is the storage configuration file for all tools using containers/storage The storage configuration file specifies all of the available container storage options for tools using shared container storage. When Podman runs in rootless mode, the file `$HOME/.config/containers/storage.conf` is also loaded. **mounts.conf** (`/usr/share/containers/mounts.conf` and optionally `/etc/containers/mounts.conf`) The mounts.conf files specify volume mount directories that are automatically mounted inside containers when executing the `podman run` or `podman start` commands. Container processes can then use this content. The volume mount content does not get committed to the final image if you do a `podman commit`. Usually these directories are used for passing secrets or credentials required by the package software to access remote package repositories. For example, a mounts.conf with the line "`/usr/share/rhel/secrets:/run/secrets`", the content of `/usr/share/rhel/secrets` directory is mounted on `/run/secrets` inside the container. This mountpoint allows Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions from the host to be used within the container. The format of the mounts.conf is the volume format /SRC:/DEST, one mount per line. Users can create an `/etc/containers/mounts.conf`, to specify their own special volumes to mount in the container. Podman by default reads /usr/share/containers/mounts.conf and the /etc/containers/mounts.conf if it exists. Note this is not a volume mount. The content of the volumes is copied into container storage, not bind mounted directly from the host. When Podman runs in rootless mode, the file `$HOME/.config/containers/mounts.conf` is also used. **hook JSON** (`/usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d/*.json`) Each `*.json` file in `/usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d` configures a hook for Podman containers. For more details on the syntax of the JSON files and the semantics of hook injection, see `oci-hooks(5)`. Podman and libpod currently support both the 1.0.0 and 0.1.0 hook schemas, although the 0.1.0 schema is deprecated. For the annotation conditions, libpod uses any annotations set in the generated OCI configuration. For the bind-mount conditions, only mounts explicitly requested by the caller via `--volume` are considered. Bind mounts that libpod inserts by default (e.g. `/dev/shm`) are not considered. Hooks are not used when running in rootless mode. **registries.conf** (`/etc/containers/registries.conf`) registries.conf is the configuration file which specifies which container registries should be consulted when completing image names which do not include a registry or domain portion. When Podman runs in rootless mode, the file `$HOME/.config/containers/registries.conf` is used. ## Rootless mode Podman can also be used as non-root user. When podman runs in rootless mode, an user namespace is automatically created. Containers created by a non-root user are not visible to other users and are not seen or managed by podman running as root. It is required to have multiple uids/gids set for an user. Be sure the user is present in the files `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid`. Images are pulled under `XDG_DATA_HOME` when specified, otherwise in the home directory of the user under `.local/share/containers/storage`. Currently it is not possible to create a network device, so rootless containers need to run in the host network namespace. If a rootless container creates a network namespace, then only the loopback device will be available. ## SEE ALSO `oci-hooks(5)`, `registries.conf(5)`, `storage.conf(5)`, `crio(8)` ## HISTORY Dec 2016, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh