#### **--systemd**=*true* | *false* | *always* Run container in systemd mode. The default is **true**. The value *always* enforces the systemd mode is enforced without looking at the executable name. Otherwise, if set to true and the command you are running inside the container is **systemd**, **/usr/sbin/init**, **/sbin/init** or **/usr/local/sbin/init**. Running the container in systemd mode causes the following changes: * Podman mounts tmpfs file systems on the following directories * _/run_ * _/run/lock_ * _/tmp_ * _/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd_ * _/var/lib/journal_ * Podman sets the default stop signal to **SIGRTMIN+3**. * Podman sets **container_uuid** environment variable in the container to the first 32 characters of the container id. This allows systemd to run in a confined container without any modifications. Note that on **SELinux** systems, systemd attempts to write to the cgroup file system. Containers writing to the cgroup file system are denied by default. The **container_manage_cgroup** boolean must be enabled for this to be allowed on an SELinux separated system. ``` setsebool -P container_manage_cgroup true ```