% podman-events(1) ## NAME podman\-events - Monitor Podman events ## SYNOPSIS **podman events** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Monitor and print events that occur in Podman. Each event will include a timestamp, a type, a status, name (if applicable), and image (if applicable). The default logging mechanism is *journald*. This can be changed in containers.conf by changing the `events_logger` value to `file`. Only `file` and `journald` are accepted. A `none` logger is also available but this logging mechanism completely disables events; nothing will be reported by `podman events`. By default, streaming mode is used, printing new events as they occur. Previous events can be listed via `--since` and `--until`. The *container* event type will report the follow statuses: * attach * checkpoint * cleanup * commit * create * exec * export * import * init * kill * mount * pause * prune * remove * restart * restore * start * stop * sync * unmount * unpause The *pod* event type will report the follow statuses: * create * kill * pause * remove * start * stop * unpause The *image* event type will report the following statuses: * prune * pull * push * remove * save * tag * untag The *system* type will report the following statuses: * refresh * renumber The *volume* type will report the following statuses: * create * prune * remove ## OPTIONS **--help** Print usage statement. **--format** Format the output to JSON Lines or using the given Go template. **--filter**=*filter* Filter events that are displayed. They must be in the format of "filter=value". The following filters are supported: * container=name_or_id * event=event_status (described above) * image=name_or_id * label=key=value * pod=name_or_id * volume=name_or_id * type=event_type (described above) In the case where an ID is used, the ID may be in its full or shortened form. **--since**=*timestamp* Show all events created since the given timestamp **--until**=*timestamp* Show all events created until the given timestamp The *since* and *until* values can be RFC3339Nano time stamps or a Go duration string such as 10m, 5h. If no *since* or *until* values are provided, only new events will be shown. ## EXAMPLES Showing Podman events ``` $ podman events 2019-03-02 10:33:42.312377447 -0600 CST container create 34503c192940 (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=friendly_allen) 2019-03-02 10:33:46.958768077 -0600 CST container init 34503c192940 (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=friendly_allen) 2019-03-02 10:33:46.973661968 -0600 CST container start 34503c192940 (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=friendly_allen) 2019-03-02 10:33:50.833761479 -0600 CST container stop 34503c192940 (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=friendly_allen) 2019-03-02 10:33:51.047104966 -0600 CST container cleanup 34503c192940 (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=friendly_allen) ``` Show only Podman create events ``` $ podman events --filter event=create 2019-03-02 10:36:01.375685062 -0600 CST container create 20dc581f6fbf (image=docker.io/library/alpine:latest, name=sharp_morse) 2019-03-02 10:36:08.561188337 -0600 CST container create 58e7e002344c (image=k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1, name=3e701f270d54-infra) 2019-03-02 10:36:13.146899437 -0600 CST volume create cad6dc50e087 (image=, name=cad6dc50e0879568e7d656bd004bd343d6035e7fc4024e1711506fe2fd459e6f) 2019-03-02 10:36:29.978806894 -0600 CST container create d81e30f1310f (image=docker.io/library/busybox:latest, name=musing_newton) ``` Show only Podman pod create events ``` $ podman events --filter event=create --filter type=pod 2019-03-02 10:44:29.601746633 -0600 CST pod create 1df5ebca7b44 (image=, name=confident_hawking) 2019-03-02 10:44:42.374637304 -0600 CST pod create ca731231718e (image=, name=webapp) 2019-03-02 10:44:47.486759133 -0600 CST pod create 71e807fc3a8e (image=, name=reverent_swanson) ``` Show only Podman events created in the last five minutes: ``` $ sudo podman events --since 5m 2019-03-02 10:44:29.598835409 -0600 CST container create b629d10d3831 (image=k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1, name=1df5ebca7b44-infra) 2019-03-02 10:44:29.601746633 -0600 CST pod create 1df5ebca7b44 (image=, name=confident_hawking) 2019-03-02 10:44:42.371100253 -0600 CST container create 170a0f457d00 (image=k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1, name=ca731231718e-infra) 2019-03-02 10:44:42.374637304 -0600 CST pod create ca731231718e (image=, name=webapp) ``` Show Podman events in JSON Lines format ``` $ podman events --format json {"ID":"683b0909d556a9c02fa8cd2b61c3531a965db42158627622d1a67b391964d519","Image":"localhost/myshdemo:latest","Name":"agitated_diffie","Status":"cleanup","Time":"2019-04-27T22:47:00.849932843-04:00","Type":"container"} {"ID":"a0f8ab051bfd43f9c5141a8a2502139707e4b38d98ac0872e57c5315381e88ad","Image":"docker.io/library/alpine:latest","Name":"friendly_tereshkova","Status":"unmount","Time":"2019-04-28T13:43:38.063017276-04:00","Type":"container"} ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), containers.conf(5) ## HISTORY March 2019, Originally compiled by Brent Baude