% podman-machine-start(1) ## NAME podman\-machine\-start - Start a virtual machine ## SYNOPSIS **podman machine start** [*name*] ## DESCRIPTION Starts a virtual machine for Podman. Podman on MacOS requires a virtual machine. This is because containers are Linux - containers do not run on any other OS because containers' core functionality are tied to the Linux kernel. Only one Podman managed VM can be active at a time. If a VM is already running, `podman machine start` will return an error. **podman machine start** starts a Linux virtual machine where containers are run. ## OPTIONS #### **\-\-help** Print usage statement. ## EXAMPLES ``` $ podman machine start myvm ``` ## SEE ALSO podman-machine (1) ## HISTORY March 2021, Originally compiled by Ashley Cui <acui@redhat.com>