% podman-images(1) ## NAME podman\-images - List images in local storage ## SYNOPSIS **podman images** [*options*] **podman image list** [*options*] **podman image ls** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Displays locally stored images, their names, and their IDs. ## OPTIONS **-a**, **--all** Show all images (by default filter out the intermediate image layers). The default is false. **--digests** Show image digests **-f**, **--filter**=*filter* Filter output based on conditions provided Filters: **after==TIMESTRING** Filter on images created after the given time.Time. **before==TIMESTRING** Filter on images created before the given time.Time. **dangling=true|false** Show dangling images. Dangling images are a file system layer that was used in a previous build of an image and is no longer referenced by any active images. They are denoted with the tag, consume disk space and serve no active purpose. **label** Filter by images labels key and/or value. **readonly=true|false** Show only read only images or Read/Write images. The default is to show both. Read/Only images can be configured by modifying the "additionalimagestores" in the /etc/containers/storage.conf file. **reference=** Filter by image name, specified as regular expressions. **--format**=*format* Change the default output format. This can be of a supported type like 'json' or a Go template. Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: | **Placeholder** | **Description** | | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | .ID | Image ID | | .Repository | Image repository | | .Tag | Image tag | | .Digest | Image digest | | .CreatedSince | Elapsed time since the image was created | | .CreatedAt | Time when the image was created | | .Size | Size of layer on disk | | .History | History of the image layer | **--history** Display the history of image names. If an image gets re-tagged or untagged, then the image name history gets prepended (latest image first). This is especially useful when undoing a tag operation or an image does not contain any name because it has been untagged. **--noheading**, **-n** Omit the table headings from the listing of images. **--no-trunc**, **--notruncate** Do not truncate output. **--quiet**, **-q** Lists only the image IDs. **--sort**=*sort* Sort by created, id, repository, size or tag (default: created) ## EXAMPLE ``` # podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker.io/kubernetes/pause latest e3d42bcaf643 3 years ago 251 kB ebb91b73692b 4 weeks ago 27.2 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu latest 4526339ae51c 6 weeks ago 126 MB ``` ``` # podman images --quiet e3d42bcaf643 ebb91b73692b 4526339ae51c ``` ``` # podman images --noheading docker.io/kubernetes/pause latest e3d42bcaf643 3 years ago 251 kB ebb91b73692b 4 weeks ago 27.2 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu latest 4526339ae51c 6 weeks ago 126 MB ``` ``` # podman images --no-trunc REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker.io/kubernetes/pause latest sha256:e3d42bcaf643097dd1bb0385658ae8cbe100a80f773555c44690d22c25d16b27 3 years ago 251 kB sha256:ebb91b73692bd27890685846412ae338d13552165eacf7fcd5f139bfa9c2d6d9 4 weeks ago 27.2 MB docker.io/library/ubuntu latest sha256:4526339ae51c3cdc97956a7a961c193c39dfc6bd9733b0d762a36c6881b5583a 6 weeks ago 126 MB ``` ``` # podman images --format "table {{.ID}} {{.Repository}} {{.Tag}}" IMAGE ID REPOSITORY TAG e3d42bcaf643 docker.io/kubernetes/pause latest ebb91b73692b 4526339ae51c docker.io/library/ubuntu latest ``` ``` # podman images --filter dangling=true REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ebb91b73692b 4 weeks ago 27.2 MB ``` ``` # podman images --format json [ { "id": "e3d42bcaf643097dd1bb0385658ae8cbe100a80f773555c44690d22c25d16b27", "names": [ "docker.io/kubernetes/pause:latest" ], "digest": "sha256:0aecf73ff86844324847883f2e916d3f6984c5fae3c2f23e91d66f549fe7d423", "created": "2014-07-19T07:02:32.267701596Z", "size": 250665 }, { "id": "ebb91b73692bd27890685846412ae338d13552165eacf7fcd5f139bfa9c2d6d9", "names": [ "\u003cnone\u003e" ], "digest": "sha256:ba7e4091d27e8114a205003ca6a768905c3395d961624a2c78873d9526461032", "created": "2017-10-26T03:07:22.796184288Z", "size": 27170520 }, { "id": "4526339ae51c3cdc97956a7a961c193c39dfc6bd9733b0d762a36c6881b5583a", "names": [ "docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest" ], "digest": "sha256:193f7734ddd68e0fb24ba9af8c2b673aecb0227b026871f8e932dab45add7753", "created": "2017-10-10T20:59:05.10196344Z", "size": 126085200 } ] ``` ``` # podman images --sort repository REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE 2460217d76fc About a minute ago 4.41 MB docker.io/library/alpine latest 3fd9065eaf02 5 months ago 4.41 MB localhost/myapp latest b2e0ad03474a About a minute ago 4.41 MB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7 latest 7a840db7f020 2 weeks ago 211 MB registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora 27 801894bc0e43 6 weeks ago 246 MB ``` ``` # podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/test latest 18f0c080cd72 4 seconds ago 4.42 MB docker.io/library/alpine latest 3fd9065eaf02 5 months ago 4.41 MB # podman images -a REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/test latest 18f0c080cd72 6 seconds ago 4.42 MB 270e70dc54c0 7 seconds ago 4.42 MB 4ed6fbe43414 8 seconds ago 4.41 MB 6b0df8e71508 8 seconds ago 4.41 MB docker.io/library/alpine latest 3fd9065eaf02 5 months ago 4.41 MB ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), containers-storage.conf(5) ## HISTORY March 2017, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh