% podman-container-inspect 1 ## NAME podman\-container\-inspect - Display a container's configuration ## SYNOPSIS **podman container inspect** [*options*] *container* [*container* ...] ## DESCRIPTION This displays the low-level information on containers identified by name or ID. By default, this will render all results in a JSON array. If a format is specified, the given template will be executed for each result. ## OPTIONS #### **--format**, **-f**=*format* Format the output using the given Go template. The keys of the returned JSON can be used as the values for the --format flag (see examples below). Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: | **Placeholder** | **Description** | | ----------------- | ------------------ | | .AppArmorProfile | AppArmor profile (string) | | .Args | Command-line arguments (array of strings) | | .BoundingCaps | Bounding capability set (array of strings) | | .Config ... | Structure with config info | | .ConmonPidFile | Path to file containing conmon pid (string) | | .Created | Container creation time (string, ISO3601) | | .Dependencies | Dependencies (array of strings) | | .Driver | Storage driver (string) | | .EffectiveCaps | Effective capability set (array of strings) | | .ExecIDs | Exec IDs (array of strings) | | .GraphDriver ... | Further details of graph driver (struct) | | .HostConfig ... | Host config details (struct) | | .HostnamePath | Path to file containing hostname (string) | | .HostsPath | Path to container /etc/hosts file (string) | | .ID | Container ID (full 64-char hash) | | .Image | Container image ID (64-char hash) | | .ImageName | Container image name (string) | | .IsInfra | Is this an infra container? (string: true/false) | | .IsService | Is this a service container? (string: true/false) | | .MountLabel | SELinux label of mount (string) | | .Mounts | Mounts (array of strings) | | .Name | Container name (string) | | .Namespace | Container namespace (string) | | .NetworkSettings ... | Network settings (struct) | | .OCIConfigPath | Path to OCI config file (string) | | .OCIRuntime | OCI runtime name (string) | | .Path | Path to container command (string) | | .PidFile | Path to file containing container PID (string) | | .Pod | Parent pod (string) | | .ProcessLabel | SELinux label of process (string) | | .ResolvConfPath | Path to container's resolv.conf file (string) | | .RestartCount | Number of times container has been restarted (int) | | .Rootfs | Container rootfs (string) | | .SizeRootFs | Size of rootfs, in bytes [1] | | .SizeRw | Size of upper (R/W) container layer, in bytes [1] | | .State ... | Container state info (struct) | | .StaticDir | Path to container metadata dir (string) | [1] This format specifier requires the **--size** option #### **--latest**, **-l** Instead of providing the container name or ID, use the last created container. If you use methods other than Podman to run containers such as CRI-O, the last started container could be from either of those methods. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines.) #### **--size**, **-s** In addition to normal output, display the total file size if the type is a container. ## EXAMPLE ``` $ podman container inspect foobar [ { "Id": "99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6", "Created": "2021-09-16T06:09:08.936623325-04:00", "Path": "echo", "Args": [ "hi" ], "State": { "OciVersion": "1.0.2-dev", "Status": "exited", "Running": false, "Paused": false, "Restarting": false, "OOMKilled": false, "Dead": false, "Pid": 0, "ExitCode": 0, "Error": "", "StartedAt": "2021-09-16T06:09:09.033564436-04:00", "FinishedAt": "2021-09-16T06:09:09.036184314-04:00", "Healthcheck": { "Status": "", "FailingStreak": 0, "Log": null } }, "Image": "14119a10abf4669e8cdbdff324a9f9605d99697215a0d21c360fe8dfa8471bab", "ImageName": "docker.io/library/alpine:latest", "Rootfs": "", "Pod": "", "ResolvConfPath": "/run/user/3267/containers/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/resolv.conf", "HostnamePath": "/run/user/3267/containers/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/hostname", "HostsPath": "/run/user/3267/containers/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/hosts", "StaticDir": "/home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata", "OCIConfigPath": "/home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/config.json", "OCIRuntime": "crun", "ConmonPidFile": "/run/user/3267/containers/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/conmon.pid", "PidFile": "/run/user/3267/containers/overlay-containers/99f66530fe9c7249f7cf29f78e8661669d5831cbe4ee80ea757d5e922dd6a8a6/userdata/pidfile", "Name": "foobar", "RestartCount": 0, "Driver": "overlay", "MountLabel": "system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0:c25,c695", "ProcessLabel": "system_u:system_r:container_t:s0:c25,c695", "AppArmorProfile": "", "EffectiveCaps": [ "CAP_CHOWN", "CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE", "CAP_FOWNER", "CAP_FSETID", "CAP_KILL", "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE", "CAP_SETFCAP", "CAP_SETGID", "CAP_SETPCAP", "CAP_SETUID", "CAP_SYS_CHROOT" ], "BoundingCaps": [ "CAP_CHOWN", "CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE", "CAP_FOWNER", "CAP_FSETID", "CAP_KILL", "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE", "CAP_SETFCAP", "CAP_SETGID", "CAP_SETPCAP", "CAP_SETUID", "CAP_SYS_CHROOT" ], "ExecIDs": [], "GraphDriver": { "Name": "overlay", "Data": { "LowerDir": "/home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/e2eb06d8af8218cfec8210147357a68b7e13f7c485b991c288c2d01dc228bb68/diff", "UpperDir": "/home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/8f3d70434a3db17410ec4710caf4f251f3e4ed0a96a08124e4b3d4af0a0ea300/diff", "WorkDir": "/home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/8f3d70434a3db17410ec4710caf4f251f3e4ed0a96a08124e4b3d4af0a0ea300/work" } }, "Mounts": [], "Dependencies": [], "NetworkSettings": { "EndpointID": "", "Gateway": "", "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 0, "IPv6Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "MacAddress": "", "Bridge": "", "SandboxID": "", "HairpinMode": false, "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "", "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "Ports": {}, "SandboxKey": "" }, "Namespace": "", "IsInfra": false, "Config": { "Hostname": "99f66530fe9c", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "TERM=xterm", "container=podman", "HOME=/root", "HOSTNAME=99f66530fe9c" ], "Cmd": [ "echo", "hi" ], "Image": "docker.io/library/alpine:latest", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "/", "Entrypoint": "", "OnBuild": null, "Labels": null, "Annotations": { "io.container.manager": "libpod", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Created": "2021-09-16T06:09:08.936623325-04:00", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.TTY": "false", "io.podman.annotations.autoremove": "FALSE", "io.podman.annotations.init": "FALSE", "io.podman.annotations.privileged": "FALSE", "io.podman.annotations.publish-all": "FALSE", "org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal": "15" }, "StopSignal": 15, "CreateCommand": [ "podman", "run", "--name", "foobar", "alpine", "echo", "hi" ], "Timezone": "local", "Umask": "0022", "Timeout": 0, "StopTimeout": 10 }, "HostConfig": { "Binds": [], "CgroupManager": "systemd", "CgroupMode": "private", "ContainerIDFile": "", "LogConfig": { "Type": "journald", "Config": null, "Path": "", "Tag": "", "Size": "0B" }, "NetworkMode": "slirp4netns", "PortBindings": {}, "RestartPolicy": { "Name": "", "MaximumRetryCount": 0 }, "AutoRemove": false, "VolumeDriver": "", "VolumesFrom": null, "CapAdd": [], "CapDrop": [ "CAP_AUDIT_WRITE", "CAP_MKNOD", "CAP_NET_RAW" ], "Dns": [], "DnsOptions": [], "DnsSearch": [], "ExtraHosts": [], "GroupAdd": [], "IpcMode": "shareable", "Cgroup": "", "Cgroups": "default", "Links": null, "OomScoreAdj": 0, "PidMode": "private", "Privileged": false, "PublishAllPorts": false, "ReadonlyRootfs": false, "SecurityOpt": [], "Tmpfs": {}, "UTSMode": "private", "UsernsMode": "", "ShmSize": 65536000, "Runtime": "oci", "ConsoleSize": [ 0, 0 ], "Isolation": "", "CpuShares": 0, "Memory": 0, "NanoCpus": 0, "CgroupParent": "user.slice", "BlkioWeight": 0, "BlkioWeightDevice": null, "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null, "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null, "CpuPeriod": 0, "CpuQuota": 0, "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0, "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0, "CpusetCpus": "", "CpusetMems": "", "Devices": [], "DiskQuota": 0, "KernelMemory": 0, "MemoryReservation": 0, "MemorySwap": 0, "MemorySwappiness": 0, "OomKillDisable": false, "PidsLimit": 2048, "Ulimits": [], "CpuCount": 0, "CpuPercent": 0, "IOMaximumIOps": 0, "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0, "CgroupConf": null } } ] ``` ``` $ podman container inspect nervous_fermi --format "{{.ImageName}}" registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8:latest ``` ``` $ podman container inspect foobar --format "{{.GraphDriver.Name}}" overlay ``` ``` $ podman container inspect --latest --format {{.EffectiveCaps}} [CAP_CHOWN CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE CAP_FOWNER CAP_FSETID CAP_KILL CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_SETFCAP CAP_SETGID CAP_SETPCAP CAP_SETUID CAP_SYS_CHROOT] ``` ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**, **[podman-container(1)](podman-container.1.md)**, **[podman-inspect(1)](podman-inspect.1.md)** ## HISTORY Sep 2021, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh